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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Daiļslidošana » Skate Canada 2010, 29.-31.11

Skate Canada 2010, 29.-31.11

Сообщений 21 страница 40 из 56


Tikko tevi atradu, esmu zhubeers (Žū)



Čans joprojām tiesnešus uzpircis, ja par 3 rupjiem kritieniem (viens soļu celiņā) var ielikt 73 punktus pie jaunajiem SP noteikumiem :angry:



Rezultāti pēc vīriešu SP:

1 Nobunari ODA JPN 81.37 1
2 Kevin REYNOLDS CAN 80.09 2
3 Adam RIPPON USA 77.53 3
4 Patrick CHAN CAN 73.20 4
5 Alban PREAUBERT FRA 69.71 5
6 Javier FERNANDEZ ESP 66.74 6
7 Artur GACHINSKI RUS 66.57 7
8 Yasuharu NANRI JPN 61.00 8
9 Jeremy TEN CAN 60.70 9
10 Paolo BACCHINI ITA 59.78 10
11 Kristoffer BERNTSSON SWE 57.49 11
12 Grant HOCHSTEIN USA 56.98 12



Palasīju jūsu komentārus (un sailgojos), kā arī esmu izgulējusies un izdomāju, ka izvēles programmu šodien gan skatīšos.. :)



Bāc vakar aizmigu  pie kompja...Jāiegādājas portativais :D
Šodien gan izvēles programmu skatīšos!



Inetux написал(а):

Šodien gan izvēles programmu skatīšos!

Jā.. viņa ir labākā laikā un vieglāk sagaidāma, jo es vienkārši vakar sapratu, ka nespēšu sagaidīt un aizmigšu.. :)



Rezultāti pēc deju SP:

1 Sinead KERR / John KERR GBR 62.96
2 Vanessa CRONE / Paul POIRIER CAN 62.95
3 Pernelle CARRON / Lloyd JONES FRA 54.43
4 Madison CHOCK / Greg ZUERLEIN USA 54.19
5 Kristina GORSHKOVA / Vitali BUTIKOV RUS 51.56
6 Alexandra PAUL / Mitchell ISLAM CAN 50.55
7 Stefanie FROHBERG / Tim GIESEN GER 43.00
8 Sarah ARNOLD / Justin TROJEK CAN 40.07
9 Rachel TIBBETTS / Collin BRUBAKER USA 36.88

Yay, Kerri 1. vietā turas  :flirt:



Čens ar krieva komentāriem - riktīgi labs tas "nu ladno" beigās :D Pilnīgi varu piekrist - šausmas kkādas:



Man baigais slinkums skatīties to video, bet es nešaubos, ka krievu komentētāji atkal ierullē kā jau vienmēr :D



Nu ladno... noskatījos.. būtu bijis ļoti labs soļu zeliņš, ja nebūtu nokritis.. un 2 neizlekti lēcieni, kas nozīmē, ka labākjā gaījumā var ielikt tikai bāzes summu (lai gan ja nemaldos par tādām kļūdām lēciens vispār balles nenopelna)... un kopā 73 balles... točns nu ladno... :O

Man atīk viņa stils, bet šitā jau ir klaja nekaunība no tiesnešu puses.. ;)



Jeremijs malacis! Man patika!



Jeremijs man ar patika... bet pagaidām visvairāk patika krievs.. :)



Siikaa написал(а):

bet pagaidām visvairāk patika krievs.. :)

Jā man arī!



Havijs noteikti ir labākais... un visreālākais paliks mans lielākais favorīts šais sacensībās



Ahh Havijs.. :love: Dievīga programma. Skaisti lēcieni + teatrālais.  :love:





Da bļin, cik tam sūda zeņķim naudas ir?! Cik sacensībās var uzpirkt tiesnešus?! Te pilnīg var redzēt, ka nav iespējams tādus rezultātus gūt. Un cik izdevīgi Odam rezultātus iedeva - tā lai attiecīgi šis 2. vietā paliktu  :mad: STULBĀ PASAULĒ MĒS DZĪVOJAM!!!!



Man visvairāk tracina tas, ka ja vienam neieskaita lēcienu, ja tas izlekts ar kritienu (Oda nokrita un punktus laikam par to vispār neiedeva).. tad kāpēc otram ieskaita trīs tādus...

Ja tiesā visus, visus tiesā vienādi....

Un ja godīgi, man īstenībā Čena ir žēl.. jo nedomāju, ka viņš ir atbildīgs par šādu tiesāšanu... drīzāk, kāds cits viņa "labvēlis" to visu kārto.. bet ciest dabūs sportists, jo fanos par viņu tikai Kanādā via galīgi aklie, kas neredzēs, ka šis krīt... :O



Viens ir skaidrs man Čana pēc šitā snakts nobesījās vēl vairā uzkārās tas strīms (taisni, kad šis slidoja), kamēr sameklēju jaunu tikmēr viss ir over.

Kā, jau teivu Havijs malacis! Man patika arī Jeremijs, Albans un Adams!



Pēc šitā man P-Čhiddy nepatīk vēl vairāk. Man beidzot reāli patīk kāds krievu slidotājs. Javijs ir mans milulis ar lielo burtu. Kevins Reinolds ir dīvaini pievilcīgs (jēzus, vai tiešām es to pateicu skaļi). Krisijs ir Krisijs un vienalga vienmēr mili un pārdzīvo par viņu. Adams pierāda, ka spēks ir matos. Nobunari reāli žēl. Nebrīnīšos, ja kāds dabūja lielu lielu piķi par Čana uzvaru iz kāda totalizatora...



By Lynn Rutherford, special to … y=ice_news

(10/30/2010) - Patrick Chan landed a quad for the first time in major competition, climbing from fourth after the short to win the free skate and his second Skate Canada title.

Overnight leader Nobunari Oda fell on a triple Axel and settled for silver. Adam Rippon skated a solid free and took third.

Chan's free skate, choreographed by Lori Nichol to selections from Phantom of the Opera, wasn't perfect; he fell on a triple Axel and under-rotated a triple toe. Still, it was a good recovery from his three-fall short, where he hit the ice on his quad and triple Axel, as well as some steps.

"The short program -- it was a little tough because I wasn't sure what I did wrong [with the quad]," the 19-year-old Canadian said.

"Today, I didn't do anything different, I was just a little more focused. I didn't want to over-analyze; I wanted to do it just the way I do in practice."

After opening with the quad -- which racked up 12 points -- Chan faltered on his first triple Axel before rebounding with a triple Lutz and another triple Axel, done in combination with a double toe.

He struggled on an improvised triple loop-triple toe combination, under-rotating the toe, and doubled a planned triple Salchow, losing points. But the judges awarded him 84.41 points for program components, by far the highest of the event, and he won the free skate with 166.32. Chan finished with 239.52 points overall.

"The landings weren't coming easily," he said. "I had to fight for a couple of landings. I wasn't tired - the altitude [in his Colorado Springs training base] helps with that -- but I had a few mental lapses."

Chan acknowledged his role as a judges' favorite, saying he's grateful to be recognized for his skating skills.

"It's a good position to be in," he said. "I know [coach and choreographer] Lori [Nichol] speaks highly of me to judges, and I want to perform the way she says I can.

"Now that I've added the quad to my arsenal, I think I've stepped up to the Brian [Joubert] and Daisuke [Takahashi] level. It's taken a while with the quad."

Skating to a piano concerto, Oda opened with a quad, although not in combination as he planned. His triple Axel-triple toe combination earned a +2 GOE (for 14.60 points), but he fell on his second Axel attempt. The Japanese silver medalist was third in the free skate and ended the event with 236.52 points.

"I did a few mistakes today; I know I can fix them for next time [at Skate America]," Oda said. "I didn't do my quad [in combination], and I want more speed in my free program."

Rippon took second in the free with strong skate to Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto No. 2, including a triple Axel combination; triple flip-triple toe; and three-jump triple Lutz combination. The American's only major mistake was turning out of his second triple Axel.

The 20-year-old American, who arrived at Skate Canada with a cold and asthma, was pleased with his performance.

"It gives me a lot of confidence," he said. "I came in here not feeling my best, then had that rough bit when Patrick and I collided [in practice], but with all that I kept my head focused and stayed the course.

Rippon's coach, Brian Orser, said his skater hoped to add a quad toe to his free skate later this season.

"It's pretty close," he said. "There's a little cheat [on the landing]. He has to get over that hurdle, and I know he will.

"We'll take a look at both programs at home. He could skate a little faster, add some urgency to his skating. A lot of that was that he was a little uptight; he's not feeling great. Still, he put out two solid programs."

Rippon, who took the brunt of the collision on his cheekbone and shoulder, said he would have his shoulder examined before leaving for Skate America in ten days.

Canadian Kevin Reynolds, who landed two quads in his short yesterday, duplicated the feat in his free, but popped both of his triple Axel attempts and dropped to fourth place.

"I've been doing quads since I was 15 or 16, but the Axel, on the other hand, has been weaker," he said. "It's just becoming more consistent but obviously not tonight."

Javier Fernandez of Spain skated the performance of his life to Pirates of the Caribbean, including a quad toe, to place fourth in the free and fifth overall.

American Grant Hochstein climbed from twelfth after the short to tenth overall with a solid skate to Spartacus, including six triples -- three in combination - and some impressive spins.


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Daiļslidošana » Skate Canada 2010, 29.-31.11