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Richelle Mead - Vampire Academy sērija

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Fantastiska grāmatu sērija! Viss tas, ko esmu lasījusi ir mani sajūsminājis un saviļņojis līdz sirds dziļumiem, arī tauriņi vēderā lidinās pat ļoti bieži  :love: Daudzreiz labāka par TWILIGHT!
Vampire Academy series

Two races of vampires walk our world. One, the Moroi, are alive and wield elemental magical. The other, the Strigoi, are undead and evil--feeding on the innocent to survive. Rose Hathaway--a half-vampire with poor impulse control--is training to be a bodyguard for a Moroi princess. Learning to decapitate and stake is hard enough, but Rose's real danger may lie in an illicit romance with one of her instructors...

Ielādes links VA grāmatām (pdf + epub) + VA short stories + VA graphic novel (pdf) + Bloodlines pirmajām divām grāmatām (epub):

#1 - Vampire Academy
Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with an unbreakable bond to the earth's magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest and most dangerous vampires--the ones who never die.

The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a Dhampir; she is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making her one of them.

After two years of illicit freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. Rose will continue her Dhampir education. Lissa will go back to being Queen of the elite Moroi social scene. And both girls will resume breaking hearts.

Fear made Lissa and Rose run away from St. Vladimir's--but their world is fraught with danger both inside and out of the Academy's iron gates. Here, the cutthroat ranks of the Moroi perform unspeakable rituals and their secretive nature and love of the night creates an enigmatic world full of social complexities. Rose and Lissa must navigate through this dangerous world, confront the temptation of forbidden romance, and never once let their guard down, lest the Strigoi make Lissa one of them forever...

Latviskā versija:
Lisa Dragomira ir mirstīga vampīre.
Viņa nemitīgi jāsargā no visnežēlīgākajiem un bīstamākajiem vampīriem – tiem, kuri nekad nenomirs.
Roze Hetaveja ir Lisas labākā draudzene un miesassardze.
Pēc bēgšanas no mācību iestādes un divus gadus ilgušas dzīves nelikumīgā brīvībā abas meitenes tiek ar varu atvestas atpakaļ Sv. Vladimira akadēmijas dzelzs vārtu ielokā, kur viņām jāizdzīvo aizliegtas mīlas, cietsirdīgu attiecību un baisu nakts rituālu pilnā pasaulē. Pats galvenais – viņas ne mirkli nedrīkst zaudēt modrību, lai nemirstīgie vampīri nepaņemtu Lisu uz mūžiem.
Aiz dzelzs vārtiem slēpjas aizliegts kārdinājums...

Grāmatas latviešu valodas versijas izdod "Zvaigzne ABC".

#2 - Frostbite
Rose Hathaway's got serious guy trouble.  Her gorgeous tutor Dimitri has his eye on someone else, her friend Mason has a huge crush on her, and she keeps getting stuck in her best friend Lissa's head while she's making out with her boyfriend, Christian.  (So not cool).

Then a massive Strigoi attack puts St. Vladimir's on high alert, and the Academy crawls with Guardians--including the legendary Janine Hathaway...Rose's formidable, long-absent mother.  The Strigoi are closing in, and the Academy's not taking any risks.  This year, St. Vlad's annual holiday ski trip is mandatory.

But the glittering winter landscape and the posh Idaho resort only provide the illusion of safety.  When three students run away to strike back against the deadly Strigoi, Rose must join forces with Christian to rescue them.  Only this time, Rose--and her heart--are in more danger than she ever could have imagined...

Latviskā versija:
Vērienīga nemirstīgo vampīru uzbrukuma dēļ Svētā Vladimira akadēmijā tiek izziņota augstākā trauksmes pakāpe. Strigoi cenšas iznīcināt Moroi aristokrātiju, tāpēc skolēnu brīvdienu brauciens uz Aidaho sniegotajiem kalniem kļūst gandrīz vai par obligātu viņu drošības garantiju.
Tomēr Roze Hetaveja pat šādos apstākļos cīnās ar mīlas dzīves problēmām. Attiecības ar apburošo skolotāju Dimitriju nedrīkst gūt piepildījumu, turklāt viņai uzrodas konkurente.
Varētu šķist, ka Moroi slēpošanas kūrorts ir nevainojams patvērums, taču Rozei un viņas draugiem draud lielākas briesmas, nekā meitene jelkad spētu iedomāties.

#3 - Shadow Kiss
It's springtime at St. Vladimir's Academy, and Rose Hathaway is this close to graduation. Since making her first Strigoi kills, Rose hasn't been feeling quite right. She's having dark thoughts, behaving erratically, and worst of all...might be seeing ghosts.

As Rose questions her sanity, new complications arise. Lissa has begun experimenting with her magic once more, their enemy Victor Dashkov might be set free, and Rose's forbidden relationship with Dimitri is starting to heat up again. But when a deadly threat no one saw coming changes their entire world, Rose must put her own life on the line--and choose between the two people she loves most.

Latviskā versija:
Vampīru akadēmijas audzēkņiem ne brīdi nav garlaicīgi – Rozei un viņas klasesbiedriem jāsastopas ar jauniem pārbaudījumiem. Skolotāji katram dampīram piešķir vienu Moroi skolēnu, kurš dienu un nakti jāsargā. Rozi šis pārbaudījums sanikno, jo Lisai skolas vadība ir izvēlējusies nevis viņu, bet citu sargu.
Pavērsiens Rozes attiecībās ar Dimitriju, konflikti ar aristokrātiskajiem Moroi vampīriem, un grāmatas beigās – satricinošs pavērsiens, kas visiem šīs sērijas faniem liks vēl nepacietīgāk gaidīt turpinājumu...

#4 -  Blood Promise

Rose Hathaway's life will never be the same.

The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. Many are dead. And, for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck, a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count. But only one victim matters . . . Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honoring her life's vow to protect Lissa—her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess—or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?

Now, with everything at stake—and worlds away from St. Vladimir's and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend—can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?

#5 - Spirit Bound

Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong…

After a long and heartbreaking journey to Dimitri’s birthplace in Siberia, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir’s—and to her best friend, Lissa. It is nearly graduation, and the girls can’t wait for their real lives beyond the Academy’s iron gates to begin. But Rose’s heart still aches for Dimitri, and he's out there, somewhere.

She failed to kill him when she had the chance. And now her worst fears are about to come true. Dimitri has tasted her blood, and she knows in her heart that he is hunting her. And if Rose won't join him, he won't rest until he's silenced her...forever
#6- Last Sacrifice

Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice.
Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in line for the Royal Throne, nothing will ever be the same between them.
The sixth and final book in the international bestselling Vampire Academy series will leave fans breathless to the last page.
Love and Loyalty Run Deeper Than Blood

Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel
Vampire Academy 1. grāmatas grafiskā versija.

Frostbite: A Graphic Novel

Vampire Academy 2. grāmatas grafiskā versija.

Shadow Kiss: A Graphic Novel

Grāmata iznāk: 31.12.2013.

Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide
Sink your teeth into the perfect holiday gift and must-have collector’s item for every fan of Richelle Mead’s totally addicting Vampire Academy series.

Discover the history of St. Vladimir’s Academy, explore the dark psychology behind Rose and Lissa’s spirit bond, and find out even more illicit secrets about Moroi society. This ultimate guide will feature everything readers want and need to go even deeper into the world of Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise, Spirit Bound, and Last Sacrifice . . . every heartache, every betrayal, every sacrifice, and so much more!

Vampire Academy: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion
Grāmata iznāk 31.12.2013.

Vampire Academy Short story


"Sunshine" is a short story set in the Vampire Academy world and tells how Lissa's parents met and fell in love.


"Homecoming" takes places after Last Sacrifice and tells the story of Rose and Dimitri as they travel back to Russia to visit his family--and encounter some unexpected obstacles while they're there.





vēl 18 dienas
Aaaaa, es nevaru sagaidīt  :crazyfun:  Man joprojām vēl ir noslēpums, kā es spēšu noturēties un neizlasīt beigas  %-)



Šodien nopirku 1. grāmatu franču valodā :D



cravey написал(а):

Šodien nopirku 1. grāmatu franču valodā

Veiksmīgu lasīšanu.. ;) :D



Vēl 16 dienas!



Richelle Mead on her facebook:

The latest I've heard is that Penguin will be posting the first chapter of Last Sacrifice sometime on November 29 (remember Nov 29 in the US = the exact same moment in time as Nov 30 in Australia). When I get the link, I'll let you know what it is!




Nākamais tīzeris, ar citātu  :crazyfun: Bāc, kā es ceru, ka tas ir Adrians, kas to saka, nevis piem, Roza Dimitrijam %-)

Aaaaaaa, vispār es TĀĀĀĀ nevaru sagaidīt!!!!! Tā nedēļas nogale no 11. uz 12.12 man būs VA festa!!! Lasīšu pēdējo grāmatu un nekā cita nedarīšu, aaaaaa!! Nē, es kļūdos, tas sāksies jau no 10.12., kad pārnākšu no skolas :D bAAAC, NEKAD ŠITĀ NEVIENU GRĀMATU NEESMU GAIDĪJUSI!!!! A no otras puses dikti žēl, ka šī pēdējā. Lai gan nākamgad ap šo laiku, maybe ātrāk, varam gaidīt VA spinoff sērijas 1. grāmatu, a pirms tam 18.08 iznāk VA 1. grāmatas grafiskā versija :crazyfun:



Dimkas treileris :love:

quote teaser  :love:



Last Sacrifice 1. nodaļa  :glasses:

Свернутый текст


I don't like cages.

I don't even like going to zoos. The first time I went to one, I almost had claustrophobic attacks looking at those poor animals. I couldn't imagine any creature living that way. Sometimes I even felt a little bad for criminals, condemned to life in a cell. I'd certainly never expected to spend my life in one.

But lately, life seemed to be throwing me a lot of things I'd never expected, because here I was, locked away.

"Hey!" I yelled, gripping the steel bars that isolated me from the world. "How long am I going to be here? When's my trial? You can't keep me in this dungeon forever!"

Okay, it wasn't exactly a dungeon, not in the dark, rusty-chain sense. I was inside a small cell with plain walls, a plain floor, and well. .. plain everything. Spotless. Sterile. Cold. It was actually more depressing than any musty dungeon could have managed. The bars in the doorway felt cool against my skin, hard and unyielding. Fluorescent lighting made the metal gleam in a way that seemed almost too cheerful for the setting. I could see the shoulder of a man standing rigidly to the side of the cell's entrance and knew there were probably four more guardians in the hallway out of my sight. I also knew none of them were going to answer me back, but that hadn't stopped me from constantly demanding answers from them for the last two days.

When the usual silence came, I sighed and slumped back on the cot in the cell's corner. Like everything else in my new home, the cot was colorless and stark. Yeah. I really was starting to wish I had a real dungeon. Rats and cobwebs would have at least given me something to watch. I stared upward and immediately had the disorienting feeling I always did in here: that the ceiling and walls were closing in around me. Like I couldn't breathe. Like the sides of the cell would keep coming toward me until no space remained, pushing out all the air. ..

I sat up abruptly, gasping. Don't stare at the walls and ceiling, Rose, I chastised myself. Instead, I looked down at my clasped hands and tried to figure out how I'd gotten into this mess.

The initial answer was obvious: someone had framed me for a crime I didn't commit. And it wasn't petty crime either. It was murder. They'd had the audacity to accuse me of the highest crime a Moroi or dhampir could commit. Now, that isn't to say I haven't killed before. I have. I've also done my fair share of rule (and even law) breaking. Cold-blooded murder, however, was not in my repertoire. Especially not the murder of a queen.

It was true Queen Tatiana hadn't been a friend of mine. She'd been the coolly calculating ruler of the Moroi—a race of living, magic-using vampires who didn't kill their victims for blood. Tatiana and I had had a rocky relationship for a number of reasons. One was me dating her great-nephew, Adrian. The other was my disapproval of her policies on how to fight off Strigoi: the evil, undead vampires who stalked us all. Tatiana had tricked me a number of times, but I'd never wanted her dead. Someone apparently had, however, and they'd left a trail of evidence leading right to me, the worst of which were my fingerprints all over the silver stake that had killed Tatiana. Of course, it was my stake, so naturally it'd have my fingerprints. No one seemed to think that was relevant.

I sighed again and pulled out a tiny crumpled piece of paper from my pocket. My only reading material. I squeezed it in my hand, having no need to look at the words. I'd long since memorized them. The note's contents made me question what I'd known about Tatiana. It had made me question a lot of things.

Frustrated with my own surroundings, I slipped out of them and into someone else's: my best friend Lissa's. Lissa was a Moroi, and we shared a psychic link, one that let me go to her mind and see the world through her eyes. All Moroi wielded some type of elemental magic. Lissa's was spirit, an element tied to psychic and healing powers. It was rare among Moroi, who usually used more physical elements, and we barely understood its abilities—which were incredible. She'd used spirit to bring me back from the dead a few years ago, and that's what had forged our bond.

Being in her mind freed me from my cage but offered little help for my problem. Lissa had been working hard to prove my innocence, ever since the hearing that had laid out all the evidence against me. My stake being used in the murder had only been the beginning. My opponents had been quick to remind everyone about my antagonism toward the queen and had also found a witness to testify about my whereabouts during the murder. That testimony had left me without an alibi. The Council had decided there was enough evidence to send me to a full-fledged trial—where I would receive my verdict.

Lissa had been trying desperately to get people's attention and convince them I'd been framed. She was having trouble finding anyone who would listen, however, because the entire Moroi Royal Court was consumed with preparations for Tatiana's elaborate funeral. A monarch's death was a big deal. Moroi and dhampirs—half-vampires like me—were coming from all over the world to see the spectacle. Food, flowers, decorations, even musicians. .. The full deal. If Tatiana had gotten married, I doubted the event would have been this elaborate. With so much activity and buzz, no one cared about me now. As far as most people were concerned, I was safely stashed away and unable to kill again. Tatiana's murderer had been found. Justice was served. Case closed.

Before I could get a clear picture of Lissa's surroundings, a commotion at the jail jerked me back into my own head. Someone had entered the area and was speaking to the guards, asking to see me. It was my first visitor in days. My heart pounded, and I leapt up to the bars, hoping it was someone who would tell me this had all been a horrible mistake.

My visitor wasn't quite who I'd expected.

"Old man," I said wearily. "What are you doing here?"

Abe Mazur stood before me. As always, he was a sight to behold. It was the middle of summer—hot and humid, seeing as we were right in the middle of rural Pennsylvania—but that didn't stop him from wearing a full suit. It was a flashy one, perfectly tailored and adorned with a brilliant purple silk tie and matching scarf that just seemed like overkill. Gold jewelry flashed against the dusky hue of his skin, and he looked like he'd recently trimmed his short black beard. Abe was a Moroi, and although he wasn't royal, he wielded enough influence to be.

He also happened to be my father.

"I'm your lawyer," he said cheerfully. "Here to give you legal counsel, of course."

"You aren't a lawyer," I reminded him. "And your last bit of advice didn't work out so well." That was mean of me. Abe—despite having no legal training whatsoever—had defended me at my hearing. Obviously, since I was locked up and headed for trial, the outcome of that hadn't been so great. But, in all my solitude, I'd come to realize that he'd been right about something. No lawyer, no matter how good, could have saved me at the hearing. I had to give him credit for stepping up to a lost cause, though considering our sketchy relationship, I still wasn't sure why he had. My biggest theories were that he didn't trust royals and that he felt fatherly obligation. In that order.

"My performance was perfect," he argued. "Whereas your compelling speech in which you said 'if I was the murderer' didn't do us any favors. Putting that image in the judge's head wasn't the smartest thing you could have done."

I ignored the barb and crossed my arms. "So what are you doing here? I know it's not just a fatherly visit. You never do anything without a reason."

"Of course not. Why do anything without a reason?"

"Don't start up with your circular logic."

He winked. "No need to be jealous. If you work hard and put your mind to it, you might just inherit my brilliant logic skills someday."

"Abe," I warned. "Get on with it."

"Fine, fine," he said. "I've come to tell you that your trial might be moved up."

"W-what? That's great news!" At least, I thought it was. His expression said otherwise. Last I'd heard, my trial might be months away. The mere thought of that—of being in this cell so long—made me feel claustrophobic again.

"Rose, you do realize that your trial will be nearly identical to your hearing. Same evidence and a guilty verdict."

"Yeah, but there must be something we can do before that, right? Find evidence to clear me?" Suddenly, I had a good idea of what the problem was. "When you say 'moved up,' how soon are we talking?"

"Ideally, they'd like to do it after a new king or queen is crowned. You know, part of the post-coronation festivities."

His tone was flippant, but as I held his dark gaze, I caught the full meaning. Numbers rattled in my head. "The funeral's this week, and the elections are right after. .. You're saying I could go to trial and be convicted in, what, practically two weeks?"

Abe nodded.

I flew toward the bars again, my heart pounding in my chest. "Two weeks? Are you serious?"

When he'd said the trial had been moved up, I'd figured maybe it was a month away. Enough time to find new evidence. How would I have pulled that off? Unclear. Now, time was rushing away from me. Two weeks wasn't enough, especially with so much activity at Court. Moments ago, I'd resented the long stretch of time I might face. Now, I had too little of it, and the answer to my next question could make things worse.

"How long?" I asked, trying to control the trembling in my voice. "How long after the verdict until they. .. carry out the sentence?"

I still didn't entirely know what all I'd inherited from Abe, but we seemed to clearly share one trait: an unflinching ability to deliver bad news.

"Probably immediately."

"Immediately." I backed up, nearly sat on the bed, and then felt a new surge of adrenaline. "Immediately? So. Two weeks. In two weeks, I could be. .. dead."

Because that was the thing—the thing that had been hanging over my head the moment it became clear someone had planted enough evidence to frame me. People who killed queens didn't get sent to prison. They were executed. Few crimes among Moroi and dhampirs got that kind of punishment. We tried to be civilized in our justice, showing we were better than the bloodthirsty Strigoi. But certain crimes, in the eyes of the law, deserved death. Certain people deserved it, too—say, like, treasonous murderers. As the full impact of the future fell upon me, I felt myself shake and tears come dangerously close to spilling out of my eyes.

"That's not right!" I told Abe. "That's not right, and you know it!"

"Doesn't matter what I think," he said calmly. "I'm simply delivering the facts."

"Two weeks," I repeated. "What can we do in two weeks? I mean. .. you've got some lead, right? Or. .. or. .. you can find something by then? That's your specialty." I was rambling and knew I sounded hysterical and desperate. Of course, that was because I felt hysterical and desperate.

"It's going to be difficult to accomplish much," he explained. "The Court's preoccupied with the funeral and elections. Things are disorderly—which is both good and bad."

I knew about all the preparations from watching Lissa. I'd seen the chaos already brewing. Finding any sort of evidence in this mess wouldn't just be difficult. It could very well be impossible.

Two weeks. Two weeks, and I could be dead.

"I can't," I told Abe, my voice breaking. "I'm not. .. meant to die that way."

"Oh?" He arched an eyebrow. "You know how you're supposed to die?"

"In battle." One tear managed to escape, and I hastily wiped it away. I'd always lived my life with a tough image. I didn't want that shattering, not now when it mattered most of all. "In fighting. Defending those I love. Not. .. not through some planned execution."

"This is a fight of sorts," he mused. "Just not a physical one. Two weeks is still two weeks. Is it bad? Yes. But it's better than one week. And nothing's impossible. Maybe new evidence will turn up. You simply have to wait and see."

"I hate waiting. This room. .. it's so small. I can't breathe. It'll kill me before any executioner does."

"I highly doubt it." Abe's expression was still cool, with no sign of sympathy. Tough love. "You've fearlessly fought groups of Strigoi, yet you can't handle a small room?"

"It's more than that! Now I have to wait each day in this hole, knowing there's a clock ticking down to my death and almost no way to stop it."

"Sometimes the greatest tests of our strength are situations that don't seem so obviously dangerous. Sometimes surviving is the hardest thing of all."

"Oh. No. No." I stalked away, pacing in small circles. "Do not start with all that noble crap. You sound like Dimitri when he used to give me his deep life lessons."

"He survived this very situation. He's surviving other things too."


I took a deep breath, calming myself before I answered. Until this murder mess, Dimitri had been the biggest complication in my life. A year ago—though it seemed like eternity—he'd been my instructor in high school, training me to be one of the dhampir guardians who protect Moroi. He'd accomplished that—and a lot more. We'd fallen in love, something that wasn't allowed. We'd managed it as best we could, even finally coming up with a way for us to be together. That hope had disappeared when he'd been bitten and turned Strigoi. It had been a living nightmare for me. Then, through a miracle no one had believed possible, Lissa had used spirit to transform him back to a dhampir. But things unfortunately hadn't quite returned to how they'd been before the Strigoi attack.

I glared at Abe. "Dimitri survived this, but he was horribly depressed about it! He still is. About everything."

The full weight of the atrocities he'd committed as a Strigoi haunted Dimitri. He couldn't forgive himself and swore he could never love anyone now. The fact that I had begun dating Adrian didn't help matters. After a number of futile efforts, I'd accepted that Dimitri and I were through. I'd moved on, hoping I could have something real with Adrian now.

"Right," Abe said dryly. "He's depressed, but you're the picture of happiness and joy."

I sighed. "Sometimes talking to you is like talking to myself: pretty damned annoying. Is there any other reason you're here? Other than to deliver the terrible news? I would have been happier living in ignorance."

I'm not supposed to die this way. I'm not supposed to see it coming. My death is not some appointment penciled in on a calendar.

He shrugged. "I just wanted to see you. And your arrangements."

Yes, he had indeed, I realized. Abe's eyes had always come back to me as we spoke; there'd been no question I held his attention. There was nothing in our banter to concern my guards. But every so often, I'd see Abe's gaze flick around, taking in the hall, my cell, and whatever other details he found interesting. Abe had not earned his reputation as zmey—the serpent—for nothing. He was always calculating, always looking for an advantage. It seemed my tendency toward crazy plots ran in the family.

"I also wanted to help you pass the time." He smiled and from under his arm, he handed me a couple of magazines and a book through the bars. "Maybe this will improve things."

I doubted any entertainment was going to make my two-week death countdown more manageable. The magazines were fashion and hair oriented. The book was The Count of Monte Cristo. I held it up, needing to make a joke, needing to do anything to make this less real.

"I saw the movie. Your subtle symbolism isn't really all that subtle. Unless you've hidden a file inside it."

"The book's always better than the movie." He started to turn away. "Maybe we'll have a literary discussion next time."

"Wait." I tossed the reading material onto the bed. "Before you go. .. in this whole mess, no one's ever brought up who actually did kill her." When Abe didn't answer right away, I gave him a sharp look. "You do believe I didn't do it, right?" For all I knew, he did think I was guilty and was just trying to help anyway. It wouldn't have been out of character.

"I believe my sweet daughter is capable of murder," he said at last. "But not this one."

"Then who did it?"

"That," he said before walking away, "is something I'm working on."

"But you just said we're running out of time! Abe!" I didn't want him to leave. I didn't want to be alone with my fear. "There's no way to fix this!"

"Just remember what I said in the courtroom," he called back.

He left my sight, and I sat back on the bed, thinking back to that day in court. At the end of the hearing, he'd told me—quite adamantly—that I wouldn't be executed. Or even go to trial. Abe Mazur wasn't one to make idle promises, but I was starting to think that even he had limits, especially since our timetable had just been adjusted.

I again took out the crumpled piece of paper and opened it. It too had come from the courtroom, covertly handed to me by Ambrose—Tatiana's servant and boy toy.


If you're reading this, then something terrible has happened. You probably hate me, and I don't blame you. I can only ask that you trust that what I did with the age decree was better for your people than what others had planned. There are some Moroi who want to force all dhampirs into service, whether they want it or not, by using compulsion. The age decree has slowed that faction down.

However, I write to you with a secret you must put right, and it is a secret you must share with as few as possible. Vasilisa needs her spot on the Council, and it can be done. She is not the last Dragomir. Another lives, the illegitimate child of Eric Dragomir. I know nothing else, but if you can find this son or daughter, you will give Vasilisa the power she deserves. No matter your faults and dangerous temperament, you are the only one I feel can take on this task. Waste no time in fulfilling it.

—Tatiana Ivashkov

The words hadn't changed since the other hundred times I'd read them, nor had the questions they always triggered. Was the note true? Had Tatiana really written it? Had she—in spite of her outwardly hostile attitude—trusted me with this dangerous knowledge? There were twelve royal families who made decisions for the Moroi, but for all intents and purposes, there might as well have only been eleven. Lissa was the last of her line, and without another member of the Dragomir family, Moroi law said she had no power to sit on and vote with the Council that made our decisions. Some pretty bad laws had already been made, and if the note was true, more would come. Lissa could fight those laws—and some people wouldn't like that, people who had already demonstrated their willingness to kill.

Another Dragomir.

Another Dragomir meant Lissa could vote. One more Council vote could change so much. It could change the Moroi world. It could change my world—say, like, whether I was found guilty or not. And certainly, it could change Lissa's world. All this time she'd believed she was alone. Yet. .. I uneasily wondered if she'd welcome a half-sibling. I accepted that my father was a scoundrel, but Lissa had always held hers up on a pedestal, believing the best of him. This news would come as a shock, and although I'd trained my entire life to keep her safe from physical threats, I was starting to think there were other things she needed to be protected from as well.

But first, I needed the truth. I had to know if this note had really come from Tatiana. I was pretty sure I could find out, but it involved something I hated doing.

Well, why not? It wasn't like I had anything else to do right now.

Rising from the bed, I turned my back to the bars and stared at the blank wall, using it as a focus point. Bracing myself, remembering that I was strong enough to keep control, I released the mental barriers I always subconsciously kept around my mind. A great pressure lifted from me, like air escaping a balloon.

And suddenly, I was surrounded by ghosts.



Aaaaaaaaa,palasīju pirmos pāris teikumus un ar mokām atrāvos - kā sagaidīt grāmatu? Tas ir, tās nonākšanu manās rokās???



OMG! Es izlasīju visu nodaļu un man atausa atmiņā visi tie notikumi!!! Tik interesanti uzzina't, kas aiz ka slēpjas! Un tā ghost lieta arī interesanta. Un protams - Dimitri!  :love:



Varu jums iedot linkus uz pārējām trim nodaļām, līdz 4. :) … ters-photo

Lai attēlu palielinātu uz tā ir jāuzklikšķina :)

Paloma написал(а):

kā sagaidīt grāmatu?

Nu jau vairs nav tālu. Lai gan tad, kad lasīju par Dimku šajās nodaļās un atkal sāku smilkstēt eiforijā, tad jā, es ar padomāju - KĀ LAI JOHAIDĪ SAGAIDA TO GRĀMATU?

Lisa написал(а):

Un protams - Dimitri!

Ahhh, Dimka  :love: Es nez, ko es darīšu, ja viņš beigās nepaliks kopā ar Rozu  %-)



Un šeit, lai vēl vairāk jūs sakrādinātu, vairākas spoiler quotes  :love:

Свернутый текст

"juliet had it easy, she never had to kill romeo"
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"You were wrong. She really is the new general in town.'
I smiled back, hoping he wasn't aware of my body's reaction to us standing so close. 'Maybe. But, it's okay. You can still be colonel.'
He arched an eyebrow. 'Oh? Did you demote yourself? Colonel's right below general. What's that make you?'
I reached into my pocket and triumphantly flashed the CR-V keys I'd swiped when we'd come back inside. 'The driver,' I said."

— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice) /ja pareizi saprotu šī ir Dimkas un Rozas saruna :love: /

"Im backing down now. I really do love you. Thats why im doing this."
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"I wasn't fooled. He was avoiding looking at me. 'There's nothing to talk about.'
"I knew you'd say that. Actually, it was a toss-up between that and 'I don't know what you're talking about.'"
Dimitri sighed."

— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"A gun. I had been brought down by a gun. It was practically comical. Cheaters, I thought."
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"What the Hell? I asked. Is this daring escape being sponsored by Honda?"
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"Who is he?
An Idiot, said Adrian. Makes me look like an upstanding member of society."
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"From behind Lissa, I heard Christain say, 'Worst. Timing. Ever.'
Adrian studied Lissa and then looked at Christain sprawling on the bed on the far side of the suite. 'Huh,' Adrian said, letting himself in. 'So that's how you're going to fix the family problem. Little Dragomirs. Good idea.'
Christain sat up and strolled toward them. 'Yeah, that's exactly it. You're interrupting official Council business."
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"I don't know, but I think it's going to be good."
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"Rose, I'm an addict with no work ethic who is likely going to go insane. I'm not like you. I'm not a super-hero.'
'Not yet,' I said."
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"Thats why your doing this? Because Lissa told you to?"
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"Sex had been amazing, but it wasn't a magical cure for everything. Damn. Somewhere along the way, I'd picked up common sense."
— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)

"Fine, I guess it's ok then. Go ahead.
Huh? What's ok?
It's okay if you marry my brother."

— Richelle Mead (Last Sacrifice)



Pirmās reviews jau sāk parādīties neta tīmekļos, bet lieku kā spoileri, jo viens teikums ir zināmā mērā spoileris, atkarībā kā uz to skatās :flirt:

Свернутый текст

From GoodReads:The astonishing final novel in Richelle Mead's epic series!
Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice. Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in line for the Royal Throne, nothing will ever be the same between them.

So I just, at this very moment, finished Last Sacrifice, and I could not wait to post this review.  I have been reading this series since the day the first book came out and can honestly say that I have enjoyed every book immensely. 
I went through a succession of different emotions during the course of this book, starting and ending with disappointment that this was the final Vampire Academy novel.  (Though I am looking forward to the new series and hope to see if Lissa, Rose, Dimitri, and crew show up now and again!)  Last Sacrifice was a never-ending thrill ride from start to finish.  It was overflowing with plots and conspiracies, tugging you in every direction all at once.  I think every fan of VA will love the way that Richelle Mead wraps everything up, leaving nothing unfinished.  Hats of to Ms. Mead and a huge thank you for a series that never let its readers down.






'Vampire Academy' Breaking News: Spin-Off Series Coming Soon!

No you are not having a spirit dream, "Vampire Academy" fans. You really did read that right. I was just at a luncheon with author Richelle Mead, celebrating next week's release of "Last Sacrifice," the conclusion to her series about half-vampire/half-human/all-bad-ass bodyguard-in-training Rose Hathaway. And just as I was lamenting the end of Rose's adventures with her best friend, vampire princess Lissa, and smoldering former teacher Dimitri, Richelle gave us this little gift: "Bloodlines," the first book in the spin-off series, will be coming out in August 2011.

I would share my theories about which characters this new series will probably focus on, but I can't, since I've been sworn to secrecy about anything that happens in "Last Sacrifice" until next week. Suffice it to say, the new books will give Rose a break from getting beat up and tortured while trying to save her friends and boyfriends from evil Strigoi vampires. It's someone else's turn to bring us into the royal politics of the Moroi (born vampires) and their dhampir protectors. That someone will be a character we've met already, and other of our beloved will appear in the new books, Richelle assured us.

Avots: … ff-series/

Ahh, tik superīgi, vismaz nebūs tik skumji lasīt Last Sacrifice, nebūs jādomā par to, ka šī ir pati pēdējā grāmata un mēs vairs "nesatiksim" Rozu, DIMKU, un pārējos :)



Vēl tik 4 dienas palikušas!



Palo, man šodien pienāca e-pasts, ka grāmata jau ir izsūtīta :) Es tā iedomājos, ka tu moš vari sazināties ar manu mammuku vēlāk, varbūt jūs kādu dienu centrā varat satikties, lai tev nav jāgaida kamēr es ieradīšos mājā ? :) Es tev te padošu ziņu, kad grāmata pienāks, redzēs, moš kādas 2 ned ar nāks, kā man, kad te Francijā no tās pašas firmas biju pasūtījusi :D Anyways, Spirit Bound man toreiz pa 2 dienām pienāca.



Es ar saņēmu vēstuli, ka tuvākajās dienās gan tikai izsūtīs.. bet būs...  :yep:



Hm, nu es nezinu, sarežģīti man šķiet, tas būs. Un tāpat man īsti nebūs, kad lasīt līdz tam... :) Vienkārši man darbs līdz 6, 3 darbdienas lekcijas vakaros... domāju, ka sagaidīšu :)


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