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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Daiļslidošana » 2010/2011 sezona

2010/2011 sezona

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akk Krisijs :love:



o.O Krisijs apsteidza Samjuelu? Kas ta nu? Ne, man jua milzonīgais prieks par viņu, bet tas nemazina šoku :D



hihihi, jā, es ar bija šoks. Samuelam vispār noveicās ar 3.vietu, jo ceturtā tik par simtdaļu punkta atpalika.



Es tikai tagad pamanīju, ka Samuels tur ar bija. Tiku līdz Krisijam un tālāk neskatījos :D



albalonga написал(а):

Samuelam vispār noveicās ar 3.vietu

Nu nekas.. prieks par Kristoferu... bet Semijam paveiksies citās sacensībās.. :) Sezona tikai sākusies.. vēl laiks ieslidoties ir.. :)



Siikaa написал(а):

bet Semijam paveiksies citās sacensībās.

Nēē, nesauc viņu par Semiju, Semijs mums šeitan ir tikai viens  :rolleyes:



cravey написал(а):

Nēē, nesauc viņu par Semiju, Semijs mums šeitan ir tikai viens

You`re cute wheb you`re pouting. :playful:



cravey написал(а):

Nēē, nesauc viņu par Semiju, Semijs mums šeitan ir tikai viens  :rolleyes:

Tad kad uzrakstīju jau nodomāju.. kāda būs reakcija.. :D:D:D Jūs mani nepievīlāt.. :)



Siikaa написал(а):

Tad kad uzrakstīju jau nodomāju.. kāda būs reakcija..

:D Es laikam esmu kļuvusi atkal par Sam's girl pēc šīm pēdējām SPN sērijām - vnk skatos katru reizi un siekalojos



cravey написал(а):

vnk skatos katru reizi un siekalojos … /1_009.gif

Es ar siekalojos, bet tas tikai tāpēc, ka tur ne siekaloties īsti nav iespējams... :D



Siikaa написал(а):

Es ar siekalojos, bet tas tikai tāpēc, ka tur ne siekaloties īsti nav iespējams...

Vot vot



GP entries:

Francijas posmam pievienojies arī Florāns :) Nu jau cīņa palika vēl interesantāka. Īstenība, es vēlreiz pačolēju, tīri tāds neko sastāvs TEBam



Jap.. tīri sakarīgs sastāvs.. :)



[реклама вместо картинки]

ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2010/2011
NHK Trophy

10/22/2010 ~ 10/24/2010 - Nagoya, Japan


DAY 1 | 22 OCT. (FRI)
ICE DANCE (SD) 15:00~
PAIRS (SP) 17:05~
LADIES (SP) 19:05~

DAY 2 | 23 OCT. (SAT)
MEN (SP) 12:20~
ICE DANCE (FD) 14:30~
PAIRS (FS) 16:35~
LADIES (FS) 18:50~

DAY 3 | 24 OCT. (SUN)
MEN (FS) 12:00~



World Champion Daisuke Takahashi (JPN) claims Men's gold at NHK Trophy

Daisuke Takahashi of Japan claimed the gold medal at the conclusion of NHK Trophy Sunday. Jeremy Abbott (USA) took the silver and France's Florent Amodio moved up from fourth to earn the bronze, his first medal on the ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating (senior level).

Takahashi put out a passionate Tango program and nailed a quadruple toeloop as well as six triple jumps, but fell on the back end of his triple Lutz-double loop combination. The World Champion scored 156.75 points and racked up 234.79 points overall to win his third title at NHK Trophy after 2006 and 2007. “Last year I was fourth at NHK Trophy, so I'm very happy to be at the top of the podium”, the Japanese said. “I was able to land the quadruple toeloop at the Japan Open and at NHK Trophy, which was unthinkable last year at this time. But regarding my spins, steps, transitions and other things such as stamina and the attack in my program, there is still a lot of room for improvement”, he added.

Performing to “La vita e bella”, Abbott landed five clean triple jumps including a triple Axel-triple toeloop, but popped one Axel. The U.S. Champion picked up 143.57 points and remained in second place at 218.19 points. “It was my first competition of the season and I've never started with a Grand Prix before. So to start with this much pressure, I'm really proud of how I kept myself together and I feel much stronger than I have in previous seasons, and I feel that my programs are stronger”, Abbott told the press.

Amodio entertained the crowd with a funky program to pop music and easy looking jumps. He produced two triple Axels, a triple Salchow-triple toeloop combination and four more triples to receive 143.76 points. The Frenchman totaled 213.77 points. “It is my first Grand Prix of the season and for me to come here and to do my job as well as I did, was very important to me. Over the summer I've changed so many things, I changed coaches, I tried different ways and it was not so easy to take some of these decisions, but I feel very happy now and I want it to keep that way”, said Amodio.

World Junior Champion Yuzuru Hanyu (JPN) came in fourth at 207.72 points. His routine included a quadruple toeloop.



European Champion Carolina Kostner (ITA) takes Ladies title

Carolina Kostner of Italy skated to victory at NHK Trophy Saturday. Rachael Flatt (USA) came in second and Japan's World Junior Champion Kanako Murakami earned the bronze medal in her debut at the senior Grand Prix.

Overnight leader Kostner skated last and gave an elegant performance to “L'après midi d'un faun” by Claude Debussy. The three-time and reigning European Champion landed four triple jumps and a double Axel, but a triple loop-double toe was underrotated. Kostner scored 107.34 points for this performance and totaled 164.61. “I'm very happy and surprised”, the Italian skater revealed. “I had a lot of fun skating, but I did a lot of little mistakes and so I was not expecting to win tonight.”

Flatt opened her routine to “Slaughter on 10th Avenue” with a double Axel-triple toeloop combination followed by a triple Lutz-double toe and three more clean triples. The U.S. Champion edged out Kostner narrowly on 0.01 points to win the Free Skating portion and overall moved up to second at 161.04 points. “I'm very excited to have medalled at my first senior Grand Prix this season. I certainly look forward to improving”, said Flatt.

Murakami, who stood in second place after the short program, nailed a triple toe-triple toe combination right out of the gate in her program to “The Mask of Zorro”, but missed three jumps and slipped to third at 150.16 points. “I met my goal of making the podium, so I'm very happy about that, but regarding tonight's skating, I'm not very satisfied with it. Hopefully next time I'll have a more satisfying performance and will be on the podium”, offered Murakami.

World Champion Mao Asada (JPN) remained in 8th place after making errors on most jumps.



World Champions Qing Pang/Jian Tong (CHN) win Pairs

Reigning World Champions Qing Pang/Jian Tong of China skated to victory in the Pairs event Saturday at NHK Trophy. Russia's Vera Bazarova/Yuri Larionov claimed the silver medal and the bronze went to Narumi Takahashi/Mervin Tran of Japan.

Overnight leaders Pang/Tong gave an emotional performance to “Liebestraum” by Franz Liszt and completed a big triple twist and triple throws, but Pang doubled the side by side toeloop and stumbled. The two-time World Champions earned 122.27 points and took the gold with 189.37 points.”We made two major errors on the jumps today, but it was our first competition and we'll skate better in our second and third event”, commented Tong.

Bazarova/Larionov made no error in their performance to “The Man in the Iron Mask” and produced a triple toe, throw triple flip and loop as well as difficult lifts to score 113.67 points for the Free Skating and 173.83 overall. “We are happy for today with what we did and we did our job that we came here to do. We made some minor mistakes and we'll work on that”, Bazarova told the post-event press conference.

Takahashi/Tran's routine to “The Day You'll Love Me” by Raul di Blasio was highlighted by a high double twist, a and difficult lifts with many variations, but Takahashi missed the triple Salchow and double Axel. The World Junior silver medalists received 98.43 points and captured their first medal at the ISU Grand Prix (senior level) with a total of 155.66 points. “I was very nervous today”, admitted Takahashi. “But Mervin was very strong and I could hold myself together. Overall the program wasn't that bad.”

Caitlin Yankowskas/John Coughlin (USA) were ranked third in the Free Skating and moved up to fourth at 154.88 points with a strong performance.



Olympic silver medalists Meryl Davis/ Charlie White (USA) dance to gold

Meryl Davis/Charlie White (USA) danced to the gold medal at NHK Trophy Saturday. Canada's Kaitlyn Weaver/Andrew Poje earned the silver medal and Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani (USA) moved up from fifth to capture the bronze medal in what was their senior Grand Prix debut.

Davis/White put out a characteristic Tango program that was highlighted by difficult lifts and smooth footwork. The World and Olympic silver medalists picked up 98.24 points for the Free Dance and overall accumulated 165.21 points. “First competition of the year, and we are very pleased with how we skated the Short Dance and the Free Dance. We're a little tired now, because we've put it all out there”, said White. “Looking at our levels and scores, there is a lot we need to work on”, Davis added.

Weaver/Poje turned in a passionate routine to music from the “Moulin Rouge” soundtrack and impressed the crowd with spectacular lifts. The couple scored 82.88 points and had 141.57 points overall. It was their first silver medal at the Grand Prix after a bronze in 2009. “We went out there and delivered what we wanted to do and we started the season off in a way that we like it, with a medal”, Poje commented.

Shibutani/Shibutani came from behind after he had fallen in the Short Dance on Friday. But today the siblings danced flawlessly to “Smile” and “Let's Face the Music and Dance”, executing their demanding lifts and footwork effortlessly. The 2009 World Junior silver medalists earned 83.25 points and moved up two spots at 136.93 points. “We're really proud of how we skated this entire week. Medalling is just the beginning of our senior career, but I think it's a really good start”, Alex Shibutani told the press.

Reigning World Junior Champions Elena Ilinykh/Nikita Katsalapov (RUS) slipped to fourth with a somewhat cautious performance to “Don Quixote” (136.93 points). Anna Cappellini/Luca Lanotte (ITA) dropped to fifth after aborting a curve lift (127.43 points).



albalonga написал(а):

Olympic silver medalists Meryl Davis/ Charlie White (USA) dance to gold

ahh kā es dievinu šo pāri!  :love:



Super, Alby, paldies, ka liec info :) Es tūliņ atvēršu tēmu Ķīnas posmam, kurā startē Brī :)


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Daiļslidošana » 2010/2011 sezona