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Kurš Džonija Depa filmu tēls tu esi?
Сообщений 1 страница 14 из 14
Поделиться206.04.2009 22:00
Man sanāca:
You're Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean
Yo, ho! It's a pirate's life for you! You're the Johnny Depp character with messy hair, lots of eyeliner, and a knack for escaping from danger. You're a little bit mad and a little bit brilliant, so it's hard for other people to work with you, unless they trust you completely. You respect the pirate's code as a set of general guidelines, but you'll break any rule if your life's in danger. You're mischievous, adventuresome, and flirty. Whether it's a canoe or cruise ship, you're fun to have aboard?you turn any boat ride into a rollicking, raucous adventure.
Поделиться306.04.2009 22:20
You're J.M. Barrie from Finding Neverland
You're Johnny Depp as a neatly-dressed Londoner who dances with his big, fluffy dog in the park, just to make strangers laugh. Like J.M. Barrie, the writer who created Peter Pan, you get a kick out of entertaining kids. You believe a playful attitude helps keep people young and that creativity is an essential part of life. You're polite, friendly, and respectful, except when a bitter, boring person criticizes your choices or childlike ways. (Hmm? maybe you should name an evil villain after him/her?) If someone you love is in danger, you don't look for a practical solution. You fix things with the most important tool you have?your imagination.
Kāds pārsteigums, vai ne?
Поделиться406.04.2009 22:39
You're Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Ooh, sweet! You're Johnny Depp as a neurotic chocolatier who wears bug-eyed glasses and a lot of velvet. You're such a fascinating, successful person that people will do almost anything for a taste of life inside your bizarre, sheltered world. You're a bit of a loner, though. In the past, a few bad people took advantage of you, so now you're much more careful about letting new people into your life. You're suspicious of outsiders, but extremely friendly and generous with people who've earned your respect. Instead of letting your parents tell you what to do (and what to eat), you let your tastebuds make all the important decisions. So far, the future looks yummy!
īstenībā daudzkas atbilst..
Поделиться507.04.2009 10:30
īstenībā daudzkas atbilst..
Man tur viss atbilst par to, kas man sanāca! Nu es esmu īsts pirāts! Ar mani tik tiešām ir grūti strādāt..
Отредактировано GaBy (07.04.2009 10:31)
Поделиться607.04.2009 22:32
In the past, a few bad people took advantage of you, so now you're much more careful about letting new people into your life. You're suspicious of outsiders, but extremely friendly and generous with people who've earned your respect.
Tāda sajūta it kā kāds būtu rakņājies manā dienenē..
So far, the future looks yummy!
Cerams,ka tā..
Man tur viss atbilst par to, kas man sanāca! Nu es esmu īsts pirāts! Ar mani tik tiešām ir grūti strādāt..
Beeidz,ja ar tevi ir grūti strādāt tad ar daudziem citiem ko es pazīstu = neiespējami..
Поделиться708.04.2009 14:19
Beeidz,ja ar tevi ir grūti strādāt tad ar daudziem citiem ko es pazīstu = neiespējami..
Tici man, tu mani nezini.. Ar tevi nekad neesmu strādājusi nevienu skolas projektu.. Tākā tu nezini.. Bet ir, ir..
Поделиться808.04.2009 22:18
man sanaaca taaa...
You're Gilbert Grape from What's Eating Gilbert Grape
You're Johnny Depp as a regular guy from a small town, who feels stuck in one place and stifled by family obligations. Like Gilbert, you're sweet, thoughtful and doing your best to be a good person, but sometimes it's hard to figure out if you're making the right decisions. You are full of hopes and wishes?for a new house, a new relationship, or a future that takes place somewhere else?but you can't quite figure out how to make your dreams come true. Your trusting, responsible ways make you a "knight in shimmering armor" to anyone who needs your help.
nezinu es taadu varoni, nu bet kaut kas no patiesiibas laikam jau ir
Поделиться910.04.2009 10:56
Man sanāca tas pats, kas Adri
You're Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Un arī daudz kas tiešām atbilst
Поделиться1010.04.2009 12:51
aizpildīju, bet savu labāk nelikšu
Поделиться1110.04.2009 14:14
aizpildīju, bet savu labāk nelikšu
Поделиться1211.04.2009 00:33
Tici man, tu mani nezini.. Ar tevi nekad neesmu strādājusi nevienu skolas projektu.. Tākā tu nezini.. Bet ir, ir..
Tas jau nemaz nav tik slikti,tātad tev ir savs viedoklis uz visu.. nu ar mani arī nav diezko viegli,bet nu,ja iziet uz kompromisu,tad jau viss ir kā vajag..
Man sanāca tas pats, kas Adri
You're Willy Wonka from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Un arī daudz kas tiešām atbilst
ū,forši.. man piem., jau tas nosaukums chocolate factory deva vēlēšanos redzēt filmu esmu atkarīga no saldumiem neeevaru bez.. var maz,bet katru dienu.. traki.. Cerams atradināšos,lai gan būtībā nav iemeslu atradināties,jo šokolāde uzlabo domāšanu un garīgo..
Поделиться1311.04.2009 00:54
nu, pirmkārt, es to filmu neesmu redzējusi un nezinu, kas tas par tēlu kaut kāds tur raudošais. bišku pārspīlēti, tik traki taču ar mani nav
Поделиться1411.04.2009 10:42
kaut kāds tur raudošais. bišku pārspīlēti, tik traki taču ar mani nav
Nu c`mon.. Pasaki.. Vismaz filmu.