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3X11 "Words and Deeds"

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Words and Deeds

Written by
Leonard Dick
Directed by
Daniel Sackheim
The patient of the week
Derek, a 28 year old firefighter, suddenly has his temperature start spiking up and down like a roller coaster. He has had burns over more than 50% of his body.
The mis-diagnoses
At first Chase suggests it is an infection. House later suggests it is male menopause. Then Derek and the team decide he is having heart attacks because he is in love with Amy but Amy is engaged to his brother. House suggests electroshock therapy. That elimates his memories.

Song at the end in the jail was Donovan's "Season of the Witch" available on his "Greatest Hits" album.
Also from Amazon UK.
The privacy invasion / ethical breach
House bribes a worker at the rehab to give him Vicodin.
The final diagnosis
Spinal Meningioma, a tumor of the membrane that covers the spinal cord, obstructed the blood flow to the brain, brain malfunctions creating false memories, memories cause love, love kills."
The clinic patient(s)
Other things going on
House checks himself into rehab.
Cuddy lies on the witness stand for House.



Un labākie citādi no sērijas. Citu skatījumā:

Cuddy trying to talk House into compromising with Tritter: "You're not impressing anyone, you may call yourself principled but what you really are is a stubborn adolescent idiot!" About Tritter Cuddy says, "This isn't his fault."
House: "I'm not the one who—"
Cuddy: "You used the rectal thermometer on him, You insulted him instead of apologising, You flaunted your drug use in his face and you refused to accept a deal—"
"I accepted the deal!"
"Not until after you stole a dead guy's pills."
House: "Allegedly."
Cuddy: "Tritter has been opening doors for you every step of the way and you keep slamming them shut. There are no more openings to give, House, if you wanna stay out of prison you gotta make one for yourself." She writes him a prescription. "Vicodin, you function better on it. Talk to him."

Detective Tritter (David Morse) doesn't trust House's (Hugh Laurie)
motives in the HOUSE episode "Words and Deeds"
originally aired Tuesday, Jan. 9 (9-10 PM ET/PT) on FOX.
Credit: Greg Gayne/FOX 
Tritter when House walks into his office: "Complaint department's a across the hall. I'm busy, can I just assume that you told me how unfair I'm being and—"
House: "I'm sorry*#8212; You could throw a dart at all the adjectives between arrogant and unhinged and I'm sure you'd hit one that describes me. There's a reason I operate that way— I live in pain. Pain that on good days is merely intolerable and on bad ones will suck the life-force right out of you. Doesn't mean that I've handled this right, actually, I was wrong."
Tritter: "Thank you. I know that couldn't have been easy for you to say. Even if you don't mean a word of it."
House: "I'm sorry! You can hook me up to a damn polygraph."
"And I'm sure you'd pass. The thing is I've never been interested in what you have to say; all I care about is what you do. I'll see you at the hearing."
Cuddy: "Did Tritter offer you another deal?
House: "Nope, this is all me. So no slaps on the back? Encouraging words—"
Wilson: "We are just trying to understand what this is."
House: "I hope this is me detoxing, otherwise I soiled a perfectly good pair of underwear last night for nothing."
Cuddy: "So this is for real, this is not just a show for Tritter?"
House: "Absolutely it's a show for Tritter, and the Judge, unfortunately unless it's real, there is no show. Hey if it doesn't help my case at least I'll go to prison with heightened senses, all the better to enjoy my strolls around the yard."
The Nurse/Guard: "Times up, group's starting." Wilson has brought some items for House. "Going to need to check that stuff."
House: "When I lead the big patient rebellion, Voldemort here is the first to go."

House to Wilson who has come to rehab to visit him again: "You're not my Mum, you don't have to keep checking up on me."
"How you doing?"
"Not bad, considering I just learned that I'm completely powerless."
"See this big fancy wing? It was built because this program works
"Faulty logic. This big fancy wing exists because some people with money think that it works. They wanna believe that they can buy a better world. This is nothing short of idealised despair, and other people wallow in it."
"I don't even know what that means."
"None of this means anything. Its just nonsensical, it's slogans and platitudes."
"Meaning takes time. It takes work."
"What do you think I've been doing?"
"You've been here for two days! Talk about wallowing in it. We all get it, we know how much pain you have. You're here to deal with that and get on with your life."
"Right! I should have an affair with a dying patient and move into a hotel."
"You're a coward House. You find fault in everybody because you're afraid to look at yourself."
"Thanks, I was running short on platitudes, you can leave now."

Tritter visits House in rehap while House is creating something for art therapy - House wonders to him: "You crash art therapy classes just for the adrenalin rush?"
Tritter: "Cuddy wouldn't get off the phone until I promised I'd come see for myself. I gotta admit, this move I did not expect."
House: "Well don't tell anyone but the photos of smiling people in the brochures, it's just marketing.
"Well you're obviously making an effort. So I suppose the next step is for me to talk to the DA.
"Which you have no intention of doing.
"So words mean nothing, actions mean nothing, what the hell is left?" Tritter starts tp walk away and House calls after him. "You son of a bitch! What about your words, your actions. Gotta get House cleaned up, get him to show some humility, when it comes to actually doing something you prove that all you care about is bitch slapping a guy who refused to kiss your ass."
Tritter: "You ever trust an addict? You ever give one the benefit of the doubt? How many times did it work out for you?
"Yeah yeah yeah, I get it, so you were screwed over by your mother, your wife, your partner, but you keep sending them Christmas cards while you take it out on everyone else."
Tritter: "No more Christmas cards, no I learned. People like you, even your actions lie."

House is headed from rehap to court and Wilson hands him something: "I got you something."
It's a red tie - House says, "Nice."
Wilson: "I figured it might help make a good impression on the judge."
House: "It's not that nice— I had no business blaming you for any of this. I know you were just trying to help me, protect me, that's what friends do."
"Is this— an apology?"
"Part of the program, if you don't like it I can stop."
"Not at all, it's just so— unfamiliar. Please, keep going."

The case against House is dismissed but he is in jail overnight for contempt. Wilson visits him with the medication that is supposed to be helping wean him off Vicodin. "Your buprenorphine."
House: "You get these from the pharmacy or from Voldemort?
"Voldemort. Why? What difference does it—:" Wilson finally puts two and two together, "That's Vicodin, he's been slipping you Vicodin?"
"No— he'd be risking his minimum wage job to do that."
"The whole time?"
"My higher power said it was ok."
"Nothing's changed?"
"Nothing's changed."
"The apology, you didn't need to do that to make this work."
"Believe what you want."
"Goodnight House, I'll see ya tomorrow." Wilson turns to leave.
"Goodnight Wilson."



Sērija bija pārsteidzoša un kā Hauss teica - domā ko gribi... Un galu galā nav īsti skaidrs, kurš uzvarēja - Hauss vai Tritters...

Un kā izrādās - LOVE KILLS...

Vispār Hauss mani novedis tādā nesapratnes un šaubu pilnā stāvoklī... Camerona atteicās viņu žēlot, bet pati nespēja noturēties - leģendārais apskāviens bez atbildes...

Kadija, kura gatava melot Hausa dēļ - un vēl tikai pasakiet man, ka dziļi sirdī viņa negrib, lai tieši Hauss ir viņas bērna tēvs...

Vilsons un Hausa atvainošanās viņam. Es labāk izvēlos ticēt, ka tā bija īsta...

Hausu es mīlu. Jo mīlestība ir akla. Un tā nogalina. Un tomēr - es mīlu Hausu...



Nu man ir patiešām grūti izteikties.
Tik daudz priekštati.
Un vienmēr esmu mīlējusi to, ka Housu līdz galama izprast nevar - vienmēr kaut kas paliek uz jautājuma zīmes. Un arī šoreiz, pat vairāk nekā citās reizēs. Tā ar cerību, ka Houss var būt arī tāds cilvēcīgāks.
Nezinu - grūti - bet house bija nepārspējams.



Ahh, Kadijas melošana tiesā :D Voldemorta biežā pieminēšana, LOL



nu es veinkāŗsi dievinu hausu un ši sērija bija manas mīlestības pierādījums
dievinu šo sēriju
cik jauki ka pateicoties rehabilitācīja kaut tikkai maldus vi'bnš pateica ko domāju un nevienam tas nelikās tik d'vaini kā būtu savādāk to es laikam varētu nosaukt apar veidu kā isteikties jo pateicoties tam viņš varēja atvainoties vilonam un nebūt tik nejaukam ko ikdienā viņš nebūtu uzdrīkstējies un ja uzdrīkstētos daudzi laikam diomātu ka viņš ir nojūdzies piespiest bet nu noteikti navkautkas kārtībā

un tad vēl tā slimība a kungs tik jauki, pilnīgi nevaru skatoties hausu jau var kļūt par ārstu

kā man patika tas viņu apskāviens tik debiškīegs un reizē hausīgs, tik jauki pilnīgi gribējās viņu reizēm arī apskaut

un tad vēl hausu glābj tik jauki, ņemto vērā ka vēl nesne viņš bija vairāk nekā riebīgs pret viņu pat ļauns, tik jauki

un tad tās jaukā beigas, taļājums ka iespējams atvainošanās nav tikkai rehabilitācījas sazālojums, un tad vēl viņa piepildījums



Ak, nu man ļoooti patika šī sērija! Jā, uz jautājuma zīmes daudz kas, bet tomēr... Hausam nebija viegli to visu pateikt tam policistam (vot pēkšņi aizmirsu vārdu) - patiesi vai nepatiesi, bet domāju, ka tas viņam nācās ļoti grūti. Viņš pārkāpa sev pāri šajā sērijā - arī piesakoties rehabilitācijā, kaut arī tas bija tikai apmāns.
Nu bet atvainošanās Vilsonam - super! Un es gribētu domāt, ka tiešām, tiešām patiesa!
Par apskāvienu.. nu vienkārši nav ko teikt - es skatījos kā uz nezin ko - visromantiskāko ainu kādā filmā vai seriālā. :D Tas bija.. skaisti. :)
Kadija - malacis!! :) Man prieks par viņas rīcību. :)
Bet kā man patika, ka Hauss tiesas zālē sāka runāt pa telefonu un pēc tam vispār aizgāja, lai glābtu to ugunsdzēsēju!  :ok:  :haha:
Love kills.. par to vispār skatījos šokēta - ka mīlestības, atmiņu dēļ var kas tāds būt.. Taisni vai baisi palikās.


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