par brīvprātīgo nepieteikšos, bet centīšos apmeklēt kauč ko no slidojumiem - droši vien abas puišu programmas, arī dāmas.
Daiļslidošanas pasaule
Сообщений 721 страница 740 из 856
Поделиться72203.08.2013 12:43
Tik noskaidro par samaksu vispirms, moš atkal pa 10Ls "ielūgumi" jāiegādājas
Поделиться72303.08.2013 20:10
Rīgas GP posms sākas 27. augustā.
Kā brīvprātīgā diez vai tikšu.. bet varbūt varētu aiziet uz kādu posmu, kā skatītājs..
Поделиться72413.08.2013 04:02
Omg, Flo pašlaik trenējas pie Jagudina šajās dienās
Поделиться72513.08.2013 13:08
Hihi, jā, vakar jau redzēju šitās foto. Varbūt man vairāk iepatiksies Flo...
Поделиться72613.08.2013 15:27
hihihi, ah, tik mīlīgi. tur par visām daiļslidošanas aizkulisēm varētu tādas noveles rakstīt. žēl, ka raksta tik nenormāli maz.
Поделиться72718.08.2013 19:25
Brī tetovējums
Поделиться72820.08.2013 23:54
Поделиться72928.08.2013 16:50
Tiem, kas domā iet uz Volvo cup (sākas rīt), lūk grafiks ar laikiem:
Поделиться73029.08.2013 16:28
Sacensību video no Rīgas JGP
Поделиться73130.08.2013 02:10
Denisa SP:
Pašlaik 14. vieta. Lecieni tādi woobly, var just, ka pietrūkst fiziskā, BET, all in all, VERY GOOD! Atliek tikai dabūt labu treneri, un Latvija ar varētu par medaļām sākt cīnīties, pēc kādiem gadiem 5
Поделиться73230.08.2013 23:05
es, protams, pamaniijos saslimt un jau otro dienu pa maajam nosēdēju - gandrīz guļot visu laiku...
Поделиться73331.08.2013 12:33
Denisa profils iekš ISU: Viņam augustā šogad 14 palika Es saku, pēc kādiem 5 gadiem - bye bye Chan
P.S. - pēc kādām 30min Deniss slidos savu LP Gaidam un fingers crossed!
Поделиться73431.08.2013 13:28
Foooork 2 kritieni bijuši, bet tik un tā, wooow, kas pa summiņu - par LP Deniss ar 2viem kritieniem saņēma 109.70 punktus, kopsummā 161.94 Aaaa, guys, I'm sooo happy. Tagad, ja 3 puikas no nākamajām grupām noslido sūdīgi Deniss tiek 10iekā! Aaaaa
Lūk jau video (pati vēl nenoskatījos):
Поделиться73531.08.2013 13:58
Brazīlis, kas pēc SP bija 7. vietā, ir izstājies, 2vi noslidoja sliktāk kā Deniss, līdz ar to Deniss ir iekļuvis stiprāko 10iekā
Поделиться73631.08.2013 14:04
BTW, Denisa nākamais posms ir Polijā Baltic Cup 2013, 18. - 21.09.!!!
Поделиться73731.08.2013 21:25
hahaha, kāds ir aizrāvies. žel, ka neaizgāju, bet no otraas puses - vienai tur būt ar būtu garlaicīgi...
Mani komentāri par Denisa LP. Ļoti redzami bija, ka otrajā programmas daļā viņš bija noguris - junioriem tas, protams, ir ļoti raksturīgi. Respektīvi, vēl daudz daudz fiziko treniņu priekšā. Bet programmas pirmā daļa, neskatoties uz kritienu, varētu iederēties senioru sacensībās - gan horeogrāfija, gan lēcienu - sevišķi kaskādes, gan izpildīgums. Prieks, ka puika savos mazos gados spēj jau nopietnu mūziku iznest. Protams, pie sava stila vēl daudz jāstrādā, bet prieks, ka viņš jau grib būt nopietns un tikt nopietni uztverts. Tagad tikai var naivi cerēt, ka ouikam ir bagāti vecāki un un aizsūtīs viņu trenēties uz Kanādu, ASV vai vismaz Vāciju. Varbūt viņam tuvāka Krievija, tomēr tādu puisīšu tur noteikti simti un svešus pretī neņem. Ja paliks Latvijā, tad diezin vai tālāk par top 20 PČ viņš kādreiz varēs tikt. Tā pasaulīte ir skarba. Es gan nez, kurš viņu tagad trenē, bet ideāli būtu, ja viņš varētu kādā skating klubā ASV pie zināmiem treneriem trenēties. Protams, arī Latvijā kaut kas notiek un Igaunijā vēl vairāk kaut kas notiek, bet tomēr arī Gļebovas rezultāti saka uzlaboties, ka viņa pārvācās pāri okeānam un tur sāka trenēties.
Поделиться73931.08.2013 22:00
Es gan nez, kurš viņu tagad trenē
Viņam ir lietuviešu trenere, izbijusi sieviešu vienslidotāja Ingrida Snieskiene. Jap, ir daudz kur vēl jāpiestrādā, bet potenciāls šeit ir milzonīgs.
OO, prieks, ka Delfi vismaz kko uzraksta. Es gribēju dailslidosanaLV kko uzdrukāt, bet man šon te vēders sāp (it's that time of month ).
Поделиться74005.09.2013 19:55
Programmu mūzika 2013/2014 sezonai:
Max Aaron
SP: Historia de un Amor by Perez Prado
LP: Music from Carmen performed by Rodion Shchedrin and the Boston Pops OrchestraJeremy Abbott
SP Music: "Lilies of the Valley" by Jun Miyake (from the movie Pina)
FS Music: "Exogenesis Symphony Part III (Redemption)" by MuseFlorent Amodio
LP: the Louis Armstrong version of La Vie En Rose, choreo by himselfMichal Brezina – both choreo-ed by Pasquale Camerlengo
SP: 'In the Hall of a Mountain King' by Epica
LP: Sherlock Holmes soundtrack.Jason Brown
SP: The Question of U (Prince) - the same as this season
FS: RiverdanceStephen Carriere
SP: choreo by Tanith Belbin
LP: choreo by David WilsonPatrick Chan
SP: Elegie in E-Flat Minor" by Sergei Rachmaninov, choreographed by Jeffrey Buttle
LP: Four Seasons by Vivaldi, choreo by David WilsonNathan Chen
SP: Summer and Winter from Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi; choreo by Nadia Kanaeva
LP: Chattanooga Choo Choo by Glenn Miller, Summertime from Porgy and Bess by George Gershwin; choreo by Nadia KanaevaRichard Dornbush - both of his programs for the coming season were choreographed by Mark Pillay,
SP: Sons of Italy
LP: The Beatles medleyJoshua Farris USA
SP: Libertango
FS: Schindler's ListJavier Fernandez
SP: "Satan takes a holiday"
LP: Peter Gunn + Harlem Nocturne Inspired by blues and jazz rhythms, choreographed by Kurt BrowningArtur Gachinski
LP: Anna KareninaMisha Ge (UZB)
SP: Albinoni's "Adagio in G Minor"
LP: Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op.43 by Sergei RachmaninoffYuzuru Hanyu
SP: Parisienne Walkways' by Gary Moore, choreo by Jeff buttle (revisit of his SP from last season)
LP: "Romeo and Juliet" by Nino Rota.Jorik Hendrickx
SP : Caravan
LP : Rhapsody in Blue choreographed by Shanetta FolleGrant Hochstein
SP Music: "La Califfa" by Ennio Morricone (last year's music)
FS Music: Selections from Rachmaninoff (begins with "Trio Élégiaque No. 2" and ends with Piano Concerto no. 3) and Dvorak ("Dumky" Trio in the middle)
Coaches & Choreographers: Peter Oppegard, Karen Kwan-OppegardAlex Johnson
SP: "Stairway to Heaven" by Rodrigo y Gabriela
LP: "A Nightmare on Elm Street" by DiscoPhantom, "Drowning" by Abel Korzeniowski, "Dinner Waltz" by Alexandre Desplat, "Bernini's Angels" by Kerry Muzzey
Coaches & Choreographers: Tom Dickson, Catarina LindgrenBrian Joubert
SP: Oblivion and Concierto Para Quinteto by Piazzolla
LP: Inception soundtrackTakahiko Kozuka
SP: Unsquare Dance, choreographed by Shae-Lynn Bourne
LP: Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso by Camille Saint-Saëns, choreo. by Marina Zueva (last season's)Evan Lysacek, choreo by Lori Nichol
SP: Black Swan
LP: Don Quixote inspired by Robin Cousins' versionAlexander Majorov
SP: Korobushka by Bond
FS: ArchangelMichael Christian Martinez (PHI)
SP: Romeo and Juliet soundtrack by Nino Rota
FS: Malagueña by Ernesto LecuonaKeegan Messing
SP: "Sing Sing Sing" SP choreographed last season by Rory Flack Burghart
LP: The Mask of Zorro soundtrackRoss Miner USA
SP: "The Way We Were"
FS: music by Michael W. Smith from his Glory CDNobunari Oda
SP: jazz music from The Cotton Club soundtrack choreographed by David Wilson
LP: Rossini's "William Tell Overture" choreographed by Lori NicholPaul Parkinson (ITA)
Not sure which is which but will be skating to Beethoven's 5th with the ending remixed by Wolfgang Gartner and his SP is choreo-ed by Jeff ButtleEvgeni Plushenko
SP: "The Girl Like You" by Okean Elzy
LP: "Best of Plushenko", set to different music pieces he skated to in the past such as "Godfather", "Adagio", "Tosca", "Tango Amore".Sean Rabbitt
SP: David Garrett's version of "Who Wants To Live Forever?", choreographed by Justin Dillon
LP: "Sing Sing Sing, Part 2" (Benny Goodman) from "Fosse", choreographed by Cindy StuartDouglas Razzano
SP: "Clair De Lune" (Claude Debussy)
FS: "Turandot"/"Nessun Dorma" (Giacomo Puccini)Adam Rippon
SP: Suite from Carmen for Strings and Drums by Georges Bizet & Rodion
LP: Debussy's Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun (choreo by Tom Dickson)Emanuel Sandhu
Lorna Brown is currently doing choreographyDaisuke Takahashi
SP - "Sonatina for Violin in C-sharp minor" by Mamoru Samuragochi choreography by Kenji Miyamoto
FP - "Beatles Medley" choreography by Lori NicholDenis Ten – both choreographed by Lori Nichol
SP: Saint-Saens' "Danse Macabre”
LP: Shostakovich's "Lady and the HooliganJeremy Ten
SP: “Dance With Me Wallis” from the W.E Soundtrack by Abel Korziniowski
FS: “Variations” by Andrew Lloyd WebberTomas Verner's
SP: "Dueling Banjos" (from The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 'Deliverance').
LP: Tango Medley": Oblivion, Adios Nonino, Libertango (all three by Astor Piazolla) and La Cumparsita (by Matos Rodriguez). [Same music, but complete new version of Season 2008/09's free program]Johann Wilkinson (South Africa's junior men's champion)
SP: "In The Mood" by Glenn Miller
LP: and "The Feeling Begins" by Peter GabrielHan Yan
SP: Minor Waltz from Doubles Jeux (Laurent Korcia) and Viper's Drag
LP: Hannibal soundtrack - Gourmet Valse Tartare" mixed with "The Blue Danube" from Strauss IIVincent Zhou, choreo by Justin Dillon
SP: The Barber of Seville-Overture by Gioachino Rossini
LP: Marche & Pas de Deux from The Nutcracker
Mao Asada
SP: Chopin's Noctune (as in 2006-7 season)
LP: Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No 2Kiri Baga
SP: Dark Eyes choreographed by Garrett Kling
LP: "Samson and Delilah" by the Cincinnati Pops Orchestra choreographed by Pasquale CamerlengoAshley Cain
SP: flamenco
LP: Ave MariaSamantha Cesario
SP Music: "Fever" by various artists
FS Music: "Carmen Suite" by Georges Bizet and Konstantinovich Shchedrin (new FS after Liberty)
Choreographer: Inese BucevicaKaren Chen
SP: "Esperanza", same as Marchei's SP last season, choreographed by Justin Dillon
LP: "Miss Saigon" choreographed by Mark PillayAlissa Czisny
SP: "Consolation No. 3 in D Flat Major" by Franz Liszt (new)
LP: "Gone with the Wind" FS was choreographed this past season by Marina Zoueva, the first half includes music from "Ice Palace Suite" (derived from the score of the 1960 film, Ice Palace) composed by Max Steiner, who also composed the score for GWTWPolina Edmunds
SP: a selection of latin music
LP: Edvard Grieg's Peer Gynt Suite - the 2 pieces are "Solveig's Song" and "Morning Mood":Rachael Flatt, Choreographer: Rachael Flatt
SP Music: "Adagio for Strings" by Samuel Barber
FS Music: "Piano Concerto No. 2" by Sergei RachmaninovChristina Gao USA
SP: "Close Without Touching" (last year's SP)
FS: Music from the "Angels & Demons" soundtrack, choreo by Tom DicksonElene Gedevanishvili
SP: "Romance" from The Snowstorm by Georgy Sviridov.
LP:Gracie Gold
SP: Gershwin's "Three Preludes
LP: The Sleeping Beauty ( Gold, 18, said. "We're not naming the character I play, but if I had to pick, it would definitely be more of a power witch and less of the lost princess." IN interview released today)Joshi helgesson
SP: (same as last year) Mystere from "Cirque du Soleil"- Taiko from "Cirque du Soleil"
FS: Warrior PrincessViktoria Helgesson
SP:Mystery Walz
LP:Harem Cobra GoddessCourtney Hicks
SP: the Soul Surfer soundtrack by Marco Beltrami, choreographed by Alex Chang
LP: Evita, choreographed by Jonathan CassarYu-Na Kim, choreo by David Wilson
SP: Send in the clowns
FS: Adios NoninoKiira Korpi
SP: A day in the lifeby the Beatles, guitar version by Jeff Beck, choreo by Buttle
LP: Once upon a time in America soundtrack by Ennio Morricone's, choreo by Shae-Lynn BourneCarolina Kostner
SP: "Humoresque" A. Dvorak
LP: "Scheherazade" N.Rimsky-KorsakovVanessa Lam, Choreographers: Diane DeLeeuw-Chapman, Doug Chapman
SP Music: "Illumination" by Secret Garden
FS Music: Music from The Artist by Ludovic Bource (last year's)Jijun Li
SP: "Danzarin" by Tango Lorca, choreo: Lori Nichol
LP: Coppelia by Leo Delibes, choreo by Lori NicholHannah Miller – both choreographed by Daniil Barantsev
SP: "Firebird" by Igor Stravinsky
LP: "Primavera" by Ludovico EinaudiSatoko Miyahara
SP: Merry Christmas, Mr. Laurence
LP: PoetaMirai Nagasu, Choreographer: Cindy Stuart
SP Music: "The Man I Love" by George Gershwin
FS Music: Music from James Bond by various artistsKaetlyn Osmond
SP: Sweet Charity soundtracks "Hey Big Spender" and "Rich Man's Frug!"
LP: CleopatraElena Radionova choreo by Averbukh
SP: Nero by "Two Steps from Hell"
FS: Latin selectionYretha Silete will use the programs she had prepared for the 2012-13 season.
Adelina Sotnikova
SP: Carmen (Habanera)
LP: a techno-y modern remix of Saint-Saëns's Rondo CapricciosoFumie Suguri, Choreo by Lori Nichol,
SP: Puss in Boots
FS: Moonlight SonataAkiko Suzuki
SP: Hymne a L'amour choreographed by Massimo Scali
FS: Phantom of the Opera choreographed by Pasquale CamerlengoElizaveta Tukhtamysheva
SP: Gopher Mambo
LP: Flamenco/Spanish medley, including MalaguenaAshley Wagner:
SP - 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' by Pink Floyd (choreographed by Shae-Lynn Bourne)
FS - 'Romeo & Juliet' by Sergei Prokofiev (choreographed by David Wilson)Angela Wang
SP: "A Beautiful Storm" by Jennifer Thomas, Tom Dickson is choreographing
LP: Spanish genre Lindgren is the choreographer.Agnes Zawadzki
SP: decided to keep her existing short program, choreographed by David Wilson and skated to music from Sex in the City
LP: a tango medley of "La Cumparsita" and "Jalousie."Caroline Zhang, Choreographer: David Wilson
SP Music: Selections from The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber
FS Music: "Butterfly Lovers Violin Concerto" by Chen/He
Madeline Aaron & Max Settlage
SP Music: "The Chairman's Waltz," from the Memoirs of a Geisha soundtrack by John Williams
FS Music: "Adagio" from the Spartacus by Aram Khachaturian
Choreographers: Catarina Lindgren, Julie MarcotteVera Bazarova & Yuri Larionov
SP - medley of popular American melodies from 20th (the program is called "The old photo" and the idea is that people from the photo come to life)
LP - "Polovtsian Dances" from Borodin's "Prince Igor"Kaitlin Budd & Nikita Cheban
SP Music: "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg
FS Music: "Smile" by Charlie Chaplin, La Strada by Nino Rota
Choreographers: Olga VolozhinskayaJessica Calalang & Zack Sidhu
SD Music: "Hernando's Hideaway" by Sid Ramin
FS Music: "The Beatles Concerto" by John Rutter
Choreographer: Renee RocaMarissa Castelli & Simon Shnapir
SP Music: "Black Magic Woman" and "Smooth" by Carlos Santana
FS Music: Music from the Skyfall soundtrack by various artists
Choreographer: Julie MarcotteLindsay Davis & Rockne Brubaker
SD Music: "Le Petite Fleur" and "Skokia" by Louis Armstrong
FD Music: Umbrellas of Cherbourg by Michel Legrand
Choreographers: Marina Zoueva (SP), Renee Roca (FS)Caydee Denney & John Coughlin
SP Music: "Tosca" by Giacomo Puccini
FS Music: Selections from The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Choreographers: Julie Marcotte, Christopher Dean, Dalilah Sappenfield (SP), Julie Marcotte, Pasquale Camerlengo (FS)Haven Denney & Brandon Frazier
SP Music: "Malagueña" by Ernesto Lecuona (went back to last season's)
FS Music: Music from Notre-Dame de Paris by Riccardo Cocciante
Choreographer: Julie MarcotteGretchen Donlan & Andrew Speroff
SP Music: "Meditation" from Thais by Jules Massenet
FS Music: "Pas de Deux" from The Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky
Choreographers: Sheryl Franks, Deirdre WilliamsMeagan Duhamel/Eric Radford
SP: music composed by Radford
LP: Alice in Wonderland soundtrack by Danny ElfmanLina Fedorova / Maxim Miroshkin
SP: "Clowns and Kids Suite" by Alfred Schnittke
FS: "Cabaret" by Liza MinelliCarter Jones/Richard Sharpe
SP: a medley of an English singer, Robbie Williams (will be starting with his version of "Let's Face the Music and Dance" (quickstep) followed by a very fitting foxtrot for our partnership called "Have You Met Miss Jones.")
LP: an orchestral version of "Roxanne" by Maga Zoltan, mixed with a slow piece by Escala, "Finding Beauty"."Tarah Kayne & Daniel O'Shea
SP Music: Selections from James Bond films by John Barry
FS Music: "Don Quixote" by Ludwig Minkus
Choreographer: Jim PetersonDeeDee Leng & Timothy LeDuc
SP Music: "The Feeling Begins" by Peter Gabriel
FS Music: "Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture" by TchaikovskyChelsea Liu & Devin Perini
SP Music: "42nd Street" by the Boston Pops Orchestra
FS Music: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
Choreographers: Cindy Stuart, Christine Fowler BinderBrianna de la Mora & Taylor Wilson
SP Music: "Saragina Rhumba" by 17 Hippies and Nino Rota
FS Music: Music from The Lord of the Rings soundtrack by Lindsey Stirling and Thomas Bergersen
Choreographer: Elena PrudskyQing Pang & Jian Tong
SP: Nocturne from "Lady Caliph",Music by:Ennio Morricone ,performed by Yo-Yo Ma Choreographer: Nikolai Morozov
FS: I dreamed a dream from “Les Misérables” ,Choreographer: David Wilson.Cheng Peng & Hao Zhang
SP: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
LP: "Yellow River Concerto"Jessica Pfund & AJ Reiss
Coaches: Peter Oppegard, Karen Kwan-Oppegard
Choreographer: Peter OppegardNatasha Purich & Mervin Tran CAN
SP Tiny Dancer by Elton John
LPAliona Savchenko/Robin Szolkowy
SP: When Winter Comes, a music especially composed for them by Andre Rieu.
LP: The NutcrackerAlexa Scimeca & Chris Knierim
SP Music: "Papa, Can You Hear Me?" by Michel Legrand
FS Music: Music from the Ever After soundtrack by George Fenton
Choreographers: Catarina Lindgren (SP), Igor Shpilband (FS)Britney Simpson & Matthew Blackmer
SP Music: "The Feeling Begins" by Peter Gabriel
FS Music: "Beethoven's 5 Secrets" by The Piano Guys
Choreographer: Tanith BelbinKsenia Stolbova & Fedor Klimov
SP - Flamenco (exact music wasn't named)
LP - will continue (at least the first half of the season) with their old one to "Addams Family"; they will start working on a new one probably in September.Tatiana Volosozhar & Maxim Trankov
SP - waltz from "Masquerade" by Khachaturian
LP - "Jesus Christ Superstar", mainly "based on Mary Magdalene's aria"MAYLIN Wende / DANIEL WENDE
SP: November Rain (Guns N'Roses, performed by David Garett), choreo Anjelika Krylova
LP: --- they keep their old program; doesn't know if that means 'Your Highness' (LP of 2011/2012) or the LP which was planned for 2012/2013 (don't know the music)Christina Zaitsev & Ernie Utah Stevens
SP Music: "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" by Abba, performed by the London Symphony Orchestra
FS Music: Chopin's ""Fantasy Impromptu" by Stanley Black and London Orchestra
Choreographers: Shanetta Folle, Serguei ZaitsevFelicia Zhang & Nathan Barthlomay
SP Music: "Carousel Waltz" by Rodgers and Hammerstein
FS Music: Music from Les Miserables by Claude-Michel Schonberg
Choreographers: Jim Peterson, Judy Blumberg
Ice Dance
Alexandra Aldridge & Daniel Eaton
SD Music: Music from The Mask by various artists
FD Music: Bollywood dance medley
Choreographers: Pasquale Camerlengo, Massimo ScaliAlissandra Aronow & Collin Brubaker
SD Music: "Let's Face the Music/Unforgettable"
FD Music: Love Story
Coaches/Choreographers: Marina Zoueva, Johnny Johns, Oleg EpsteinJulia Biechler & Damian Dodge
SD Music: ?
FD Music: Smile/The Artist soundtrackEkaterina BOBROVA / Dmitri SOLOVIEV
SD: Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) / I Will Wait For You / 'Swing Baby' by Jin Young Park
FD: sound track of 'Still, I love you'( 'И все-таки я люблю' - by a Russian composer Dmitry Malikov)Anastasia Cannuscio & Colin McManus
SD Music: "Puttin' on the Ritz" and "Get Happy" by Rufus Wainwright
FD Music: Music from An American in Paris by George Gershwin
Choreographers: Karen Ludington, Alexandr KirsanovIsabella Cannuscio & Michael Bramante
SD Music: Selections from Harry Connick, Jr., including "It Had to be You"
FD Music: Classical Waltz medley, including "Masquerade Waltz"
Coaches/Choreographers: Karen Ludington, Alexandr Kirsanov, Christie Moxley-HutsonPernelle Carron/Lloyd Jones - FRA
SD: Music from the musical "Anything Goes" (as announced on their Facebook page)
FD:Madison Chock & Evan Bates
SD Music: "Hollywood" by Puppini Sisters, "There's No Business Like Show Business" by Irving Berlin
FD Music: Selections from Les Misérables by various artists
Penny Coomes/Nick Buckland - GBR
SD: Fred Astaire's "I Won't Dance" and music from hip-hop group Jurassic 5
FD: Michael Jackson medleyMeryl Davis & Charlie White
SD Music: Selections from Lerner and Loewe's My Fair Lady, including "I Could Have Danced All Night," "With a Little Bit of Luck" and "Get Me to the Church on Time"
FD Music: "Scheherazade" by Rimsky-Korsakov
Choreographers: Marina Zoueva, Derek HoughPiper Gilles & Paul Poirier CAN
SD: a Caro Emerald medley
FD: soundtrack of "Hitchcock".Kaitlin Hawayek & Jean-Luc Baker
SD Music: "Happy Feet" by Milton Ager and Jack Yellen, "It Had To Be You" by Harry Connick, Jr., "Sing Sing Sing"
FD Music: Music from the Amelie soundtrack by Yann Tiersen
Choreographers: Pasquale Camerlengo, Massimo ScaliMadison Hubbell & Zach DonohueSD Music: "Mr. Pinstripe Suit", Maddest Kind of Love", and "Digga Digga Doo" by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
FD Music: "Nocturne/Bohemian Rhapsody" performed by violinist Lucia Micarelli
Choreographers: Pasquale Camerlengo, Massimo ScaliLynn Kriengkrairut & Logan Giulietti-Schmitt
SD Music: "That Man" by Caro Emerald, "Jolie Coquine" by Caravan Palace
FD Music: Selections from Spartacus by Aram Khachaturian
Choreographer: Igor ShpilbandLorraine McNamara & Quinn Carpenter
SD Music: "Bublitchki" and "Chiribim Chiribom" by The Barry Sisters
FD Music: "Discombobulate" by Hans Zimmer, "The Godfather Waltz" by Nino Rota
Choreographers: Alexei Kiliakov, Elena NovakHolly Moore & Daniel Klaber
SD Music: Music from the Chicago soundtrack by various artists
FD Music: Perez Prado medley
Choreographers: Pasquale Camerlengo, Angelika Krylova, Massimo ScaliDanielle O'Brien/Greg Merriman
SD: John Barry’s The Cotton Club soundtrack
FD: 2012/13 Circus free danceRachel & Michael Parsons
SD Music: Music from the Funny Girl soundtrack by Jule Styne and Bob Merrill
FD Music: Selections from The Twilight Saga by various artists
Choreographers: Elena Novak, Alexei KiliakovTory Patsis & Joseph Johnson
SD Music: "Shake that Thing" by Vince Giordano and the Nighthawks, "Booty Swing" by Parov Stelar
FD Music: The Chemical Brothers medley
Choreographers: Christopher Dean, Trina PrattAlexandra Paul/Mitchell Islam CAN
SD: Music from the musical 'Crazy for You' by George and Ira Gershwin (apparently it will be a foxtrot and quickstep combo)
FD: Music from the "W.E." soundtrack by Abel KorzeniowskiElliana Pogrebinsky & Ross Gudis
SD Music: "The Pink Panther" by Henry Mancini, "Jumping at the Woodside" by Chacra Music
FD Music: "El Conquistador" by Maxime Rodriguez, "Para Mi Nicole" by Esperanza
Choreographers: Alexei Kiliakov, Elena NovakNathalie Pechalat & Fabian Bourzat
SD: Hey, Big Spender, quickstep to Sing, Sing, Sing by Benny Goodman, Mein Herr" from the musical Cabaret, sung by Liza Minnelli. (theme is Bob Fosse); choreo Laurie May Ayivigan
FD: The Little Prince and his Rose; choreo by Laurie May, and renowned comedian and clown Julien Cottereau; music is Quidam by Cirque du Soleil, Micmacs soundtrack, "Jeux Interdits," from the film Forbidden Games; and original music by Maxime Rodriguez who arranged the whole program.Cathy and Chris Reed
SD: "Putting on the Ritz" and "Harlem Nocturne."
FD: Igor Shpilband choreographed their free dance to ShogunChloe Rose Lewis & Logan Bye
PD Music: "Call Me Irresponsible" by Bobby Darin, "Oh Marie" by Michael Bublé
FD Music: Theme from Schindler's List by John Williams, "Dance for Me Wallis" from the W.E. soundtrack by Abel Korzeniowski
Choreographer: Igor ShpilbandAlexandria Shaughnessy & Jimmy Morgan
SP: an Argentine tango
LP: Umbrellas of CherbourgMaia & Alex Shibutani
SD Music: Michael Bublé medley
FD Music: Michael Jackson medley
More info on their programs/choreographers published on their official site:
Choreographers: Marina Zoueva, Corky Ballas (SD), Travis Payne, Stacy Walker (FD)Federica Testa/Lukas Csolley
FD: The Addams FamilyTessa Virtue & Scott Moir
SD: selections from Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, kicking off with "Dream a Little Dream." The second part is 'Muskrat Ramble,' The third piece is the well-known 'Dancing Cheek to Cheek.' (worked with (French-Canadian ballroom dance champion) Jean-Marc Généreux)
FD: music from Glazunov's ballet Seasons and Scriabin's 'Piano Concerto in F-sharp minorKaitlyn Weaver/ Andrew Poje
SD: Broadway musical '42nd Street'
FD: the tango "opera" 'Maria De Buenos Aires' by Astor PiazollaSammi Wren & Alexey Shchepetov
SD Music: "Mr. Pinstripe Suit" by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
FD Music: Selections from the Les Misérables soundtrack by various artists