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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » One Tree Hill » One Tree Hill Seson 6 Episod 3

One Tree Hill Seson 6 Episod 3

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A tired Brooke is at her now-clean store. A beggar comes to the window and asks for spare change. She says no. She then throws an armful of clothes into the street.

Boy 6.03

Haley goes into her classroom and says she’s not sure what to say. She wasn’t sure what to say to Jamie, who loved Quentin. She asks if anyone wants to talk about it. A boy speaks up and says what’s the point..he was shot and he’s gone. Haley says there isn’t one and looks at Quentin’s desk. Haley then sees something written on Q’s desk. She asks who wrote it and the boy says he did. It says “He who does not weep does not see.” She says it’s from Les Miserables and then asks who’s next to write on the desk. Haley goes back to her desk and then sees Samantha in the back, not participating. She’s wearing the purple stolen shirt from COB’s. Haley asks if it’s COBs and then Samantha looks at Haley as it fades out.


Jamie and Andre are at the playground at school. Andre is playing Game Boy and says he likes to play sports. They both agree they like Basketball. Andre compliments Jamie on his cape. He says he’d like one like Batman’s. Jamie says he likes Batman too.


Denice, Q’s mom goes to see Skills, Lucas and Haley at the gym. She thanks Lucas for sticking up for Q and apologizes he got suspended. She also thanks Haley and says she was so surpised to find Q reading at home. She tells them less kids would get into trouble with a little more hard work. She tells them to let her know if he gives them any more trouble



Filming Spoilers

Added 7/16/2008

TSOneTreeHillz (Taylor) @FF: WOW! I just got back from filming and I met HILARIE again!!!!!!!!

So Hilarie came over to take pictures and then Joy ran up and said “yay…we can be MVPs”. She just kinda stood there and talked to everyone. Hilarie remembered me from the bar and asked how things were going…ect. And I said well I’m loving this season so far and she said “Leyton forever, right?” I was like “hell yea”!

Joy ran up and said that to Hilarie, I guess because Chad and James left (but they had come over earlier). Most of the scene was inside Quentin’s house and yea I have pics. But Lucas and Peyton walk in holding hands.

Also…I found out, Hilarie did switch fingers yesterday. The band was on her ring finger but when she went to take pictures she moved it in front of all the fans to her index finger…not to sure what that means.



Ai, ai, ai - leyton forever!!!! :rofl:



ak un šis manām acīm bija īsts pārsteigums,ak tik varen jauka'draudzība , ak ilūzija, par ko tik varen jauko

BP COB scene: Peyton picks up a lot of the clothes that are thrown out of the store. Before Peyton leaves, Brooke asks her to give back her house key. As Peyton leaves she kinda “scares” off the onlookers who were trying to take the clothes again.

There was a scene filmed with just Nathan/Haley/Jamie at their house towards the end of the episode. I believe that it is right before they go to the wake, but I’m not positive.
Nathan, Haley, and Deb have a scene at NH’s house also. I don’t know the content of this scene.
Before the funeral, Nathan and Jamie clean out Quentin’s locker. This is when Jamie takes Q’s jersey.



Peyton walks into COB and Brooke is there.  Brooke seems upset and throws the clothes out onto the street and then walks towards the back of COB.  Peyton turns around and says something to Brooke and follows her to the back of COB.
The girls are looking at a pile of clothes on the street.  They see Peyton walking out and go to either side of the sidewalk and Peyton says No! when she sees them and then walks out onto the sidewalk after them.



believe all the cast members we saw were Junk, Skills, Lucas, Peyton, Brooke, Haley, Nathan, Deb, Jamie, (standing in that order in front of the casket) (Mouth, Millicent and Dan were not there)
There were probably 50 extras, mostly African American
The main scene was them around a blue casket above ground in the cemetery
They filmed a scene with them walking up to the casket and pallbearers carrying the casket
They filmed a scene with Jamie and Brooke talking at the casket (we weren’t there for that)
They filmed the Ravens walking in, stopping at Denice and then lining up at the end of the casket.
They filmed them walking off from the casket towards the cars.
Peyton was arm in arm with Lucas while standing at the casket
Lucas had his arm around Peyton walking in at times
They filmed Deb walking over to Skills and they put their arms around each other
They filmed the minister saying something but I don’t know what
Skills and Deb were walking away with their arms around each other
The Naley car and Lucas’ car was there
They had a 44 in flowers to the side
A small child wore a 44 Ravens jersey and stood with the Ravens
We saw Barbara, Jackson, Joy, Antwon and James going in/out of the catering tent
Antwon is the only one that stopped for pictures.  Both Heather and I got pictures with him.



Scheduled Air Date: September 15, 2008 @ 9:00PM EST

Writer: ???
Director: Greg Prange
Artist: Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly

* Estimated Filming Schedule: 2008/07/11-2008/07/22

* 2008/07/11 - "My best friend just got back from Wilmington and she found them filming something at COB. She couldn't see what they were filming, but their trailers were there and she saw James and Joy leave while chatting with each other. Joy was wearing a denim skirt with black heels and a white top, and James was wearing a black t-shirt with faded jeans." (credit to TREE HILL FOXY @ OTH Forums)

* 2008/07/15 - "I could work out the scenes but no dialogue sorry. James and Joy filmed 2 different scenes. One was them both in workout clothes, although it was only James working out. Joy just drives into the scene to talk to him. Then they have another scene where they are dressed up." (credit to mellbell86 @ OTH Forums)

* 2008/07/15 - "In the first scene Nathan was just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, and Haley was wearing sweat pants and a normal shirt. Nathan was shooting around, and got a call on his cell phone. Haley drove up, they talked a little, then they hugged. In the second scene they were sitting at a picnic table just talking. Haley was wearing a really pretty green dress and Nathan was wearing a converse shirt with khaki pants." (credit to kitnrse @ OTH Forums)

* 2008/07/16 - "Most of the scene was inside Quentin's house. From what the crew said, it was the wake at the house. Brooke isn't there for the wake or funeral apparently. Nathan, Haley, Jamie and Lucas are there. And Peyton is there as moral support." (credit to Taylor)

* 2008/07/18 - "Lucas, Peyton, Deb, Jamie, Brooke, Nathan, Haley, Skills, Fergie and Junk are at the cemetery. Jamie is holding a box with his cape in it, and he puts it on the casket and then takes Brooke's hand." (credit to Amy @ OTH Blog)

* 2008/07/18 - "A scene was filmed with James, Joy and Jackson. It's between the funeral service and the wake. I got heads up it might be them supporting each other or talking it over with Jamie." (credit to mellbell86)

* 2008/07/18 - "At one point Deb goes over to Skills. The extras said this is how the others find out about them dating! Deb is with Nathan to begin with, and then she says, 'I have to go be with Skills, we've been dating.' Then she walks over to him while the others just give a wtf look." (credit to tutrgurl15)

* 2008/07/18 - "They filmed a Brooke and Jamie scene. When everyone starts walking to their cars he runs back to the grave, and Brooke and Nathan turn around to go get him. They both start after him and maybe exchange words about it, but then Brooke goes after Jamie and Nathan kinda lags behind by himself. Haley just continued off down the hill, towards the cars, and was wiping her eyes a lot. She seemed really upset during that part, like she had to just get away from the grave as fast as she could." (credit to tutrgurl15)

* Tree Hill tries to deal with the tragedy of Quentin's sudden death.

* A casting side was released for a young boy named Andre - View Casting Side

* A casting side was released for Quentin's mother, Denice - View Casting Side

* Haley arrives at the river court to tell Nathan that Quentin died. Nathan drops the ball and she gives him a hug - 2008/07/15. (credit to nbetterbid @ OTH Forums)

* Scenes were filmed of everyone getting out of NH's Range Rover and going into Quentin's house, either after the funeral or after they all found out he died - 2008/07/16. (credit to nbetterbid @ OTH Forums)

* Before the funeral, Nathan and Jamie clean out Quentin's locker. Jamie takes Q's jersey. (credit to Rebecca)

* The whole gang (the core five plus Skills, Deb, Junk, etc.) meets together at NH's house before heading to the funeral. This is about halfway through the episode - 2008/07/21. (credit to Rebecca)

* Nathan,Haley, and Jamie have a scene at their house towards the end of the episode. I believe that it is right before they go to the wake, but I'm not positive. (credit to Rebecca)

* Nathan, Haley, and Deb have a scene at NH's house also. I don't know the content of this scene. (credit to Rebecca)

* A Brooke/Haley scene was filmed by NH's pool - 2008/07/22. (credit to Rebecca)

6.03 Side Summaries

* Scene 9: Haley's Classroom. Haley enters the room and finds her students looking "somber", and hugging each other. The room is silent until Haley begins to speak. She doesn't know what to say to the students, just as she didn't know what to say to her son, who loved Quentin. Haley looks at Quentin's desk, and asks if anyone would like to talk about how they're feeling. A boy interrupts, asking, "What's the point?" Quentin's gone forever because someone shot him, what's the point in talking about it? Haley is momentarily unable to answer, before dropping into her chair with the words, "There is no point."

* Scene 36: Haley's Classroom. Haley is walking around the room, and stops at Quentin's desk when she notices a message written on it: "We miss you." Haley asks who wrote it, and the boy from earlier responds that he did. When Haley asks for the marker, the boy assumes he will be punished. Instead, Haley also signs the desk with a quote from Les Miserables: "He who does not weep does not see." She then asks who wants to sign the desk next, before holding out the marker. Her class surrounds the desk and sign it, one by one. Haley returns to her own desk, and notices Samantha, who is wearing the purple shirt she stole from Clothes Over Bro's. End of Act Four



es pat nevaru īsti nokomentēt. Es vienkārsi raudu. Tas bija tik skumji. Un manā pasreizejajā stāvoklī, kāda atrodas mana ģimene... Visa tā nāves lieta - bēres, palikušie, nāves bezjēdzība, un kāda tam visam jēga..... Tas visss. Tas vienkārši šobrīd man ir ļoti sapīgs un pārāk tuvs jautājums. Sajūta ir tāda, it kā kāds būtu iegajis manas domās un iegrūdis man seja manas bailes, priekšnojautas un sāpes. Tas ir smagi.


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