Lucy Hale portrays Aria Montgomery, who moves back to Rosewood after a year's absence in Europe with her family, which consists of her mother, father, and younger brother. On her first day back, after dropping her brother off at school, Aria decides to visit a bar/grille, where she meets a man whom she instantly has a connection with, and begins a love affair with. The following day, on her first day back at school, she realizes that the man she met is her English teacher. Aria first gets a message from "A" during class, involving the affair between Aria and her teacher- Ezra Fitz. Throughout the next few episodes, Aria and Ezra's relationship is tested; Ezra rejects Aria's advances, Aria attempts to transfer out of Ezra's class- but in the end, the two reconcile, both at Ali's funeral, and in Ezra's car. Aria's father and mother are also in a rocky marriage, especially since her father was having an affair before their move to Europe, although Aria's mother is still unaware of that fact. Aria and Alison found out while walking home to find Aria's father's car parked in secret and him kissing another woman. Aria struggles to keep the secret from her mom, especially when Meredith, the woman Byron had the affair with, makes herself known to her mother and become friends. After Meredith makes her intentions completely clear with Aria, Aria goes to Ezra's house. Ezra comforts Aria and hugs her.
Aria Montgomery/Lucy Hale
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Поделиться203.07.2010 23:21
o viņa man visvairāk patika jau no paša sākuma ,tik mīlīga aktrise ar tik perfektu seju , bet tas romāns ar to skolotāju man patīk vēl vairāk , tāds kārtīgi pārdomāts un reizē ieturēti satriecošs. .
Поделиться305.07.2010 22:21
Arī man vislabāk patīk viņa. Gan ārēji, gan iekšēji...
Поделиться429.07.2010 21:51
Lean, with jet black dark hair, and pouty lips, Aria used to be Rosewood's resident weird girl—but that was before a trip to Iceland did her a world of good. It seems sometimes you have to leave your hometown to realize that you're not weird, just different.
Aria is artsy and imaginative, with hipster style, and a passion for knitting and writing. But, unfortunately for her, when Aria blossomed in Iceland, her deepest, darkest secrets didn't wither away as she'd hoped they would. The ugly truth is out there, and it's going to catch up with her.
Distinctive feature: Wide-set dark brown eyes
Known for: Being anti-Rosewood, making short films, and knitting
Favorite things: Coffee imported from Iceland, French films, literature, and Pigtunia
Biggest regret: Keeping her father's affair from her mom
Worst offense: Withholding evidence from the police
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