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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » Red Riding Hood (2011)

Red Riding Hood (2011)

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Red Riding Hood (2011)

Valerie (Seyfried) is a beautiful young woman torn between two men. She is in love with a brooding outsider, Peter (Fernandez), but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry (Irons). Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter are planning to run away together when they learn that Valerie's older sister has been killed by the werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. For years, the people have maintained an uneasy truce with the beast, offering the creature a monthly animal sacrifice. But under a blood red moon, the wolf has upped the stakes by taking a human life. Hungry for revenge, the people call on famed werewolf hunter, Father Solomon (Oldman), to help them kill the wolf. But Solomon's arrival brings unintended consequences as he warns that the wolf, who takes human form by day, could be any one of them. As the death toll rises with each moon...

Cast:Amanda Seyfried, Gary Oldman, Billy Burke, Shiloh Fernandez, Max Irons, Virginia Madsen......



Lūk, šī ir filma, kuru ļoti gribu redzēt! :love:  :)  Turklāt, šeit spēlē Amanda Seyfried, kura ir viena no manām mīļākajām jaunajām  aktrisēm! :love:  :)  Un, šis vēl viens stāsts balstīts uz pasakas motīviem. Forši, ta, kā man ļoti patika Beastly, tad noteikti patiks arī šis. :)



Arī sen pievērsu uzmannību šai filmai un arī Amandas dēļ! Protams, interesanti paskatīties, kā interpretē šo slaveno pasaku. Tā ka domājams, ka drīz noskatīšos!


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » Red Riding Hood (2011)