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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Daiļslidošana » Petīcija par izmaiņām ties.sistēmā

Petīcija par izmaiņām ties.sistēmā

Сообщений 1 страница 4 из 4


Bija ielikta BJDG - un es pasūtu tālāk. Būsim aktīvi un varbūt arī mūsu balss kaut ko mainīs :)

We, Figure Skating Fans' Club is collecting signature to demand ISU to change rules for fairness and recovery of quads.
Current rule will cause the decline of figure skating as a sport.
If you agree with us, please leave your signature on this website.

Notice: We have no intention to slander or criticize any specific organizations or individuals including current and retired skaters.

Our petitions is below.

1)Revision of the scoring system
-Abolition of anonymous judging system
-Display of scoring given by each of the judges
-Abolition of random draw process in selecting the final scores to be adopted, and introduction of a method where the two highest and two lowest marks are discarded

2)Review of the rules regarding men's singles
-Restriction on the number of jumps: From 12 to 9
-Revision of rules relating jumps:
-Calculate GOE by percentage in accordance with the base values
-Abolition of the downgrade rule
-Revision of the base value of quads
-Introduction of coefficient to the second or the jumps thereafter in a jump

Es jau parakstīju, parakstiet arī jūs!






Super :)



He.. es kaut kā biju palaidusi garām šo ierakstu.. bet nu vismaz tagad parakstījos.. :)


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Daiļslidošana » Petīcija par izmaiņām ties.sistēmā