Mariana Torres es DENISSE TORRES
Denisse es una joven de gran belleza. Tiene un carácter fuerte, aunque es inmadura y no sabe distinguir entre lo que es bueno y malo, pues la inestabilidad de su casa ha influido en ella.
Denisse is a young woman of great beauty. She has a strong character, although she is immature and doesn't know how to distinguish between what is good and bad as the instability in her home has influenced her.
Sin embargo, es inteligente, franca, desenvuelta. Comparte con Alfredo, su hermano, una gran preocupación por las obsesiones de Elena, quien parece empeñada en encontrarle a Adrián un desliz amoroso.
However, she is intelligent, frank, and easygoing. She shares with Alfredo, her brother, a major worry over the obsessions of Elema, who seems determined to catch Adrián in an indiscretion.
Cuando su padre decide divorciarse, sufre mucho porque su madre quiere obligarla a tomar partido. Se enamora de Ricardo, un joven inmaduro e irresponsable, quien la hace sufrir. No sabe si debe o no tener relaciones sexuales con él, y no encuentra en Elena la orientación que necesita, misma que más adelante encuentra en Natalia.
When her father decides to get divorced, she suffers a great deal because her mother wants her to take sides. She falls in love with Ricardo, an immature and irresponsible young man who makes her suffer. She doesn't know if she should have sexual relations with him or not, and she can't find the guidance she needs in Elena, something she later does find in Natalia.
Se casa embarazada, para luego comprender que tanto ella como Ricardo eran demasiado jóvenes e inmaduros para saber llevar una vida de pareja. Finalmente, logra encontrar la estabilidad que tanto desea, y ser feliz.
She gets married because she's pregnant, only to later understand that she as much as Ricardo are too young and immature to know how to live as a couple. Finally she manages to find the stability she so desires, and to be happy.