Bija ielikta BJDG - un es pasūtu tālāk. Būsim aktīvi un varbūt arī mūsu balss kaut ko mainīs
We, Figure Skating Fans' Club is collecting signature to demand ISU to change rules for fairness and recovery of quads.
Current rule will cause the decline of figure skating as a sport.
If you agree with us, please leave your signature on this website. We have no intention to slander or criticize any specific organizations or individuals including current and retired skaters.
Our petitions is below.
1)Revision of the scoring system
-Abolition of anonymous judging system
-Display of scoring given by each of the judges
-Abolition of random draw process in selecting the final scores to be adopted, and introduction of a method where the two highest and two lowest marks are discarded2)Review of the rules regarding men's singles
-Restriction on the number of jumps: From 12 to 9
-Revision of rules relating jumps:
-Calculate GOE by percentage in accordance with the base values
-Abolition of the downgrade rule
-Revision of the base value of quads
-Introduction of coefficient to the second or the jumps thereafter in a jump
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