cravey, nē - es nesacerēšos. tas būtu nežēlīgi... hahahaha... bet kā amīši saka - you made my day...
Сообщений 41 страница 57 из 57
Поделиться4215.07.2009 14:26
Varu arī atmeidot Pļušķis ar būs
Отредактировано cravey (15.07.2009 14:26)
Поделиться4315.07.2009 14:42
Varu arī atmeidot Pļušķis ar būs
tev izdevās - atmeidoji. lai gan no otras puses - ja Stefans būs, viņā klātbūtne atsvērs manu negatīvo emociju gammu sakarā ar Pļušķa klātesamību...
Поделиться4423.07.2009 14:17
Video no Plušija treniņa, laikam viena no jaunajām programmām:
Es neticu, ka to saku, bet - man patiešām patīk
Отредактировано cravey (23.07.2009 14:17)
Поделиться4505.08.2009 10:07
Pluščenko īsā pr:
Поделиться4605.08.2009 10:11
bilan. es nez - Pļušķis tomēr ir Pļušķis. Pat ja man arī patīk - es nu neiešu atzīties.
Поделиться4705.08.2009 10:29
es nez, man kaut kā šitā viņa programma patīk
Поделиться4805.08.2009 11:51
Man ļoooti patīk mūzika, Pļuškis arī izskatās labi, tomēr man viņš nu ļoooooti nepatīk. Tāpēc nevaru uz viņu mierīgi skatīties!
Ja ne Lambjēls, tad lai uzvar Žubērs. Viņi abi ir cienīgi, bet Pļušam jau ir zelts, tāpēc lai ej nost.
Поделиться4910.10.2009 20:57
Pašlaik Somijā notiek vienas no pirmaām starptautiskajām sacensībām, Finlandia trophy 2009, kur piedalās Kerri Pašlaik, pēc divu deju (obligātās un orģinālās) kopvērtējuma viņi ir pirmajā vietā! Šeit var redzēt obligāto deju:
un Orģinālo deju (Alby, šo mēs arī Tallinā redzēsim) ar Džonija Keša mūziku
Поделиться5010.10.2009 21:39
awwww. Johnny Cash. Dievīgi. Awwww.... Bet vispār cik manīju tribīnes baigi tukšas....
Поделиться5110.10.2009 23:04
Bet vispār cik manīju tribīnes baigi tukšas....
Nu jā, kā jau teicu, vienas no pirmajām, bet ne populārākajām sacensībām Nākošnedēļ ir TEB - Francijas Garnd prix posms, tur būs pilnas tribīnes, un protams arī Žubērs piedalīsies
Поделиться5221.11.2009 13:27
Aleksejs Jagudins (29) un Tatjana Totmjaņina (28) kļuvuši par vecākiem!!!
Знаменитый фигурист Ягудин стал отцом
13:36 Росбалт
МОСКВА, 20 ноября. Четырехкратный чемпион мира и победитель Олимпиады 29-летний Алексей Ягудин сегодня впервые стал отцом.
Как сообщает Life News, невеста фигуриста Татьяна Тотьмянина, на которой он намерен жениться в ближайшие несколько месяцев, подарила ему дочку ростом 47 см и весом 2720 граммов. Девочку назвали Лизой.
Отмечается, что роды проходили в элитной московской клинике.
Татьяне сделали кесарево сечение, врачи рекомендовали его из-за травм головы, которые Тотьмянина перенесла в прошлом.
«Я уже держал дочку на руках! — признался Ягудин. — Побывал в палате. Буду навещать, хотя в больнице сейчас карантин. Слава Богу, все живы и здоровы, все хорошо! Имя девочке выбирали совместно. Были разные варианты, конечно, и Анабель, и Николь, но потом подумали — все-таки всю жизнь потом с таким именем жить».
До восьмого месяца беременности дуэт знаменитых фигуристов появлялся на светских мероприятиях, до девятого месяца 28-летняя Тотьмянина водила машину. Алексей ни на шаг не отходил от невесты и заранее закупил необходимые детские вещи.
Сейчас мама и малышка находятся в роддоме. Счастливый Ягудин заберет Татьяну из роддома через несколько дней.
Напомним, ранее Алексей Ягудин высказал мнение о том, что даже после длительного перерыва Евгению Плющенко по силам выиграть Олимпиаду в Ванкувере.
«Думаю, Женя выглядел очень хорошо. Сорванный лутц – ерунда, случайность, – сказал Ягудин. – Еще немного тренировок, добавить скорости в дорожках и вращениях, приноровиться к новой судейской системе – и равных Плющенко в сегодняшнем мужском катании не будет. Я до сих пор считаю, что лучшего Плющенко мы видели в 2001 году, когда он был практически непобедим. В 2002-м мы, подстегивая друг друга, были на равных. А в дальнейшем Жене не приходилось прыгать выше головы».
Pavisam īsi in LV - Tatjana Totmjaņina dzemdējusi meitiņu - 2,7kg un 47cm. Jau bij zināms, ka pāris gaidīja ģimenes pieaugumu, lai gan vēl nav oficiāli precējušies, taču Aleksejs drīzumā taisās šo faktu labot
Поделиться5304.07.2010 20:48
Izlasīju nesenajā ISU padomes sēdē pieņemtos lēmumus un esmu šokā uzzinot, ka 2013. gada EČ notiks ZAGREBĀ, HORVĀTIJĀ! ATKAL! Ne viņiem tik laba arēna, ne tik labi slidotāji! ESMU ŠOKĀ!!!!
Поделиться5425.10.2010 13:22
Quad back after figure skating rule change
By Shigemi Sato (AFP) – 4 hours ago
NAGOYA, Japan — The high-octane quadruple jump made a dramatic return to figure skating as world champion Daisuke Takahashi led a trio of Japanese to land the manoeuvre at the season-opening Grand Prix.
The spectacle followed a rule change lessening the risk for attempting the four-revolution jump which sparked a bitter debate at the Vancouver Winter Olympics in February.
The base value for the high-scoring "quad" remains higher but the big penalty for failing it has been reduced.
"I thought to myself I won't regret if I fail. I went flat out for the jump," Takahashi, 24, said on Sunday after nailing a quadruple toeloop in his free skating to win the NHK Trophy in Nagoya, the first of the year's six Grand Prix events.
His teenage teammates, world junior champion Yuzuru Hanyu and Takahito Mura, as well as Belgian Kevin van Der Perren had already completed clean quads.
"I didn't want to be outdone after seeing them jump the quad just like that. But I did it calmly," Takahashi said. "It's a very good trend that Japanese and other skaters are trying it one after another. We were lucky we could land it in our first competition."
In Vancouver, American Evan Lysacek won the gold medal without attempting the quad, beating Russia's defending champion Yevgeny Plushenko who opened his free skating with a daring quadruple toeloop-triple toeloop combination.
Plushenko, unhappy with the silver, expressed his dismay that a man without a quad was standing on the top of the podium.
Takahashi won the Olympic bronze, despite falling on a quad attempt, and claimed the world title a month later in the absence of Lysacek and Plushenko although he two-footed a quadruple landing.
Takahashi managed a quad at the Japan Open team event in early October for the first time in two seasons.
"It's a fruit of the rule change that our three men landed a quad," said Hidehito Ito, figure skating director at the Japanese Skating Federation.
US champion Jeremy Abbott, who finished runner-up at the NHK Trophy, avoided the quad because of a lack of proper training due to his struggle to find the right pair of boots.
But the 25-year-old American said he would do it in his next Grand Prix, the November 19-21 Cup of Russia in Moscow. "I hope to get the boot issues resolved for Russia so I can go in there stronger with the quad," he said.
Frenchman Florent Amodio, 20, who finished third for his first Grand Prix podium, said: "I feel the quadruple is becoming a required element."
"But I must see to it that I won't overwork myself because the quadruple is really difficult," the 2008 junior Grand Prix final winner said. "Of course, I want to take it eventually."
His compatriot Brian Joubert is a regular practitioner of the jump.
Joubert, 26, lamented during the Vancouver Olympics that a limited number of skaters were attempting a quadruple due to the then heavy penalty for failing the jump which he called the "future of figure skating".
The first skater to land a clean quad in competition was Canadian Kurt Browning at the 1998 world championships in Budapest.
Japan's Miki Ando became the only woman to land a quadruple in the 2002 junior Grand Prix final.
Поделиться5501.12.2010 15:19
Patrick Chan, Skate Canada, and new jump rules.
So, Grand Prix season is nearly over and the most talked about thing this season (besides maybe Mao-chan) has probably been Patrick Chan's... generous scores. I know I was really frustrated and enraged by the dissonance between his performance quality/execution and corresponding scores. I was in enough watch posts to know that other people were also annoyed watching him place over skaters who performed relatively clean programs.For those of you who don't follow him: Tony Wheeler did a re-scoring experiment for this year's Skate Canada to see how the new rule about jumps affected Chan's scores. He followed up by doing the same for Oda and Rippon. The difference is kind of striking.
The 'Patrick Chan System': How Much is the New Scoring Method Really Helping?
We all should know the story by now. Following last season, there were plenty of figure skating fans who felt that risking difficult jumps (Quads for the men and Asada's triple Axel, for example) were too much of a risk, as skaters would often be down-graded for their efforts and they'd end up losing even more points than doing a simple triple toe or double Axel would earn them. So, what did the ISU do? They came up with a re-worked Code of Points (or IJS), one that increased the value of the more difficult jumps, and also decreased the negative grade of execution scores, so the penalty for taking risks wouldn't be as harsh. They also implemented an under-rotation penalty, one that docked some points from the base value of the jumps-- but not nearly the severeness of the full downgrade that they'd previously incur.Everyone that was complaining before about skating taking steps backwards last year should now be happy, right? Not exactly. We have Patrick Chan falling all over the place in his Grand Prix events and still managing to score among the top skaters. We also have the "Mao Asada rule" (as many seemed to think the triple Axel changes were only to benefit her) not even playing a part yet this year as Asada has had extreme difficulties while changing her jumping technique.
Back to Chan. I thought it would be interesting to compare his scores from Skate Canada this season under the system used last year, to see if he really is getting plenty of help from the re-worked system.
First, the short program from Skate Canada. Remember, this year there is one less element in the program, as a second step sequence has been dropped. Another aspect to remember is that the GOE for the triples and quads have changed a bit. The scores have been factored to reflect the old system (for example, a +1 on a 3toe now earns 0.7 GOE, compared to 1.0 last season). Let's see how he scores.
The elements are not in table form (sorry), but they are listed by their code, their base value, their GOE, and then the total points earned for the element.
4T 9.80 -4.80 GOE = 5.00 (fall)
3A 8.20 -4.20 GOE = 4.00 (fall)
CCoSp4 3.50 +1.00 GOE = 4.50
3F+3T 9.50 +1.57 GOE = 11.07
FSSp4 3.00 +0.86 GOE = 3.86
CCSp3 2.60 +0.57 GOE = 3.17
SlSt2 2.30 -0.60 GOE = 1.70 (fall)Total Element Score = 33.30 (compared to his actual score, 36.73)
Program Component Score = 39.47
Deductions = -3.00Total Segment Score = 69.77 (compared to his actual score, 73.20)
Now, for the free skate. Two more changes in the system are reflected and factored here. The 1/2 loop in between two jumps is now scored as a single loop, and counted as part of a skaters three-jump combination. Last year, the 1/2 loop was not worth any credit, and the total jump sequence was started at 80% of its base value points. Second, the second footwork sequence in the free skate is now scored on a fixed start value (2.0). Last year, Chan received a level 4 for his second footwork sequence at Worlds (with the same program), so I have used the GOE scored there as a reference here.
4T 9.80 +2.00 GOE = 11.80
3A 8.20 -4.20 GOE = 4.00 (fall)
3Lz 6.00 +0.43 GOE = 6.43
SlSt3 3.30 +1.00 GOE = 4.30
FSSp4 3.00 +0.79 GOE = 3.79
3A+2T* 10.45 +0.29 GOE = 10.74
3Lz+2S+Seq* 6.42 +0.43 GOE = 6.85
CSSp3 2.60 +0.57 GOE = 3.17
3F* 6.05 +0.43 GOE = 6.48
3Lo+3T<* 6.93 -1.00 GOE = 5.93
2A 3.85 +1.00 GOE = 4.85
SlSt4 3.90 +1.80 GOE = 5.70
CCoSp4 3.50 +0.79 GOE = 4.29Total Element Score = 78.33 (compared to his actual score, 83.18)
Program Component Score = 84.14
Deductions = -1.00Total Segment Score = 161.47 (compared to his actual score, 166.32)
Total Competition Score = 231.24 (compared to his actual score, 239.52)
A difference of 8.28 points.
And the follow-up...The 'Patrick Chan System' Part Two: How Much Did the New Scoring Help Oda and Rippon?
My first post focused on Patrick Chan's programs at Skate Canada, as I scored them using the Code of Points from the 2009/2010 season. The end result was that he scored 8.28 points higher than he would have if the old system was still in place. I didn't think that seemed like too huge of a difference considering some of the more fine changes that were made, but then I scored Nobunari Oda and Adam Rippon's programs from the same competition to see if they also followed the trend..If any of you want me to write out all of the exact numbers, let me know. However, I figure that most of you are just interested in the final totals so that is what I'm going to present. First, the silver medalist from Skate Canada, Nobu Oda.
Short Program
Total Element Score = 44.20 (compared to his actual score, 43.37)
Program Component Score = 38.00Total Segment Score = 82.20 (compared to his actual score, 81.37)
So he LOST 0.83 with this new system. Continuing on..
Long Program
Total Element Score = 82.84 (compared to his actual score, 81.87)
Program Component Score = 74.28
Deductions = -1.00Total Segment Score = 156.12 (compared to his actual score, 155.15)
Total Competition Score = 238.32 (compared to his actual score, 236.52)
So once again, he lost almost a point in the free skate with the new system, and he lost 1.80 points overall. Keep in mind that Patrick Chan was able to GAIN 8.28 points with the new system.
Here are Adam Rippon's scores.
Short Program
Total Element Score = 41.59 (compared to his actual score, 41.10)
Program Component Score = 36.43Total Segment Score = 78.02 (compared to his actual score, 77.53)
See a trend here? Rippon also LOST 0.49 points under the new system.
Long Program
Total Element Score = 81.57 (compared to his actual score, 80.35)
Program Component Score = 75.16Total Segment Score = 156.73 (compared to his actual score, 155.51)
Total Competition Score = 234.75 (compared to his actual score, 233.04)
Following a similar pattern to Oda, Rippon lost 1.71 points overall.
Remember that the second footwork sequences are all started on a 2.0 base value, but for purposes of this study, I've thrown in the level and GOE received at Worlds last season for Chan and Rippon, and the Grand Prix Final for Oda. If I would have kept that 2.0 and worked the GOE off of it, Oda and Rippon would have ended up with just about the same total scores in both systems.
So now the major question, where did Patrick Chan make up all of these points? This small study obviously suggests that errors are counted much less severely this year-- but are they now too small of a penalty?
For what it's worth, the final standings of Skate Canada scored under the 2009/2010 system would have looked like this:
1. Nobunari Oda 238.32 points
2. Adam Rippon 234.75 points
3. Patrick Chan 231.24 points
Поделиться5601.12.2010 16:58
MALACIS TAS, KURŠ ŠO VISU SARAKSTĪJA! Te arī visa kukuļdošana parādās...
Поделиться5729.06.2011 12:09
Izskatās, ka Evans atgriezīsies: … -06-29-120
Woupiii, vēl jo vairāk gribu tagad uz Nicu Evanu dzīvajā vēl neesmu redzējusi, toreiz Gēteborgā viņš nepiedalījās traumas dēļ.
P.S - nolēmu šo tēmu atvērt, ik pa laikam ielinkošu no mūsu mājas lapas jaunumus
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