Ma ļoti patīk SP, tik nežēlīgi laba programma = tas tērps
LP ar ir ļoti laba, bet man Brī mīļākā LP vienmēr paliks 2008. gada. Vienkārši dievinu to programmu.
Braiens Žubērs/Brian Joubert (FRA)
Сообщений 321 страница 340 из 397
Поделиться32105.10.2010 16:38
Поделиться32206.10.2010 08:33
Vienkārši dievinu to programmu.
Tā ir baigi labā... Man ar ļoti patīk..
Поделиться32306.10.2010 09:40
Man laikam mīļākā programma vienmēr paliks viņa 2005/2006 sezonas LP - Lord Of The Dance
Поделиться32408.10.2010 21:23
Man laikam mīļākā programma vienmēr paliks viņa 2005/2006 sezonas LP - Lord Of The Dance
ahh jā ,šī bija tā programma pēc kuras man Brī iepatikās! Ak šīs atmiņas
Поделиться32510.10.2010 23:16
Awww, Inetux, cik tev burvīgs aviks
Поделиться32610.10.2010 23:18
Awww, Inetux, cik tev burvīgs aviks
Paldiesiņš. Šodien BJF lasīju diskusījas un uzgāju šito bildi. Un tas būtu grēks neuztaisīt kaut ko!
Поделиться32711.10.2010 12:14
LOL. Viņam biežāk vajadzētu smaidīt tā no sirds. Tāds sunshines.
Поделиться32811.10.2010 12:19
Tāds sunshines.
Smaidot viņš izskatās tiesām neatvairāmi..
Awww, Inetux, cik tev burvīgs aviks
Pievienojos domai..
Поделиться32911.10.2010 16:47
Šajā bilžā viņā ir kaut kas nežēlīgi Jensenīgs...
Поделиться33011.10.2010 17:39
Поделиться33111.10.2010 18:10
Acis caururbjošas un lai gan melnbalts, bet tāpat kā Jenam pilnīgi var just to dziļumu. Tālāk protams vasaras raibumi. Awwww. Un mežonīgi garas atliktas skropstas. Un skaties tāds, it kā viņš nemaz neapzin''atos, cik neticami, necilvēcīgi skaists viņš ir. Nu es tak saku - Jensenīgi izskatās. lol
Поделиться33211.10.2010 19:00 … y=ice_news You have always put forward your passion for skating as your main motivation. How is your passion back, after last season?
Brian Joubert: The pleasure I get from skating is back for good now! I realize that it was not so much the case in the last years, really. And it is really important for me. You know, I am coming back to my first coach, Véronique Guyon, who coached me since I was four here, in my hometown of Poitiers. She knows me, she listens to me and she can reassure me. She calms me down. So things are going well, I am finding my technical bases again. I even need less energy for my jumps, since I get better technique, and I get less tired.My body is in good shape, although it does not feel the same now, as I am aging [Joubert turned 26 last September 20th]. I do not recover from efforts as fast as when I was 17, although this does not disturb me. I have decided to lower my nominal weight from 77 to 75 kilograms in order to compensate. I still have one and a half kilo to go. This should help me feel better. Even this early in the season, I can skate my two programs completely. This was not the case last year.
Now when I get on the ice I want only one thing: push myself. To be honest, I enjoy suffering again. I feel a lot freer in my mind. How did you come back from that Olympic season?
Brian Joubert: Indeed, last season was exhausting and the Olympics were a very difficult time for me. At the same time, you know, some things are far worse than losing the Olympics! As skaters, we have the chance to live extraordinary things and we should always remember this. Going to worlds three weeks after the Olympics was quite a challenge. We took the risk, because I could not end my career on the Vancouver note. It was impossible. Then saturation came upon my shoulders later, after we had created my new programs, in the middle of the summer.It happened when I went to train in Courchevel, the famous resort in the Alps, in July. I had just come back from a 10-day vacation, but I did not feel like skating. Believe it or not, my new programs were all set, but I could not even remember their choreography! I then realized that I had had too much. Tension came off all at once at that period. So, I decided that I had only one thing to do: give myself a real break from skating. Which I did for three weeks. What made you rebound then?
Brian Joubert: Skating exhibitions last summer in Korea was a great boost for me, something completely unique. You have to live it by yourself. I do not think there is one other place on earth where you can live the same thing. Even when I skate at home in France, it is not the same. The show Yu-Na Kim produced was just unique, one dimension higher than everywhere else. The audience was special. The atmosphere was special, we even had fireworks. Even the way I was taken in charge was special: I was offered to travel first class!Once I was there, I got the feeling that I was like a pop star. I must admit that I felt really good. I really wanted to skate well throughout. It boosted me tremendously and helped me come back this season. Such events give you the will to keep going and get results. If you do not have results, you are not invited there anymore! Can you talk about your new programs?
Brian Joubert: I really love them both. My free program was created by David Wilson to Beethoven's 9th Symphony. My short program is set to Flamenco. It was devised by Antonio Najarro, who choreographed Marina Anissina and Gwendal Peizerat's Olympic original dance in 2002. There I portray three different characters: the bull, the dancer, and the This is interesting. Two years ago you had mentioned that you could not skate in someone else's role, and that you could only skate your own. Now you interpret three at the same time, what happened?
Brian Joubert: You are right. At the time I was skating to the Last Mohican, and I changed my program just between the Grand Prix Series and the European championships. Well, this means that there is a big change inside of me. This is really important for me, and it pleases me a lot. It shows I feel good within myself -- otherwise I would not be able to feel good in playing How do you see the years to come?
Brian Joubert: I do not feel ready to start a family yet (he laughs). I still have a lot to accomplish in skating. I will keep doing sacrifices -- even though I do not take them as constraints. I feel even more motivated now, knowing that I have no problems at the moment. My body is in shape, my technique is back.Also, it is much easier skating in Poitiers now. For years, I did not train with Véronique, yet she was there all the time, as she was teaching at the rink. We did not exchange a word for several years, and it was so tense. Now I do not need to put any energy there, and I can devote it completely to skating instead.
I also thank all the young skaters who are pushing me. Their only wish is to beat me, and they are right, it is good this way. Yet I am not ready to surrender and let them win yet!
I plan on skating competitively at least until 2012 Worlds [which will be organized in Nice, France], if all goes well. After that, we will see. It is certainly quite premature to think of 2014 and the Sochi Olympics.
Поделиться33311.10.2010 19:34
Ahh tā bilde Taisīšu jaunu aviku pēc kāda laika. Tās acis ir tik dziļas, itkā tas būtu īstenībā, itkā viņš skatītos realitāte. Ahh
Поделиться33413.10.2010 10:18
Jauns raksts
Поделиться33513.10.2010 14:27
Jauns raksts
Tas pats raksts, ko jau liku, tikai krieviski. Prieks, ka kaisle uz slidošanu atgriezusies.
Поделиться33613.10.2010 15:12
cravey, atceries - prasīju bildes apakšveļā. Ieteicams baltā. LOL. Atradu.
[реклама вместо картинки]
Поделиться33713.10.2010 22:44
cravey, atceries - prasīju bildes apakšveļā. Ieteicams baltā. LOL. Atradu.
Oiii, atceros kā šito Varšavā dzīvajā pa durvju šķirbu redzēju
Поделиться33918.10.2010 12:22
Vēl viens raksts:
Pēc Olimpiskajām
Меня даже оскорбляли на улице, когда я шел на каток Пуатье. Я терпел.
Cilvēki ir STULBI MAITAS!!! Man nav ko teikt!!!
P.S - atvainojos par valodu.
Поделиться34018.10.2010 22:05
Cilvēki ir STULBI MAITAS!!! Man nav ko teikt!!!
Ja godīgi, tad šito attieksmi pret sportistiem jau sen esmu novērojusi.. visās valstīs... kamēr vinnē "Oi, cik tu mums jauks", bet atliek vienreiz zaudēt, kad jau ir galīgs... Pīīīī.... lai gan Pīīīī ir nevis sportists, bet paši fani.. kas nemaz nav īsti fani, tikai izliekas.. jo īsts fans jutīs līdzi zaudējumam un tā dēļ mīlēs vēl vairāk..