Jeremy gets a break from the mysterious new history teacher, Alaric Saltzman and introduces Alaric to Jenna. Bonnie is having terrifying dreams about one of her ancestors. Despite Elena’s efforts to smooth things over, Bonnie and Caroline continue to argue over the medallion. When the girls hold a séance to help them decide what to do, the results are stranger than any of them expected. Matt comes to Caroline’s aid when she needs a friend. Damon finally reveals to Stefan the stunning reason he has returned to Mystic Falls.
Baismīgi interesanta sērija, un beidzās ar riktīgu cliffhanger. Beidzot redzējām patieso Deimonu - vai, man pat sirds lūza beigās uz viņu skatoties Jā, un šo pēdējo divu iespaidā esmu riktīgi iemīļojusi Stefanu Nezinu, man pat sāk patikt doma par Damon/Bonnie un Stefan/Elena , galvenais, lai viņus nepataisa tik garlaicīgus kā Sukiju un Bilu True Blood!!!!