'The Vampire Diaries' recap: The Dinner Party
I will not mourn Elijah. Because I refuse to believe we've seen the last of him. Producers have said in the past that they loved the character (and Daniel Gillies' performance) so much, they found themselves making it harder and harder to kill an Original. (They weren't lying!) But it paid off in this episode, which had tons of tension as Damon plotted to off Elijah at his dinner party, and Elena neglected to reveal all relevant information about the procedure detailed in old Johnathan Gilbert's journals at once. We now know that Elijah will rise again if the dagger is removed, so the question is: how soon will that happen? In the meantime, let's dig in.
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Tā vispār arī varētu būt.. jo viņiem vajag to sasodīto dunci, lai novāktu Klausu.. tātad jāizvēlas, kas no Originals paliks dzīvs Elijah vai Klaus...