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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Supernatural 5. sezona » 5x03 Free to Be You and Me

5x03 Free to Be You and Me

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Un nākamnedēļ mūs gaida vēl viena fantastiska sērija un beidzot būs vairāk Dean/Cass...

Sam decides to stop hunting but has a hard time after he receives a surprise visit. Dean and Castiel try to find the Archangel Raphael in their bid to stop the Apocalypse.

Paspoilerošu un pateikšu, ka Semiju apciemos Džesa - tā pati, kura nomira pilotsērijā. wow. Un jej - Destiel darbosies kopā - sen bij laiks.



Daži skrīni no šīs sērijas jau atrodami. jej.



Woohooo, mans gavilē  :love:



Free to Be You and Me tas nosaukums ar labs :D



Alby, tu kā vienmēr iekārdini un padari gaidīšanu vēl mokošāku. :D Man gribas, ali atkal Lucifers parādās un Dievu ar labprāt redzētu. (Tas izklausās tik smieklīgi un ja tiktu izrauts no konteksta, tad arī pavisam nenormāli. :D )



Vēl tikai 2 dienas  :shine: Destiel, Destiel, Destiel!!! Wooooo :jumping:




hahah, jej.... :D



es braucu uz darbu un trolejbusā stulbi smaidīju. Tā reāli stulbi, ka pat cilvēki skatījās. Nu manu smaidu viņi tik uz lūpām redzēja, jo biju noslēpusies zem cepurītes un saulenēm. Bilan, tie Dīna smiekli. Hahahahaha. Un vispār tās sarunas ar Cassu. Un protams šokējošās beigas - kāds pārsteigums - Semijs ir Lucifera vessel. Bļin, viņi joprojām turpina pretstatīt brāļus un Semijs protams ļaunuma pusē. Bet es fanoju par Luciferu - es tev nekad nemelošu, es necentīšos tevi apmuļķot. Tu pats piekritīsi. Un nabaga Semijs - tā baiļu izteiksme sejā, asaras acīs... Ģeniāla sērija, ģeniāls SPN un es nesaprotu tos fanus, kas saka, ka SPN ir pārdevies un pārāk lielas lietas grib paņemt - dievs, ēģeli, Lucifers. Es nepiekrītu - manā izpratnē viņiem izdodas labāk nekā jebkad kādam izdevies. Visi šie abstraktie spēki iegūst personību un viņi nav tik garlaicīgi viennozīmīgi kā pierast. Es tiešām dievinu SPN... :love:



Mūzika: Simple Man (Lynyrd Skynyrd)

The title of the episode alludes to the 1970s cult classic Free to Be... You and me, an album and illustrated songbook aimed at children. Released in November 1972, it featured songs and stories from celebrities such as Marlo Thomas, Diana Ross, the New Seekers and Roberta Flack. In 1974 it was made into a television special and featured Michael Jackson, Rita Coolidge and Marlo Thomas.

Viens review, kas man ļoti patīk un kam es ļoti piekrītu

This episode had so many things that I've been waiting for. Ever since season two's "Houses for the Holy" I've been just *waiting* for Dean to be Michael or his vessel. Of course, it would only make sense that Sam would be Lucifer's. The only thing is, we predicted this since SEASON TWO!!! Come on, guys. Could you be a little more creative, please?

Lucifer was amazing at the end of the episode. This was one of my favorite scenes. I love how they're portraying Lu. He's honest and sincere, and that goes against what most believe he's like. I know Kripke wanted to make him the most-liked character in the episodes he's in. Well, you've succeeded! *applauds*

The whole Sam in the bar thing sort of dragged on, hence why I skipped most of those scenes in my rewatches (yes, plural. Heehee!). Now, onto the real gem of this episode:

DEAN AND CAS!!!! Why Kripke and Co, if I didn't know any better I'd think you're actually pushing for people to ship Dean/Castiel just to get them away from the Wincest. You sneaky bastard! But either way, it makes for one hilarious episode! Top five parts (in no particular order):

1) The first scene Castiel was in. With the, "Dude, we've talked about this. Personal space?" and the, "Whoa whoa! Hold on! Last time you zapped me somewhere I didn't poop for a week!" Those had me rolling! And then I aww'd when Castiel said, "You're the only one who will help me." I was expecting him to say Dean was the only one who could. So by him saying, 'will', and by saying please, it's clear that Castiel is utterly alone in his mission, and he really wanted Dean's help (Note the similarities between this and Dean going to Sam for help to find John." Poor Angel man.

2) The FBI thing. Oh lord. Castiel really needs to get with the program! HAHA!! With the upside-down badge and the, "Demons and Angels" bit, it was really well done. 3) Of course, the whole "House of inequity" was HILARIOUS! The look on his face as he sat horrified at his surroundings; the jumping when Dean said his name and the chugging of his beer (Cas drank BEER!!!) All that on top of freaking a poor ho out and making Dean's day/night/years. That whole scene outside with Dean laughing, putting his arm around Cas, and Castiel SMILING was one of their best scenes ever. They acted like true best friends. I hope it stays this way (make Cas evil Kripke and we're DONE!!!)

4) When Castiel was speaking in that language (Latin, Aramaic, or Enochian? Hmmm...) I got chills. And when he angrily said, "I'm here, Raphael. Come and get me you little bastard." I squealed embarrassingly loud. Castiel's first CUSS WORD!!!! The delivery was everything I'd hoped it would be when it finally happened (come on, him being chummy with Dean? It was inevitable). It's mind-boggling to think of how far our little Angel has come from when he walked into the barn!

5) And of course, his last scene in the Impala. Very heartwarming in a bittersweet sense. I loved the fact that even if Dean doesn't necessarily believe in God, he knows how important it is to have faith in something/someone, and like he said, he also knows what it's like to feel his father is out there somewhere despite all odds being against it. I'm glad Castiel hasn't lost faith, and I hope he eventually finds his dad. He deserves it. Also, I sort of loved Dean saying he had more fun with Cas than he did with Sam. I don't hate Sam, but this co-dependence needs to stop. It looks like it's finally getting to that point, and I love it. So all in all, great episode. I can't wait to see next week! (What's this with hippie!Cas (who totally looks like Misha more than Castiel) and him being stoned and getting washed up for an orgy? That's certainly going to be interesting!)



Citātiņi:  :D

Jessica: What are you doing? Running away again?
Sam: Last time I wanted to be normal, and this time I know I'm a freak.

Jessica: I was dead from the moment we said hello.

Jessica: Things are never gonna change for you -- never.

Dean: Me and Sam are taking separate vacations for a while.

Dean: [to Castiel] You were wasted by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Angel?

Dean: [to Castiel] So, what, I'm Thelma and you're Louise, and we're just gonna hold hands and sail off this cliff together?

Dean: Do we have any chance of surviving this?
Castiel: You do.

Castiel: This is a den of iniquity! I shouldn't be here.

Lindsey: [to Sam] No one has ever done anything so bad that they can't be forgiven -- that they can't change.

Dean: Just out of curiosity, what is the average customer wait time to speak to an archangel?

Dean: What about me? Honestly? I don't know ... I'm good.
Castiel: Even without your brother?
Dean: Especially without my brother. I've been so chained to my family, but now that I'm alone, hell, I'm happy.

Raphael: [to Castiel] Did it ever occur to you that Lucifer brought you back?

Sam: You're wrong. People can change. There is reason for hope.
Jessica: No, there isn't.
Sam: How can you be so sure?
[Jessica morphs into Nick / Lucifer]
Lucifer: Because you freed me.

Lucifer: [to Sam] I will find you. And when I do, you will let me in. I'm sure of it.

Lucifer: I will never lie to you. I'll never trick you. But you will let me in.
Sam: Why me?
Lucifer: Because it had to be you. It always had to be you.

Dean: Last night on Earth--what are your plans?
Castiel: I just thought I'd sit here quietly.

Castiel: A deputy sheriff laid eyes on the archangel.
Dean: And he still has eyes?

Dean: Cas, we've talked about this--personal space?

Dean: We're humans. When we really want something, we lie.
Castiel: Why?
Dean: Because--that's how you become president.

Dean: [while killing a vampire] Eat it, Twilight!



Man ar šī sērija patika! Un tagad man apm ir doma, uz ko velk šis seriāls, uz kādām beigām. Man nez kāpēc liekas, ka beigās abi brāļi atļaus sevi izmantot kā veseli attiecīgi Maiklam un Luciferam, un beigās abi aizies bojā cīnoties! Tas, ka Semijs aizies bojā, manuprāt, jau tagad ir kādi 90%.



nu abiem bojā jāaiziet - neko nevar padarīt laikam. Nez. es negribu par to pat domāt.

Bet Destiel, tik daudz Destiel. Un Cass, kurš sāk lietot lamu vārdus un Dīns izskatījās tik lepns par to. Un hihihihihihi, kad Rafaels tur spridzināja tos logu stiklus, Cass apsedza Dīnu ar savu mēteli un it kā apskāva. Viens mazs momentiņš, bet - bilan - Destiel fani vienkārši kūst.



Es pārrēcos, kad Cass izskatījās līdz nāvei pārbijies tajā prieka mājā :D Bet jā bija tur jauki tādi daži momentiņi :playful:



cravey написал(а):

Es pārrēcos, kad Cass izskatījās līdz nāvei pārbijies tajā prieka mājā

jā. es brīnos, kā Misha vispār spēj to Casa patentēto sejas izteiksmi noturēt un nesmieties. Un nabaga Cass - jā, kopā ar Dīnu nekad nav garlaicīgi. Un beigās, kad viņi aizlaižas no tās prieka mājas un Dīns smejas nevaldāmi, Cas SMAIDA! wow. that`s fucking huge. Un Dīns sen nav tik laimīgs redzēts. :D



ak, dievs, es atkal skatos un kaifoju. Kā Dīns Casam aiztaisīja augšējo krekla podziņu un salaboja kaklasaiti. Un atkal tas momentiņš ārā no bāra, kur Dīns smejās, aplika roku ap Casa plecu un Cas SMAIDĪJA.... :D  Dievīgi vienkārsi. Nevar nemīlēt viņus kopā. Tāda ķīmija. Lai piedod Wincest fani, °bet Destiel ir labaka ķīmija. Vispār no faniem lasīju, ka pašiem seriāla veidotājiem Wincest ideja nekad nav patikusi (man ar, ja godīgi) un viņi pat speciāli dod momentiņus Destiel, lai Wincest fani kļūtu par Destiel faniem, lai arī saprotams tie ir tikai draudżīgi momentiņi un starp Dīnu un Casu būs tik draudzība. Tomēr tie momentiņi ir dievīgi. Ak, dievs, un Casa sejas izteiksme bāra, kā viņš alu lieliem malkiem dzēra.  :D



ņj';a šodein ar nosjatījos beidzot!
forša sērija bija tik daudz rēcību brīžu!
Un es vienkārši zināju ka Semijam būs saistība kkāda ar Luciferu! :D


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Supernatural 5. sezona » 5x03 Free to Be You and Me