Mazais Brī
Braiens Žubērs/Brian Joubert (FRA)
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Поделиться28126.06.2010 18:32
Поделиться28226.06.2010 20:03
Поделиться28326.06.2010 20:58
Awww Tik mīļi!
Поделиться28408.07.2010 10:27
Par Brī sadarbību ar Najarro
Najarro has made an intense artistic work with Brian getting a program full of intensity and with an artistic and gestural dynamics completely innovative for Joubert...
Поделиться28508.07.2010 19:51
Brian Joubert joins Aoste in Italy for a individual training course organized by Alexis Urmanov, Olympic champion in 1994
His various failures in the Olympics and world championships have not dampen the ambitions of Brian Joubert. Seeking a final roll of the dice the Poitevin will go to Italy for two weeks to attend a training camp organized by former Olympic champion figure skater Alexei Urmanov. And in early August, the 25 year old will fly to Toronto to train with the Canadian Brian Orser, the coach of Kim Yu-na, the star of Vancouver. Joubert is aiming to still be competing in the world championships in Nice in 2012.
Поделиться28609.07.2010 00:26
Paldies par ziņu, Alby Zināju par to nometni Itālijā, vnk aizmirsu uzrakstīt
Поделиться28723.07.2010 09:25
Šodien pa ilgiem laikiem Braienu sapnī redzēju Var just, ka lēniem soļiem tuvojas septembris. Hahhaha, bet vispār sapnis bija major sexy, jooo, īstenībā tur darbojās Brī un Stepka kopā. Viņiem pat bija kopējs numurs, kur abi slidoja kopā nu ļoooti romantiski, plus vēl bija momenti, kur abi gandrīz saskūpstījās un pēc tam arēnā visi sāka kliegt Braienam: "KISS HIM, KISS HIM, KISS HIM!" A Brī un Stepka abi pārlaimīgi smaidīdami skatās viens uz otru BTW, sapnī skatītājos sēdējām es un Alby, bet bija vēl kāds, tik tagad neatceros. Vēlāk mans mammuks ar pievienojās, tjipa ta kā uz šova otro daļu, bet kamēr bija starpbrīdis, tikmēr es pamodos Un tagad sapratu, ka īstenībā šis piederētos vairāk pie Sterian sadaļas
Поделиться28823.07.2010 10:49
No jaunumiem - aculiecinieku vēstis saka, ka pašlaik Brī programmas, gan SP, gan LP neesot nekas spīdošs, tieši otrādi diezgan pelēcīgas Bet okā, vēl i laiks līdz sezonas sākumam. Vēl joprojām Brī ir bez trenera
No labajām ziņām - Brī ir iestājies Eiropas Dzīvnieku Aizsardzības Asociācijā Šeit bilžuks:
Поделиться28923.07.2010 15:01
Šeit bilžuks:
Cik mīļī! Kā man patīk šī bilde!
Šodien pa ilgiem laikiem Braienu sapnī redzēju
Es kaut kad ar viņu redzēju sapnī, bet īsti vairs neatceros, kas notika! Itkā aizbraucu uz Franciju, un lidosta viņš man virsū uzkrēja ( varbūt arī es ). Nu tālāk vairs īsti neatceros!
ur abi slidoja kopā nu ļoooti romantiski, plus vēl bija momenti, kur abi gandrīz saskūpstījās un pēc tam arēnā visi sāka kliegt Braienam: "KISS HIM, KISS HIM, KISS HIM!"
Kādēļ man tik forši sapņi nav
Поделиться29023.07.2010 17:19
Поделиться29128.07.2010 14:59
Bijou talks quads, life after skating, and gives his opinions on Evan's olympic victory … ubert.html
Your bronze medal in Torino was a great comeback after the disastrous Olympics. What helped you to bounce back in such a way?
It was not easy to come back, I didn’t know if I would be able to compete again mentally. I had so many bad competitions this season, except the NHK Trophy, so I was a little bit lost. I thought about stopping figure skating, but I realized I was not ready. I need figure skating, so I had no choice. If I wanted to be at the World Championships, I had to do my job. I worked a lot and I did it.
When did you think of stopping?
Right after the Olympic Games—maybe not stopping my entire career; just taking a break for one season. If you are on the top for many seasons, it starts to become difficult [to stay on top]. Every time the Olympic Games turned out poorly for me. Maybe I don’t like this competition; I’m not meant for this competition. That’s life. I still can skate, win competitions and have good performances.
Can you explain what happened to you in Vancouver? According to the practice reports you looked sharp at practices.
It’s strange because during practice, technically I was not bad, but I wasn’t 100 %. Two days before I had to leave for Vancouver, I told my mum, “I don’t want to go, I’m not ready for this competition.” Physically I was okay, but technically I wasn’t where I wanted to be, especially on the quad toe. Despite feeling that way, the first practice was good, but as the competition came closer, the more nervous I became, which resulted in more mistakes. When I was on the ice, I wasn’t relaxed and when I’m not relaxed, I can’t do my job.
Do you think it gets harder for a skater with every Olympics? Were you more nervous in Vancouver than four years ago in Torino?
In Torino I wasn’t nervous, but in Vancouver I was. I didn’t control myself and when I came out on the ice, I couldn’t feel my legs. I was shaky; it was horrible. In 2006 I was okay, but I wasn’t ready physically back then. I think if you are ready, you can do your job, and it doesn’t matter if it is Olympics or World Championships. If you are ready, you don’t feel pressure. Unfortunately, I was never ready for the Olympic Games.
After the Olympics, you had to pass a test skate to secure your place in the French team for the Worlds. Whose idea was the test?
It was my federation’s idea, but I said that if they want to test me, I can only accept. I can’t say, “No, I don’t want to do it.” The test was good for me because it was like a practice, but it was a very difficult test. It went well and we could see how prepared I was for Worlds. It was okay and I think we will have more tests in the future for the whole French team; not just the men.
So you don’t mind being tested? Isn’t the test extra pressure?
No, although it was difficult because we skated in front of journalists and I didn’t like that. It makes me nervous because I don’t want to make mistakes. In France, if you make mistakes, [the stories] in the paper the next few days are horrible. I think it was interesting to skate with Alban Preaubert. When I was young, I tested before every competition. The federation didn’t trust me, so I worked harder and finally they helped me, so it was useful. If they want to test me in the future, I will have nothing against it.
How do you feel about first and second place at the Olympics? There was a big debate about the quad jump.
I didn’t watch the competition. When I finished my program, I just wanted to go back to the hotel, so I can’t say anything about it.
Haven’t you watched the programs on youtube?
No, I don’t want to. I haven’t watched my Olympic program in 2006, nor in 2010 and I don’t want to watch Evan Lysacek, the Olympic champion, without a quad. I still don’t understand it. He is a very good skater, but I’m a little bit disappointed about somebody winning without a quad.
What do you think about the “e-mail scandal” before the Olympics, when an American judge, Joe Inman, sent messages to his colleagues to watch out for your and Plushenko’s transitions?
I didn’t care about it; it’s part of the game. This guy maybe talks like that in e-mail, but I think he wouldn’t talk like that in front of me or in front of Plushenko. I think it’s better to speak your opinion in front of the people and not through e-mail. Evgeni and I see figure skating with the quad and people have to understand us, but we also have to understand the other skaters, who think transitions and the choreography are more important. Different styles make the figure skating more interesting. If everyone was doing the same thing, it would be very boring. I will continue with the quad, even under this judging system. Here at Worlds I did two quads in the free program and it was great! I did make some mistakes after them because I was tired, but still it was great. I didn’t win the competition, but I don’t care. Finally it was just to have fun and to come back.
To come back to the podium?
Not really to the podium, just to come back—to have good feelings and good performances. I could have been fifth or sixth, but with this performance I would have been satisfied as well.
Why was it so important for you to do two quads in the free program in Torino?
The last time I had two quads in my long program was in 2006 at the Grand Prix Final, so it was a long time ago. I did it in practice, but not often and it was very difficult for me, so I wasn’t sure if I was still able to do two quads in the free program. I tried it and it was great. For me, it’s a good answer. It makes me very, very confident for upcoming seasons. I can’t be too confident though; I have to work and be professional.
Do you think that the ISU is going to change the points for the quad?
I hope so—just to see more quads in competition. The audience likes to see a quad; they recognize it. If they don’t change the rules, there will be very few quads. I remember in 2002 when I attended my first Worlds in Nagano, Min Zhang finished around 15th, but he did three quads in the free program! Everybody did quads in the short program. The competition was more interesting. Maybe it was too focused on the jumps and not on the transitions – no problem, we can improve—but I think it’s boring to only see a triple-triple in the short program.
Is it much easier for the skater if they do just a triple-triple in the short program instead of a quad-triple?
Oh, yes. I tried it in practice. I ran through my short program with only a triple-triple. It’s totally different. When you start the program, you are relaxed. If you want to put a transition before the jumping pass, you can do it; it’s easy. You can be faster, on the music, everything is perfect. Everything gets changed when you include the quad jump. Evan Lysacek tried it and it wasn’t the same. You use a lot of energy mentally for the quad and you can’t put transitions before a quad. What I don’t like in the short program is that if you try a quad, you have to have a triple as a second jump in the combination. If you do just a double, the risk is the same but the points are much lower. The skaters have to improve, but I think that the judging system has to improve, too.
After the Olympics you were criticized about not training abroad. Here in Torino you mentioned that you might to go abroad for a shorter time. Have you already thought of possible locations?
I want to change my practice routine. Practicing in Poitiers is great. It’s my town and I need it, but I work alone there and I practice with kids. To keep motivated, I have to think about Daisuke Takahashi or other skaters. I really want to practice with elite skaters, maybe in Canada or in the US, but I don’t really like North America just because of the food! For me it’s a big problem. I can gain weight easily, so I have to be careful. We will see what happens; I don’t want to decide alone.
The president of the ISU Ottavio Cinquanta mentioned at his press conference that they are thinking about including a team competition for skaters at the Olympics, just like the World Team Trophy was last year. What do you think about this?
The World Team Trophy was great. The best skaters were there and everybody was relaxed. If we do it during the Olympic Games, I think physically it would be very difficult. We have to be focused on our singles competitions, so I’m afraid we wouldn’t see the best performances in team competition all the time. Team competition in general is a very good idea. I talked about it with my French teammates and we’ll do everything to qualify for this competition again. It’s going to be difficult, but we will try.
When you end your competitive career, would you want to be a coach or a choreographer?
I don’t think I would be a good choreographer (laughs), maybe just for the steps. I really want to be a coach and have a big figure skating school in France because we don’t have one yet. I like to work with young skaters and to translate what I have learned. I’ve already taught little kids and it was great. I really want to help the small kids and maybe some good junior skaters in the future.
So there will be many good quad jumpers in France!
I hope so. When I see the juniors now, they are scared about the quad. They don’t want to try it, they don’t practice it, and the jumps are not good.
Do you limit the number of the quads you practice per day?
No—it depends. If I feel very tired, I can tell my coach: “I will do only one, but it has to be perfect,” but sometimes I can do twenty quads during practice.
Поделиться29201.09.2010 16:33
Beidzot Brī atkal ir treneris (vai precīzāk - trenere!) Atgriežamies atkal pie tā paša vecā.
Nothing has been finalized but the skater Brian Joubert is working again with the coach Veronique Guyon. The reunion that were in the air time for over three months after the collaboration with Laurent Depouilly which ended in early May.
Veronique Guyon had led Brian Joubert of its debut in June 2003 before the two parties are separated because of differing views. The duo had reformed from January to June 2005, but the collaboration lasted only six months. She recently resumed again.
If they do not wish to speak on the topic at the moment, Brian Joubert and Veronique Guyon resumed training last Monday together at the rink in Poitiers.On the bright note, this is what Brian Orser said:
Brian Orser said Brian Joubert's time at Toronto's Cricket Club this summer was brief but productive. "He came and got his programs done with David Wilson at another rink, and worked with us for two weeks. We did get a lot of work done; he loved the environment here. He's a nice, nice guy, and he worked hard. I was very impressed." Joubert, like Evgeni Plushenko, has been criticized for lacking transitions in his programs, and that was an area they targeted: "I think Brian has a better understanding of transitions; he knows they can actually be fun, if you understand them. He worked on his skating skills. Tracy [Wilson] holds stroking classes and he was involved with them."
Поделиться29302.09.2010 01:57
Nu nezinu kā viņam pie Gijonas ies. Tiešām nezinu
Поделиться29420.09.2010 13:11
JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE, BRIAN!!! Daudz laimes 26. dzimšanas dienā!!!
Поделиться29520.09.2010 19:12
Lai gan man par šo personību ir tik daudz nojausmas, ka viņš ir French figure skater, tāpat pievienojos un sūtu 2700km tālu sveicienu! Novēlu šim cilvēkam daudz panākumu karjerā! Lai labi slīd!
Поделиться29620.09.2010 19:53
Jā, vissirsnīgākie sveicienu Brī! Pāri visai eiropai uz Franciju!v
Поделиться29721.09.2010 15:10
Ak, LOL - happy birthday, Jewbear. Ah, jauki. Laigan vakar arī slikta ziņa pienāca - French nationals dēļ Brians atsaucis piedalīšanos vienā ledus šovā LA, kur būs arī Stefans.
Поделиться29827.09.2010 00:39
Starta kārtība Masters (SP):
2 - ROY Gaëtan
3 - RICHARDEAU Pierre-Emmanuel
5 - AMODIO Florent
7 -JOUBERT Brian
Поделиться29927.09.2010 12:08
Un Ponsero nava...
Поделиться30027.09.2010 13:23
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Yup, nezinu kapē Bet nu, zinot FFSG intrigas, viss var būt.