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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » The Avengers/Atriebēji(2012)

The Avengers/Atriebēji(2012)

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Par filmu(angliski):
The Asgardian Loki encounters the Other, the leader of an alien race known as the Chitauri. In exchange for retrieving the Tesseract, a powerful energy source of unknown potential, the Other promises Loki a Chitauri army with which he can subjugate the Earth. Nick Fury, director of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., and his lieutenant Agent Maria Hill arrive at a remote research facility during an evacuation, where physicist Dr. Erik Selvig is leading a research team experimenting on the Tesseract. Agent Phil Coulson explains that the object has begun radiating an unusual form of energy. The Tesseract suddenly activates and opens a portal, allowing Loki to reach Earth. Loki takes the Tesseract and uses his scepter to enslave Selvig and several agents, including Clint Barton, to aid him in his getaway.

In response to the attack, Fury reactivates the "Avengers Initiative". Agent Natasha Romanoff is sent to Calcutta, India to recruit Dr. Bruce Banner; Coulson visits Tony Stark to have him review Selvig's research; Fury approaches Steve Rogers with an assignment to retrieve the Tesseract. While Barton steals iridium needed to stabilize the Tesseract's power, Loki causes a distraction in Stuttgart, Germany, leading to a confrontation with Rogers, Stark, and Romanoff that ends with Loki's surrender. While Loki is being escorted to S.H.I.E.L.D., Thor, his adoptive brother, arrives and frees him hoping to convince him to abandon his plan and return to Asgard. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s flying aircraft carrier, the Helicarrier. There Loki is imprisoned while scientists Banner and Stark attempt to locate the Tesseract.

The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. plans to harness the Tesseract to develop weapons as a deterrent against hostile extra-terrestrials. As the group argues, Barton and Loki's other possessed agents attack the Helicarrier, disabling its engines in flight and causing Banner to transform into the Hulk. Stark and Rogers try to restart the damaged engines, and Thor attempts to stop the Hulk's rampage. Romanoff fights Barton, and knocks him unconscious, breaking Loki's mind control. Loki escapes after killing Coulson and ejecting Thor from the airship, while the Hulk falls to the ground after attacking a S.H.I.E.L.D. fighter jet. Fury uses Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers into working as a team. Stark and Rogers realize that simply defeating them will not be enough for Loki; he needs to overpower them publicly to validate himself as ruler of Earth. Loki uses the Tesseract, in conjunction with a device Selvig built, to open a portal above Stark Tower to the Chitauri fleet in space, launching his invasion.

The Avengers rally in defense of New York City, but quickly realize they will be overwhelmed as wave after wave of Chitauri descend upon Earth. With help from Barton, Rogers, Stark, and Thor evacuate civilians, while Banner transforms back into the Hulk and goes after Loki, eventually beating him into submission. Romanoff makes her way to the portal, where Selvig, freed of Loki's control, reveals that Loki's scepter can be used to close the portal. Meanwhile, Fury's superiors attempt to end the invasion by launching a nuclear missile at Manhattan. Stark intercepts the missile and takes it through the portal toward the Chitauri fleet. The missile detonates, destroying the invaders' lead ship which disables their forces on Earth. Stark's suit runs out of power and he falls back through the portal, but the Hulk saves him from crashing to the ground. Romanoff deactivates the portal to prevent further invasion. In the aftermath, Thor returns Loki and the Tesseract to Asgard. Fury notes that the Avengers will return when they are needed.

In the first of two post-credits scenes, the Other confers with his master about the attack on Earth; in a second scene, the Avengers eat in silence at a shawarma restaurant.

Par filmu(latviski):
Kad pār cilvēci savilkušies draudu mākoņi un visu dzīvo ir gatavs iznīcināt noslēpumains ienaidnieks, starptautiska organizācija, kas uztur mieru visā pasaulē, Zemes aizstāvēšanai nolemj savākt vēl nebijušu superkomandu. Tajā plecu pie pleca nāksies cīnīties Kapteinim Amerikam, Dzelzs vīram, Toram, Halkam, Melnajai Atraitnei un Vanagacij - katram no viņiem ir savas ambīcijas, taču viņi ir vienīgie, kuri spējīgi glābt pasauli no iznīcības.

Robert Downey Jr - Tony Stark / Iron Man
Chris Evans - Steve Rogers / Captain America
Mark Ruffalo - Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Chris Hemsworth - Thor
Scarlett Johansson - Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Jeremy Renner - Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Samuel L. Jackson - Nick Fury

Tom Hiddleston - Loki
Clark Gregg - Phil Coulson
Cobie Smulders - Maria Hill
Stellan Skarsgård - Erik Selvig
Gwyneth Paltrow - Pepper Potts
Maximiliano Hernández - Jasper Sitwell




Jā šo es noskatījos tagad pēdējā Z-dienā. Man jau ļoti patika un iespējams iešu ar draudzeni vēlreiz paskatīties!



Es esmu jau kādas 4 reizes redzējusi un 3 no tām bija kino. Es nevaru man tā patīk, un tie aktieri. :love:  Un mans Lokijs  :love:



Inetux написал(а):

3 no tām bija kino.

vov tu nu gan dod!
man vislabākais patīk humors šai filmai. Tik pasakains un es tā pārēcos par

Свернутый текст

par Hulka un Lokija scēnu (piedod inetux), tā, kur viņš lokiju sita pret zemi



bumerbmw написал(а):

vov tu nu gan dod!
man vislabākais patīk humors šai filmai. Tik pasakains un es tā pārēcos par

Es nevaru man pārāk patīk tā filma :D
Jā, humors ir ideāls.

Свернутый текст
bumerbmw написал(а):

par Hulka un Lokija scēnu (piedod inetux), tā, kur viņš lokiju sita pret zemi

Oh jā, tā bija smieklīga :D Es pat nezināju ko darīt smieties vai raudāt :D



Daļēji, ne pa šo filmu, bet negribu atsevišķu sadaļu taisīt. Skatos tagad "Iron Man 2" un reāli iefanoju par Monako ainām  :love:



cravey написал(а):

Daļēji, ne pa šo filmu, bet negribu atsevišķu sadaļu taisīt. Skatos tagad "Iron Man 2" un reāli iefanoju par Monako ainām

lol pēc Avengers noskatīšanās, man ir beidzot tomēr doma noskatīties Iron Man, bet vēl neesmu tikusi līdz tam.



bumerbmw написал(а):

lol pēc Avengers noskatīšanās, man ir beidzot tomēr doma noskatīties Iron Man, bet vēl neesmu tikusi līdz tam.

Es jau biju visu pirms tam redzējusi, bet pēc The Avengers noskatīšanās gribējās, atkal visu pa jaunam skatīties.





Es vakar beidzot noskatījos, tomēr nesagaidīju DVDrip :D Tora un Loki ainas  :'(  :love: I love bromances. And can I just say - I adoore Tony Stark's oneliners  :rofl:



cravey написал(а):

Es vakar beidzot noskatījos, tomēr nesagaidīju DVDrip  Tora un Loki ainas     I love bromances. And can I just say - I adoore Tony Stark's oneliners

Ne tu vienīgā! :D

Отредактировано bumerbmw (01.07.2012 23:46)



man nepatīk komiksi un supervaroņi, tāpēc nesaprotu, kāpēc es diezgan regulāri tomēr noskatos lielu daļu komiksu ekranizējumus.

Karoč, man pat patika šitā garā filmiņa. Es esu Iron Man abas filmas redzējusi Roberta dēļ - visi jau zin, ka es viņu dievinu - jau no Čārlija laikeim. Viņš ir ideālākais varonis - bez viņa filma būtu garlaicīga.

Jaukākais mīlas pāris ir Mlenā arraitne un Hawkeye - bāc, es viņos iemīlējos...

Jūs neticēsiet, cik daudz Steve Rogers/Tony Stark slash fiku ir internetā. Tas jau nenozīmē, ka es sakšu lasīt, bet tomēr. Kapteinis Amerika - viņa filmu neeu redzējusi un negribu - viņš ir visgarlaicīgākais un tikai tandemā ar Toniju viņš ir interesants - viņiem totāli filmā ir sparks.

Ak, jarvis ar Paul Bethany balsi...

Thoru neesu redzejusi un neinteresē - sorry - nepatīk ne Loki, ne Thors.

Un beidzot nonakam līdz manam mīlulītim - Mark Ruffalo. Hulks man vienmēr patika, ka viņš ir Hulks un kad viņš ir benners, tad garlaicīgi, bet Markam tik geekīgi mīļi sanāca tas un protams Hulks atkal bez vārdiem bija vislielakais humors - ģeniāli, kā viņš Thoru tomēr beigās nogāza no kajām, es vienkārsi ķiķināju.

Pat Vinčesters man klēpī lielu daļu filmas skatījās, kas ir retums - viņam nav tik daudz pacietības.

Dīvainā kārtā filma tiesam man atstāja nepietiekamības izjūtu - gribu vēl. Laikam iron Man atkal janoskatās.


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » The Avengers/Atriebēji(2012)