Eiropas čempionāts daiļslidošanā 2011, Berne
Сообщений 481 страница 496 из 496
Поделиться48431.01.2011 20:46
Te var iečekot pārējās bildes.
http://www.absoluteskating.com/index.ph … euros-day8
Поделиться48531.01.2011 21:39
aw, ku mīļi. Flo ir mazais Stefans un visiem uzmācas. LOL
Поделиться48631.01.2011 23:23
Tikai viens man ir sakāms pēc visiem video.. They are perfect...
Поделиться48701.02.2011 21:12
Ok, par tiem video, burtiski netulkošu, jo sapratu tik kādus 50% no visa.
1. video - protams tante no sākuma apsveic un saka, ka šī ir jauka situācija, ka Stefans intervēs Braienu Braiens savukārt atblid ar to, ka jā, šovakar viņš cīnījās līdz galam, izlikās par visiem 100%, ka auditorija ir super, ka tas bija īsts laimes mirklis. A Stepkas jautājums būtībā bij par to, kā Brī katru reizi atrod iespēju atbildēt uz savām neveiksmēm? Ka pēc SP, daudzi uzdeva jautājumus, bet ka kārtējo reizi Brī "atrada iespēju atbildēt" ar brīnišķīgu izvēles programmu. Arī pēc iepriekšējās sezonas daudzi uzdeva jautājumus. Un beigās jautājums skan - kā tad tu rodi šo atbildi? Uz ko Brī atbild, ka galvenais ir tas, ka viņš vienmēr ir passionate [par daiļslidošanu, nodevies daiļslidošanai]. Viņš zin, ka spēj joprojām labi noslidot, viņš joprojām mīl slidot.
Visbeidzot Stepka jautā, vai Brī domā palikt līdz Sočiem? Uz ko Brī atbild, ka nē. Viņš savu stāvokli un iespējas vērtē pēc katras pabeigtās sezonas. Bet ka nē, viņš karjeru beigs pēc 2012. gada. (Kā tas arī bija jāpierāda, matemātikas vārdiem runājot )
2. video viņi vnk apspriež Brī LP. Kā jau tu Alby, teici, Sefs saka, ka tā ir drosmīga izvēle paņemt klasisko mūziku, vēl jo vairāk tāpēc, ka Brī parasti slido zem pilnīgi cita stila mūzikas. Talāk tur ir muš muš (Krista ar ņi bum bum ), un tad Stefs saka, ka Brī vienmēr ir tas, kurš iet uz priekšu, cīnās par uzvaru, un, ka to mēs redzējām arī šeit Bernē, ka Brī uzvarēja izvēles programmā. Tas tā in general.
Baig tehniskā viniem tā saruna, mana franču valoda ne tuvu nestāv
Поделиться48801.02.2011 21:27
LOL. Eh, bet mīlīgi. Un Stefs jauku jautājumu uzdeva, ka Brī nekad nepaliek atbildi parāda tā teikt - uz visām saavām neveiksmem atbild ar kārtējo apliecinājumu savam daiļslidošanas ģēnijam. LOL. Bet es kaifoju. Čist, gribu Brī un Stefu kopā kādā šovā un vēl Flo un Johnny tur kaut kur pa vidu.
cravey - paldies, ka pārtulkoji.
Поделиться48903.02.2011 05:44
Stefs intervē Flo backstagā un Flo protams beigās apskauj viņu.
Interviewer: Finally we get to talk to him, he's exploding with joy, understandable of course, it was amazing what happened tonight, both the public's reaction and winning the gold medal - quite something for what was only your first European Championships.
Florent: ~Incoherent babbling about how its amazing, Brian with a medal, Nathalie and Fabian winning, and him getting the gold~ Thanks to all of the Swiss audience who were there, it was unbelieveable, at times he couldn't even hear his music over their cheers.
Stephane: So European Champion! and next, the World Championships. How are you going to build on this title going into Worlds?
Florent: I can't even believe it. I'm going to enjoy it a lot, I've dreamed about being European Champion and Nikolai said to me at the start of the season that I could do it, and I was like "yeah yeah let me get through my grand prix assignments first", it's just... So yeah I'm going to the world championships in a month and a half, and Nikolai has said that we need to work on the quad, because that's what I'm lacking at the moment and I need to put it in the program to be able to really compete with the big stars. So I've got some work to do but for now I'm going to enjoy this title.
Stephane: Enjoy your victory, you really deserved it *gets cut off by Florent tacklehugging him*
Поделиться49003.02.2011 05:45
Interview: Firstly I'd like to congratulate you for your program is evening, you really gave it everything.
Brian: Yes, I had nothing to lose after my short program. I was disappointed after the short program, and I wanted to finish the competition satisified with myself and being able to say whatever happens with the results I have fought for it and given 100%. The audience were fabulous tonight, I'm happy with how it went.
Stephane: How do you manage to come back when people question you? Both after your short program here and after the last season people doubted you, but you manage to comeback and surprise us - of course, congratulations on your performance here, but how do you manage to do it?
Brian: I don't know. At least, I know that I am always passionate about skating. It's true I was in a bit of a slump, a difficult place but I was only looking for ways to rebuild myself. Whatever happens I know I am capable of doing more good programs, I like skating again, and once I am on the rink that's all that matters.
Stephane: So do you want to keep going to Sochi? What are your goals?
Brian: No, I'm just taking it season by season. It would be nice to go to Sochi, but if it would be just to compete for 10th place I wouldn't be so keen. And of course the Olympics haven't been the best competition for me. Right now I'm just looking to 2012, and the World Championships in France.
Stephane: Good luck and congratulations on your performance today, we hope it will pay off.
Поделиться49203.02.2011 05:49
[реклама вместо картинки]
Поделиться49303.02.2011 19:05
Awww hug
Поделиться49402.04.2011 00:52
Awww, vot tā ir jāskatās privātie video - 06:21 Brī slido ar karogu kā čempions
Поделиться49502.04.2011 01:04
LOOOOOOL, nu šis ir jāredz visiem
Поделиться49605.04.2011 10:12
LOOOOOOL, nu šis ir jāredz visiem
Jā.. šitā ir laba.. skatījos un smējos vienā laidā..