I'm lovin' this one
Question: I am dying here without Vampire Diaries! Please give us some scoop on the Damon-Elena relationship because I am loving it! —Ash
Ausiello: Then prepare to love this season’s final strong of episodes, which exec producer Julie Plec tells me will be heavily focused on the pair. “We’ll see Damon start to look at Elena as more than just his brother’s girlfriend or the doppelganger to the love of his life,” she reveals. “He’ll start to love and understand her as a human being, which is ironic because Damon could typically give a s–t about anything involving humanity. It’s some good stuff.”
Team Damon: When asked if Elena has a crush on Damon, Plec replied, “This is the question of the entire series.” She added that Damon will realize his crush on Elena before she’ll realize her crush on him. “They’re becoming sort of unlikely friends and that’s a slow road,” Williamson said of the pairing. As someone who hates humanity, Damon will go on an interesting journey when he grows closer to Elena and is forced to look at his own humanity.
Did Damon really kill Elena's birth mother on The Vampire Diaries? I can't help but feel like there's more to this story. — Taryn
MICKEY: Well, yeah. When Diaries returns on March 25, we'll learn once and for all who killed Isobel, and why. But you might be more interested in another shocking murder that takes place this spring. Don't grieve too much for the victim; he or she will be miraculously brought back to life shortly thereafter. (For the record, we aren't talking about a vampire "turning" here — he or she will really be alive again.)
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