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Nu es atkal klejoju youtubē skatoties un apbrīnojot House. Un nejauši atradu šo - man likās ditki izdevies. Un fans tiešām izgriezis dikti labus momentus viņu starpā arī pagājušās sērijas "You can't stop our love" bija tā jauki it kā piemērots šajam gadījumam. … mp;search=

Un tas gan jāsaka  - House fanvidiem ir gandrīz vienmēr superīga mūzika. Šo gadījumu ieskaitot - atklāju lielisku mūziķi. Lai gan dziesmas DC++ nav.  :/ Un tas ir aju korais gadījums, kad no šiem fanvidiem atrodu nedzirdētu, bet lielisku mūziku.  :D



House/Cuddy Always Be My Baby

House/Cuddy Sway



Daži video spoileri

House MD - Through My Veins (HouseCuddyAddiction)





Cuddy: I wasn’t in your endocrinology class.
House: You sat next to me. I cheated off of you on the—
Cuddy: I audited your endocrinology class.
House: Why would you—
Cuddy: Because… I thought you were … an interesting lunatic, even then. I’m not here protecting hospital property.

- House, 5x23 - Under My Skin



Cuddy: You’re gonna be OK.
House: You’re telling me what I wanna hear, with *no* evidence.
Cuddy: I’m telling you what I believe to be the truth.
House: With no evidence!
Cuddy: You’re hardly the most unbiased observer.
House: Neither are you! I’m your hospital’s biggest asset.
Cuddy: Is that why you think I’m here?
House: It’s why you’re here. It’s why you’re lying to me about—
Cuddy: I haven’t lied to you in 20 years.
House: Sure you have, which means that you just said that because you want to tell me what you lied to me about 20 years ago.
Cuddy: You’re an ass.
House: Am I wrong?

- House, 5x23 - Under My Skin



House: Thank you.
Cuddy: You want to kiss me, don’t you?
House: I always want to kiss you.

- House, 5x23 - Under My Skin



"Eventually, it’s going to happen. This is the thing we’ve been dancing around — even before we knew we were dancing around it. They’re two very flawed people, but they’re two people that are very attracted to each other."

David Shore, House creator



jā. nu es biju totāla Hameron šipere sākumā, t'pēc nez - neiet man tik ļoti kaut kā pie sirds, lai gan pagājušo otrdien pa tv bij tas skūpsts - nu jā - skaisti.



Where do you stand on House and Cuddy? Would you like to see them together?
"This thing they call 'Huddy'?! I don't want it to go too far. Part of the duty of the show is the tension that exists there and I think the writers know it well enough - after six years, nothing has really been consummated, which I think is smart. They've got two fantastic characters working in close proximity and they can't seem to get it together. It creates this ongoing deliciousness, so I hope they keep going with that."

Is it inevitable that they will get together by the end of the show?
"Whenever that final House episode airs, I guess so! It'll be just one long love-making sesh between House and Cuddy! Inevitably, I think it's gotta happen."



Relationships are complicated. House and Cuddy work together. There’s an obvious chemistry; there’s obvious respect. But there is also jousting. There are barbs, and those barbs can hurt. It is unorthodox and, at the same time, incredibly, very real.

— Katie Jacobs (Source, 2008)



"Do you like me House?"
-Lisa Cuddy

"I need you."



House: I don't care if you marry this guy, date him, or go through his trash, you should know, who you are matters. Find someone you trust
Cuddy: Someone like you?
House: Someone you like



HOUSE: Am I really that pathetic?

CUDDY: What are you talking about?

HOUSE: If I'd pitched electroshock therapy as a cure for broken heart syndrome any other time, you'd have dug in and maybe tried another 100 useless things first. So either you're actually beginning to trust me or... you just feel sorry for me.

CUDDY: You presented a reasonable argument. You were clear-headed and non-impulsive about it. You never once used the word moron. The rehab's working House.



Cuddy: You're afraid to be happy

House: Why do you care if I'm happy?

Cuddy: You're afraid of change. The only thing you have is your intellect, you think if that's compromised you have nothing. (Pause) Just take it.

House: No.

Cuddy: Don't do this.

House: It's already done. This is the only me you get.



Dr. Cuddy: I just want us to be friends.
House: Funny. That's the last thing I want us to be

-House, 6x19 - The Choice



That was one hell of a final scene. What should we take away from it?
KATIE JACOBS: This is real and something that they are going to try. It’s something they stayed away from for a long period of time because it’s dangerous and the consequences could be severe. But now they’re going to give it a try.

They’re going to make a go of a relationship?
JACOBS: Absolutely. Yes.

What are we led to believe happened after the screen faded to black?
JACOBS: That’s exactly the conversation we had. Does the audience want us to pick up two or three months later, or is the audience interested in us [picking up right where we left off]? And it’s really dependent on the narrative. Last year with “Broken” I felt like when House checked himself in the psychiatric hospital that it wouldn’t be good enough for the audience just to see him come out the other end and go back to Princeton Plainsboro. Even though they knew he would [eventually] return there, I wanted everybody to see the moment after.

So which scenario will you choose this time around?
JACOBS: Put it this way… I’m certainly in the camp of not wanting to miss much after the fade to black. Because the truth is the challenges that are ahead of them are the things that kept them apart to begin with. It’s not chemistry or the spark. It’s “How are we going to deal with this? We’re going to be together. What does that look like?” Cuddy is his superior at the hospital. And she’s a mother. Those are the kind of things we’re going to have fun with.

I think Huddy fans want to see a real, non-hallucinatory sex scene.
JACOBS: I get it. We’re in the process of figuring all that out right now, so I don’t have an answer. But this isn’t just about the [season premiere]. This isn’t something that will work or fail in just one episode. We’re going to attempt to make a true exploration of this relationship.

Were you on set when that last scene was shot?
JACOBS: Yes. It was amazing. Our prop guy, Eddie, had tears in his eyes. You never know how people are going to react to the story, but seeing Eddie with tears in his eyes and happy with the fact that House and Cuddy were finally going to give it a try was very satisfying.

JĀ!!!!!!6. sezonas pēdējā sērija bija fantastiska!!!!



Cuddy: I'm stuck House. I keep wanting to move forward, I keep wanting to move on, and I can't. I mean, my new house, with my fiance, and all I can think about is YOU. I just..need to know..if you and I can work.

House: You think I can fix myself?

Cuddy: I don't know...

House: Cause I'm the most screwed up person in the world.



House: How do I know I'm not hallucinating?

Cuddy: Did you take the Vicodin?

House: No.

Cuddy: Then I think we're ok.

House: Yeah.



Cuddy: You sure you're okay?
House: Yeah. False alarm. What about us?
Cuddy: We're good... Just like this. You press my buttons, I press yours.
House: By buttons, you mean... You do make me feel funny.



Feinas bildes  :love:



Akk, kas par jaukām bildēm :love:


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Doktors Hauss/HOUSE MD » House/Cuddy