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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » VA un citas R. Mīdas grāmatas » Vampire Academy (filma, 2014)
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Koments par abiem galvenajiem aktieriem no filmas lielākā bossa Maikla Pregera:
OMG, peeps
Filma tiks filmēta Eiropā. Cilvēki twitterī jautā par iespējām filmēties masu skatos, un lūk kastinga cilvēks atbild:
Ta kā, eiropietes mēs, VA fanes Mums visas iespējas šovasar
Zoey Deutch Says 'Vampire Academy' Script Is 'So Funny'
"It's crazy. I'm so excited!" she enthused, while getting a rather off-target fist bump from co-star Thomas Mann.
And what of the screenplay penned by "Heathers" writer Daniel Waters?
"It is so funny. The script is so funny, and it is so interesting," Zoey said. "I don't even know what kind of genre it would be categorized in. It's very different. And I'm very excited, and the tone is so interesting—and [director] Mark Waters, who I'm like a huge fan of. It's going to be really crazy. It's such a crazy-good character. She's such a badass."
In fact, the character is so physically demanding that the audition process left Zoey a little tuckered out.
"It was a physically exhausting process for me at least," she said. "I was very fully in it. I had already kind of started training because Rose Hathaway is very physical. She's a protector. I still can't believe it happened."
Video: http://hollywoodcrush.mtv.com/2013/02/05/vampire-academy-zoey-deutch/
TWC said the film will go into production this summer with plans for a release on Feb. 14, 2014. It announced the deal Sunday at Berlin, where financiers Reliance Entertainment and IM Global had been selling rights.
Blood Sisters marks Harvey Weinstein's first foray into the young adult franchise arena. His company is currently riding high on the critical and box office success of Oscar best picture contenders Django Unchained and Silver Linings Playbood.
"I am thrilled to be working on the first feature for Vampire Academy. This series is fantastic and I am excited to bring it to the screen for diehard fans and introduce the stories to a whole new audience," said Weinstein.Avoti: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118065996/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/b … ers-420078
Tātad principā apm. gadu vēl jāgaida līdz iznākšanai
Šobrīd tas šķiet tiiiiik ilgi, bet nu zinu, ka gads paskries ļoti ātri
Man šitā ar Hobitu bija.. kad parādījās info par filmu, baigi ilgs laiks bija līdz izlaišanai, un tad pēkšņi vienā brīdī tas jau bija noticis
Man šitā ar Hobitu bija.. kad parādījās info par filmu, baigi ilgs laiks bija līdz izlaišanai, un tad pēkšņi vienā brīdī tas jau bija noticis
Tieš tā, turklāt līdz tam vēl viss promotion būs, fanu ziņas un bildes no filmēšanas, video utt TREILERIS Ātri paies tas laiks
No Rišelas FB lapas:
Had lunch today with Vampire Academy movie director Mark Waters (on the right) and screenwriter Daniel Waters (on the left). Awesome talk about the movie.
You guys are in good hands!
Tā kā es Rišelai pilnībā uzticos, un viņa nebeidz vien atkārtot, ka viņa ir sajūsmā, gan par filmā iesaistītajiem cilvēkiem, gan par scenāriju, tad es esmu pilnībā mierīga, ja neskaita vien to, ka gribas ātrāk redzēt pašu filmu
Vēl info par filmu no Rišelas
Who's playing Rose?
Zoey DeutchWhat's cool about her?
Lots! Zoey is a young actress people are already raving about. Mark Waters told me when she walks into a room, people feel her energy, and she was one of the few actresses who worked out for the role before auditioning. She's training even more now and has all the books so that she can really get into Rose's head.Who's playing Dimitri?
Danila KozlovskiyWhat's cool about him?
Lots! Danila is one of Russia's most famous and renowned young actors right now. That's right--a real Russian. No fake accents! I'm told people who saw his audition tape were like, "Oh my God!" (in a good way). Plus, he's hardcore. Mark Waters says during a Skype session they had, there was a window open behind Danila with a freezing seventeen-below Moscow winter outside. Was he affected? No. He said it was "refreshing."Who's playing Lissa?
Lucy FryWhat's cool about her?
Lots! For starters, check out her reaction to getting the part! Mark Waters said when she auditioned, she did it with an amazing grace and regality that immediately made you go, "Yes, that's a Moroi princess." She's a fair bit taller than Zoey too, as a Moroi should be, and I'm told when they're together (which I can't wait to see), they perfectly capture the duo.Pilnais raksts: http://blue-succubus.livejournal.com/308794.html
Bilde no treniņiem
Video kā Zoja trenējas Rozas lomai
Viņa patiesībā ir ļoti tieviņa priekš Rozas, man tā šķiet.
Bet ja satrenēsies un labi nospēlēs, nebūs ne vainas!
Viņa patiesībā ir ļoti tieviņa priekš Rozas, man tā šķiet.
Lūk Rišela Mīda tev sniedz atbildi uz šo apgalvojumu: http://blue-succubus.livejournal.com/309452.html
Hihi, jauki
Lai gan mankaut kā neienāca nemaz prātā par "curves", un vispār jutos pārsteigta palasot komentārus utt., un saprotot, ka daudziem "curves" asociējas ar "plus size".
Es drīzāk Rozu biju iedomājusies... es pat nez kā paskaidrot. Varbūt nedaudz garāku. Un nedaudz muskuļotāku - bet pie tā strādā - tāpēc es ticu, ka būs labi!
Vēl viena Romitri bilde no BTS
Un vēl
Nu re kādi Zojai jau musīši
Jaunumi filmas sakarā:
1. Casting. This is the most asked about issue by the fans. So here’s the deal! Casting for the remaining characters for the first film is officially underway once again.
2 Locations. The final locations for shooting are now being decided by our director Mark Waters. The big news is we will be shooting the movie in Europe, mostly in and around the UK, with additional photography planned in Montana.
3. Green light. The project was officially declared to proceed as of April 1. Our targeted (estimated) date to begin production is the last week in May.
4. The Movie Crew has begun work with Mark in the UK, who is already in London. We are assembling an amazing line up of seasoned behind-the-scenes production talent for all the important work to be done.
5. The Weinstein Company is busy at work developing their plans to launch both the Official Movie Web Page and social media campaign and marketing for the film. We look forward to working closely with them in the near future, as they begin to roll out their exciting new plans.
As always, we will strive to update everyone on progress as events allow, and look forward with great appreciation for your continuing support, encouragement and inspiration, as we endeavor to bring this incredible series to the Big Screen!
All our Best,
Mike Preger
Don Murphy
Susan Montford
Deepak NayarProducers.
WOOOW, baigi labs fanu veidots treileris:
Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » VA un citas R. Mīdas grāmatas » Vampire Academy (filma, 2014)