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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Twilight Saga » Kapēc Edvards Kallens ir labāks par tavu puisi?!

Kapēc Edvards Kallens ir labāks par tavu puisi?!

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A normal guy would say: “I love you Baby!”
Edward Cullen would say: “You are my life now.”

A normal Guy would say: “I think I am falling for you.”
Edward Cullen would say: “The Lion fell in Love with the Lamb”

A normal Guy would say: “You hair looks like a haystack; go brush it!”
Edward Cullen would say: "Your hair looks like a haystack but I like it.”

A normal guy would pick a random song from a random artist and dedicate it to you.
Edward Cullen would sing you a song he wrote for you while playing the piano.

If you died, a normal guy would find another.
If you died, Edward would kill himself cause life without you isn’t worth living.

"Well, I wasn't going to live without you.." He rolled his eyes as if that fact were childishly obvious. "..but I wasn't sure how to do it. I knew Emmet and Jasper would never help so I was thinking maybe I would go to Italy and do something to provoke the Volturi."

As you leave the house, a normal guy would say: “Bye, see ya!”
As you leave the house Edward Cullen would say: “Come back to me, love.”

He smiled my favorite smile. "Hurry back to me."

As you come back to the house, a normal guy would be watching TV and wouldn’t even notice.
As you come back to the house, Edward Cullen would be welcoming you by playing the piano with a song just for you.

"I heard the music before I was out of the car. Edward hadn't touched his piano since the night Alice left. Now, as I shut the door, I heard the song morph through a bridge and change into my lulluby. Edward was welcoming me home."

A normal guy would wait for you to make him breakfast.
Edward Cullen would make you breakfast everyday.

While you are both out for dinner, a normal guy wouldn’t keep his eyes off the sexy waitress.
Edward Cullen wouldn’t even notice the waitress was a female.

A normal guy, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and one hand on the radio.
Edward Cullen, while driving, would keep one hand on the wheel and the other attached to yours.

While far apart in different places, a normal guy would say: “I miss you.”
While far apart in different places, Edward Cullen would say: “It’s like you've taken half myself with you.”

A normal guy does it with everyone.
Edward Cullen only does it with one.

A normal guy buys you flowers and chocolates.
Edward Cullen buys you a bullet proof car.

A normal guy wouldn’t care or notice if you had nightmares.
Edward Cullen would sing until your nightmares went away.

"Do you want me to sing to you? I'll sing all night if it will keep the bad dreams away."




Ir lasīts, bet tāpat patīkams!  ^^



:love: Skaisti,bet tā diemžēl notiek tik filmās. :/ Tas,ka pasaka un pierāda kautvai līdzīgus vārdus jau ir kaut kas. :) Laikam šāda attieksme ir Stefānijas Meijeres sapnis,tāpat kā lielākā daļa pārējo meiteņu,arī mans ^^ Edwards tā dara,un pārējie puiši/vīrieši varētu no viņa tikai mācīties.  :rolleyes:

Отредактировано Adrianna (19.02.2009 21:10)



Aha, daudzos tekstos par puišiem ir taisnība.. ^^ :love: Kaut visi būtu Edvardi, es būtu laimīga.. :D :love: ^^



Ak, skaisti jau izklausās ^^ Bet tādi edvardi dzīvo tikai grāmatās, filmās utt. :) Un parastie puiši nav jau nemaz ar tik slikti un zemē metami :P

GaBy написал(а):

A normal guy would pick a random song from a random artist and dedicate it to you.
Edward Cullen would sing you a song he wrote for you while playing the piano.

:rofl:   manā pagātnē ir viena man sacerēta un uz klavierēm spēlēta dziesma :D ek, ja varētu sarunāt to dabūt ierakstā... tak tāda vēsture.. nevar laist zudumā :P



Paloma написал(а):

Bet tādi edvardi dzīvo tikai grāmatās, filmās utt.

:'( Tas gan..

Paloma написал(а):

Un parastie puiši nav jau nemaz ar tik slikti un zemē metami

Nūūū.. :playful: Ir jau ir.. :D



GaBy написал(а):

Nūūū..  Ir jau ir..

Es tomēr atļaušos apstrīdēt :P un palikšu pie sava :P neviens nav ideāls - vismaz reālajā dzīvē :P



Paloma написал(а):

Es tomēr atļaušos apstrīdēt  un palikšu pie sava

Es jau nemaz nestrīdos! :P Es tev piekrītu.. :D

Paloma написал(а):

neviens nav ideāls

Vot tas gan!!! :yep:



Paloma написал(а):

neviens nav ideāls - vismaz reālajā dzīvē

Pilnīgi neviens,vienmēr atklājas kāds āķis. :D Īstenībā ja būtu ideāls,kāds vienalga atrastu kur piesieties. :) Cik cilvēku tik viedokļu..Kādam liksies ideāls citam ne. :)



Labs. :D Eh... Ir par ko pasapņot.. :love:

Paloma написал(а):

manā pagātnē ir viena man sacerēta un uz klavierēm spēlēta dziesma  ek

Wow.. Forša tev pagātnes pieredze. :)



Skaisti jau!!! :) Tieši tapēc jau mums tā patīk lasīt tās grāmatas ^^


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Twilight Saga » Kapēc Edvards Kallens ir labāks par tavu puisi?!