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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » #Telenoveles » La usurpadora/Krāpniece (Televisa, 1998)

La usurpadora/Krāpniece (Televisa, 1998)

Сообщений 1 страница 20 из 47


Valsts: Meksika   
Gads: 1998   
Sēriju skaits: 102 + Màs allà de la Usurpadora
Dziesma: Pandora - "La Usurpadora"   
Paola and Paulina are twins who were separated at birth. Paulina is a good, honest woman who lives in poverty and is engaged to a simple man, named Osvaldo (who is seeing another woman). Paola though rich, is a frivolous, evil woman who has many lovers, including her brother in-law Willy. She is married to a wealthy man named Carlos Daniel Bracho. When the twins cross paths by chance, Paola attempts to convince Paulina into taking her place in the Brachos' house, so that she can take a year-long vacation with a new lover, Alessandro. At first, Paulina refuses because she can't leave her mother who is deathly ill; but is later blackmailed and forced to take Paola's place after Paola puts her bracelet in Paulina's purse and accuses her of theft and threatens jail. Paulina, abandoned by her fiancé Osvaldo and after the Death of her mother, with nothing left in life to do submits to Paola's plan. Paulina, unaware of the destruction the Bracho household was under (thanks to Paola) decides to work throughout the year righting all wrongs. She strives to convince everyone that she is a "changed woman" and a "new person". During the year, Paulina falls in love with Carlos Daniel. She cures Abuela Piedad (who suffered from Alcoholism),saves the Bracho factory from financial ruin, and cuts ties with all of Paola's lovers. No matter how hard she tries, she can't make peace with Estefania (Carlos Daniel's sister) because the real Paola had an affair with Willy, Estefania's husband. Nonetheless she continues to try and make amends.

Paulina, being the honorable and decent woman that she is, refuses to be intimate with Carlos Daniel telling him that she needs a year due to her "illness". Carlos Daniel, unaware she is not really Paola, resents her and falls back into the arms of Gema, Paola's frienemy, who is always trying to seduce Carlos Daniel, encouraged by Estefania, who detests "Paola".

Meanwhile, the real Paola is in Monaco living it up and partying with Alessandro, a very wealthy man. One night after a party, Paola, convinced she is in a dream, gets in a car crash with Alessandro in the passenger seat. They end up in a hospital in Monaco. Paola, after months and multiple surgeries, recovers but her lover Alessandro ends up paralyzed and is bound to a wheelchair. Paola, no longer interested in him, plans her return to Mexico to take back her place as the real Paola Bracho.

Paola's plan is discovered and Paulina escapes from Mexico, but Carlos Daniel's son, Carlitos, tries to find Paulina, who he thinks is his real mother, but with a broken foot, he falls from a hill, smashes his head on a rock, and loses his memory. An old lady finds him and cures him.

Paola returns and brings even more chaos: she find out that Carlitos is missing and Paulina is found. Eventually, Paulina hears about Carlitos and returns to the Bracho House. Paola went to travel the world with her famous lover Douglas Maldonado, so Paulina pretends to be Paola again because Carlos Daniel's grandmother Abuela Piedad does not want Paulina to go to jail. Paulina tells the whole family that Carlos Daniel hated Paulina at first, but after finding Carlitos, they both share their secret love for each other. Three of Paulina's enemies: Estefania, her husband Willy, and Gema, Estefania's cousin, eventually stop this. Gema and Willy contact the Police. Willy beats Estefania up and she is hospitalised. Estefania doesn't turn Paulina to the authorities, after Paulina donates blood to Estefania and her baby. Estefania later reconciles with Paulina.

On the same day, Paola eventually returns, pretending to be paralysed, trying to take her rightful place back. The next day, Paulina is arrested. While in prison.Paulina and Carlos Daniel get furious when they discover a mysterious letter: "A letter to Paulina". This letter was written by Paulina's mother, before she died. In the letter, it is explained that Paola and Paulina are twins but separated at birth. Paola is caught standing on her feet, putting on make up, by her nurse Elvira. Paola tells her she will give her money to keep her mouth shut. When Paola finds out that Paulina is her twin, she gets furious. Many men come forward to help hire a lawyer for Paulina, so she can be free. Later, Paulina is cleared of all charges in the court of law. Paola decides to go to the Bracho house with Elvira. Paulina takes Carlitos to her hotel to avoid Paola, so Paola stays in a wheelchair to prove that she is disabled.

Returning to her old ways, Paola inflicts damage on the family and on Paulina. Later, the whole Bracho family is Horrified to see Paola walk. Later on, Elvira tells the whole family the truth about Paola never being paralyzed. Paola overhears this, so she and Willy set out to get revenge on Paulina ,Carlos Daniel, paulina's lawyer because she was set free. They also plot to kill Elvira for being a traitor.So Paola takes Elvira away to kill her but, while the car was at a high speed, Paola reveals to Elvira that she overheard her telling the family that she was never paralysed and for being a traitor she is going to die, Elvira scared takes control of the steering wheel to the opposite direction, the car loses control whilst speeding up. In the ensuing struggle for control of the steering wheel between both women, the car hits a wall and rolls violently down a hill with Paola and Elvira in the car. At the bottom of the hill, the car lands and explodes... Carlos Daniel arrives to the Bracho house.Farmers discover the wreckage of the car and the body of Elvira. Paola however was found alive far from the wreckage but in a critical state . The ambulance arrive and Paola is taken in as Emergency. Everyone later finds out about Paola's car accident Some are left shocked and some like Estefania and Gema are glad that this has happened and now all they want is for her to die...

Paola was transferred to a Central Hospital. There, Paola told everyone the truth about her plan with Willy. The police arrest Willy and was sentenced to over 20 years. He was also convicted for trying to sell his son. Paola apologizes to her Twin sister and when the Bracho's arrive to the Hospital, Paola enters Coma and with her critical situation no doctor can help her, and everyone is left to watch her slowly die. Everyone knew the death of Paola cleared the way for Paulina to marry Carlos Daniel, so when Carlos Daniel proposed to her, she accepted. The couple finally lived happily ever and finally there was happiness in the Bracho family.

Aktieru sastāvs:

    Gabriela Spanic - Paulina Martínez / Paola Montaner de Bracho
    Fernando Colunga - Carlos Daniel Bracho
    Libertad Lamarque - Abuela Piedad vda de Bracho
    Arturo Peniche - Lic. Edmundo Serrano
    Chantal Andere - Estefanía Bracho de Montero
    Juan Pablo Gamboa - Guillermo "Willy" Montero
    Dominika Paleta - Gema Durán Bracho
    Marcelo Buquet - Rodrigo Bracho
    Jessica Jurado - Patricia de Bracho
    Paty Díaz - Lalita"
    Alejandro Ruiz - Leandro Gómez
    Anastasia - Viviana Carrillo
    Antonio De Carlo - Osvaldo Reséndiz
    Magda Guzmán - Fidelina
    Nuria Bages - Paula Martínez
    Ninón Sevilla - Cachita Cienfuegos
    Giovan D'Angelo - Donato D'Angeli
    María Luisa Alcalá - Filomena Tamayo
    Tito Guízar - Don Panchito
    Enrique Lizalde - Alessandro Farina
    Silvia Derbez - Chabela Rojas
    Silvia Caos - Cenobia Rojas
    Irán Eory - Lourdes de Reséndiz
    René Muñoz - Luis Felipe Benítez "El Mojarras"
    Mario Carballido - Amador
    Adriana Fonseca - Verónica Soriano
    Jaime Garza - Comandante Merino
    Azela Robinson - Elvira
    Miguel de León - Douglas Maldonado
    Meche Barba - Abigail Rosales
    Rafael Amador - Dr. Galicia
    Miguel Córcega - Braulio
    Rebeca Manríquez - Genoveva Sarmiento "La Tamales"
    Maricruz Nájera - Emiliana
    Angelina Peláez - Ricarda
    María Solares - Lisette Bracho
    Humberto Elizondo - Silvano Piña
    Joemy Blanco - Clemencia
    Andrea García - Celia Alonzo
    Eduardo Luna - Mauricio Arteaga
    Sergio Miguel - Carlitos Bracho
    Yadhira Carrillo - Raquel
    Sara Montes - Eloína
    Adriana Nieto - Beatrice
    Jessica Salazar - Isabel Vidal
    Laura Zapata - Fiscal Zoraida Zapata
    Renata Flores - Estela
    Consuelo Duval - Macrina Olvera
    Gloria Morell - Doña Zenaida
    Melba Luna - Doña Francisca Reséndiz
    Julio Monterde - Dr. Peraza
    Mario Cimarro - Luciano Alcántara
    Héctor Álvarez - Fermín
    Claudia Castillo - Magnolia
    Nayeli Dainzú - Pituca
    Jesús Lara - Felipe
    Pedro Sicard - Memo
    Emiliano Lizárraga - Pedro
    Gabriela Tavela - Olinda
    Irma Torres - Eulalia
    Fernando Torres Lapham - Dr. Fulgencio Mendive
    Eduardo Rivera - Larry
    Gabriela Carvajal - Adela
    Ricardo Hernández - Secretario en el juicio
    Javier Herranz - Dr. Varela
    Raquel Morell - Carolina Carrillo
    Óscar Morelli - Juez Castro
    Adalberto Parra - Administrador de "La Joya de Cancún"
    Héctor Parra - Lic. Juan Manuel Montesinos
    Esther Rinaldi - Fabiola de Alcántara
    Fernando Sáenz - Lic. Mayo
    Claudia Vega - Olivia
    María Morena - Doble de Gabriela Spanic



Ar šo seriālu sākās mana iepazīšanās ar Gabiju. :D Man ļoti patika. Vispār patīk dvīņumāsu tēma. :)



Ragana написал(а):

Vispār patīk dvīņumāsu tēma

man ar, lai arī esmu redzējusi divus seriālus par šo tēmu: šo un Izabellu



Izabella man nepatika, bet dažas sērijas intereses pēc arī noskatījos.
Dvīņumāsas bija arī vienā seriālā ar Gloriju Piresu, Svešiniecē, Bagātajos un slavenos,... Vairāk nekas nenāk prātā.



Ragana написал(а):

Bagātajos un slavenos

nu, jā, bet viņas jau nebija galvenās varones... es domāju tieši par galvenajām

Ragana написал(а):

Izabella man nepatika

man gan tajā laikā pat ļoti patika



oj Izabellu es wnk ienīdu kā tādu.. a Krāpniece mans bērnības viens no pirmajiem seriāliem, un seriāls, kas sirdī palicis uz visu dzīvi.. nu dievinu :) ļooti dievinu :)



Vislieliskākais seriāls, kurā spēlējusi Gabija!!!



milzuks написал(а):

Vislieliskākais seriāls, kurā spēlējusi Gabija!!!




Man par šo seriālu ir tikai labas atmiņas!!!!Kad skatījos man ļoti patika!!!!!!Tur bija Fernando:) un Gabija man ar dikti patika Krāpniecē(mans vismīļākais seriāls ar viņu)



Šis laikam bija pirmais seriāls, kurā redzēju Gaby! :) Tik ļoti patika, tik neko vairs neatceros. :( :D Gaby tā pa īstam pamanīju La Intrusa, kurš man ir vien no pirmajiem mīļākajiem seriāliem! :love:



Es gan labi atceros šo seriālu!!!Biju pat vēlreiz bišku skatījusies viņu jo ar biju piemirsusi, bet nepabeidzu laika trūkuma dēļ!!!!!Bet tā vēl tagad atceros, cik aizrautīgi pa tv(laikam pat ltv1 gāja) katru darba dienu skatījos, šķiet nevienu sēriju pat neizlaidu!!!
Starpcitu GaBy tev skaists paraksts Aracely tādā izskatā kā bija Abrazame muy fuerte ar Kolungu un arī tas otrais paraksts dikti foršs!!!!



mmaarriiaa написал(а):

Starpcitu GaBy tev skaists paraksts Aracely tādā izskatā kā bija Abrazame muy fuerte ar Kolungu un arī tas otrais paraksts dikti foršs!!!!

mīļš paldies, mmaarriiaa.. ^^ man ļoti patīk Aracely. :) atradu šo bildi un vnk nevarēju neielikt. :) jā, Abrazame muy fuerte bija eriāls, kurā viņu pamanīju un Las vias del amor viņu iemīlēju! :love: Neizlaidu nevienu ne 1, ne 2 sezonas sēriju. :)Tik ļoti gribas jaunu seriālu ar viņu.. :)



GaBy написал(а):

Tik ļoti patika, tik neko vairs neatceros

es 2 reizes pa TV redzēju..un tagad palika 4 sērijas noskatīties :) un tad Mas alla de La usurpadora :) ljooti gribu noskatities :) apraxtu jau pirms daziem gadiem izlasiju :)

mmaarriiaa написал(а):

laikam pat ltv1 gāja

jaaa :)



aNgeL написал(а):

un tad Mas alla de La usurpadora

un kas tas būtu?



danna написал(а):

un kas tas būtu?

tas ir Krāpnieces turpinājums.. īsti neatceros bet ap 2h ilgst



Es nevarēju atturēties un neielikt šīs bildes! :love:



:D :D :D oj.. skatoties Spāniku Por Tu amor un Krāpniecē man visvairāk kušanas procesu notiek :D :) ai, nu Krāpniece tik mīļš bērnības seriāls :)



aNgeL написал(а):

ai, nu Krāpniece tik mīļš bērnības seriāls :)

piekrītu. :)



Un es beidzot noskatījos visas sērijas :D nu jau sanāk, ka redzēju Krāpnieci 3, 5 reizes :D un labprāt skatītos vēlreiz :D kkāda apslimusi ar Krāpnieci esmu :D bet kā gan citādi - Kolunga ir tik kūūūūstošs!!! lai gan kā mani tracina viņa sākotnējais romāniņš ar Veroniku! wnk besījos, kad teica viņai, ka mīlēs visu dzīvi un kko tādu! un kad atklāja, ka Paulīna ir krāpniece , tad tik žēl viņas bija, īpaši jo vēl puse Bračo sarīkoja sazvērestību! toties šajā seriālā novērtēju ik smaidu, labu vārdu kas no KD tika veltīts Paulīnai :) ak... viņi ir tik emocijas izraisošs pāris!!! Lai gan man tuvāka par Paulīnu ir Paola :D griežot no šī seriāla vajadzīgos mirkļus, nevarēju nevienu izlaist ar Paolu :D tik forša ļaundare :D :D wnk dievinu viņu! lai gan, protams, dusmojos, kad viņa lika Paulīnai ciest, lai Paulīna jau pati pieļāva to..un vēl Lalita tāds jautrību ienesošs personāžs :D



aNgeL написал(а):

kkāda apslimusi ar Krāpnieci esmu :D bet kā gan citādi - Kolunga ir tik kūūūūstošs!!! lai gan kā mani tracina viņa sākotnējais romāniņš ar Veroniku! wnk besījos, kad teica viņai, ka mīlēs visu dzīvi un kko tādu! un kad atklāja, ka Paulīna ir krāpniece , tad tik žēl viņas bija, īpaši jo vēl puse Bračo sarīkoja sazvērestību! toties šajā seriālā novērtēju ik smaidu, labu vārdu kas no KD tika veltīts Paulīnai :) ak... viņi ir tik emocijas izraisošs pāris!!! Lai gan man tuvāka par Paulīnu ir Paola :D griežot no šī seriāla vajadzīgos mirkļus, nevarēju nevienu izlaist ar Paolu :D tik forša ļaundare :D :D wnk dievinu viņu! lai gan, protams, dusmojos, kad viņa lika Paulīnai ciest, lai Paulīna jau pati pieļāva to..un vēl Lalita tāds jautrību ienesošs personāžs :D

Nevaru tev nepiekrist!!!!!!!!!Manuprāt lieliska telenovele!!!Vienmēr, kad skatos youtubē mazos video rodas vēlēšanās noskatīties visu telenoveli, bet laiks pavisam nesanāk no izdarīt!!!
apsveicu Tevi, ka  Tev tas ir izdevies veselas 3, 5 reizes!!!


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