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Grāmatas, kuras iesaku...

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Nu ja, nu ja, tā kā es no Tevīm aizņemšos pēc BD,tad Tu no manis ar tad.... :) Izlasīšu Delīriju, došu ziņu, vai to arī iesaku ... :)



Plot Summary

Carlos Ruiz Zafón 'La Sombre del Viento'

Barcelona, 1945—just after the war, a great world city lies in shadow, nursing its wounds, and a boy named Daniel awakes on his eleventh birthday to find that he can no longer remember his mother’s face. To console his only child, Daniel’s widowed father, an antiquarian book dealer, initiates him into the secret of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books, a library tended by Barcelona’s guild of rare-book dealers as a repository for books forgotten by the world, waiting for someone who will care about them again. Daniel’s father coaxes him to choose a volume from the spiraling labyrinth of shelves, one that, it is said, will have a special meaning for him. And Daniel so loves the novel he selects, The Shadow of the Wind by one Julian Carax, that he sets out to find the rest of Carax’s work. To his shock, he discovers that someone has been systematically destroying every copy of every book this author has written. In fact, he may have the last one in existence. Before Daniel knows it his seemingly innocent quest has opened a door into one of Barcelona’s darkest secrets, an epic story of murder, magic, madness and doomed love. And before long he realizes that if he doesn’t find out the truth about Julian Carax, he and those closest to him will suffer horribly.

Nedēļu es nedzīvoju reālajā pasaulē, es dzīvoju kopā ar Danielu un Hulianu un viņu stāstiem.. :love: Grāmatu lasot es nekad nebiju iedomājusies, ka iznākums būs šāds, autors visu ir uzrakstījis tā, ka vienkārši beigas nav iespējams paredzēt un visu grāmatu tā notur lasītāju interesi, vismaz manējo noteikti. Par daudzām grāmatām saka, ka nevar nolikt malā, visu laiku gribas lasīt utt, man ar šo grāmatu tā bija, es nevarēju apstāties, grbēju zināt, kas notiks tālāk.. :love: Lieliski dialogi un tai pat laikā nedaudz ar humoru.. Sevišķi jau Fermins, ak tādu cilvēku satikt dzīvē.. :D Beigās, protams, raudāju, jo gribējās turpināt lasīt, bet nebija vairs lappušu.. :( Tagad tik ļoti gribas aizbraukt uz Barselonu un izstaigāt visas grāmatā minētās ieliņas.. :love: Tik tiešām šo grāmatu es iesaku izlasīt! Tagad ķeršos autora otrajai grāmatai (lai gan hronoloģiski tai vajadzētu būt pirmajai) un gaidīšu, kad latviski vai vismaz angliski iznāks trešā grāmata.. :love: :love: Šī ir grāmata, kuru noteikti nopirkšu (šo es aizņēmos) un pārlasīšu, jo viņa ir tā vērta.. :love:



Wow, mani apbūra apraksts vien... :love: Grāmatas, bibliotēka... ar to vien pietiek, lai mana sirds sāktu pukstēt straujāk :D



Hello, mes amies :D Nāku ar jauniem ieteikumiem.

Mature YA triloģija. Manuprāt ārkārtīgi laba. Ar slow build-up, kas man personīgi, ļoti simpatizē, nevis first love tēma. Un, manā skatījumā end-game pāri ir īstie. Esmu gan tikai vēl 2. grāmatas bidū, bet nu, vismaz pirmais end-game pāris, es jau kopš pirmās viņa parādīšanās reizes fanoju par to puisi, kas tiek pie Emmas beigās  :love: , ir tik piemēroti un saderīgi, cik nu vien var būt :love: Arī Emmas varone man ļoti patīk - uzņēmīga, gudra, nekrien ar pieri sienā, izvērtē, bet tajā pašā laikā ar īsto ir gana impulsīva un ļaujas jūtām :flirt: Un vēl pa vidu visam ir jauka draudzība, smieklīgi un jautri oneliner, un jauks fons. IESAKU! DODU 5 ***** ZVAGZNES :crazyfun:

#1 Between the lines

When Hollywood It Boy, Reid Alexander, arrives on location, his intentions are simple: film another blockbuster hit while enjoying his celebrity status to the fullest. His costar is a virtual unknown with whom he has blazing hot chemistry, and the universe is lining up nicely to grant whatever he wants - until he's confronted with a bitter ex-girlfriend and a rival for the first girl to spark his genuine interest in years.

Emma Pierce just got her big break after more than a decade of filming commercials for grape juice, department stores and tampons, and bit parts in made-for-TV movies. Nailing the lead role in a wide-release film should send her into raptures. But Emma is experiencing a building desire to be normal, and starring in a silly, modernized adaptation of one of her favorite novels--opposite the very hot Reid Alexander--isn't going to advance that aspiration.

Indie actor Graham Douglas isn't overly picky when it comes to film roles. If it pays, he'll do it. Besides, his friend Brooke Cameron snatched up the role of the bitchy hot girl and could use his help as a buffer, because her ex is the star. Graham has no problem keeping a handle on the situation, until he finds himself attracted to Reid's costar, Emma, the girl Reid is pursuing full-throttle with his standard arsenal of charm, good looks and arrogance.
Links (pdf):

Tālāko grāmatu aprakstus lieku spoileros, jo tajos parādās pirmās grāmatas iznākums, un end-game pāri ;)

#2 Where You Are

Свернутый текст

Graham Douglas doesn't do romantic relationships, but he was knocked for a loop when he met Emma Pierce on the set of his last film. As they grew closer, he did everything in his power to keep from falling for a girl being pursued by superstar Reid Alexander. Now home in New York, his life is once again under control, until Emma appears and shows him how not over her he is.

Emma Pierce is forsaking an up-and-coming Hollywood career to embark on a life she's only dreamed of--the life of a regular girl. After spending months burying her feelings for the two night-and-day guys who vied for her heart while filming her last movie, a twist of fate puts her in a coffee shop in the middle of Manhattan with the one she still misses.

Brooke Cameron was a fresh-faced Texas girl when she arrived in LA. Now she's a beach sitcom star turned conceited heiress on the big screen. Having just survived three months on location with her ex--Hollywood's reigning golden boy--she's older and wiser and has set her sights on her close friend Graham. The only thing standing in her way is the girl he can't forget.

Reid Alexander can sum up his life in one word: boring. Between film projects, there's little going on outside of interviews, photo shoots, and the premiere of the film he finished last fall. The next-to-last thing he expects is to get a second chance with Emma, the girl who rejected him. The last thing he expects is for his still-bitter-ex to be the one to offer it to him on a platter.

Links (.epub) -

vajag novilkt vispirms Adobe Digital Editions Tas aizņem pāris sekundes. Tad atver un pie Library pievieno grāmatas failu. Man personīgi diezgan patīk šī programma ;)

#3 Good For You

Свернутый текст

Reid Alexander's life is an open book. His Hollywood celebrity means that everything he does plays out in the public eye. Every relationship, every error in judgment is analyzed by strangers. His latest mistake totaled his car, destroyed a house and landed him in the hospital. Now his PR team is working overtime to salvage his image. One thing is clear--this is one predicament he won't escape without paying for it.

Dori Cantrell is a genuine humanitarian--the outward opposite of everything Reid is about. When his DUI plea bargain lands him under her community service supervision, she proves unimpressed with his status and indifferent to his proximity, and he soon wants nothing more than to knock her off of her pedestal and prove she's human.

Counting the days until his month of service is over, Dori struggles to ignore his wicked magnetic pull while shocking him with her ability to see past his celebrity and challenging him to see his own wasted potential. But Dori has secrets of her own, safely locked away until one night turns her entire world upside down. Suddenly their only hope for connection and redemption hinges on one choice: whether or not to have faith in each other.

Links (pdf):

Visas trīs grāmatas epub formātā:



Ahh, tikko izlasīju 2. grāmatu - fantastiski! Un pēc šīm es vēl vairāk ienīst paparaci. OMG, kā var izvēlēties tādu profesiju?! %-)



Jā, arī es noskatīju šo grāmatu! Gan jau, ka drīž izlasīšu, jo izklaisījāš daudzsološa. :)




Gotiskajā, noslēpumainajā Barselonā, pilsētā, ko veido tumšas ieliņas un ostas piestātnes, seni vecpilsētas nami un smalkas villas ar vējainiem dārziem, jaunais Davids Martins lolo slepenu sapni – kļūt par rakstnieku. Kad liktenis negaidīti piedāvā iespēju publicēt stāstu, šķiet, ka beidzot viņam uzsmaidījusi veiksme.
Davids rada aizraujošu romānu sēriju, kas vairo jaunā autora slavu un palīdz izpelnīties kāda noslēpumaina izdevēja atzinību. Svešinieks piedāvā Davidam iesaistīties ambiciozā iecerē: sarakstīt grāmatu, kas spētu valdīt pār visu laiku lasītājiem un radītu jaunu reliģiju.
Pieņemot priekšlikumu, jārēķinās ar to, ka tam varētu būt neparedzamas sekas. Tā arī notiek – spriedze nemitīgi pieaug, notikumi seko cits citam biedējoši un negaidīti, un Davids kļūst par liecinieku tam, kā vienā veselumā saplūst īstenība, pārdrošākie un skaistākie sapņi un baismākie murgi, taustāmus apveidus iemanto ikvienas, pat visdziļāk slēptās bailes, bet pazīstamā un drošā pasaule zaudē satvaru un izšķīst...

Pagaidām esmu tikusi tālāk par pusi un es pat nezinu, ko teikt.. :love: Esmu sajūsmā arī par šo autora veikumu. Grāmata aizrauj līdzi Dāvida bīstamajos piedzīvojumos un liek izjust to, ko tai brīdī jūt viņš.. Vismaz ar mani tā ir, lasot šo grāmatu.. :) Kā jau teicu, esmu nedaudz tālāk par pusi tikusi, intriga un sižets visu laiku notur manu interesi.. Nevienu grāmatu savā mūžā neesmu lasījusi ar tik lielu interesi kā šīs 2, grāmatu nespēju nolikt malā.. Jūtu, ka pirmā grāmata man ir mīļākā kā šī, bet redzēsim vai domas mainīsies, kad nokļūšu līdz grāmatas pēdējai lappusei.. :love:
Update: Nē, tomēr "Vēja ēna" būs man mīļāka par šo.. :love: Lai gan arī šo grāmatu izlasot, beigās apraudājos.. Skumji, ka nebija vairs lappušu, skumji, ka beidzās Dāvida stāsts.. Uz beigām bija neliels action, vienā momentā biju vnk šokā, jo tādu pavērsienu nebiju gaidījusi, bet tas tiešām bija tāds WOW moments! o.O Eh, arī šī grāmata beigu beigās nonāks manā grāmatplauktā, jo noteikti gribēšu viņu izlasīt vēlreiz! ^^ Dodu 11 zvaigznes no 10! :love:

Отредактировано GaBy (14.08.2012 13:24)



Jā, jāa... Feisbuks parāda, cik ātri Tev lasās :D



aNgeL написал(а):

Jā, jāa... Feisbuks parāda, cik ātri Tev lasās

Ja? :D Man pašai neparādās, tik cik goodreads saitā.. Laikam būs jānoņem.. :D

aNgeL написал(а):

Jā, jāa... Feisbuks parāda, cik ātri Tev lasās

Ja? :D Man pašai neparādās, tik cik goodreads saitā.. Laikam būs jānoņem.. :D

Отредактировано GaBy (11.08.2012 13:12)



Ja nu kādu interesē, pierakstīju savas domas pēc grāmatas izlasīšanas! :)



Finding Home by Lauren Baker, Bonnie Dee,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

When Megan first meets Mouth, a homeless teenage hustler, on the streets of L.A., he’s the perfect subject for the street life expose she hopes will help her break into journalism. She doesn’t expect to be drawn into his life and become his friend-or to take him in after he’s been beaten and robbed by thugs. As they learn to live together, a powerful attraction flourishes between Megan and the young man. Although he’s street smart, tough and mature, he’s also a youth in transition. When they finally give in to the sexual heat between them, Megan fears she’s taking advantage of her position as his mentor. Their relationship challenges every aspect of her life. Megan must make difficult choices between the conflicting demands of her friends and family, her career and love. Warning: Explicit sex, reference to underage sex, graphic language, violence.

Tikko pabeidzu lasīt. Nespēju atrauties. Meklēju, kaut ko savādāku kā ierasts un atradu šo grāmatu. Ārkārtīgi laba. Liek tauriņiem lidināties vēderā, kas man ir zīme, ka grāmata ir izcila. Iesaku, ja gribas izlasīt ko netradicionālu un savādāku, bet ne mazāk skaistu. Beigas laimīgas, un liek aizdomāties par daudzām lietām. Savā ziņā atbilst teicienam "Kas neriskē, tas nevinnē", jāieklausās, ko sirsniņa saka, jo ar prātu un klausoties apkārt pieņemtajos stereotipos, ne vienmēr nozīmē laimīgu dzīvi. Lielākais tabu šajā grāmatā ir vecums. Meitenei ir 23, puisim 17. Bet viņš savā dzīvē tik daudz izcietis, ka es nevienā brīdī nespēju viņu uztvert kā 17 gadīgu tīni. Pēc izturēšanās viņš brīžiem likās pat vecāks par meiteni. Katrā ziņā mani šis fakts galīgi netraucēja baudīt grāmatu  :love:

Ielādes links tiem, kas vēlas (epub formāts) :



Vēl pāris grāmatas, kuras baigi jaukas. Tikko pabeidzu lasīt 2. grāmatu 2 grāmatu sērijā  :love: Super! Un var gūt riktīgi lielu insight slavenību ikdienā ;) Viens no labākajiem pāriem, kuri savas problēmas izrunā, nevis norok un tad pārmet viens otram viskautko. SUPER SUPER SUPER!

1. grāmata:

Love Unscripted by Tina Reber,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

An A-List Movie Star…
Ryan Christensen just wanted to be an actor. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine a life where fans would chase him, paparazzi would stalk him, and Hollywood studios would want to own him. While filming in Seaport, Rhode Island, Ryan ducks into a neighborhood bar for a quick escape from legions of screaming fans…and finds much more than he expected.

A Small Town Girl…
Nursing a recent heartbreak, Taryn Mitchell believes men are best kept at a safe distance. But when Ryan Christensen unexpectedly bursts through the front door of her pub, she can’t help but be drawn in by his humor, charm, and undeniable good looks. At six foot two, with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and an incredible body, Ryan has every girl in Seaport swooning. But Taryn isn’t every other girl.

A Relationship that Doesn’t Follow the Script…
Despite her better judgment, Taryn soon finds herself falling hard for Ryan. But is their bond strong enough to survive the tabloid headlines, the relentless paparazzi, and the jealous fans who seem determined to tear them apart?

2. grāmata

Love Unrehearsed by Tina Reber,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-68,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg

There is no rehearsal for true love.

Свернутый текст

When A-list movie star Ryan Christensen ducked into her pub to escape his screaming fans, never in a million years did Taryn Mitchell think her life was about to change forever.But now, eight months later, after a whirlwind romance, Taryn wakes up in Ryan’s Hollywood hotel room to find a diamond to die for on her left ring finger—and her face splashed across the cover of every gossip magazine.

Ryan’s very public proposal is catnip to the tabloids, his management team is worried, and Taryn must figure out how a small town girl like her fits into his glittering world. What does it take to make a relationship work amidst telephoto lenses, daily on-set temptations, and jealous fans who will stop at nothing to keep you from walking down the aisle with the man of your dreams?

With no script to follow and no chance for a dress rehearsal, Taryn and Ryan will be forced to take the plunge into real life and risk everything to make their love last.



Un vēl viena. Savā ziņā līdzīga abām iepriekšējām, bet džeks ir slavenas grupas solitsts nevis aktieris :) Un kā es teicu Aijai, Džeiks ir kā trīs vienā. Viņš apvieno sevī Kellanu no "Thoughtless", Trevisu no "Beautiful Disaster" un Kristianu no "Fifty Shades". Bonusa nodaļā man brīžiem likās, ka lasu Kristiana domas nevis Džeika LOL Iznākusi ir pirmā grāmata, pavasarī solās izdot turpinājumu  :flirt: A very intense & unbelievably HOT story! Pieskaras arī narkotiku atkarības tēmai.

The Mighty Storm by Samantha Towle

It's been twelve years since Tru Bennett last saw Jake Wethers, her former best friend and boy she once loved.

Jake Wethers, sexy, tattooed and deliciously bad lead singer, and brains behind The Mighty Storm, one of biggest bands in the world, left Tru with a broken heart when he moved from England to America with his family when they were both fourteen.

Sent to interview Jake for her music column by the magazine she works for, they are both unprepared for the sparks that fly the instant they reconnect. Only, there’s a complication to their instant feelings for one another – Will, Tru’s boyfriend of two years.

Then Jake makes Tru a job offer she can't refuse - travelling the world with him and his band. But taking the job means leaving Will behind, and being on the road with the band means spending an inordinate amount of time with Jake.

Is Tru strong enough to resist the delectable bad boy who once held her heart so completely, or will she willingly risk it all for one night with the worlds most notorious womanizer?



cravey написал(а):

No Kārenas Roberdsas noteikti ir jāizlasa "Morning Song", "This Side of Heaven", "Tiger's Eye", "Dark of the Moon". Izceltās iespējams aizņemties no manis - wink wink @ Palo  Morning Song bija nepārspējama. I'm a sucker for slow build up relationships

Tiger's Eye izlasīju un neesmu droša, ka saņemšos uz Morning song - tas ir, dot Robārdsai trešo iespēju. Viņa laikam vienkārši nav priekš manis.
Atsauksmi par Tiger's eye var izlasīt Goodreads un latviski manā blogā (pagaidām ir iedvesma rakstīt atsauksmes par izlasīto).

(P.S. Turpat arī par What I Did For A Duke. Īsumā - esmu stāvā sajūsmā par grāmatu!!! :) Tava top aina gan man tieši gandrīz nekādas emocijas neizraisīja... :P )



Paloma написал(а):

Tava top aina gan man tieši gandrīz nekādas emocijas neizraisīja...

tur jau diži nekādām lielām emocijām nav jābūt, tā ir aina vienkārši priekš izrēkšanās :D



Aaaa, par Morning Song. Cik esmu lasījusi atsauksmes, tad to dēvē par Robārdsas vienu no labākajiem darbiem. Turklāt, ja pareizi atceros tur bija slow build-up, kas liek vairāk noticēt galveno varoņu attiecībām. Man ļoti patika šī grāmata, tiešām :)



cravey написал(а):

Aaaa, par Morning Song. Cik esmu lasījusi atsauksmes, tad to dēvē par Robārdsas vienu no labākajiem darbiem. Turklāt, ja pareizi atceros tur bija slow build-up, kas liek vairāk noticēt galveno varoņu attiecībām. Man ļoti patika šī grāmata, tiešām

Ehh.. nuuu vaaarbūt.. Man vienkārši bail mēģināt trešo reizi, ja divas viņas grāmatas nepatika (lai gan Tiger's Eye bija sakarīgāka par Irresistible...) :) Bet nu moš paturēšu tad vēl kādu laiku un izlasīšu kādreiz. Tagad gan būs jāķeras pie mācību grāmatas lasīšanas, tā ka.. nez, kad tas vēl būs.



Visiem, kas kūst no angļu akcenta, lūk CD spešal for all of us  :love:

Track list:
1. On Marriage by Kahill Gibran - Meryl Streep
2. All the Worlds A Stage by William Shakespeare - Jim Broadbent
3. Warning by Jenny Joseph - Helena Bonham Carter
4. Endymion by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Terence Stamp
5. Sonnets from the Portugeuse XIV by Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Maureen Lipman
6. Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Benedict Cumberbatch
7. The Song of Wandering Aengus by WB Yeats - Dervla Kirwan
8. To A Mouse by Robert Burns - Peter Capaldi
9. Because I Could Not Stop For Death by Emily Dickinson - Meryl Streep
10. I Remember, I Remember by Thomas Hood - Rupert Penry Jones
11. When Lilacs Last In the Dooryard Bloom'd by Walt Whitman - James Earl Jones
12. The Fairies by William Allingham - Dervla Kirwan
13. Happiness by Raymond Carver - Terrence Stamp
14. Bright Star by John Keats - Rupert Penry Jones
15. A Dream by Christina Rossetti - Helena Bonham Carter
16. On Easter Day by Oscar Wilde - Jim Broadbent
17. The Land of Counterpane by Robert Louis Stevenson - Peter Capaldi
18. Love and Friendship by Emily Bronte - Maureen Lipman
19. Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats - Benedict Cumberbatch
20. Missing You by Penelope Shuttle - Maureen Lipman
21. A Dream Within A Dream by Edgar Allen Poe - Terrence Stamp
22. Roses and Rue by Oscar Wilde - Rupert Penry Jones
23. Solitude by Ella Wheeler Wilcox - Meryl Streep
24. Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll - Benedict Cumberbatch
25. A Visit from St Nicholas by Anon - Dervla Kirwan

Audiobook download link:




Grāmata, kas manā skatījumā ir true inspiration. Es lasīju un uztvēru to kā guidebook to life. Kā pārvarēt grūtības, kā būt spēcīgam tad, kad liekas, ka vienīgais ko spēj ir krist izmisumā un kā mīlestība tiešām ir pasaulē visspēcīgākā parādība, ne tikai romantiskā, bet visās tās formās. Lasīju epilogu un raudāju, lai gan beigas ir laimīgas savā ziņā. Ir arī grāmatas turpinājums, bet pilnībā pietiek, ja izlasa tikai 1. Jo nebeidzas ar kliffu. 2. grāmata ir tā, ja gribas dvēselei vairāk to skaistumu :)

Slammed by Colleen Hoover

Falling in love can feel like poetry. Or it can feel like a slam to the heart.
Colleen Hoover’s romantic, emotion-packed debut novel unforgettably captures all the magic and confusion of first love, as two young people forge an unlikely bond before discovering that fate has other plans for them.

Following the unexpected death of her father, eighteen-year-old Layken becomes the rock for both her mother and younger brother. She appears resilient and tenacious, but inside, she's losing hope. Then she meets her new neighbor Will, a handsome twenty-one-year-old whose mere presence leaves her flustered and whose passion for poetry slams thrills her.

Not long after a heart-stopping first date during which each recognizes something profound and familiar in the other, they are slammed to the core when a shocking discovery brings their new relationship to a sudden halt. Daily interactions become impossibly painful as they struggle to find a balance between the feelings that pull them together and the forces that tear them apart. Only through the poetry they share are they able to speak the truth that is in their hearts and imagine a future where love is cause for celebration, not regret.

Un otrā grāmata:

Point of Retreat

Sometimes two people have to fall apart to realize just how much they belong together.
Colleen Hoover entranced readers everywhere with her bestselling novel Slammed, the book that introduced Layken and Will, a young couple whose love overcame devastating hardships to emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Now, as Layken and Will’s emotion-packed story continues, a stunning and unforeseen revelation about Will’s past leaves them questioning everything that they thought they knew about each other. With the foundation of their relationship at risk, they must decide whether they are willing to fight for a future together, or to retreat back into solitude and heartache.

How far does Will have to go to prove to Layken his love for her will last forever? It will require something truly extraordinary to keep this couple together, and the decisions they make and the answers they find will change not only their lives, but the lives of everyone around them.



The Sea of Tranquility
by Katja Millay

I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet to walk.

Former piano prodigy Nastya Kashnikov wants two things: to get through high school without anyone learning about her past and to make the boy who took everything from her—her identity, her spirit, her will to live—pay.

Josh Bennett’s story is no secret: every person he loves has been taken from his life until, at seventeen years old, there is no one left. Now all he wants is be left alone and people allow it because when your name is synonymous with death, everyone tends to give you your space.

Everyone except Nastya, the mysterious new girl at school who starts showing up and won’t go away until she’s insinuated herself into every aspect of his life. But the more he gets to know her, the more of an enigma she becomes. As their relationship intensifies and the unanswered questions begin to pile up, he starts to wonder if he will ever learn the secrets she’s been hiding—or if he even wants to.

The Sea of Tranquility is a rich, intense, and brilliantly imagined story about a lonely boy, an emotionally fragile girl, and the miracle of second chances.

Mani iespaidi izasot|close

This is a story of losing and finding, hurting and healing. A story of forgiving,maybe even moving on.

Nadya has a dark past secret that she tries to escape and is dealing as best as she can. Even if that means not talking to the world and keeping distance from your own family.

Josh likes to keep a part from others since everyone in his family dies over the years and he is sick of people feeling sorry for him. He is also afraid to excect someone, if that comes with a risk of loosing them.

Drew has a side to him that he successfuly hides by his charm or being an ass. Overall, that's just something other see in him and expect him to do, right?

I enjoyed this book not only due to the compelling storyline and deep characters. It also made me thing about love. Hapiness of people who love you directly depends on you and this is responsibility you sometimes don't want to carry. Sometimes we end up hurting people we love the most, even is it was unintentionally.

It aslo shows that everyone of has his own mechanism of coping. Some make tables, other dreses like a whore and hide behind make-up. Or becomes strong so that nobody could hurt you again.


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