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Pasaules čempionāts daiļslidošanā 2011, Maskava

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According to federation representatives, the world's championship that was set to begin on the 21st has been postponed indefinitely.

Until just recently, they were still considering the possibility of opening on the 21st, but the incident at the Fukushima power plant "changed their minds". On the 13th, they expressed their fears that "Many countries are recommending that Japan be avoided at this time".

In 1961 a plane crash that killed all representatives of the american figure skating team canceled the championship, which was taking place in Prague.



Oficiālais ISU paziņojums:

ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2011 Tokyo

Lausanne, March 14, 2011

Taking into account the continued critical developments in Japan, the ISU’s primary concern for the safety of all participants, spectators and members of concerned entities as well as the travel advisories from many governments to avoid travel to Japan until the situation is settled, the ISU in consultation and agreement with the Japan Skating Federation (JSF) and in line with the advise of the Japanese authorities, has concluded that the staging of the ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2011 scheduled to be held on March 21-27, 2011 is not possible and the Championships will not be held during that time.

The postponement of the Event or alternatively the final cancellation is under evaluation.

The same applies to the ISU World Team Trophy in Figure Skating scheduled to be held in Yokohama on April 14-17, 2011.

It is understood that a postponement of the above-mentioned World Championships as well as the holding of the ISU World Team Trophy is subject to the confirmation by the competent Japanese authorities that the situation is back to normal conditions allowing the safe conduct of major ISU sports Events in the Tokyo area.

As soon as the situation in this respect has been finalized, the ISU will inform all parties concerned of the decision taken.

Ottavio Cinquanta               Fredi Schmid

President                             Director General

Avots: … em,00.html



Ehh, izskatās, ka šogad tad paliekam bez pč, žēl, bet nu, ko padarīsi, ka tāda traģēdija notikusi :(



Smagi protams. Nabaga Japāna.



Atvēru mums atsevišķu tēmu par Japānu pie jebkā sadaļā.



Eh, nu skumji... Pats fakts, ka tur tāda situācija, ka nevar čempis notikt :(



Taču pēc gadiem, kad viss būs aizmirsies skatoties čempionu tabulās uzreiz atcerēsimies un varēsim pieminēt šo traģēdiju... jo tā savā ziņā ietekmēja mūsu ikgadējo rutīnu... Es vispār domāju, ka būtu ļoti solīdi visās valstīs, kurās plānojas kādi svētki tos uz brītiņu atcelt, piemiņai... :O



Siikaa написал(а):

Es vispār domāju, ka būtu ļoti solīdi visās valstīs, kurās plānojas kādi svētki tos uz brītiņu atcelt, piemiņai...

Jā. Tas būtu tikai cilvēciski :)



Brī reakcija par pč atcelšanu: … 0111148_F3

Īsumā, ko Brī saka:

Šāds lēmums bijis mazliet paredzams sakarā ar draudiem par jaunām seismiskām aktivitātēm, cunami. Racionāls lēmums, protams raugoties no subjektīvā viedokļa, mēs (slidotāji) esam gatavojušies, mēs esam gatavi cīnīties. Bet protams nav vajadzības lieki riskēt. Tagad mēs gaidīsim, skatīsimies kā mainās situācija, vai čempionāts tiks pārcelts (uz vēlāku laiku) - kur un kad, mums atliek gaidīt.

P.S- Atkal mighty noaudzis :D Bet yay, es sāku viņa fr valodu labāk saprast, sapratu 90%, ko viņš te teica  :crazy:



cravey написал(а):

Atkal mighty noaudzis




ISU seeking new dates and host country to step in. … 04381.html
ISU calls off figure skating worlds in Tokyo, seeks new dates and host city to step in

AP Sports Writer
Monday, March 14, 2011; 7:11 PM

LENZERHEIDE, Switzerland - Accepting that Tokyo could not host the World Figure Skating Championships next week, the sport's governing body stepped up efforts Monday to find a new venue and dates for its marquee event.

The International Skating Union is expected to announce a backup plan this week after giving up hopes - initially shared with Japanese organizers - to proceed as planned after Tokyo's Yoyogi stadium escaped damage in Friday's devastating earthquake and tsunami.

Instead, the ISU made the inevitable ruling - backed by federations including the United States, Canada and France - to postpone the March 21-27 worlds, and the World Team Trophy scheduled to be held in Yokohama on April 14-17.

ISU President Ottavio Cinquanta said it took account of "critical developments" in Japan, including emergencies at the Fukushima nuclear plant.

"The ISU's primary concern (is) for the safety of all participants, spectators and members of concerned entities as well as the travel advisories from many governments to avoid travel to Japan until the situation is settled," Cinquanta said in a statement, one day after expressing skating's sympathy at Japan's "monstrous natural disaster."

Though Cinquanta said rescheduling in Tokyo was still an option, officials at ISU headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, spent the day in calls with potential replacements.

The ISU declined to name candidates or the guarantees it seeks, but requirements are expected to include commitment from a national broadcaster, experience in hosting and a fan base which could respond strongly to buy tickets at short notice.

Cinquanta's native Italy has a possible candidate in 2006 Olympic host Turin, which also hosted the figure skating worlds last year.

South Korea staged the junior worlds for the ISU at Gangneung this month, and might appreciate another chance to show its hosting skills since Pyeongchang is bidding for the 2018 Winter Games. It could also guarantee strong fan support, with Olympic champion Kim Yu-na having planned to make her season debut at the worlds. Kim is a huge star in her native country, and South Koreans relish any opportunity to see her compete.

The ISU should decide on the event's status "in the next few days," according to U.S. Figure Skating.

The American federation has offered "any and all assistance" but has not yet been asked to offer a venue.

The uncertainty has left skaters unsure how to prepare for their biggest event of the year, but aware that their problems are nothing compared to Japan's.

Skate Canada director Mike Slipchuk said the team, including men's gold medal favorite Patrick Chan and reigning world and Olympic dance champions Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, was updated in calls Monday.

"Our group was receptive to (the ISU decision) and understand what happened," Slipchuk told The Associated Press. "Sport is important in our kids' lives and skating is a big part. But when they see what's happening over the past few days, it puts things in perspective.

Competing in Tokyo could "no longer be a sporting celebration," said the French skating body, which has worked with its government to bring European men's champion Florent Amodio home from training on the Japanese island of Kyushu.

"The French federation reiterates its full confidence in the ISU and its president to take the right decisions," it said in a statement.

Only once since 1947 has a figure skating world championships been canceled, after an American tragedy.

In 1961, the entire U.S. team, coaches and family members were on their way to the worlds in Prague when their plane crashed as it was about to land in Brussels. All 72 people on board were killed, including the 34 Americans. The worlds were canceled, and held in Prague the next year.

Slipchuk said Japan's tragedy outweighed a single sports event.

"We hope there is a possibility for worlds and these skaters can compete," he said. "But if not, there's a world championship next year."



translation by warmuse 


A member of PyeongChang 2018 bid committee commented about the Associated Press article (which suggested that Korea may be willing to host WC), "We would like to host the competition, but since PyeongChang has applied to host 2018 Winter Olympic, KOC (Korean Olympic Committee) needs to report to and get a permission from IOC in order to host any major international [sports] competition. It is unlikely that IOC would grant permission for hosting WC, which will be seen as a favour to PyeongChang, when there are only about 100 days left until the announcement of 2018 Olympic hosting city"

Then, he added that "we did not need a permission from IOC for Junior World Figure skating Championships because the decision was made before PyeongChang submitted the bid for 2018 Winter Olympics. It is not just Gangneung, any city in South Korea requires a permission from IOC submitted by KOC in order to host this WC"

Also, Korean Skating Federation said "we have not been enquired by ISU (about hosting WC), and it is unlikely that we will be able to host WC because it is difficult to procure accomodations at such a short notice"

...then the article talks about hosting world in LA which is the reporter talking out of his ass



Šizukas Arakavas blogs par pēdējā laika notikumiem

Shizuka's blog

(redgreendress apologises for any [translation] mistakes, she is not fluent yet, and this is a rough translation made in a hurry etc.)


I'm stunned by this unprecedented earthquake in eastern Japan. Each second that passes and more news about the extent of the damage comes to light, I feel my heart breaking a little more.

Miyagi is where I was raised and where many of my close friends and acquaintances are. Ever since the earthquake hit I've felt again and again a moment of relief every time another person contacted me, only to begin feeling uneasy again as the days passed and more reports about the seriousness of the situation, the number of people who haven't been able to feel even that precious moment of relief, came to my attention. Still, it has not been all sadness and tragedy. Just when we thought the situation was desperate, we had many news of rescues and happy reunions, people who were already starting to rebuild their destroyed towns and homes, rescue teams not only from Japan but from other nations coming to our aid, and suddenly our hearts are filled with the hope of restoration.

I want to express my condolences to everyone who fell victim to this great tragedy, my best wishes to the injured and all of my respect to everyone who is still searching for life in the wreckage. I pray for a good resolution.

It is not an easy thing to be facing the current circumstances, but I think we should look at each day as being one step closer to a better future. Let us all value each of those days.

from Shizuka



Daisuke's blog


I was informed that the World Figure Skating Championship is cancelled. [Note: It is NOT cancelled yet.] The member of the team D1sk and I would offer a deepest sympathy for those who lost their lives, and pray for the people suffering from this unprecedented catastrphy. At the same time, we sincerely respect the rescue team who's working all night long to cope with the situation without a sleep.

I understood that the skating fans might worry about the situation regarding the World Figure Skating Championship 2011 but officials at ISU as well as JSF are working on the situation. What I can do at this moment is to continue practicing and to monitor the situation.

In addition, what I think most important is each one of you to share a sympathy and that might create a large single power that you might not be able to make it alone. I am hoping that our merged thoughts can make the things go through at this difficult time.

Daisuke Takahashi … st_44.html
Translation by Daisuke`s English Twitter



:( Paldies, alby, par jaunumiem . Var jau manīt arī to slidotāju apbēdinājumu par atcelšanu, bet nu, šoreiz tā tiešām bija labāk. Turpinam gaidīt jaunumus.



Nu jau ir sekojuši vairāki paziņojumi par to, ka būs vēl pazziņojumi, bet nekā konkrēta. Te viens, kur piedāvā PČ oktobrī un ar tekstu, ka nevar ņemt slidotāju viedokli vera, ja viņi būs neapmierināti. Slidotāju reakcija twitterī sekoja

And Speedy keeps on failing...
Still no decision on 2011 World Championships
Holding worlds in Japan in October is being discussed

By Lynn Rutherford and Klaus-Reinhold Kany, special to
(03/16/2011) - Just days before the 2011 ISU World Figure Skating Championships were to start on March 20 in earthquake-battered Tokyo, the event is still in limbo.

There is no new venue, date, or definitive cancellation for the championships, which were postponed by the International Skating Union (ISU) on March 14 due to concerns about the safety of the region following a massive earthquake and subsequent Tsunami on Japan's eastern coastline on March 11.

Another 6.0-magnitude earthquake hit Shizuoka Prefecture on Tuesday, shaking Tokyo -- where the championships were to be held at Yoyogi Stadium. The new quake and strong aftershocks in the region have escalated concerns about exposure to dangerous levels of radiation from the Fukashima Daiichi nuclear power plant -- located 150 miles from Tokyo -- where four nuclear reactors have been compromised.

An ambiguous statement issued by the ISU on Wed., March 16, states in part, "the ISU is doing its utmost in order to give further information on Fri., March 18, or Mon., March 21, if possible," has done nothing to end days of frenzied speculation among figure skating insiders, media and fans about a possible new location for worlds.

Alternate sites discussed in press reports range from Gangneung, South Korea, site of the recent ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships, to China; Vancouver, site of the 2010 Olympics; and various European cities, most prominently Lausanne, Switzerland, and Torino, Italy.

In an interview on Wednesday with, International Skating Union president Ottavio Cinquanta confirmed that the ISU is considering holding the 2011 World Figure Skating Championships in Japan in October.

"We have to give Japan time to mourn their victims," he said. "We might go to Japan in October when the problems of the nuclear power stations may be solved.

"You cannot compare these problems with the ones in Chernobyl in the Soviet Union [Ukraine]."

Earlier this week, ISU Chair Sports Directorate Peter Krick told German news agency DPA (Deutsche Presse Agentur) he is optimistic the ISU has found alternative locations for the event in Europe, and that the event could be held in April in Lausanne, Switzerland, or Torino, Italy. However, his boss refused to confirm Krick's statements.

"We must take into account that Japan got the right to hold a world championships now," Cinquanta said.

"There are rumors that several European cities are willing to hold worlds in April. I cannot confirm this, but do not deny this either. We have to solve some law problems first and this may take time."

According to Cinquanta, one issue is pre-existing arrangements some better-known skaters have made to perform in tours and shows.

"Some skaters emailed me they have exhibition contracts in April and cannot come to worlds in April," he said.

That, along with concern for the Japanese Skating Federation and the country's many skating fans, has prompted the ISU to consider holding the event just prior to Skate America, the first of the fall Grand Prix events, scheduled to take place in Ontario, Calif., on October 21-23.

Asked how the drastic change in timing could affect skaters' training, Cinquanta replied, "You cannot always listen to what the skaters want. These are exceptional circumstances. Some of the skaters are even minors." … y=ice_news

[реклама вместо картинки]



[реклама вместо картинки]



More Worlds dramaz
Cinquanta would like worlds to stay in Japan, sees October as best option

By Philip Hersh

International Skating Union president Ottavio Cinquanta just told me via telephone there will be a decision on the future of the 2011 World Figure Skating Championships well before May.

Cinquanta also indicated the Japanese Skating Federation has said it is available to stage the event in late September or early October, and he suggested it was unlikely the event could be held in another country in April or May.

It was clear Cinquanta would like the event to take remain in Japan and take place ``as soon as possible,'' but that may not be until October.

As you will see in this edited version of our recorded conversation, there still is not much clarity about what to do with the event that was scheduled to begin Monday in Tokyo. The ISU decided to postpone it because of the catastrophic situation in Japan as a result of the earthquake and tsunami.

Q. The president of the Japanese Skating Federation said in a press conference Wednesday there would be no decision until early May. Is that correct?

A. Not precisely. We have sent them a letter yesterday (Tuesday) asking for a prompt reply, and they replied they are available to organize the event at the end of September and early October. That moment may be too late and too early for us.

We did our utmost to maintain the championship in Japan in order to show our fairness,. But at the end of the day we do not only have respect for Japan, we also have to protect of the skaters, of the member federations.

(A championships) in April, it is not possible because certain skaters may already have commitments with exhibitions and so on. We run the risk to have a championships in April without certain skaters.

Then you have May, June, July August. You don't have to be a genius to understand May, June, July August is not the best for the World Championships.

Then you have September, October. We consider October for the World Championships because this is when we start with the Grand Prix. If they want to do this in September this is not easy.

(But) I don't know what they have said in their press conference.

Q. The Japanese federation definitely said the ISU will make a decision in early May. You can't wait until May, can you?

A. No. We will give a decision maybe in the next three or four days.

Q. As far as you are concerned, there will be no championships in April?

A. In April it is very, very, very difficult because today is March 17. How can you arrange to have a championships in April?

And even if you can allot a championships for April, are you sure everybody will come? And where? Outside Japan but where? In Asia? Europe? America? Where? It's not easy.

We have this boiling potato in our hand, and we have to resolve the problem,. We cannot wait until May.

Q. Have you already decided April is absolutely not an option any more?

A. In April, it is not possible in the sense that probably there is not enough time to arrange it.

Q. And May for championships is too late?

A. To have the championships in May, I don't know if this is in the interest of the ISU. You can have some skaters say, `Excuse me, in May I am not in good form. I am preparing already the new programs for next year.''' (Lololol and October would be different because...?)

Q. If you have it in October, some skaters may not be there. Some may have retired.

A. We are in an exceptional situation. With exceptional circumstances, you need an exceptional decision. If in October somebody will withdraw or retire, it is not under my control.

Q. Are you worried the level of performances in October will not be very good?

A. It may be in October it would be better than in May. This is a lottery.

Q. Are you worried what effect this would have on next season if you have it in October?

A. If we want to maintain the 2011 championships and award the medals, this could be the only possibility. To cancel the championships is easy from the point of view of making a decision but it is very complicated because you eliminate a title for one season.

Q. You told there are some legal issues to resolve? What areas are they in.

A. I did not make any declaration about legal matters.

Q. If it were only your decision what would you do? Cancel or October?

A. I don't know. It depends on the reaction of the Japanese federation, which I am waiting for.

Q. So where we stand know is you have asked the Japanese federation to have the event?

A. As soon as possible, giving them the time to repair what they have to in the country.

Q. Is as soon as possible September or October?

A. It could be early October. But not in August or July.

Q. What about May in Japan?

A. It depends on them. But I don't believe they will be ready for May. If they are ready, are you sure all the skaters will go in May to Japan? … ption.html



Figure Skating: Florent Amodio began "freaking out" in Japan

In the middle of preparing for the World Championships on an island in southern Japan, Florent Amodio was repatriated to France on Monday evening following the nuclear threat that hangs over the land of the Rising Sun. Following the postponement of the World Championships that were to take place in Tokyo from March 21 to 27, the reigning European champion does not know what his schedule is for the coming weeks, but has continued with his intensive training. Florent, how was your return to France?

Florent Amodio: I returned on Monday evening. I left for Japan on Tuesday, March 8. So I was only just in Japan for 5 days. I was in a training camp for the World Championships in Fukuoka on the island in the south of the archipelago. During the earthquake, we felt absolutely nothing. It was only when I got many text messages from my friends and family asking if I was alright that I realised anything had happened. It is true that by the time we left on Sunday night, we had started freaking out a little with the problems in nuclear power plants. The world championships have been postponed. Do you think they could not be held this year?

Florent Amodio: I do not know. In any case, I've got to stay focused. I resumed training on Tuesday morning. In Japan, I was preparing myself really well. That's why we waiting until we were really sure that the event was going to be cancelled before deciding to return to France. But the situation there is so serious that it's easy to understand and sympathise if Worlds can't take place this year. This is only a sporting event.

VOnews.Fr: Had you planned to include the quadruple jump in your program during the world championship?

Florent Amodio: It would have depended on the circumstances. If I'm was contention for a podium, I think would have played safe. But if I'm a little further beind in the standings after the short program, I should take risks and the quad is one. I'm almost there with this jump. I land it regularly in training. The take off and the rotations are there, but the landings can still be perfected. I'll work out the strategy for including it with my coach in due course.




A world figure skating championship ‘nightmare'

Didier Gailhaguet, president of the French figure skating federation, says he does not see how the Japanese Skating Federation can stage a world championship following the disasters that have struck that country in the past week.

“It is a nightmare,” he said by phone from France on Wednesday.

France brought home its European champion, Florent Amodio, this week after he had gone to train on a southern Japanese island with coach Nikolai Morozov the week before the world championships were to be held (March 21 to 27). The world championships have since been postponed indefinitely, although the International Skating Union is expected to make an announcement on the event's fate on Friday or Monday.

“We were really concerned about the radiation,” Gailhaguet said. “We thought it best for him to get back. He really wanted to stay, but it was too dangerous. Two days after that, I think we made the right decision.”

French coach Didier Lucine had also been in Japan, and he too returned. [...check your facts, Globe and Mail]

Gailhaguet said skating delegations are “anxious” about going to Japan for the event and he believes that some skaters could be “scared.”

However, he said he agrees with ISU president Ottavio Cinquanta that the skating world must respect the Japanese federation, although at the moment it would be too difficult to hold a world championship.

He also does not like an ISU suggestion that the world championships be postponed until October, because it pushes the event too close to the next season's Grand Prix events. The first of six Grand Prix – Skate Canada – will be held in Mississauga Oct. 21 to 23 and the other five follow in successive weeks in various cities.

Gailhaguet also thinks that the NHK Trophy, Japan's Grand Prix event, could also be in jeopardy because of the disasters, which he feels will not be settled within months. “It could take a year,” he said.

If the world championships were to be held in October, skaters would need to train for four routines: two from last season for the 2011 world championships and two for the coming season. “As soon as the world championships would be over, they would start the Grand Prix,” Gailhaguet said. “If you want the skaters to be at their peak in September or October, [for the next season], you are going to need a rest.”

On the other hand, federations need to respect Japan's difficulties, he said. In trying to find a compromise to benefit Japan, he said the world championships that are already scheduled to take place in Nice, France, in March of 2012 could be shifted to allow the Japanese to hold the world championships then.

However, Gailhaguet suggested that the Nice event be shifted to March of 2013, which has already been awarded to London, Ont., and therefore, that the Canadian event be moved to March of 2014, a month after the Sochi Olympics.

“There's absolutely no way we'd go for that,” said William Thompson, chief executive officer of Skate Canada. He pointed out that Canada had already taken on a post-Olympic world championship in 2006, with all of its attendant difficulties. “We have 2013,” Thompson said. “That's just not in the cards at all. Nice try, Didier.” … le1945001/


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