We grilled six of the spunky McLeod's Daughters cast—one of the three beautiful casts featured in our annual special issue, Most Beautiful People—about what defines beauty in their lives. Their answers, filled with mentions of family and friends, hint that these stars are just as beautiful inside as out.
What makes a person beautiful?
It's in the eyes.
What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
I've seen a ton of beautiful sunsets. Sunsets make everything beautiful.
When do you feel most beautiful?
Looking into the eyes of the people you love.
Do you have a particular outfit that makes you feel instantly beautiful?
Beautiful, tasteful, but sexy underwear.
What is the beauty product you can't live without?
My SKII range.
Do you ever see beauty in strange places?
I've been to a lot of different countries, from Paris to the bullet-lined streets of Lithuania. Every place has been beautiful to me.
What's the most beautiful place in the world to you?
Australia, of course.
Who is the most beautiful person in your life at the moment?
I'm a very lucky girl, I have many beautiful people in my life.
Describe a beautiful moment
Playing with my niece.
Who is the first person you ever thought was beautiful?
My mum, she has the most beautiful smile.
Do you remember when someone first called you beautiful?
Don't really remember, but my dad always said I was beautiful.
Describe a beautiful childhood memory
Camping, with the family at Harrington.