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Living in Chinatown, New York City, Grace (Fay Ann Lee) is born into a working class family. At school, her classmates exclude her from their activities, and she is involuntarily the subject of their taunts. Finally finding a confidant, she starts to move out in the world. Taking care of her family's finances, a mold is starting to be formed. And yet, it's not enough. The years fly by and we find that Grace has become a successful Associate at a Wall Street investment bank. Life is moving smoothly, until a misunderstanding leads to a confusing case of mistaken identity. After meeting the handsome Andrew Barrington Jr. (Gale Harold), Grace's life takes an unexpected turn.
Mēs ar meitenēm noskatījāmies Tallinā - baigi forša, mīļa un viegla vakara filmiņa, kuru var skatīties ietinoties siltā segā ar tējas krūzi rokās
Ielādes linki atrodami šeit:
http://www.netloaded.org/falling-for-gr … vid-vomit/