Selena Gomez as Mary Santiago
Drew Seeley as Joey Parker
Jane Lynch as Dominique Blatt
Katharine Isabelle as Breanne Blatt
Emily Perkins as Brittany Blatt
Jessica Parker Kennedy as Tammy
Marcus T. Paulk as Dustin
Nicole LaPlaca as Natalia Faroush
This movie is a retelling of the Cinderella fairy tale in a modern setting, with Mary Santiago (Selena Gomez), a high school student with ambitions of becoming a dancer, taking the role of Cinderella; Tami (Jessica Parker Kennedy) Mary's only best friend as her fairy godmother. Dominique Blatt (Jane Lynch) taking the role of the stepmother; Britt (Emily Perkins) and Bree (Katharine Isabelle) as the two stepsisters; and Joey Parker, (Drew Seeley) now a famous celebrity that has returned to school for his senior year and to remember why he started dancing (and also to find a girl to love, which is Mary Santiago), as the prince.
Dziesmas no šīs filmas:
Drew Seeley&Selena Gomez - New Classic
Selena Gomez - Tell me something I don't know
LV šī filma nav rādīta ne pa tv, ne kino, bet latviskais tulkojums varētu būt šāds: "Cits stāsts par Pelnrušķīti" (es tā vismaz domāju ), bet krieviski tas ir šāds: "Еще одна история о Золушке"
Man šī filma ļooooooooti tīk, pat esmu izveidojusi video par galvenajiem varoņiem (var redzēt youtube) , bet man tur vēl daži labojumi jāizdara
Vispār esmu redzējusi visādus variantus mums labi zināmajai pasakai par Pelnrušķīti, piemēram,Ever After ar Drew Barrymore un A Cinderella Story ar Hillary Duff un abas man arī ļoti patika, bet šī visvairāk!!!
Отредактировано liiguciss (21.06.2011 21:57)