Genre: Romance
Episodes: 14The story may revolve around summer's desire, but it is really a love triangle between three people colder than winter itself. Yin Xia Mo (Barbie Hsu) a girl loved by two men. Luo Xi (Huang Xiao Ming) was an orphan who garnered fame and fortune with his infallible charisma. Even though others believed him to be kind and smart, he was really a cold, ruthless, and wicked man who manipulated others to get what he wanted. When he was introduced into Xia Mo's family, he fooled everyone with his sweet words-except for Xia Mo, who only saw the con artist in him. Ou Chen (Peter Ho) is a rich heir whom everyone feared, and was extremely overprotective of his high school girlfriend Yin Xia Mo. When he found out that Luo Xi was living with her, he became extremely jealous. This started a chain of events-as both boys were in love with Xia Mo, but their love for her was so all-consuming that they started a war to have her. Five years ago, Luo Xi lost and was sent away to England. Yet, Ou Chen didn't win as his action caused him to lose Xia Mo's favor and his own memory. Five years later, they met again.
The Cast:
Barbie Hsu as Yin Xia Mo 尹夏沫
Peter Ho as Ou Chen 歐辰
Huang Xiao Ming as Luo Xi 洛熙
Kris Shen (沈建宏) as Yin Cheng 尹澄
Serena Fang as Jiang Zhen En 江珍恩
Chang Kuo Chu as Xi Meng 西蒙Trailer (eng sub):
1st part:2nd part:
Summer's Desire (Taivāna 2010)
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Поделиться129.11.2011 23:28
Поделиться229.11.2011 23:35
Wow, šī ir drāma ar kuras OST 1nu dziesmu man i konkrēta apsēstība LOL Sarežģīts sižets, nav fluffy and sweet (lai gan ir daži momenti), bet nākas piedomāt. Par mīlestību, kas pārtop par apsēstību. Par history repeating, bet, kur pierādās, ka īsta mīlestība spēj izmainīt cilvēkus.
Nezinu, vai esat redzējuši, bet es iesaku. ĻOOOTI interesanta drāma. Es skatoties biju team Ou Chen. Iemīlējos viņa varonī no pirmās sērijas un tā arī līdz beigām. Lai gan šeit visi varoņi bija komplicēti, bet domāju, ka Ou Chen bija viskomplicētākais. Visu drāmu viņs bija nopietns, bet tad, kad sāka uz beigām smaidīt - awwww, es kusu laukā Un vispār viņa un Xia Mo attiecības vērot bija wow. Kā viņš par spīti atmiņas zudumam viņā no jauna iemīlējas. Vēsture atkārtojās, bet ar savādākām beigām. Es esmu starā. Un tā dziesma, ko Pīters dzied openingā - man nonstopā visu laiku skan (youtubā neskatieties dziesmas oficiālo klipu, tur i pilns ar spoileriem )