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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » From Hell

From Hell

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From Hell

Gads: 2001
Valsts: ASV
Žanrs: Šausmu filma, trilleris, kriminālfilma.
Sižets: It is 1888 in London, and the unfortunate poor lead horrifying lives in the city's deadliest slum, Whitechapel. Harassed by gangs and forced to walk the streets for a living, Mary Kelly and her small group of companions trudge on through this daily misery, their only consolation being that things can't get any worse. Yet things somehow do when their friend Ann is kidnapped and they are drawn into a conspiracy with links higher up than they could possibly imagine. The kidnapping is soon followed by the gruesome murder of another woman, Polly, and it becomes apparent that they are being hunted down, one by one. Sinister even by Whitechapel standards, the murder grabs the attention of Inspector Fred Abberline, a brilliant yet troubled man whose police work is often aided by his psychic abilities. Abberline becomes deeply involved with the case, which takes on personal meaning to him when he and Mary begin to fall in love. But as he gets closer to the truth Whitechapel becomes more and more dangerous for Abberline, Mary, and the other girls. Whoever is responsible for the grisly acts is not going to give up his secret without a fight....will they be able to survive the avenging force that has been sent after them from hell?
Johnny Depp - Inspector Frederick Abberline
Heather Graham - Mary Kelly
Ian Holm - Sir William Gull
Robbie Coltrane - Sergeant Peter Godley
Ian Richardson - Sir Charles Warren
Jason Flemyng - Netley, the Coachman
Katrin Cartlidge - Dark Annie Chapman
Terence Harvey - Benjamin 'Ben' Kidney
Susan Lynch - Liz Stride
Paul Rhys - Dr. Ferral
Lesley Sharp - Kate Eddowes
Estelle Skornik - Ada
Nicholas McGaughey - Officer Bolt
Annabelle Apsion - Polly Nichols
Joanna Page - Ann Crook

Отредактировано GaBy (09.04.2009 21:18)



Filmu jau biju redzējusi iepriekš.. Bet ne visu no paša sākuma.. :) Vakar kopā ar Adri noskatījāmies visu pilnībā.. :)
Ko lai saka? :D Filma ir ļoti asiņaina..  %-) Ir daudz riebīgu skatu, bet Džonīša dēļ ir vērts noskatīties! :love: Kā jau parasti viņš satriecošs visā pilnībā! ^^ :love:



GaBy написал(а):

Kā jau parasti viņš satriecošs visā pilnībā!

Jā par šo es varu pilnībā piekrist,un lai gan lielāko daļu man biji izstāstījusi es tomēr nesapratu un tā teikt negaidīju,ka viņš nomirs,jo tu teici,ka būs happy end.. :D Ehhh,laba filma :love: ^^ tik labi ka tas slimais man sapņos nerādījās.. :D re kā spontāni veseli 2 filmu vakari sanākuši.. ^^  :rolleyes: pld ;)* ^^



Adrianna написал(а):

u teici,ka būs happy end..

Nevar ticēt visam, ko es saku.. :D Nu bet labi, biju piemirsusi, ka tādas beigas būs, bet, kad redzēju beigas, atceros, ka pirmoreiz skatoties asara nobira.. :D

Adrianna написал(а):

re kā spontāni veseli 2 filmu vakari sanākuši..  pld

Danke tev arī! ^^


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