Nu es te uzgāju vienu tādu kā rakstiņu by lostlonelyartist, kurš ir kristietis un gejs. Viņš ir izlasījis visu Bībeli un te ir citāti no Bībeles, kur minēts homosexuālisms un komentārs par to. Bībelē nekur tā īsti nav minēts homosexuālismam nē. Nu tur tik tajā vienā, kurnoliegtas ir daudzas absurdas lietas, kuras neviens kristietis neievēro. Nu karoč iepostoju.
First and foremost.
Not all Christians believe homosexuality is a sin. The reason SOME Christians do is because they interpret a precious few sections of the Bible as though they are condemning homosexuality.
I am a gay Christian and I have taken it on myself to read the entire Bible. I think that is important when discussing religion.
Here is some information on homosexuality in Christianity:
Genesis 19: Sodom and Gomorrah
God decided he wanted to destroy these two cities for their many sins. He therefore sent Angels to warn the city that they were going to be destroyed. The men of the city ask for the angels to be handed over to them so that they can rape them.Because they would not listen to the Angels and instead wanted to rape them... God destroys the city because of their sin.
The argument of the religious right is that this passage shows God destroyed this city because of homosexuality because Angels MUST be men right? And the men of the city were going to rape MEN and therefore they were destroyed.
That is not true. God had warned of the fate of this city before those men ever THOUGHT of raping those Angels (which are not human and therefore not likely to be male or female).
Even if God DID decide to destroy the city based on that one incident. Wouldn't the sin those men committed be RAPE instead of homosexuality?
Leviticus 18:22
"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is an abomination."
The Levitical laws were restrictions on the lives of ancient Jews. Jesus actively and verbally throws out these laws in the New Testament. Leviticus is the same book that forbids the eating of ham or pork. The same book that declares women must leave the city if they menstruate. These rules don't apply anymore. Otherwise you would be asked to shave your head every time a loved one dies.Also, the verse is not very clear. Scholars disagree on its meaning because the passage. The original translation did not say what it says now. The word used in the original Hebrew was "To'ebah" which means a condemned, foreign, Pagan, religious, cult practice. This has often been MIStranslated to mean abomination or something that "disgusts God". The correct translation is that of a condemned, foreign, Pagan, religious cult practice. The word used by the original Hebrew imply that the passage originally referred to the male on male sexual acts that took place on the alters of Baal. (A big rival of Yahweh) Thus, the theory of many scholars is that this passage original dealt with worshiping another God other than Yahweh.
Romans 1:26-27
"For this cause, God did give them up to vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise even the men, leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust towards one another"This is a passage condemning lust and the powers of lust.
Lust is a sin. Both homosexuals and heterosexuals lust. Lust and sexual deviation from loving partners is wrong no matter who you are... in the eyes of the Bible.Also, keep in mind that Romans is basically a collection of letters written by Paul to the church of Roman as his opinion and advice. As Paul wrote these letters he had no idea they would someday end up in a book called "The Bible" that was put together by various churches in an effort to better establish their brand of Christianity amidst the many brands of Christianity that formed after Jesus' death.
I Corinthians 6: 9 - 10
This verse lists unrighteous acts, and in some translations, homosexuality is mentioned. In the KJV, it says "fornicators". It wasn't until the more recent Living Bible translations that the word homosexual was used. (The word homosexual did not even exist back then.)The literal translation from Greek is "promiscuous men". Putting in the word "homosexual" is a real stretch there. It is a stretch being made by those who wish to use the Bible to condemn homosexuality and unfortunately all the other passages in the Bible are vague at best.These translations generally interpret the Greek words "malakoi" and "arsenokoitai" as referring to homosexuals.
We can be fairly certain that this is not the meaning that Paul wanted to convey. If he had, he would have used the Greek word "paiderasste." That was the standard term at the time for male homosexuals. He was likely referring, instead, to sexual abuse or a more general word of fornication.
That is it. That is ALL the Bible has to say on the issue. Jesus himself NEVER mentioned homosexuality. Jesus spoke of love and tolerance.
I am a proud Christian. In fact they have an all gay church in Winston Salem. I love Jesus and there are plenty of gay people out there who also love Jesus. There are even plenty of churches that will perform gay weddings. One such church is a Baptist church on the Wake Forest campus.
This is the truth about homosexuality and the Bible.
As for some churches that embrass homosexuality: are many, many more besides just those but it would be impossible to list them all in a single post.