Padre Coraje (Tēvs Korahe)
Gads: 2004
Sērijas: 189
Valsts: Argentīna
Dziesmas: Paz Martinez - "Y Que?" un kaut kur ap telenoveles vidu sērijas beidz ar fantastisko Ricardo Montaner - "Ay Amor" (Man ir viss saundtreks, tā ka drīz pacentīšos ielikt to te!!!)
Šo telenoveli kādu gadu vai vairāk atpakaļ rādīja RTVI un līdz galam neparādīja. Teica, ka pārtraucis rādīt tehnisku iemeslu dēļ. Patiesībā gan, kad viņi sāka rādīt telenoveli, to vēl joprojām filmēja. Un viņi nenopirka pēdējās sērijas, jo prasīja pārāk lielu summu. Kā nekā RTVI ir Izraēlas kanāls un ebreji vienmēr bijuši gudri. Tā vietā viņi nopirka lielus panākumus neguvušo Kolumbijas telenoveli "Luna La heredera" (Luna mantiniece) ar Gabiju Espino un Kristianu Meieru galvenajās lomās. Es dievināju šo seriālu. Visas sērijas ierakstīju, tāpēc par "Tēva Korahes" pārtraukšanu ilgi dusmoties nespēju. To`mer gribējās zināt, kā tad viss beidzās. Zemāk varat apskatit divas pēdējās sērijas bildēs!!!!!!!!!
Sižeta līnija:
Argentina in the decade of the 50’s.
La Cruz, a town in the interior of the country, having only three thousand inhabitants. A place founded seventy years ago by a powerful family coming from Europe who wanted to create their own country with their own laws, beliefs and principles. Today, the founder’s grand-son continues to rule these people, as mayor of La Cruz.
Our hero is an idealistic young man who, realizing that the law only sides with the most powerful, with those who get their own benefits at the cost of the poorest, the weakest and the most unprotected, decides to apply his own justice in order to defend them. That is how Coraje was born, a character who everybody talks about zealously, and in admiration on account of his daring feats, but whom nobody actually knows. Coraje masks his face to carry out his actions, along with two bandits. Rumours have it that one of them is a woman, but nobody is completely sure about this. It is also rumored that this woman is supposed to be his wife; however, this is nothing but conjecture. Nobody knows anything about Coraje, but everybody expects to be saved by him one day.
The assassination of one of the most respected men in La Cruz shakes the whole region and raises very hard suspicions. Guerrico is supposed to have heard, some days before he was killed, something which neither he nor anybody else should have known. Something which jeopardized the interests of some of the most powerful people in the place. He had been warned, had even been tempted to hush his secret, but his decency and honesty led him to his grave, along with his secret.
Somebody will have to pay for his life. However, none of the people who are truly responsible for it will accept their punishment. What is wielding power for, after all? Thus, inside a chamber located right under the public square where a Logia regularly meets every Friday, formed by the most powerful people of the town, they decide on who is the most likely candidate to be accused of this crime. And nobody most eligible for this than an outlaw. Coraje, the justice seeker who is always taking away from the rich so as to help the poor, and who has never killed anybody, not even the most evil….has this time made a gruesome exception: he has murdered Guerrico, the most loved man in the area.
Having learned about this injustice, our leading character will decide not only to clean up his name but also to do justice by himself by catching Guerrico’s true assassin. And, although they do not know who he is, they do know that he is in La Cruz. It is precisely one of those who is at this point paying his condolences to Guerrico’s widow and to his two beautiful daughters.
This is how Coraje and his gang decide to go to La Cruz, but they know that for such an enterprise they will need to have a much stronger strategy than that of simply acting from the darkness of the woods as they have been doing so far. And they find it , by chance, on their way to La Cruz. It is the day on which the elderly priest of the town will be performing his last religious service at the cemetery to give Guerrico’s body his last farewell. The new vicar will be arriving tomorrow. Nobody knows how he actually looks like….and nobody knows what his fate will be.. On his way to La Cruz, Padre Juan is assaulted by some robbers at the same moment that Coraje and his gang are passing through this area. They manage to punish the thieves but they cannot save the priest’s life. They decide to report what has happened to the police but something stops them. Coraje re realizes that this unfortunate event, moreover, the priest’s cassock, are the way in which he can get into La Cruz and into all of its houses.
There is nobody more respected, more harmless, more reliable to listen to people’s secrets, even to those that cannot be confessed, than the priest.
Without any theological or liturgical knowledge, only carrying some admiration for Jesus Christ, an outlaw who followed his path two thousand years ago, the new parish priest arrives in La Cruz, a town that is highly religious and conservative. A place where the most prominent families will be awaiting him in order to welcome him and introduce him to his new flock…..during mass, of course. Only one person can help Coraje in this new and more difficult adventure: God.
As from this moment onwards, from the Church of La Cruz, various plans, strategies and investigations will be carried out….everything needed to do justice in favor of two men: Guerrico and Coraje.
The killer is among us….an so is love. Coraje will quickly be taken aback by the beauty of one of the young ladies in the town who is a missionary in the parish, and who is also one of the daughters of Guerrico. They will both fall for one another. Every telenovela needs an impediment. She will suffer for having fallen in love with a man who is married to God, and nobody can divorce God. And Coraje, even when he knows that their love is not impossible, will not be able to have her and will pay for the cost of his lie.
And thus, with this romantic beginning, an almost epical one, a plot filled with passion, desire, hatred and betrayal will be created….and one filled with secrets. Nothing is as simple as it seems to be. There are secrets, even for Coraje who thinks that his fate has guided him to La Cruz only to take revenge on a murderer. However, destiny is always hiding something else. Coraje will go to this town not only to seek justice, and to meet the love of his life, but also to meet his true mother again. As a child, he had been stolen from his mother by the current may or of the town and had been given in adoption, something he had ignored so far.
Aktieru sastāvs:
Facundo Arana
.......... Padre Coraje
Nancy Duplaa
.......... Clara Guerrico
Carina Zampini
.......... Ana Guerrico
Javier Lombardo
.......... Santo Tomini
Maria Eugenia Tobal
.......... Mecha
Nora Carpena
.......... Elisa Guerrico
Mercedes Funes
.......... Nora Ponce
Marcelo Cosentino
.......... Dario Castro
Raul Rizzo
.......... Manuel Costa
Leonor Benedetto
.......... Amanda Jauregui
Melina Petriela
.......... Nena / Lourdes Serrano
Julia Calvo
.......... Messina Cortese
Federico Olivera
.......... Horacio Costa
Erika Wallner
.......... Marcia
Jorge Garcia Marino
.......... Alejandro Guerrico
Eugenia Guerty
.......... Tete
Luis Machin
.......... Froilan Ponce
Matias Santoianni
.......... Pipo
Fabio Di Tomaso
.......... Lautaro Costa
Ximena Fassi
.......... Eva Peron
Karina Mazzocco
.......... Silvia Villareal
Jorge Schubert
.......... Inspector Larreta
Roberto Vallejos
.......... Pedro Olmos Rey
Sergio Surraco
.......... Pourtualé
Emilio Bardi
.......... Jose Maria `Mono` Gatica
Noemi Frenkel
.......... Perla
Monica Lairana
.......... Tita Merello
Victor Laplace
.......... Juan Domingo Peron
Antonio Grimau
.......... Augusto
Carlos Weber
.......... Obispo
Carolina Vespa
.......... Michelle
Mario De Cabo
.......... Álzaga
Fabiana Garcia Lago
.......... La Muda
Jorge Nolasco
.......... Roly
Mercedes Fraile
.......... Angelica
Hector Nogues
.......... Guzman
Juan Carlos Ucello
Patricio Arellano
.......... Nando Guzman
Juan Carrasco
.......... Pacheco
Hugo Castro
Lucas Ferraro
.......... Ernesto `Che` Guevara
Jorge Suarez
Nacha Guevara
.......... Assumpta
Juan Carlos Calabro
.......... Merlik
Aldo Pastur
.......... General Molina
Luis Mazzeo
.......... Manule
Gipsy Bonafina
.......... Rosa
Atilio Pozzobon
.......... Américo
Carlos Bermejo
.......... Bishop