'Free Fall' (Original airdate: December 4, 2009)
As Neal becomes a suspect in a jewelry heist, Peter must determine if Neal's lying. Meanwhile Neal closes in on the man with the ring and discovers that he is closer than he had ever thought.
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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » White Collar » 1x07 (White Collar)
'Free Fall' (Original airdate: December 4, 2009)
As Neal becomes a suspect in a jewelry heist, Peter must determine if Neal's lying. Meanwhile Neal closes in on the man with the ring and discovers that he is closer than he had ever thought.
Sērija ļoti interesanta un beigas īstenībā bija pārsteidzošas! Joprojām neticu tam kas notiek un tā gribas zināt,kas būs tālāk!
Tagad ar mammu skatamies Superīgs seriāls, un jā, galvenās lomas atveidotājs Hi hi, jūtu, ka gaidīšu 19. janvāri ar nepacietību
WTF???? Esmu šokā!!!! Es neticu, ka tā beidzās!! Tur kaut kas nav tīrs!!!
Tur kaut kas nav tīrs!!!
man ar tā liekas!
Njā.. Es jau uzreiz sapratu, kas tas Fowlers ir uzēdies uz Nīla..
Njā, TĀDAS beigas es negaidīju!
Matt Bomer's free fall stunt on "White Collar" Episode 1x7
Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » White Collar » 1x07 (White Collar)