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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Dońa Bárbara » Vai kāds skatās? :)

Vai kāds skatās? :)

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a es paredzu viņas nāvi... Hahaha, bet super - kā spoks tāds spēcīgs un ar smīnu viņš ir tik nereāli sexīgs. ah....



:D Ar nāvi diezi vai, grāmatā ar ar nāvi nebeidzas, tikai ar trimdu :D Bet nu, zinot cik jau ļoti viss ir izmainīts, kas zina :)



Ahh, kadrs no 108. sērijas  :flirt: Vismaz kaut kas:



njā, vismaz. eh...



Jāgaida atkal kādi 8 vakarā, kad visu sēriju varēs redzēt, vēēē :shine:



Telemunddo beidzot ielicis 108.



uu, jāiet skatīt ;)



Pašas beigas smukas. Eh, tas viņa jautājums un tā viņa sejas izteiksmes. Un saulenēs viņš tik sexīgs izskatījās... Ah, bet Barbaritai tā arī vajag, ka spoks rādās. Hahahahahaha....



AAAA, es tūliņ traka palikšu!!!! Nu kā tādā mirklī var apturēt?????!!!! :mad:



hahahahaha.... :D



Kaut gan nav jau ko iespringt, tāpat nekā nebūs  %-)



hihihi... Nu nezinu - bet kaut kad taču kaut kam jābūt... Ev, bet tas taču ir lieliski - ta visa gaidīšana. Kad beidzot būs kaut tas viens mirklis, tad tā būs svētlaime. :D



Vai, ne!!! Nū man jau liekas, ka Santoss vairs ilgi nenoturēsies :D



Eee, izrādās, ka Genesis pirms Ziemassvētkiem Dame Chocolate forumā atstāja ziņu visiem saviem faniem. Vaa, daudz kas visā viņas teiktajā mani patiešām nomierina :)

meweeeyyy chwiiissmas and a jappi new jearsss!

i just finished my last scenes before the break and i have alot to say :)

first i would like to apologize for not coming by in a while.i want to formally say a welcome to all the new elegidos around here. lizblue, areynsun, marylou. welcome! were here to bring the joy in discussing novelas!
i know this isnt "my" forum. but this is place where ive always stopped by to express my love and opinions! so i hope the other forums wont be upset by me speaking up over here.

to clarify. Yes that was my dear friend christian who posted in his forum i know because i asked him.
so any if anyone wants to doubt ...there is no room for it.
its incredible how people only want to see what they want... when some one in this case CM has taken his time to speak of his character an opportunity that hasnt really been given to him to clarify his character. Im just pleased there are other actors who have that contact with his fans!

there has been other incidents i fractured my shoulder recently in one "running" scenes it was a dumb fall... but the dumb fall took a toll on me :-/ .. so there will be upcoming scenes that you'll only see my face and a stunt doing the actions and stand ins. I'm happy though because tommorrow I will finally will be with family and friends and ill get that TLC that only a family can give.

I cant give details about what happens. BUT i will say Marisela will become the woman everyone has been waiting for and everything will fall in its right place ....regarding to the original book of Romulo Gallegos. I am very happy by the way the story has evolved and i hope the people that have been waiting for this part of the story will be pleased. :) If you have any questions feel free to ask.

on a side not i know that dame chocolate is on air and im so lost because i haven't been able to see it.. whats going on?

I wish you all the best holidays with your dear ones never forget to say i love you ..
eat ( i know i will yumyum), be merry, and love!

HAPPY 2009!!! yippe

hugs and kisses to all my friends

ps. sorry for the typos.. in a hurry packing




hohoho, ku mīļi. A kāda sitam forumam adrese? Neesmu tāda bijusi.



Dame Chocolate forums:

Donjas Barbaras forums:



Albyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, aaaaaaaa, lietas bīdās  :crazyfun:  :crazyfun:  :crazyfun: . Paska, re kur labi cilvēki ielikuši tulkojumu no vakardienas sērijas Santosa un Mariselas dialogam  :'(

Santos: I suppose there's not much to say, right?

Maricela: I can only say thank you, because the little that I am and all that I learned, is your work. I am your work, Santos.

Santos: You are the Marisela Barquero that I always dreamed [you would be], my shining sun. But now my sun is leaving. What am I going to do without your happiness, Maricela, without my morning sun, without that heat that becomes so annoying at noon? Are you going to be happy away from me?

Maricela: I'm going to try with all my heart. And you ... are you going to be happy?

Santos: I don't know, but I'm also going to try. Aren't you going to give me a hug, at least?

Maricela: She's watching us.

Santos: She knows how much I love you and I have nothing to hide from her.

Maricela: Me neither. But can you hug me without giving me a kiss goodbye? The kiss that I've been waiting for, my first kiss of love?

Santos: I suppose that if I hug you, I won't be able to hold back.

Maricela: Then good-bye, Santos, good-bye my Santitos.

Treileris 110. sērijai:


Отредактировано cravey (24.01.2009 19:09)



Tikko noskatījos 109. sēriju  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'( Nu tad beidzot viņš saprata...tikai par vēlu!!!!



nu jā - vel nav šitai sērijai video - neatradu. Bet nu Telemundo tātad ielicis. Ah, bet nu jā - tā saruna - eh, izkust var. Nekas, gan jau Maricela atgriezīsies vel vairak pieaugusi un spēcīgaka. Ah...



Telemundo tik pusi no sērijas ielicis :(


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Dońa Bárbara » Vai kāds skatās? :)