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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » Angels & Demons / Eņģeļi un dēmoni

Angels & Demons / Eņģeļi un dēmoni

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Year: 2009
Genre: Mystery | Thriller
Written by: Dan Brown (book), David Koepp, Akiva Goldsman (screenplay)
# Tom Hanks reprises his role as Robert Langdon, a Harvard University professor of symbology.
# Ewan McGregor plays the Camerlengo Patrick McKenna (Carlo Ventresca in the book).
# Ayelet Zurer plays Vittoria Vetra, a CERN scientist whose antimatter experiment has been stolen by the Illuminati to be used as a bomb.
# Stellan Skarsgård plays Commander Maximilian Richter, head of the Swiss Guard.
# Pierfrancesco Favino plays Inspector Ernesto Olivetti of the Gendarme Corps of Vatican City State.
# Nikolaj Lie Kaas plays the assassin, the killer hired by Janus, the Camerlengo in disguise, to fulfill his plans.
# David Pasquesi plays Claudio Vincenzi, a Vatican police officer sent to summon Robert Langdon to Rome.
# Armin Mueller-Stahl plays Cardinal Strauss, Dean of the College of Cardinals and the Papal Conclave. (Mortati in the book)
# Thure Lindhardt plays Lieutenant Chartrand, officer of the Swiss Guard.
# Elya Baskin plays Cardinal Petrov, an eligible member of the Papal Conclave

Plot: Under the watchful eyes of Father Silvano Bentivoglio and Dr. Vittoria Vetra, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) initiates the Large Hadron Collider and creates, in three vials, suspended particles of antimatter larger than any that have ever been detected before. Immediately afterwards, someone kills Father Silvano and steals a vial.

The Roman Catholic Church mourns the death of the Pope in Rome. Vatican City prepares for the papal conclave which will elect the next Pope. Camerlengo Patrick McKenna assumes temporary control of the Vatican while faithful members of the Church crowd into Saint Peter's Square, waiting for a successful vote. The Illuminati kidnap the 'preferiti' (the four most likely candidates to be elected pope) before the conclave enters seclusion. They threaten to kill one every hour and then destroy the Vatican in a burst of light at midnight. A stolen security camera shows the missing antimatter vial, which will catastrophically explode when the vial's battery dies and the magnetic containment field fails.

The Vatican summons symbologist Robert Langdon from Harvard University and Vittoria Vetra from CERN to help them solve the Illuminati's threat, save the four preferiti, and replace the vial's batteries. Langdon listens to the Illuminati message and deduces that the four cardinals will die at the four altars of the "Path of Illumination." However, no one knows where these altars are located.

Vetra calls for Father Silvano's diaries from Switzerland, hoping that they contain the name of the person with whom Silvano discussed the antimatter experiment. Langdon also demands access to the Vatican Secret Archives to see the original copy of Galileo Galilei's banned book. Using the clues from this book, Langdon, Vetra, Inspector General Ernesto Olivetti, and Lieutenant Valenti of the Vatican Gendarmerie Corps race to the first church (Chigi Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo), only to find the first cardinal, Cardinal Ebner, dead, suffocated with dirt, eaten by rats and branded with an ambigrammatic word "Earth".

They verify the second altar's location (Saint Peter's Square) and arrive, only to witness the death of the second cardinal, Cardinal Lamassé, his lungs punctured and his body branded with an ambigrammatic word "Air". While Vetra studies Silvano's diaries, Langdon and the Vatican officers locate the third church (Santa Maria della Vittoria) and try to save the third cardinal, Cardinal Guidera, from burning to death, but the assassin appears and kills everyone but Langdon. The cardinal succumbs to the flames, his body branded with an ambigrammatic word "Fire".

After escaping, Langdon convinces two Carabinieri military police officers to race with him to the last church of the "Water" altar, but the assassin murders the officers. With Langdon watching, from his van the assassin drops the fourth cardinal, Cardinal Baggia, weighted down, into the Fountain of the Four Rivers. However, with assistance from several other citizens, Langdon saves the cardinal, who tells him the location of the Illuminati's lair: Castel Sant'Angelo. Carabinieri, Vatican Gendarmerie, and Swiss Guard officers converge on the location to search for the antimatter vial. They discover the van used by the assassin along with the bodies of the two Carabinieri officers at what appears to be a dead end. They leave to search the castle but Langdon and Vetra stay to search and discover a hidden passageway to the Vatican. As they search further, they discover a brand with two crossed keys, the Papal symbol. Realizing the brand is meant for Camerlengo McKenna, they try to call him to warn him but are confronted by the assassin who spares their lives since they are not armed and he has not been paid to kill them. He reveals that his contractors were from the Catholic Church. The assassin escapes and finds a vehicle said to contain his payment, but is killed by a car bomb upon starting the engine.

Langdon and Vetra deduce that the final victim of the plot will be Camerlengo McKenna. After arriving at the Vatican via a secret passage, they and some Swiss Guards enter the Camerlengo's office and find him on the floor branded with the Vatican's symbol on his chest and Commander Richter near him with a gun. The Guards promptly kill Richter to save the camerlengo. During the confusion, the dying commander gives Langdon a key to his computer and security camera device. Then the camerlengo, Langdon, Vetra, and the Swiss Guards discover the location of the stolen antimatter vial. By the time they find it, the battery is about to expire, the deadly explosion just minutes away. The camerlengo seizes the vial and uses a helicopter meant for escape from the Vatican to fly above the church. Having helicopter training before being ordained, he flies the helicopter to a high altitude so the bomb will explode without harming people and the Vatican. He then escapes with a parachute. After several seconds, the bomb explodes and the camerlengo lands, now considered a hero by the crowd and the cardinals want to have him succeed as pope.

Meanwhile, Langdon and Vetra use Richter's key to watch a security video showing that the mastermind behind the murders of the original Pope and the preferiti and the antimatter robbery, in fact, is the camerlengo and not the Illuminati. In the security video, while Richter tries to arrest McKenna, the priest brands himself with a seal that resembles Saint Peter's upside-down crucifixion and accuses the commander of being a member of the Illuminati. Langdon shows the video to the College. After the camerlengo realizes his plot has been uncovered, he burns himself after dousing his body and cassock with oil from one of the 99 holy lamps inside St. Peter's Basilica.

The Vatican announces that the camerlengo died due to internal wounds suffered during his landing, while a news reporter reveals that the public is demanding that he be canonized. The College designates the Cardinal Baggia as the new Pope (who chooses to take the name Luke), and Cardinal Strauss as the new camerlengo. The new camerlengo thanks Robert Langdon for saving the Vatican and the new Pope, and as a mark of his gratitude loans Galileo's "Diagramma Veritas" to Langdon for his reference, requesting that in Langdon's will, he ensure the document is returned to the Vatican after his death. Cardinal Baggia (now known as Pope Luke I) walks out on the balcony to the cheering crowd in St. Peter's Square.


Отредактировано GaBy (31.07.2010 14:34)



Torrents filmas ielādei: … nd+Demons+(2009)+DVDRip+XviD-MAXSPEED.html

Отредактировано GaBy (31.07.2010 14:39)



Vakardien beidzot pabeidzu grāmatu (eksāmeni un slinkums vainīgi.. :P), wī! ^^
Filma ir lieliska un Toms Henks ir lielisks! Patīk visa tā noslēpumainība ap Iluminati, Vatikānu.. Jeez, kā gribas tagad uz Vatikānu, redzēt to skaistumu savām acīm.. :love: Priecē fakts, ka Iluminati nav izdomāta brālība, bet tāda ir pastāvējusi un pastāv vēl tagad.. Un tās degzīmes, tik perfektas.. :love: Un jā, nepatīk man, ka maina sižetu.. Viss bija lieliski, bet beigas, protams, citādas.. :no: Tā gribējās, lai viss notiek kā grāmatā - gribējās, lai Hassasins nolaupa Vittoriju un Roberts dodas viņu glābt.. :love: Gribējās, lai Roberts iesēžas helihopterī un dodas līdzi Carlo Ventrescam.. Gribējās, lai Vittorija domā, ka Roberts ir miris.. Gribējās, lai būtu skūpstu aina.. :love: Dikti daudz man tie 'gribējās'.. :D
Un visa tā cīņa starp zinātni un reliģiju.. Laikam tik daudz par fiziku un reliģiju savu mūžu nebiju lasījusi.. :D
Grāmata bija lieliska, salīdzinājumā ar filmu.. ^^ Filmā bija dāāāudz skaistu skatu, jo sevišķi tas antiviela sprādziens debesīs.. :love: ^^ Nu, protams, pati Roma un Vatikāns.. :love: Un Bernīni un Mikelandželo mākslasdarbi.. :love:



Pirms laba laika skatījos filmu kinoteātrī un nevarētu teikt, ka man patika. Lai gan sajūsmināja visas tās Itālijas panorāmas u.t.t., jo pati esmu tur bijusi un atsauca atmiņā ceļojumu. Būs laikam jāizlasa grāmatas, jo tā varētu būt, ka labākas par filmām. ;)



Lisa написал(а):

Būs laikam jāizlasa grāmatas, jo tā varētu būt, ka labākas par filmām.

Ir, ir, sevišķi jau uz beigām! :)

Ir vēl viena filma - The matter of Angels and Demons, bet man liekas, ka tā ir vairāk dokumetāla un stāsta par vietām, kas bija Angels & Demons filmā.. :)


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