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Richelle Mead - Vampire Academy sērija

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Fantastiska grāmatu sērija! Viss tas, ko esmu lasījusi ir mani sajūsminājis un saviļņojis līdz sirds dziļumiem, arī tauriņi vēderā lidinās pat ļoti bieži  :love: Daudzreiz labāka par TWILIGHT!
Vampire Academy series

Two races of vampires walk our world. One, the Moroi, are alive and wield elemental magical. The other, the Strigoi, are undead and evil--feeding on the innocent to survive. Rose Hathaway--a half-vampire with poor impulse control--is training to be a bodyguard for a Moroi princess. Learning to decapitate and stake is hard enough, but Rose's real danger may lie in an illicit romance with one of her instructors...

Ielādes links VA grāmatām (pdf + epub) + VA short stories + VA graphic novel (pdf) + Bloodlines pirmajām divām grāmatām (epub):

#1 - Vampire Academy
Lissa Dragomir is a Moroi princess: a mortal vampire with an unbreakable bond to the earth's magic. She must be protected at all times from Strigoi; the fiercest and most dangerous vampires--the ones who never die.

The powerful blend of human and vampire blood that flows through Rose Hathaway, Lissa's best friend, makes her a Dhampir; she is dedicated to a dangerous life of protecting Lissa from the Strigoi, who are hell-bent on making her one of them.

After two years of illicit freedom, Rose and Lissa are caught and dragged back to St. Vladimir's Academy, hidden in the deep forests of Montana. Rose will continue her Dhampir education. Lissa will go back to being Queen of the elite Moroi social scene. And both girls will resume breaking hearts.

Fear made Lissa and Rose run away from St. Vladimir's--but their world is fraught with danger both inside and out of the Academy's iron gates. Here, the cutthroat ranks of the Moroi perform unspeakable rituals and their secretive nature and love of the night creates an enigmatic world full of social complexities. Rose and Lissa must navigate through this dangerous world, confront the temptation of forbidden romance, and never once let their guard down, lest the Strigoi make Lissa one of them forever...

Latviskā versija:
Lisa Dragomira ir mirstīga vampīre.
Viņa nemitīgi jāsargā no visnežēlīgākajiem un bīstamākajiem vampīriem – tiem, kuri nekad nenomirs.
Roze Hetaveja ir Lisas labākā draudzene un miesassardze.
Pēc bēgšanas no mācību iestādes un divus gadus ilgušas dzīves nelikumīgā brīvībā abas meitenes tiek ar varu atvestas atpakaļ Sv. Vladimira akadēmijas dzelzs vārtu ielokā, kur viņām jāizdzīvo aizliegtas mīlas, cietsirdīgu attiecību un baisu nakts rituālu pilnā pasaulē. Pats galvenais – viņas ne mirkli nedrīkst zaudēt modrību, lai nemirstīgie vampīri nepaņemtu Lisu uz mūžiem.
Aiz dzelzs vārtiem slēpjas aizliegts kārdinājums...

Grāmatas latviešu valodas versijas izdod "Zvaigzne ABC".

#2 - Frostbite
Rose Hathaway's got serious guy trouble.  Her gorgeous tutor Dimitri has his eye on someone else, her friend Mason has a huge crush on her, and she keeps getting stuck in her best friend Lissa's head while she's making out with her boyfriend, Christian.  (So not cool).

Then a massive Strigoi attack puts St. Vladimir's on high alert, and the Academy crawls with Guardians--including the legendary Janine Hathaway...Rose's formidable, long-absent mother.  The Strigoi are closing in, and the Academy's not taking any risks.  This year, St. Vlad's annual holiday ski trip is mandatory.

But the glittering winter landscape and the posh Idaho resort only provide the illusion of safety.  When three students run away to strike back against the deadly Strigoi, Rose must join forces with Christian to rescue them.  Only this time, Rose--and her heart--are in more danger than she ever could have imagined...

Latviskā versija:
Vērienīga nemirstīgo vampīru uzbrukuma dēļ Svētā Vladimira akadēmijā tiek izziņota augstākā trauksmes pakāpe. Strigoi cenšas iznīcināt Moroi aristokrātiju, tāpēc skolēnu brīvdienu brauciens uz Aidaho sniegotajiem kalniem kļūst gandrīz vai par obligātu viņu drošības garantiju.
Tomēr Roze Hetaveja pat šādos apstākļos cīnās ar mīlas dzīves problēmām. Attiecības ar apburošo skolotāju Dimitriju nedrīkst gūt piepildījumu, turklāt viņai uzrodas konkurente.
Varētu šķist, ka Moroi slēpošanas kūrorts ir nevainojams patvērums, taču Rozei un viņas draugiem draud lielākas briesmas, nekā meitene jelkad spētu iedomāties.

#3 - Shadow Kiss
It's springtime at St. Vladimir's Academy, and Rose Hathaway is this close to graduation. Since making her first Strigoi kills, Rose hasn't been feeling quite right. She's having dark thoughts, behaving erratically, and worst of all...might be seeing ghosts.

As Rose questions her sanity, new complications arise. Lissa has begun experimenting with her magic once more, their enemy Victor Dashkov might be set free, and Rose's forbidden relationship with Dimitri is starting to heat up again. But when a deadly threat no one saw coming changes their entire world, Rose must put her own life on the line--and choose between the two people she loves most.

Latviskā versija:
Vampīru akadēmijas audzēkņiem ne brīdi nav garlaicīgi – Rozei un viņas klasesbiedriem jāsastopas ar jauniem pārbaudījumiem. Skolotāji katram dampīram piešķir vienu Moroi skolēnu, kurš dienu un nakti jāsargā. Rozi šis pārbaudījums sanikno, jo Lisai skolas vadība ir izvēlējusies nevis viņu, bet citu sargu.
Pavērsiens Rozes attiecībās ar Dimitriju, konflikti ar aristokrātiskajiem Moroi vampīriem, un grāmatas beigās – satricinošs pavērsiens, kas visiem šīs sērijas faniem liks vēl nepacietīgāk gaidīt turpinājumu...

#4 -  Blood Promise

Rose Hathaway's life will never be the same.

The recent attack on St. Vladimir's Academy devastated the entire Moroi world. Many are dead. And, for the few victims carried off by Strigoi, their fates are even worse. A rare tattoo now adorns Rose's neck, a mark that says she's killed far too many Strigoi to count. But only one victim matters . . . Dimitri Belikov. Rose must now choose one of two very different paths: honoring her life's vow to protect Lissa—her best friend and the last surviving Dragomir princess—or, dropping out of the Academy to strike out on her own and hunt down the man she loves. She'll have to go to the ends of the earth to find Dimitri and keep the promise he begged her to make. But the question is, when the time comes, will he want to be saved?

Now, with everything at stake—and worlds away from St. Vladimir's and her unguarded, vulnerable, and newly rebellious best friend—can Rose find the strength to destroy Dimitri? Or, will she sacrifice herself for a chance at eternal love?

#5 - Spirit Bound

Dimitri gave Rose the ultimate choice. But she chose wrong…

After a long and heartbreaking journey to Dimitri’s birthplace in Siberia, Rose Hathaway has finally returned to St. Vladimir’s—and to her best friend, Lissa. It is nearly graduation, and the girls can’t wait for their real lives beyond the Academy’s iron gates to begin. But Rose’s heart still aches for Dimitri, and he's out there, somewhere.

She failed to kill him when she had the chance. And now her worst fears are about to come true. Dimitri has tasted her blood, and she knows in her heart that he is hunting her. And if Rose won't join him, he won't rest until he's silenced her...forever
#6- Last Sacrifice

Murder. Love. Jealousy. And the ultimate sacrifice.
Now, with Rose on trial for her life and Lissa first in line for the Royal Throne, nothing will ever be the same between them.
The sixth and final book in the international bestselling Vampire Academy series will leave fans breathless to the last page.
Love and Loyalty Run Deeper Than Blood

Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel
Vampire Academy 1. grāmatas grafiskā versija.

Frostbite: A Graphic Novel

Vampire Academy 2. grāmatas grafiskā versija.

Shadow Kiss: A Graphic Novel

Grāmata iznāk: 31.12.2013.

Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide
Sink your teeth into the perfect holiday gift and must-have collector’s item for every fan of Richelle Mead’s totally addicting Vampire Academy series.

Discover the history of St. Vladimir’s Academy, explore the dark psychology behind Rose and Lissa’s spirit bond, and find out even more illicit secrets about Moroi society. This ultimate guide will feature everything readers want and need to go even deeper into the world of Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, Blood Promise, Spirit Bound, and Last Sacrifice . . . every heartache, every betrayal, every sacrifice, and so much more!

Vampire Academy: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion
Grāmata iznāk 31.12.2013.

Vampire Academy Short story


"Sunshine" is a short story set in the Vampire Academy world and tells how Lissa's parents met and fell in love.


"Homecoming" takes places after Last Sacrifice and tells the story of Rose and Dimitri as they travel back to Russia to visit his family--and encounter some unexpected obstacles while they're there.



Lisa написал(а):

Lai gan mani bieži kaitināja, ka katrā grāmatā atkārtojās jau zināmas lietas, ja nu kāds piemirsa vai nelasīja iepriekšējās grāmatas, bet kad es izlasīju šo, es nevarēju darīt neko citu, ka vien smieties.

Jā, bet sēriju grāmatās tā ir. Ja nu gadienā kāds izdomā ar 2. grāmatu iesākt, nevis ar pirmo. Lai gan man sākumā patika, ka atgādināja to sistēmu, jo pati sākumā līdz galam neizpratu tās moroi-dhampir atšķirības, saderības, utt. :)



cravey написал(а):

Jā, bet sēriju grāmatās tā ir. Ja nu gadienā kāds izdomā ar 2. grāmatu iesākt, nevis ar pirmo. Lai gan man sākumā patika, ka atgādināja to sistēmu, jo pati sākumā līdz galam neizpratu tās moroi-dhampir atšķirības, saderības, utt. :)

Pirmajā grāmatā man ar bija grūti saprast, taču pēc tam, kad katrā grāmatā to skaidroja no jauna, laikam sāku saprast.. vismaz domāju, ka izprotu :D

Bet tā tiešām ir.. visās sēriju grāmatās ir kaitinošie atkārtošanas brīži.. :)



Pēdējais - septītais tīzercitāts  :confused:

Un jau parīt ir 18.maijs :love:  :jumping:



12. maija intervija :)

Richelle Mead’s Vampire Academy series has been a hit since the first book was released in 2007. The fifth and latest installment, Spirit Bound, comes out May 18. We have an exclusive first look at the book’s trailer, which will air during Thursday night’s season finale of the Vampire Diaries and as a preview before this summer’s highly anticipated movie Eclipse.

Mead spoke with about the trailer, what fans can expect from her new book, and she’s doing next.

What can you tell us about  Spirit Bound?
Spirit Bound takes place almost entirely outside of the school that gives the series its name, so that’s kind of ironic and funny. The characters are sort of on their own now, so we get to see what they do when they’re not within the confines of teachers and school rules. It’s less of a tearjerker; the other ones had these big sudden shockers that tended to leave people crying, so I would get email for weeks after the books came out that with people telling me how I left them sobbing. I don’t think there will be quite as much as that, but I can’t always tell that. This is going to be more twists in the story of the ‘Oh my God’ variety. People will still be surprised, and there’s still a cliffhanger, buy I think it will be less emotionally traumatic.

How did you create the series?
I’d been writing adult books sort of in the same genre, the paranormal urban fantasy realm, before that. I had two series, one about demons and one about fairies, and at the time I had extra time on my hands and I wanted to try something for young adults. I was kind of running out of paranormal creatures, so I thought, ‘Well, let’s do vampires,’ little knowing what I was getting into at the time with teen vampires. I had no idea it was about to become a phenomenon unto itself.

Is it hard to deal with the fact that there are so many other vampire books out there and people are going to compare your books to those? Does that get annoying?
No, not at all. There’s always a sort of idea that authors are terrible rivals and hate each other. The Twilight phenomenon if anything has helped me. Teens are so voracious; these books come out that they’ve been waiting nine months for and they read them in four hours. Then they’re looking for the next vampire book. To have so many out there, we just feed each other. Someone finishes one series and jumps to the other. It’s great to have so much interest and so many other series. I know a lot of these authors, and they’re a lot of fun to hang out with. The biggest thing is probably just when people mix up the series; they come up to me and say, ‘I love The Vampire Diaries.’ I’m like, ‘Me too, but I didn’t write that!’ [laughs]

What’s the process like while writing the Vampire Academy books? Do you know what’s going to go into each book?
I plan out all of my series. I have to know how many books it’s going to take to tell the story and what the big plots are going to be in each book and the series as a whole. I know a lot of authors who are so brilliant they can make it up as they go; not me, I need to know my direction, I need to know what my end point is, so most of them are very planned out. I outline everything. There are always things that pop up along the way, subplots you hadn’t thought of that kind of organically rise up, but all the big things haven’t changed; they’ve been there from the beginning.

I read on your website that this series is supposed to end with the sixth book. Is this still the plan?
It is and it isn’t. This arc with this character and this storyline will end at book six, and that comes out in December. Then I’m going to start — I keep calling it a spin-off for lack of a better word — a new series with a new arc, but it’s going to be the same world. We’ll have new characters in the forefront that are taking the place as protagonists of the characters we’ve already met. It’ll be a new story. It’s a way for me to keep myself fresh and start something new. I certainly don’t want to beat a story into the ground when it should end. At the same time, it’s going to give readers who are in love with this world a chance to stay with it.

Why do you think this has been such a popular series? Did the success surprise you?
It was very much a surprise to me. I was working on adult stuff, and if anything this was the side project. Because I didn’t fully realize what Twilight was becoming, and because it hadn’t quite become that anyway, I didn’t expect it. It was kind of a surprise. A few months after the first Vampire Academy came out it won some honors from the American Library Association. It was a very gradual climb. Our sales numbers were creeping up each week, I was getting more and more email from it, people anticipating the next book. The second book came out and it made the New York Times list, and it was like, ‘Where did these readers come from?’ I didn’t expect it; it’s still sort of a surreal thing for me.

The exclusive trailer we have on our website will air Thursday night during the CW’s Vampire Diaries and in movie theaters before Eclipse. How do you feel about having a trailer based on your books to air on TV and in front of one of the biggest movies of the summer?
It’s kind of unreal. I haven’t reached a point where I can take any of this in stride yet. Each thing is still kind of astonishing and miraculous to me. It’s daunting, a little bit, to think of so many people seeing that. I’m a little nervous to see it as well. It’s strange to see anyone do something with your work. Whenever I listed to the audio versions of my books, it’s like, ‘Wow, someone took that and did something with it.’ I have no idea what to expect with this; I understand they actually had a cast and did real filming. I want the books to reach as many people as possible, and Penguin is just so wonderful with promotion, to think of these things. I’m grateful and excited.

There are fans who have made their own trailers by putting together footage from movies and television shows and posting them on YouTube. What do you think about that?
That’s going back to that kind of weird reaction I have to see someone else…it’s so close to me, and then you see someone else’s interpretation, and the cast of Gossip Girl is playing my characters in these clips. It’s strange. I can’t watch a lot of them; it’s kind of funny at the same time and just weird. It’s amazing to think that I could have created something that has such a profound affect that people will splice together the clips to make this because they’re so excited about it. It’s kind of a wake up call for how these reach people; it’s not always as obvious until you see something like that.

You’re embarking soon on a two-week book tour. What are those like?
I do a lot of outreach with fans. I travel quite a bit to see then, and this year they’re sending me to smaller places, like Mobile, Alabama and Albuquerque. We’re trying really hard to get out there to connect with those readers. I think what’s really great with this series is there really is so much interaction between me and them; along with the travel there’s a very active online presence. I interact with them through all the assorted social networking sites. I read all the comments and respond when I can, which isn’t always so easy.

The second day of release, I can assume that everyone who’s at a signing has read the book. Even sometimes that first day, they got it that morning and I see them at 7 p.m. and they’re ready with questions. It’s amazing.

Treileri var apskatīties šeit: … elle-mead/



YAY! Spirit Bound nu ir iznākusi un spoileri sāk ienākties. Tagad ir pats grūtākais - noturēties viņus nelasot, kamēr grāmatu sagaidīšu  :confused: Bet nu, pagaidām amazonē ir 7 atsauksmes, kopā 4,5 *



cravey написал(а):

Tagad ir pats grūtākais - noturēties viņus nelasot, kamēr grāmatu sagaidīšu  :confused:

Es morāli atbalstu tevi spoileru nelasīšanā.. turies.. ;) :D



Nu nē, netā parādījās 5. grāmata. Man nav tik spēcīga griba, ka es varetu noturēties. Izlasīšu kompī un tā grāmata vnk pievienosies kolekcijai  :crazy: Un tāāāāāā WOOOOOOO Lasaaaaaam!!!

Apraksts un ielādes links 1. un 2. postā, 1. lapā  :crazyfun:



Hi hi hi, šodien saņēmu grāmatiņu  :crazyfun: Bet izlasīju jau vakarnakt, nespēju vnk apstāties :love:

Ahhhh, lai neko nesaspoilerotu pateikšu vien to, ka grāmata ir fantastiska - Twilight vnk nobāl. Rozas un Dimitrija stāsts ir tik EPIC, es tik ļoti dzīvoju viņiem līdzi, dažos momentos vnk izplūdu asarās, dažos smaidīju līdz ausīm, dažos man likās, ka sirds lūzt aiz sāpēm. Vēlreiz pārliecinājos, ka grāmatu sērijas beigās Roza būs vai nu ar Dimitriju, vai nu vispār ne ar vienu, jo tā kā viņa mīl Dimku, tā viņa nekad nespēs, pat ne tuvu, mīlēt kādu citu. Šajā grāmatā bija viss tas, ko es cerēju sagaidīt, ne vairāk, ne mazāk. Kā arī beigās riktīgs klifhangeris, kur nežēlīgi gribas lasīt turpinājumu.



Es vienkārši neticu savām acīm. tikko pamanīju, ka bibliotēka nejauši paņēmu šīs autores grāmatu - Succubus blues. Vienkārši ieinteresēja krievu nosaukums - Kritušais eņģelis un vēl kad palasīju saturu! Kad izlasīšu noteikti ielikšu savas atsauksmes, lai gan nešaubos, ka visas šīs autores grāmatas ir saistošas un aizraujošas, un visnotaļ mistiskas. :cool:



Lisa написал(а):

Es vienkārši neticu savām acīm. tikko pamanīju, ka bibliotēka nejauši paņēmu šīs autores grāmatu - Succubus blues.

Yip, es lasīju par šīm grāmatām, bet man sižets kaut kā tik ļoti nepievilka. Nez, maybe pēc VA palasīšu, bet tavas atsauksmes ļoti gaidu ;)



Sexual encounters that drain the life force from men is a succubus’s raison d’etre, along with Shape-shifting to achieve whatever look is required. Succubus Georgina Kincaid works as an Assistant Manager for the local bookstore two blocks from her apartment. She lives alone with only her cat, Aubrey for company. However, she does have a close network of friends: other immortals consisting of vampires, imps and demons - and one angel who’s a drinking buddy of her male friends.

Georgina spends her off-hours, dancing, soul-robbing, and reading. Her favorite reading material is a series by author Seth Mortensen. Georgina’s only problem with the series is the books in it just don’t come out fast enough to satisfy her need to know how it will all come out. Unbelievably, Seth moves to the area and sets up a corner for writing in the very bookstore where Georgina works. He’s a quiet, shy little man, and Georgina just can’t seem to get on the same page as him. She has one hard, fast, rule: No dating nice guys; stick to the lower echelons of mankind - actually enhance her world by using guys from the seedier side, lowlifes, bums, drunks, etc.

The problem begins when someone starts assaulting and/or killing the members of her inner circle. The group meets to discuss probable assailants, but they can’t seem to agree on the why and the who. At last a pattern emerges: Immortals who have cross words with Georgina at any point are subject to physical abuse or, worse, death.

Meanwhile, Georgina meets Roman, who impresses her with his knowledge and wit. It doesn’t hurt that he also has stunning good looks. He is persistent about them having a relationship, but Georgina continually fights him off. She loses ground every time she is around him, finding it harder and harder to resist him.

A surprisingly humorous and light-hearted story, Succubus Blues demonstrates a fun side of evil (while there really is nothing of the sort…). Well-written with a surprise ending and deeply developed characterizations, this is ann engaging and entertaining read.

Šis bija labākais manis atrastais apraksts, teiktu diezgan izsmelošs. Tā ir pirmā grāmata R. Mead vēl vienā grāmatu sērijā. Jāsaka, ka tiešām aizrāva. Autorei labi izdevās attēlot nemirstīgo būtņu cilvēcīgumu un personības, savstarpējās attiecības. Un līdz pat beigām nevarēja saprast, kurš no Džordžijas dzīvē esošajiem vīriešiem ir tas viens vienīgais. Grāmata ir pilna negaidītu pavērsienu un visnotaļ negaidītas beigas, kuras sola interesantu turpinājumu. Ne venu vien reizi jutu līdz Džordžijai un dažam labam citam tēlam, kā arī likka pasmaidīt, jo humora šajā grāmatā netrūkst. Interesanti likās arī mazās atkāpītes, kur redzējām Džordžijas dzīvi kā mirstīgās sievietes Itālijas renesansē un to, kā tad viņa kluva par šo dēmonisko būtni, kas nodarbojas ar vīriešu savaldzīnāšanu un iznīcināšanu. Neinu, ko lai vēl piebilst. Tiešām laba grāmata, kas neatstāj vienaldzīgu.  8-) Iesaku!!!!



Tātad, es lasu pirmo grāmatu. Esmu kaut kur ap 100.lappusi :) Un nepacietīgi gaidu brīdi, kad varēšu lasīt tālāk. :D
Man kaut kā ļoti iepatikās tā pasaule - divas vampīru "rases" un vēl dhampires. Un tā kā no jums jau sen zināms, ar ko Rosai būs romance, tad atklātais par viņu pasaules romantisko attiecību iekārtu rada patīkamas priekšnojautas. Jā, man patīk neiespējamās mīlestības and all that crap. :D
vienīgais, kas man rada problēmas, ir visa tā asiņu dzeršanas padarīšana. Ok, viņi nenogalina, bet vienalga asiņu dzeršana un to barotāju narkotiskā atkarība mani viegli šķebina, ja par to domāju. Bet nu, iespējams, tur pie vainas arī mana vāja medicīnisku lietu panesamība + attieksme pret apreibināšanos. :D
Vēl nespēju saprast, ko es domāju par faktu, ka vampīri iet uz baznīcu. Pietam pareizticīgo. :D Katrā ziņā šis fakts mani pārsteidza. Parasti jau tās šķiet divas atdalītas pasaules. It's kind of weird. :D
Un man patīk, ka informācija gan par to pasauli, gan par agrākiem notikumiem tiek atklāta pamazām, liekot nepacietīgi gaidīt nākamās informācijas druskas, lai uzzinātu vēl kaut ko vairāk!
Un Rose ir interesanta varone. Tāda netipiska, man šķiet. No vienas puses viņā ir ieaudzinātā sargāšana un rūpes par Lissu utt., no otras puses viņa ir tāda.. mūsdienīga laikam. Ar interesi par puišiem, atraktivitāti utt. Interesanta. ^^
Tāpat man patīk Lissas un Christiana attiecības, jūtu tur kaut kas būs ^^ Un gaidu arī, kad sāks kaut kas veidoties starp Rose un Dimitri. ^^
Došu ziņu vai nu kad pabeigšu grāmatu vai ja agrāk parādīsies kaut kas, ko obligāti gribas pateikt. :D



Paloma написал(а):

Došu ziņu vai nu kad pabeigšu grāmatu vai ja agrāk parādīsies kaut kas, ko obligāti gribas pateikt. :D

Ahhh, Palo, NOTEIKTI raksti! Man tā patīk lasīt komentārus par šīm grāmatām. Vispār, līdz 5. grāmata nebija iznākusi, man tieši 1. bija vismīļākā. Lai gan daudziem 3. ir vismīļākā, es to nevarēju panest dēļ beigām...

Paloma написал(а):

Vēl nespēju saprast, ko es domāju par faktu, ka vampīri iet uz baznīcu. Pietam pareizticīgo. :D Katrā ziņā šis fakts mani pārsteidza. Parasti jau tās šķiet divas atdalītas pasaules. It's kind of weird. :D

Jap, bet baznīca jebkurā gadījumā ir kā patvērums un tāda kā šķīstītava - strigoi nevar tajā uzturēties. Tā ka savu nozīmi viņa dēļ tā nezaudē.

Paloma написал(а):

Un gaidu arī, kad sāks kaut kas veidoties starp Rose un Dimitri. ^^

Uff, vot dēļ šiem abiem man arī pirmā gramata ir vismīļākā - tā spriedze, kas ir abu starpā  :insane: Ahhh, un tās ainas, un tie Dimkas skatieni, tik reāli to visu var iztēloties, ka pilnīg ceļi ļogās :D

Paloma написал(а):

vienīgais, kas man rada problēmas, ir visa tā asiņu dzeršanas padarīšana.

Es to uztvēru kā reālu izdzīvošanas nepieciešamību. Arī mūsdienās tak ir cilvēki, kuriem reāli, lai izdzīvotu nepieciešams regulāri špricēt citu asinis. Šeit tas vnk notiek ticamā vampīru veidā "pa tiešo" tā teikt. Bet zinot, ka moroi nav ļauni, tieši otrādi - labie, tad man tas gan nešķebina. Vismaz šeit tiek reāli aprakstīta vampīrveidīgo ikdiena, nevis kā Twilight - viss nomīkstināts uz sapušķots. :)




Sometimes high-school cliques and supervamps both need a roundhouse kick

A boarding school full of vampires sounds like a bit silly, like Harry Potter meets Twilight. But Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy is actually something much cooler: Mean Girls with mysticism, plus complicated vampire politics. Spoilers ahead.

The Vampire Academy novels have already reached their fifth or sixth volume by now, and I've seen them for sale at Best Buy, next to the impulse-buy candy on the way to the cash registers. But somehow I hadn't managed to read one of these hit young-adult books until I was moderating a panel about paranormal young-adult literature at Book Expo America last week, with author Richelle Mead in attendance.

And I was blown away by Mead's strong but flawed protagonist, her rich world-building and her unpredictable plotting. If you need a quick, fun escapist read, or if you have a kid who's just starting to get into paranormal YA, this series is a great alternative to the Twilight books.

Here are some reasons why the Vampire Academy series is a cut above your average vamp-angst novels:

The main character isn't emo or obsessed with her love life. Mead's protagonist, Rose, is a Dhampir, a kind of half-vampire who serves as a sort of bodyguard for the full-fledged vampires, or Moroi. She's apt to break people's faces without considering the consequences - plus she has a kind of psychic link with her charge and best friend, Vasilisa. Rose does have a couple of love interests, including a nice-but-boring boy, Mason, and her mentor, Dimitri. And she's training to be a warrior and fight a type of super-vampire that preys on the other vampires, the nearly impossible-to-kill Strigoi.

The "Mean Girls" thing is kind of awesome. Most of the drama at the bloodsucking boarding school doesn't have to do with vampires vs. mundanes, or jocks vs. nerds. Instead, it's a reflection of a larger class system among the vampire community. There's a vampire aristocracy, not unlike in the Sookie Stackhouse books, and the kids with the highest standing in the artistocracy also rule the high school. If you're in with the cool kids, nobody can mess with you - but if you get on the wrong side of them, you get squished. (But Vasilisa secretly has a thing for the outcast, vaguely gothy boy who hides in the church attic and broods.)

These books have a clever, unique spin on the anxieties of adolescence. Rose goes on the run with Vasilisa at the start of the first book, for reasons too complicated to go into. And while they're on the run, Rose lets Vasilisa drink her blood because no human feeders are available. This is a huge taboo among the vampires, and Dhampirs who let Moroi drink their blood tend to become "blood whores," which is just what it sounds like. After they get back to school, Vasilissa and Rose keep their off-campus activities a secret, but lots of people suspect. And when a couple of the most popular boys spread a false rumor that Rose had sex with both of them, they also claim she let them drink her blood. The "blood whore" stigma becomes a whole new dimension to the "slut" stigma that Rose already carries around with her.

There's still plenty of beach-read intrigue. There are enough love triangles in this book to create a whole new branch of geometry, including the aforementioned Dhampire triangle. There are misunderstandings and lust hexes and a totally ridiculously awesome dress that Rose gets to wear to the big dance. It's totally your typical high-school coming-of-age romance - if the main character was a vampiric bodyguard who's spending every free moment doing combat practice.

I love the mythology of all the different types of vampires, and the different types of magic that different characters can specialize in, and the mythic vampire saint whose secret abilities may have a hidden significance in explaining why Vasilissa is so special - and why Vasilissa may be doomed. Mead's reinvention of the vampire mythos is multi-layered and rich, and the result is one of the most memorable vampire stories I've read in ages.

Mostly, I'm dying to read the rest of the Vampire Academy series, to see Rose become a better head-kicker and see her take down the Strigoi, while showing up the popular girls at her school. Because dealing with annoying phoney cliques is just as challenging as stopping the super-vamp apocalypse, sometimes.

Avots: school-cliques-and-supervamps-both-need-a-roundhouse-kick?skyline=true&s=i



MTV raksts "The Next 'Twilight': The Search Continues At BookExpo America" … tory.jhtml

Es pat nez, no vienas puses ļoti gribu Vampire academy redzēt filmu sēriju veidā, bet...nezinu, vai vajag :rolleyes: Grāmatas un autore jau būtu pelnījuši gan :)



cravey написал(а):

Jap, bet baznīca jebkurā gadījumā ir kā patvērums un tāda kā šķīstītava - strigoi nevar tajā uzturēties. Tā ka savu nozīmi viņa dēļ tā nezaudē.

Jā, tas man patīk :) Bet vienalga, tas šķiet savādi. Neierasti priekš vampīriem. :D

cravey написал(а):

Es to uztvēru kā reālu izdzīvošanas nepieciešamību. Arī mūsdienās tak ir cilvēki, kuriem reāli, lai izdzīvotu nepieciešams regulāri špricēt citu asinis. Šeit tas vnk notiek ticamā vampīru veidā "pa tiešo" tā teikt. Bet zinot, ka moroi nav ļauni, tieši otrādi - labie, tad man tas gan nešķebina. Vismaz šeit tiek reāli aprakstīta vampīrveidīgo ikdiena, nevis kā Twilight - viss nomīkstināts uz sapušķots. :)

nu... jāā. Es saprotu šo visu. Un tas neko negatīvu šai grāmatai nepieskaita - šī mana tīri cilvēciskā nepatika pret to. :D

Es negribu, lai šī sērija ir "2.Twilight"... Tāda masu psihoze sabojā visu. :/ Es domāju, tīņu masu psihoze.



Paloma написал(а):

Es negribu, lai šī sērija ir "2.Twilight"

Nu vot, es ar ne. Tās grāmatas ir pārāk labas tam. Turklāt es negribu, lai filmā sabāztu kaut kādus pārāk smukos aktierīšus. Labāk, lai viņi paliek manā prātā, tādus, kādus esmu viņus iztēlojusies.



Pirmkārt jau - (labāk vēlāk nekā nekad, un pirmās grāmatas beigas v\el nav vēlākais, kad nākt šādai atklāsmei) - vari, lūdzu, cravey, ielikt te elektroniskā versijā tās grāmatas? Tad es varēšu praksē lasīt... Jo sēdēt ar grāmatu rokās kkā... nesmuki :D a datorā... ļoti neuzkrītoši :D

Par grāmatu... pat nezinu, ko komentēt. Esmu pāris soļus no beigām - Rosa un Lissa šobrīd ir mežā kopā ar psi-hounds. Ak jā, par tiem es laikam piemirsu pieminēt - pirmo reizi, kad izlasīju par vilkiem vampīru pasaulē, sajutos kkā vīlusies. :D Vai tā tiešām ir tik default kombinācija? Bet nu, prieks, ka šeit tie ir tiešām tikai sava veida vilki (cik noprotu), nevis vilkači, un šeit viņi ir "vampīru mājdzīvnieki".
Gandrīz vai bail teikt, bet man Rosa un Dimitri pagaidām nerada baigos "oh" un "ah". :D Un pie beigām tajā ainā es nevarēju dzīvot līdzi viņu romantikai, jo man bija besis, ar ko viņi nodarbojas, kamēr Lissa ir briesmās :D bet nu, par laimi pie vainas bija maģija un kaklarota, citādāk viņi būtu krituši lielā nežēlastībā manās acīs. :D
Ak, bet vispār man šī grāmata ļoooti patīk - aizraujoša, tiešām! Un Lissa ar viņas spējām un gļukiem mani laikam visvairāk interesē. Nu, tagad jau daudzkas ir atklājies līdz ar tikšanos ar Viktoru, bet vienalga man ļoti interesanti, kā viņa sadzīvos ar šo savu specializāciju utt. ...
kas vēl..? Jā, man ļoti patīk Rosas attieksme pret saviem guardian pienākumiem, patīk, ka viņa tik atbildīga, tik daudz domā par Lissu un tā rūpējas par viņu :) tādu draugu katrs vēlētos :)



Paloma написал(а):

Pirmkārt jau - (labāk vēlāk nekā nekad, un pirmās grāmatas beigas v\el nav vēlākais, kad nākt šādai atklāsmei) - vari, lūdzu, cravey, ielikt te elektroniskā versijā tās grāmatas?

ok, nevermind, man ir kkāda domāšanas aizture attiecībā uz šīm grāmatām. Pieleca, ka tak noteikti esi tos ievietojusi jau. Un jā, tā izrādījās taisnība. :D ķeršos pie Frostbite ^^

Par 1.grāmatu - ok, beigās tie pāris dialogi starp Rosu un Dimitri jau radīja manī vairāk emociju. :D ak, man patīk tā it kā neiespējamība viņu jūtām..tas ir tik...dramatiski..un..forši. :D
Un vēl jauni atklājumi par Lissas un Rosas saikni, wow.
Jā, nu karoče es grimstu iekšā nākamajā grāmatā, lai uzzinātu, kas ar visiem notiek tālāk. :D



Paloma написал(а):

Par 1.grāmatu - ok, beigās tie pāris dialogi starp Rosu un Dimitri jau radīja manī vairāk emociju. :D ak, man patīk tā it kā neiespējamība viņu jūtām..tas ir tik...dramatiski..un..forši. :D

Pagaidi līdz tālākām grāmatām, pirmās grāmatas beigas vēl ir ziediņi attiecībā par Rozu un Dimku :(

Paloma написал(а):

Un vēl jauni atklājumi par Lissas un Rosas saikni, wow.

Jap, atklājumi turpinās visu laiku :)

Paloma написал(а):

Jā, nu karoče es grimstu iekšā nākamajā grāmatā, lai uzzinātu, kas ar visiem notiek tālāk. :D


Paloma написал(а):

Ak, bet vispār man šī grāmata ļoooti patīk - aizraujoša, tiešām!

Par šo man vislielākais prieks :)

Gaidu komentārus par 2. grāmatu. 2. grāmatā parādās arī Adrians  :rolleyes:


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