Rainie Yang stays at home in the New Year to wait on her friends, Tuesday, January 27, 2009 Taiwan
Rainie Yang stays at home in the New Year to wait on her friends,
(Rainie Yang Jaunajā gadā paliek mājās, lai sagaidītu draugus.)
Rainie Yang is not working during the Lunar year periods. She takes the opportunity to stay at home to rest. Yesterday her sister visited her with her son "little Ox". Rainie saw her nephew, she became very maternal, that she took the little "Ox" into her arm and gave him a 5 figure sum lucky money.
(Rainie Yang nestrādā Lunar gada periodos. Viņa izmanto iespējulai paliktu mājās un atpūstos. Vakar viņu apciemojā māsa ar dēlu "litle Ox". Rainie redzēja savu māsas dēlu, viņa kļuva tik ļoti mātišķa, ka paņēma "litle Ox" savās rokās un iedeva viņam 5 ciparu lielu naudas smummas )
Rainie revealed that she doesn't like going away during the New Year period. She would rather have friends coming to her house. Reporter asked if she likes playing "mah-jong" with her friends, Rainie replied "I don't like "mah-jong" because I am slow, my friends have deserted me for that. I would rather wait on them, be their servant. If my friends are happy, I am happy too."
(Rainie atzina, ka viņai nepatīk nekur doties Jaunā gada periodā. Viņai labāk patīk, ka viņas draugi nāk pie viņas ciemos. Reportieri jautāja vai viņai patīk spēlēt "mah-jong" ar viņas draugiem, Rainieja atbildēja " Man nepatīk "mah-jong" tapēc, ka esmu lēna, mani draugi tapēc mani pamet. Es labāk pagaidu kamēr viņi spēlē, esmu viņu oficiante. Ja mani draugi ir laimīgi, es arī esmu laimīga")