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Marat Safin

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albalonga написал(а):

MARAT SAFIN: I think if she will do everything opposite of what I've been doing throughout the years she will be No. 1 in the world for a long time. That's as simple as it is.

Sitas bija satriecoši labs un vispār viss, ko viņš par Dināru teica.

albalonga написал(а):

Q. Were you surprised that the referee called security to the court?
MARAT SAFIN: No, no, it wasn't for me. No, it wasn't for me, no, no, no. Thanks God we didn't get to that stage.

Un par šito atkal varēja pamatīgi izzviegties. Bļin, gribu to interviju video - redzēt un dzirdēt Maratu.



Pirms chempja sākuma bija Former US Open Chempion balle. Marats kā zināms uzvarēja US Open 2000.gadā. Šāds viņš ieradās uz baļļuku un māja publikai.



Marats lūk tāds izskatījās savā pēdejā spēlē ar Tomiju Robredo ar apgrieztiem matiem. Nebrīnīšos, ja pēc laika parādīsies info, ka tos apgriezis kāds no viņa draugiem tenisistiem - Marats pateiks - ai, mēs sēdējām, garlaikojāmies un... Hihihi... Kad viņām bija tie pavisam garie un tikai nogriezti, tad tieši tā arī viņš paziņoja... :D



Hihihi, tu tiešām izcēli vislabākos citātus. :D Labais. :D Ak, viņš ir foršs. :D Bet.. man daudz labāk patīk ar pagarajiem matiem :P



Da viņš varētu kaut uz nullīti nodzīt un vienalga man būtu slapjie sapņi par viņu.... :blush:



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:  Zini ko? Es nebrīnos :D






nu tad tā - šobrīd Marats spelē Maskavā, krmeļa Turnīrā - vienīgais tenisa turnīrs Krievijā ATP tūres oficiālais. Marats katru gadu te spelē savai publikai, kura viņu reali mīl. Nu pagājušogad ar Tursunovu viņš dubultspelēs uzvareja, bet sogad dubultspelēs jau pirmajā raundā zaudēja. Vienspeles smagā 1.raunda trīs setu spēlē uzvareja un līdzīgi arī otrā raundā, kur nu muļķīgi otro setu pakāsa, jo vienkārsi uz brīdi bija totāli koncentrāciju zaudējis un var teikt, ka nespeleja, bet trešajā setā atkal savācās. Krievu kanāls sport Planeta rādīa šito speli  - es te visa uz nerviem sēdeju. Nu vot - tas bija šodien 9.oktobrī. Pēc spēles viņš atkal tribīnēs parādījās un skatījās. Neredzēju, bet nu tā tipa bijis, jo pa to kanālu vairak spēļu pēc Marata spēles nerādīja, tik Davidenko speles atkārtojumu.

Rīt 17 ir Marata ceturtdaļspēle pret Davidenko un Marats pateica, ka necer uzvarēt un ka Koļam daudz vairāk uzvaru gribas, jo Koļa grib cik var punktu savākt, lai būtu pirmajā pasaules astotniekā un spelētu Novembrī Šanhajā Masters finālā. kur sacenšas 8 labākie pasaules tenisist. Ak, atceros, kad arī Marats tur speleja - sen tas bija.... :'(





Intervija pēc 2.raunda uzvaras pār Benneteau.



Oj, es izkusu - gan no tā, kā Marats krieviski runā, gan no tā, ko runā. Hihihihihihihi... Visu laiku kaut kādi joki, visu laiku žurnālisti smejas. Un tas viltīgais smīns. Nu dievīgi.



Moscow, Kremlin Cup

Saturday, October the 11th, 2008

by Alexandra Cardoso

I met Marat Safin shortly after the withdrawal of Mischa Zverev had been announced, which put him directly in the final, and he agreed on doing a small interview. Just some words about general topics on tennis and life.

AC: Is it a relief that it happened this way [Zverev retiring] or would you’d rather have played?

MS: It was ok either way, but I prefer it like this.

AC: After all these years on the tour do you see things differently from when you were younger? Has the way you go about your objectives changed?

MS: Well, tennis is a bit different; it has evolved so much and there is a different atmosphere, but in the end it’s only the best that stay, so that part is the same. You have to work hard all the same to keep up.

AC: Is the atmosphere better or worse?

MS: Not better and not worse, it’s just different. People have left, good people, but then other new guys have come.

AC: Do you care about the attention everybody pays you?

MS: I don’t care what people say about me. Everybody always has an opinion but you cannot live your life thinking about that, about what others think about you. You just have to be yourself. My friends and my family know me, the people who know me know who I am and that’s what matters.

AC: What do you think about fame? Many people these days seem to think first about being famous and then pick up a profession to help them get there. What is your opinion?

MS: Well, you can’t do that. You have to be good at something, whatever you chose to do, because otherwise it’s fake. If you do it for the fame that’s an empty thing, you can never be really good at it and you also can’t become someone of value as a person.

AC: Whenever you want to do something do you think about what others might say, or do you just do it anyway?

MS: Of course! You cannot think about that, you have to live your life. If I want to do something all I care is if I think I should do it. It doesn’t matter what others say, you have to be yourself.

AC: Sometimes in your interviews you talk about your past, where you came from to get to where you are now. Is it important to you to remember that, to keep your feet on the ground?

MS: Yes, it is important to know who you are and where you came from. Those are your roots and you should not forget them. That’s what made you the person you are now.

There was a TV in the background showing the other quarter final with F. Santoro vs I. Kunytsin, and Marat was looking at it.

AC: What do you feel about playing possibly Santoro in the final?

MS: I’ll have to play one of them either way so it’s ok.

AC: Do you already know the Madrid draw? (a)

MS: Yes.

AC: How do you feel about playing Kolya again?

MS: I have to pass Llodra first and he is a very tricky player.

AC: Are you a person that makes plans? Or do you prefer to adjust more as things go?

MS: Well, you can make plans, but you can’t live your life just by them alone because then something happens like today [Zverev retiring] and your plans go down the drain. You have to take things as they come.

AC: Do you have any specific advice, or any lesson life taught you that you feel it’s important to follow?

MS: Well, everybody gives advice, but advices don’t really matter. What I think it’s most important is just to live everyday as it comes because life is only 4 days. Every moment is important and so you have to be careful not to miss any of them.

It had been a long day with lots of twists and turns and Marat probably still had more commitments to attend so I finished the interview and thanked him for his time. He said a brief ‘ciao’ and then left swiftly.

(a) At that point Marat had received a WC into the main draw of the Madrid Masters. His withdrawal was announced later, after the Kremlin Cup final.

Izcēlu to citātu, kas man patika vislabāk - Marats to vienmēr saka un jau daudzas reizes teicis un es viņam simtprocentīgi piekrītu. Galvenais, ka savejie zina un saprot, bet pārējie, lai domā ko grib. Iebažt šo domu savā galvā vajadzētu daudziem cilvekiem, dažiem arī no šī foruma.



Heh, jauka intervija. :) un taas citāts... jā, taisnība. :)
āā, nu kad es varēšu noskatīties kremiln cup finālu?? :(



Marats Safins apdomā beigt tenisista karjeru 2008-10-27 20:36

Marats Safins piedzīvo kārtējo neveiksmi
Krievu tenisists Marats Safins pēc zaudējuma argentīnietim Huanam Monako divos setos ar 0:6, 6:7(4) ATP ''Masters Series'' Parīzes turnīra pirmajā kārtā nopietni apsver beigt sportista karjeru.

Safins (ATP ranga 31. vieta), kurš Parīzē uzvarējis trīs reizes, šodien tikās ar argentīnieti Huanu Monako, kurš ATP rangā ieņem 49. vietu. Pirmo setu pārliecinoši ar 6:0 uzvarēja argentīnietis. Un arī otrā seta sākumā Monako izvirzījās vadībā ar 2:0. Safins pirmajā geimā pie savas serves pieļāva četras dubultkļūdas. Tomēr krievs spēja savākties un atspēlējās. 11. geimā Monako pie Safina serves neizmantoja vienu breikbumbu, bet tomēr piespieda Safinu kapitulēt taibreikā ar 4:7. Visā spēlē Monako uzvarēja ar 6:0, 7:6(4).

Safins pēc kārtējās neveiksmes teica: ''Es vēlos izbaudīt atlikušo dzīvi bez tenisa. Tuvākajā laikā apdomāšu, vai ir vērts turpināt spēlēt un trenēties. Pēdējie trīs gadi ir bijuši ļoti grūti, tāpēc šobrīd es neizjūtu nekādu spiedienu un nevēlos nevienam neko pierādīt, man vienkārši trūkst motivācijas.''

Marats Safins ATP reitingā ierindojas 31.vietā un savu pēdējo uzvaru kādā no turnīriem ir guvis, uzvarot ''Australian Open'' 2005. gadā. Pagājušajā nedēļā Safins zaudēja Sanktpēterburgas tenisa turnīra otrajā kārtā Andrejam Golubevam, bet nedēļu iepriekš cieta zaudējumu Kremļa kausa finālā, zaudējot savam tautietim Igoram Kuņicinam.



Njā, paldies, ka ieliki. Smagi man, bet ar iekšējām bailēm ko tādu gaidi jau 3 gadus. Nu trūkst viņam motivācijas un vispār viņš tāds kaut kāds noguris no dzīves un tenisa pedējā laikā. Vairs nejautrojas, nemuļķojas tik ļoti, kā agrāk. Eh, lai arī mūžam pārdzīvošu, bet - lai dodas prom, lai izklaidējas, uzkāpj Everestā un vel visādas trakulības sadara un pēc gadiem 10 lai atgriežas kā treneris - nervozs, neciešams, bet reize jautrs un lielisks taktiķis.



:'( tad kad es viņu atklāju, viņš taisās pazust... :(
eh, skumīgi jau... :/



nu tāks - Marats paziņojis, ka 2009.gads būs pēdējais gads viņam profesionālajā tenisā. Jūtos gandrīz droša, ka to panāca Dinara. Galu galā viņa šobrīd ir Nr.3 un viņai vajeg visu atbalstu ceļojot pa pasauli, cik vien viņa var gūt. Šobrīd Marats spēlē pirmoreiz komandā ar Dinaru. Katra gada sākumā ir tāds saucamais Hopman Cup - mixed pāru turnīrs sacensībā starp valstīm. Mixed pāri ir džeks ar meiteni. Ir grupas, kurās katrā 4 valstis un katru valsti pārstāv viens mixed pāris. Krieviju respektīvi šogad pārstāv Marats ar Dinaru. Un tās spēles noteik tā - katra valsts pret katru valsti - divas vienspēles un viena pāru spēle.
Hopman Cup tradicionāli notiek Austrālijā. Šogad galvenasi sponsors ir Hyundai. Marats ir grupā D un startē ar nr.2. Viņu pretinieki ir Francija, Itālija un Ķinas Taipeja. Svētdien - 4.janvārī pirmo kārtu Marats ar Dinaru uzvarēja - abas savas vienspēles abi uzvarēja, bet dubultspēlē trijos setos zaudēja. Nākamais viņu pretinieks ir vissmagākais šajā grupā - Francija. Spēles notiks 8.janvārī.



Australian Open 2009 - izskatās, ka pēdējais Marata Australian Open. Un te raksts pirms trešā raunda spēles pret Rožē Federeru.

Safin steels himself for ultimate test

Wednesday 21 January 2009
By Alix Ramsay

Cast your mind back. It is 2005, and the majestic Fed is marching towards the business end of the Australian Open in search of his fifth Grand Slam title. Standing in his way in the semifinals is the mercurial Marat Safin, the runner-up from 2004. Safin is a great player, but surely he cannot stop the champion from reaching another final. Oh, but he did – 9-7 in the fifth.

Come the final Sunday, Safin went on to break a million Australian hearts by beating Lleyton Hewitt and claiming the second Grand Slam trophy of his career. Happy days.

Since then, Federer and Safin's careers could not have been any more different. The record books will show that the Swiss has carved himself a place in history by winning almost everything in sight. Meanwhile, the world looks at Safin and sighs over what might have been.

Of all the players who could have challenged Federer's dominance at the top of the game, Safin had the talent to do it. A bear of a man, he had the raw power to make the Swiss sit up and take notice - and he was perhaps the only player who could match him for sublime talent.

Safin's game is not as silky smooth or as fluid as Federer's, but he can do almost anything he likes with the ball. He has the ability to invent shots on the fly and has the muscle power to turn a lost cause into an outrageous winner with a flick of the wrist – but it is not enough.

His career has been interrupted with monotonous regularity by a combination of injury and life. He reached the 2004 final on the back of a serious wrist injury and, after winning the title in 2005, had his progress curtailed by a long-term knee problem. And when his body was not breaking down, his mind was playing tricks with him.

Never happy in his role as one of the tour's celebrities, the pressure of being a huge talent with a massive personality wore him down. Wherever he went and whenever he played, someone wanted more from him. Safin has won two Grand Slam titles - and yet he is often viewed as a wasted talent. He likes to entertain the crowd and play his game his way, and yet his detractors accuse of him of lacking focus. The poor bloke cannot do right for doing wrong.

"What does it mean: "star"?" he once said. "There is no explanation for a star. A star is in the sky, and that's it.

"I'm living my life; I'm not living the life of anybody else. I want to live my life and I'm enjoying it very much and I'm doing well and I'm playing tennis and I'm having fun and I think I have a great life. At least I made it this way. I've been trying to live this life for a long time, so why I have to change something which is not broken?"

By the end of last year, as his results see-sawed madly from final here to first round loss there, Safin talked of retirement - and he looked thoroughly fed up with life. Luckily, he had time to cheer up over the winter break and now here he is again, into the third round after easing past Guillermo Garcia-Lopez 7-5 6-2 6-2, and waiting to meet that man Federer for the 12th time in his career.

The two old rivals have met three times since that heady night here in 2005, and Federer has won every time. Then again, those matches were all played on grass, a surface Safin finds to be both strange and unreliable. But the last showdown was in the semifinals at Wimbledon 2008 – and that was a meeting that Safin pulled out of the hat having not got beyond the fourth round of a Grand Slam since winning in Melbourne in 2005. Now, the Russian has the chance to turn the clock back four years and see if he can cause another upset.

"His life also changed," Safin said of Federer. "Didn't go too bad. He won a couple of Grand Slams afterwards. And me, I got injured. I had to recover from the injuries, so we went in different ways. He got much more confident throughout the years, and I had to recover from injury. So I want to be in his shoes. But, anyway, it's our lives."

Standing on the wrong end of a 9-2 losing record against Federer and with no real form coming into the Open, few would have been willing to out their money on Safin. But as the Russian pointed out, "We know each other pretty well. He knows how to play against me; I know how to play against him. Whatever comes, comes."

That is one of the greatest weapons in Safin's arsenal – with Marat, you just never know.

Iezīmēju pēdējo - Manuprāt vislabāko teikumu...



Intervija pēc otrā raunda uzvaras...

The many moods of Marat
< Back to Article List

Monday 19 January 2009
By Helen Gilbert

Marat Safin has a reputation for being temperamental on the court. Off it, however, he jokes around and is a very amiable, sociable guy. It’s often hard to catch the Russian in a bad mood – but today a somewhat sombre Safin answered questions in the press interview room.

Perhaps it had something to do with the first question that was fired at him. According to the International Tennis Federation, the Russian heartthrob has indicated that he might hang up his racquets at the end of year.

But when asked if this was his final decision, he quickly underlined that he didn’t want to talk about it. “I’m just a little bit tiring [sic] to answer it over and over. Let’s leave it,” he said abruptly.

What is clear is that stress is something the Russian would rather do without. As a result he doesn’t want to laden himself with any expectations over the coming season. “I want to play and be relaxed, no stress,” he said.

“Whatever comes, it’s great for me. Just to try to be in shape, be able to run around the court. Like this it’s much easier to play tennis. At least I want to enjoy it. I don’t want to suffer anymore. I don’t want to get stressed. I don’t want to feel bad on the court anymore.”

Contesting his 10th Australian Open, the Russian who turns 29 during the tournament, points out the last few years have been tough. ‘Continuous pressure’ in the form of constant travelling, practicing every day, being physically fit and trying to be "a little bit more responsible for what you’re doing outside the court" all takes its toll.

Throw losing matches into the mix and the journey can be lonely and depressing. “If you’re not winning matches, you’re not really excited to come on the court and try all over again,” he adds.

“It’s getting tougher and tougher with age, especially with the injuries I’ve had throughout the years. It’s not an easy game, let’s put it this way, especially if half of the time you’ve been injured.”

It doesn’t help that his opponents seem fearless. “The young boys are not scared anymore. They will eventually be scared with the years, but it’s tough to play against them in such conditions,” he points out.

Despite ordering the press not to ask questions about his rumoured retirement, Safin’s face lights up when asked what he plans to do after the tennis. “Enjoy myself,” he smiles. “Enjoy being out of tennis. See it in a different way. Watch tennis on TV, for example. Cheer for somebody else. I don’t know."

Cheekily, he adds: ‘Don’t need to answer the same question a thousand times. This whole thing makes it more easy, more relaxed.”

And within a moment, the old Safin is back.

Atkal izcēlu to, kas man visvairāk patika. Nu es ceru, ka viņš baudīs dzīvi un skatīsies tenisu pa tv, tomēr negribu, ka viņš pazūd un es neko vairs par viņu nezinu....



Krievu tenisists Marats Safins apgalvojis, ka pēc savas sportista karjeras beigām viņš varētu pievērsties un sākt darboties aktīvajā politikā.

Marats Safins, kurš iepriekš ATP rangā pabijis arī pirmajā vietā, šobrīd atrodas 20.vietā. Šodien sākas ar ''Grand Slam'' turnīrs ''Roland Garros'' un arī šeit Safins piedalīsies un šodien jau turnīra pirmajā kārtā Safins apspēlēja francūzi Aleksandru Sidorenko trijos setos ar 6-4, 6-4, 6-4. Jāpiebilst, ka sportists atspēlējās trešajā setā no 1-4 un spēja uzvarēt gan setu, gan spēli, tādējādi iekļūstot turnīra otrajā kārtā.

Pats tenisists, kurš ik pa laikam apgalvo, ka drīz pametīs tenisu, atzinis, ka pēc savas karjeras beigām viņš varētu pievērsties politikai: ''Tas būs atkarīgs no vairākiem faktoriem. Pirmkārt, paskatīšos, ko man ieteiks Krievijas tenisa izlases galvenais treneris Šamils Tarpiševs un tad izdarīšu kādus secinājumus. Politika - tā ir ļoti nopietna lieta un lai tajā ieietu, vispirms vajag uzzināt vecāku personību viedokļus. Domāju, ka viņi spēs man izšķirties, vai to darīt vai nē. Kas attiecas uz šo turnīru, tad centīšos parādīt visu, ko spēju un tikt pēc iespējas augstāk. Zinu, ka to izdarīt būs ļoti grūti. Man sen jau nav bijuši labi rezultāti, bet šim turnīram esmu gatavojies ļoti ilgi.''

Safins arī atklāja, ka no Krievijas tenisistiem nostartēt vislabāk varētu vai nu Nikolajs Davidenko, vai Igors Adrejevs: ''Tradicionāli jāsaka, ka Davidenko un Andrejevs. Andrejevam vispār māla seguma laukumi ir mīļākie, tā kā viņiem šeit vajadzētu būt pietiekami spēcīgiem.''


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