Seriāls visiem, kam patīk leģendas, burvestības, aizliegti mīlas stāsti utml. lietas
The story takes place in the world author Terry Goodkind created in his The Sword of Truth fantasy novel series.
A mysterious woman, Kahlan Amnell, appears in Richard Cypher's forest sanctuary seeking help...and more. His world, his very beliefs, are shattered when ancient debts come due with thundering violence. In their darkest hour, hunted relentlessly, tormented by treachery and loss, Kahlan calls upon Richard to reach beyond his sword-to invoke within himself something more noble. Neither knows that the rules of battle have just changed...or that their time has run out. This is the beginning. One story. One Rule. Witness the birth of a legend.The cast:
Craig Horner as Richard Cypher
Bridget Regan as Kahlan Amnell
Bruce Spence as Zeddicus "Zedd" Zu'l Zorander
Craig Parker as Darken Rahl
Tabrett Bethell as CaraTreileris:
OMG, es pa šo nedēļu noskatījos abas sezonas Tik brīnišķīgi skaists, vizuāli brīnumains seriāls. Žēl, ka neatjaunoja uz 3. sezonu. Man viņi visu nežēlīgi pietrūks. BET, par to visu, seriālam ir kārtīgs closure, tāds, ka turpinājumā var vnk grāmatas lasīt OMG, es ļaušu paiet kādam laikam, bet tad noteikti atkal visu skatīšos. Bāc, tas i neaprakstāmi kā man viņš patika! Ričards un Keilana ir viens no skaistākajiem mīlas pāriem! Es nedomāju, ka tagad Delenas periodā spēšu vēl kādu pāri tik ļoti iemīlēt, bet wow Ričards un Keilana ir mans jaunais OTP (one true pairing) uz mūžu Keilana (Bridžeta Reigana), manuprāt, ir viena no pasaules skaistākajām sievietēm, savukārt Ričards ir visa labā un cēlā iemiesojums
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