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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Āzijas kino un TV » You're Beautiful (Korejas)

You're Beautiful (Korejas)

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The management company of the idol group A.N.JELL insisted on adding a new singer to the group as the lead vocal, Tae Kyung's voice was hurting. However,the new member, Mi Nam, had to go to the States to repair a botched eye job just before signing the contract. His agent came up with the idea of having his twin sister, Mi Nyu,to stand in for him and pretend that she was her brother. The two of them grew up in an orphanage and Mi Nyu, who was all set to become a nun, agreed to this charade as she didn't want to spoil her brother's chance of fame which would make it easier to look for their mother.

    * Title: 미남이시네요 / Minami Shineyo
    * Also known as: He's Beautiful / You're Handsome
    * Genre: Romance, comedy
    * Episodes: 16
    * Broadcast Network: SBS
    * Broadcast period: 2009-Oct-07 to 2009-Nov-26
    * Air time: Wednesday & Thursday 21:55

Отредактировано PhantomGirl (13.07.2010 20:42)



Ak! Šī lieliskā drama!

Man ļoti patika aktieru sniegums un sižets kopumā. Noskatījos visai ātri un stāsts aizrāva. Mīļākais tēls laikam ir Džeremijs, kas man nu ir pielipis nedaudz, xD. Tādā ziņā, ka esmu ļoti Džeremejiska, kad tiešām labā garastāvoklī. :D

Ļoti patika Tae Kyang un Go Mi Nam kā pāris. Vēl man patika fakts, ka Mi Nams ir viena liela nepatikšana. Tas padarīja drāmu ļoti smieklīgu.

Starp citu- Jūs nezinat, kur varētu novilkt šo te ar angļu subiem? Mans korejiešu valodas līmenis ir ļoti zems, bet tur, kur parasti velku drāmas ar subiem, bija tikai tādās valodās, kuras nepārzinu.



Pēc idejas to var nolādē't šeit!



Dang it, tā dziesma  :'(
Park Shin Hye - Without Words

I shouldn’t have done that,
I should have pretended not to know
like I didn’t see it, like I couldn’t see it
I shouldn’t have looked at you in the first place
I should have run away
I should have pretended I wasn’t listening
like I didn’t hear it, like I couldn’t hear it
I shouldn’t have heard your love in the first place

Without a word, you made me know what love is
Without a word, you gave me your love
Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away
Without a word, love leaves me
Without a word, love abandons me

Wondering what to say next
My lips were surprised
It came without a word
Why does it hurt so much?
Why does it hurt continuously?
Except for the fact that I can’t see you anymore, and that you’re not here anymore
otherwise, it’ll be just the same like before

Without a word, you made me know what love is
Without a word, you gave me your love
Made me fill myself with your every breath
Then you ran away
Without a word, love leaves me
Without a word, love abandons me

Wondering what to say next
My lips were surprised

Without a word, tears starts falling down
Without a word, my heart is broken
Without a word, I waited for love
Without a word, love hurts me

Klausos un piņņa nāk virsū  :'(



Hahahha, nepamanīju, ka bij jau izveidota tēma šai drāmai :D Tik daudz acīmredzot biju saskatījusies, ka acis žilba :D
Enīvei, super! Es sajūsmā! Dziesmas klausos vienā laidā. Noskatījos principā pa 2 dienām, lai gan vajadzētu gada projektu rakstīt. Bet nespēju vnk atrauties. Tik skaista drāma, sen tādu nebiju redzējusi, pēdējā laikam bija korejiešu "My girl". Patiešām aizrāva, dažos momentos vnk asaras bira  :'( Dažos atkal satraucos, vai mani skaļie smiekli kaimiņus nesabiedēs :D
Un kas pats dīvainākais, pēc pirmajām sērijām likās, ka neskatīšos, bet wow, tad bij klikšķis, un labi, ka bij :D Galvenais pāris vnk ideāli kopā sader :D Un tie brīži, kad Hwang Tae Kyung smaidīja, ahhh, tāds smaidiņš  :D  :love:


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