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New Moon filmēs cits režisors!

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Catherine Hardwicke will NOT be directing New Moon!!!!!!

Hot of the heels of the announcement that shooting on the Twilight sequel New Moon could begin as early as March of 2009, Variety reports that director Catherine Hardwicke will not be returning to helm the second feature. The following Variety piece explains all the details:

"In an unusual move after the successful launch of a franchise that has already generated $138.6 million, the upstart distrib (Summit Entertainment) is not bringing director Catherine Hardwicke back to direct New Moon. Summit and Hardwicke cite Summit's wish to rush the movie into production as one reason for their split. Summit wants to release the picture, which will demand substantial CGI work, by the end of 2009 or the start of 2010. A former production designer, Hardwicke wanted more prep time."

"Twilight" scripter Melissa Rosenberg handed in a draft of "New Moon" the weekend that "Twilight" opened. Hardwicke wanted more time to work on it; Summit announced it was going ahead with "New Moon" on November 22, with no director attached. Negotiations lasted two weeks before Hardwicke formally passed on the film Saturday.

The problem that stalled negotiations was that Hardwicke had strong opinions about what to do with the next installment, and so did Summit. The debate was how to focus the adaptation of the second book, which deals more with giant werewolves than vampires, as well as the long depression of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart), after her vampire lover (Rob Pattinson) leaves her. One issue was how to get more of teen heartthrob Pattinson into the film. (Rosenberg has figured out a device to achieve this.) But Hardwicke, burned out from her "Twilight" labors, simply wasn't willing to jam this movie with a script that still needed months of development.

"I am sorry that due to timing I will not have the opportunity to direct 'New Moon," said Hardwicke. "Directing 'Twilight' has been one of the great experiences of my life, and I am grateful to the fans for their passionate support of the film. I wish everyone at Summit the best with the sequel -- it is a great story."

"Catherine did an incredible job in helping us to launch the 'Twilight' franchise, and we thank her for all of her efforts and we very much hope to work with her on future Summit projects," said Summit production prexy Erik Feig. "We as a studio have a mandate to bring the next installment in the franchise to the big screen in a timely fashion so that fans can get more of Edward, Bella and all of the characters that Stephenie Meyer has created. We are able to pursue an aggressive time frame as we have the luxury of only adapting the novels into screenplays as opposed to having to create a storyline from scratch."

The movie is still going strong as the director and cast promote it overseas; it came in second this weekend with $13.2 million, grossing a total $138.6 million.



Es tikai ceru, ka visas šīs radošās nesaskaņas nesabojās filmu. :(
Diezgan muļķīgi no Summit Entertainment puses ir tik ļoti steigties.  :dontknow: Labāk būtu taisījuši labu filmu. Nu un, ka ilgāk filmētu, toties rezultāts būtu labs un gan jau filma atpelnītu izdevumus.
Pietam, Hardvika sevi jau ir pierādījusi.
Un vēl man patika, ka viņa pieturas pie grāmatas sižeta.
Ak, tagad būs par ko pārdzīvot.  %-)



kāpēc mani tas nemaz nepārsteidz? Samitam vēl neviena filma nav nopelnījusi tik daudz un piķis maina cilvēkus, pat ļoti. Pēkšņi visiem vajag vairāk, visi grib būt svarīgāki, visi grib būt panākumu pirmrindnieki. Nu nez - biedē jau, ka New Moon būs izteikti Holivudisks ar milzu specefektu gūzmu, action un bez grāmatas sirds.



albalonga написал(а):

biedē jau, ka New Moon būs izteikti Holivudisks ar milzu specefektu gūzmu, action un bez grāmatas sirds.

Mani biedē tas pats.  :no: Eh, un es cerēju, ka pateiksi ko, kas mani nomierinās.

Ok, tas, ka nav Hardvikas, nenozīmē, ka filma būs slikta.
Un varbūt Hardvika vēl pārdomās un viņi ar Summit atrisinās domstarpības. Un varbūt, ar specefektiem nebūs pārspīlēts...
Ai, nesanāk pašai sevi nomierināt. :(



Nomierinies, Ragana. Gan būs labi. Na jau tik traki. Nedomāju, ka viņi pārāk atkāpsies no pirmās filmas stila - viņiem jau ar bail ar pārāk lielām izmaiņām atbaidīt skatītāju.



albalonga написал(а):

Nomierinies, Ragana. Gan būs labi. Na jau tik traki. Nedomāju, ka viņi pārāk atkāpsies no pirmās filmas stila - viņiem jau ar bail ar pārāk lielām izmaiņām atbaidīt skatītāju.

Tomēr uzprasījos. :D Palīdzēja. ;) Kaut nu tev būtu taisnība. :)



uii, pašlaik tiešām šādi jaunumi īpaši nesajūsmina, taču cerību nevar zaudēt. Me arī domā, ka New Moon nevarēs pārāk novirzīties no grāmatas, jo fani grib redzēt filmas, kas iespējami tuvāk būtu grāmatas sižetam, nevis piln īgi kaut kas cits, PAT neskatoties uz to, ka Edvards tik sākumā un beigās parādās :)



Ziņas par jauno režisoru!

There will be a new director atop the Twilight franchise: and he'll be a man. Sources tell that Summit Entertainment is about to hire Chris Weitz (The Golden Compass) as the shepherd for New Moon, the second installment of Stephenie Meyer's best-selling Twilight series. Weitz is best-known for his work with his brother Paul. The two directed and produced American Pie and then were nominated for an Academy Award for best screenplay for About a Boy, which they also co-directed. Chris' first solo directing gig, The Golden Compass, didn't do well stateside but was a hit internationally.

Twilight, directed by Catherine Hardwicke, has grossed more than $141 million so far, but Hardwicke had clashed with the studio during production. It was announced early this week that she would not be making New Moon. Weitz has a solid relationship with Summit's top brass; he's considered easy to work with and has experience with special effects. "He's the quality-of-life-choice," says one source. While Summit insists "we have not yet signed Chris Weitz to do New Moon," and Weitz's agency says no deal has been signed, other sources say the deal is imminent, and that Summit has stopped negotiations with other potential Moon directors. Summit had planned to announce this hiring decision on Sunday, Dec. 14, and could have Weitz in Vancouver, B.C. as early as Monday to start pre-production on the film.



Hm, gaidu rītdienu, 14. decembri. Tiešām, tik ātri tas viss.
Amerikāņu pīrāga pieminēšana gan nenomierināja. :D

Un es vēl uztraucos, ka viņi tur paņiem iespēju nomainīt aktieri, kurš tēlo Džeikobu.  :no: Tā nevar!



Ragana написал(а):

Amerikāņu pīrāga pieminēšana gan nenomierināja.

Un mani nobiedēja :D



mieru tikai mieru - šitas režisors ir labs un nav jāņem vēra viņa jautrošanās ar brāli pīrāgā. ņemiet par piemēru About a Boy ar Hjū Grantu - ārkārtīgi laba filma emocionāli un lielisks adaptētais scenārijs (esmu arī gramatu lasījusi). Ir ok.



albalonga написал(а):

mieru tikai mieru - šitas režisors ir labs

Būs vien tev jātic. :D Un es labprāt to darīšu.  ^^

albalonga написал(а):

un nav jāņem vēra viņa jautrošanās ar brāli pīrāgā.

Tas labi. :D

albalonga написал(а):

ņemiet par piemēru About a Boy ar Hjū Grantu - ārkārtīgi laba filma emocionāli un lielisks adaptētais scenārijs (esmu arī gramatu lasījusi). Ir ok.

Neskatījos un nelasīju, bet ja tu tā saki... Šajā jautājumā esi daudz zinošāka par mani. :) ;)



Nu ko, Summit deva oficiālu apstiprinājumu tam, ka New Moon filmēs Veics.
Un Stefenija savā mājaslapā ievietoja šādu ziņu:

Hey guys,

There's been a lot of worry and speculation on the boards lately, and I want to let you know what's going on.

First of all, like you, I'm sad that Catherine is not continuing on with us for New Moon. I'm going to miss her, not just as a brilliant director, but also as a friend. She has such a distinct, authentic voice that did amazing things for Twilight. I'm looking forward to every movie she does in the future.

And she didn't leave us empty handed. We still get the benefits of her amazing casting and the beautiful visual world she created. This foundation puts us in a good place for New Moon.

Summit Films is moving forward with a new director for New Moon. They've asked Chris Weitz, director of American Pie, About a Boy, and The Golden Compass, to join us, and I am very pleased to announce that he's agreed to be a part of our Twilight world. I've had the chance to talk to Chris, and I can tell you that he is excited by the story and eager to keep the movie as close to the book as possible. He is also very aware of you, the fans, and wants to keep you all extremely happy. (Torches and pitchforks are not going to be necessary.)

I'm excited to work with Chris and I think he brings a lot to the table, not the least of which for me is that he wrote the screenplay for and directed one of my favorite movies of all time, About a Boy. I'm really looking forward to seeing his vision for New Moon.

Below is a letter from Chris to you. I think you'll get a glimpse in this note of how cool it's going to be having Chris as part of our community.

Šķiet, viss ir kārtībā. :) Vismaz no Meijeres labas atsauksmes. :)



Ragana написал(а):

I'm excited to work with Chris and I think he brings a lot to the table, not the least of which for me is that he wrote the screenplay for and directed one of my favorite movies of all time, About a Boy.

hihihi... Nu re - mūsu domas sakrīt par so rezisoru un viņa filmu. Super. :D



New Moon filmas pirmizrāde ASV būs 20. novembrī! :shine:  :love:



:D Sākumā teica, ka 22., tad 21., tagad jau 20. :D
Kaut nu viņi nepārsteigtos.  :)



uhhh,būs ko pagaidīt līdz filma būs pieejama Lv.  :) Labs,nāk ar gaidīšanu būs tā vērts vismaz tāda nojauta ir.  ^^



Adrianna написал(а):

būs tā vērts vismaz tāda nojauta ir.

Pff.. Labāk pat lai nemēģina sabojāt filmu!  :nope: Es nezinu, ko es tad darīšu. Lidošu uz Ameriku ar visu smago artilēriju. :D

Adrianna написал(а):

uhhh,būs ko pagaidīt līdz filma būs pieejama Lv.

Twilight pie mums atnāca nedēļu pēc pirmizrādes Amerikā. Neliekas trakoti ilgi. ;)



Adrianna написал(а):

Labs,nāk ar gaidīšanu būs tā vērts vismaz tāda nojauta ir.

Es domāju, ka būs gan tās gadīšanas vērts! ^^

Ragana написал(а):

Sākumā teica, ka 22., tad 21., tagad jau 20.

Nu jā, bet domāju, ka pie 20. arī paliks.. :)



GaBy написал(а):

Es domāju, ka būs gan tās gadīšanas vērts!

:yep:  :love:

GaBy написал(а):

Nu jā, bet domāju, ka pie 20. arī paliks..

Varētu arī 19. :D 4. domu svārstīšanās ir no sirds,kā nekā. :D


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Twilight Saga » New Moon filmēs cits režisors!