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Jane by Design

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Release Date
Premieres Tuesday, January 3 at 9/8c on ABC Family
ABC Family
Opening theme
Rachel Platten - Work of art
Plot Outline
Jane Quimby (Erica Dasher) lands a job at a high-fashion design house through a case of mistaken identity. In order to keep her dream job, she’ll have to juggle her life as a high school student with her new job as an assistant to Gray Chandler Murray (Andie MacDowell), her demanding boss who expects nothing less than perfection. As Jane navigates the complicated world of office politics and the even more complicated world of high school relationships, she’ll struggle to keep her double life a secret. Along the way, she enlists the support of her best friend Billy (Nick Roux) and just might find she’s becoming the person she was always meant to be.
Andie MacDowell Stars as Fashion Executive Gray and Erica Dasher Stars as Jane





šis seriāls nez kāpēc man atgādināja devil wears Prada :D
Bet vispār man jau liekas diezgan piesaistoši.. Jāpadomā un varbūt jāsāk skatīties (it kā būtu maz seriālu jau tāpat :D ).



No vienas puses nav nekas oriģināls, bet nez kāpēc mani piesaista. Un ir ļoti aizraujošs, visu laiku notiek kaut kas interesants. Un ir daudz izskatīgu čaļu. :D Arī tas, ka galvenā varone nav stulba vai pārāk naiva. :D



Noskatījos abas sērijas un man ļoti iepatikās. Tev taisnība, ka nav nekas īpaši oriģināls, bet šī ir viena no manām mīļākajām tematikām..hmm..īstenībā šeit ir daudz no tā, kas mani parasti interesē stāstos. Gribu ātrāk nākamo sēriju!
Un jā - čaļi tik tiešām izskatīgi..pat nespēju izvēlēties, kurš visvairāk piesaista. Pagaidām man Džeinai patiktu viņi visi trīs - Nikā un Billijā kaut kas ir tāds... (lai gan no otras puses arī patiktu, ja Billijs un Džeina paliktu tik forši, kad ir tāda draudzība!)...Džeremijā, protams, piesaista viņa akcents!!
Man arī patīk galvenā varone :)
Tā ka paldies Lisa, ka izveidoji tēmu un tādējādi uzzināju par šo seriālu :D Cerams, ka būs labs arī tālāk :)



1x01 (03.01.2012.) Pilot
16 year old Jane Quimby lands a job at a hip retail company when she's mistaken for an adult, and soon finds herself juggling life as a regular teenager in high school and as an assistant to a high powered executive in the cutthroat world of fashion…all while trying to keep her true identity a secret.

1x02 (10.01.2012.) The Runway
Jane is thrown for a loop when Gray assigns her the last-minute task of getting the new accessories line ready for the Spring Preview Party. Jane is pretty sure she has bit off more than she can chew, but with Jeremy looking to make amends, the two team-up to guarantee the line is one that critics and buyers won’t soon forget.
Meanwhile, Nick leverages his knowledge of Billy’s secret relationship with Lulu to get advice on approaching Jane. When Nick asks her to the Winter Formal, Jane thinks life couldn’t get any better. But when she realizes the Winter Formal is the same night as the Spring Preview Party, her two perfect nights become her worst nightmare.

1x03 (17.01.2012.) The Birkin
Jane is feeling on top of the world when Gray gifts her with the use of a real Birkin bag to commend her for a job well done. Jane thinks she finally has this job under control when Gray gives her the task of running the private trunk show at Gray’s house. But with India feeling the pains of jealousy of Gray’s new “favorite” stealing the preview party spotlight, she is determined to show Gray and the company what a failure Jane can really be.
Meanwhile, competition heats up between Jane and Lulu at school when they are told that they’re tied for first place in class.

1x04 (24.01.2012.) The Finger Bowl
Now that Billy and Lulu have decided to take their relationship public, Billy must tell Jane. Feeling betrayed and lied to, Jane doesn’t take the news of the high school’s new “It” couple well. But now with the news out there and neither group of friends seeming very supportive of it, can Billy and Lulu withstand the peer pressure? And has Jane truly lost her one true ally in the social shark tank that is high school?
Meanwhile, Jeremy and Jane are given the impossible task to present the new fashion line to top fashion magazine editor Miyoko Sato and make a good impression when she visits the Donovan Decker offices.

1x05 (31.01.2012.) The look book
Jane is over-the-moon with anticipation when Gray tells her she will be boarding a flight to Paris the following night to bring her the coveted Donovan Decker Lookbook, which holds all the secrets, inspirations and ideas for the fashion company. When Jane is tasked with secretly securing the Lookbook until she leaves, she will do anything to hold onto it and make the flight to Paris, even if that means she has to turn to her nemesis and best friend’s girlfriend, Lulu for help.
Meanwhile, Billy’s brother Tommy, has a new criminal scheme that he wants Billy to help him with.



sižets diezgan izklausās manuprāt neviņdesmito vidū vai sakumā uzņemtai komēdijai ar Kristīni Eplgeitu, kur māte dodas prom uz vasaru un atstāj bērnus - vecāko meitu, mazliet jaunāku brāli diedelnieku, kurš dzer un nav nekādas atbildības sajūtas un mazo māsiņu ar aukli, kura nomirst. Bērni nolemj nko mammai neteikt par aukles nāvi un visu pasaru paši dzīvot. Naudas nav. Vecākā meita uztaisa viltus CW, sakrāsojas un dodas darba meklējumos un fashion housā dabū darbu, kur vadītāja viņu mīl un viņai ir visoriģinālākās idejas. Šī patstāvīgā vasara visus bērnus padara patsstāvīgus un atbildīgus. Jauka filmiņa. Pa tv agrāk ik pa laikam skatījos un patika.



aNgeL, amn prieks, ak tev patīk! Būs ar ko apspriest! Jā, es arī nevaru sagaidīt nākamo sēriju. Vēl neesmu izdomājusi, kurš no puišiem patīk vairāk, jo katram ir sava odziņa, bet laiks rādīs. :) Džeremijs piesaista gan ar akcenu, gan ar to, ak viņš ir "ladies man". Vienmēr ir jauki, kad bruņču mednieki iemīlās pa īstam(protams, ja tā notiks.) Niks nedaudz kaitina ar to, ak neticu, ka tā pēķšņi var izdomāt, ka tev kāds patīk pēc tik daudziem gadiem. Bet tajā pašā laikā viņš ir tik jaukiņš, ka nevar nepatikt. Un runājot par Billiju - manuprāt, viņiem noteikti jāpaliek tikai draugiem. :) Bet pēc 2 sērijām ir grūti daudz par to spriest,jo nevienu tā īsti vēl nepazīstam.

Albalonga, man tomēr liekas, ka ir vairāk atšķirīgā, nekā kopīgā! :) Bet nevaru neko apgalvot, jo filmu neesmu redzējusi.




Tik smieklīga Džeinai reakcija saņemot to Birkin somu :D Un tādas skumjas beigās, kad viņai to atņēma.. :D
Xi..tagad Džeremijs domā, ka Džeinai kaut kas ir biji ar to male-model :D
Man patīk Lu-lu un Billija attiecības. Redzams, ka Lu nav izteikti negatīva varone, bet gan ka patiesībā daudz sevī slēpj, kas atklājas ik ar katru sēriju. Patika tas brīdis, kad Džeina viņai novēlēja veiksmi, un Lu ar beigās to pašu.



Vai ne? ^^
Es visnotaļ izbaudu šo seriālu. Man bija tikai žēl, ka nebija Dženas un Džeremija, vai tā otra čaļa ainu.



Lisa написал(а):

Man bija tikai žēl, ka nebija Dženas un Džeremija, vai tā otra čaļa ainu.

Jā..vienīgais sērijas mīnuss..Bet cerams, ka nākamajā būs :)



1x06 (07.02.2012.)  The Image Issue
When she questions India’s presentation in front of Gray, Jane is tasked to do her own research to find out what high school students are really looking for in the fashion world. Determined to prove that teenagers are about finding out who they are and not changing just to fit some mold, Jane hits the hallways of her school to prove her point. But when her classmates are less then helpful, Jane starts to worry that she won’t be able to pull the presentation off.
Meanwhile, Billy tries a new look to gain a little bit more respect, much to Jane’s chagrin.

1x07 (14.02.2012.)  The Teen Model
When Donovan Decker lands unpredictable teen supermodel Piper Grace as the face of their new line, Jane is the one tasked to keep her under control until the photo shoot. What first seemed like an easy job quickly becomes Jane’s nightmare when Piper lives up to all of the hype.
Meanwhile, Ben gets tired of Jane’s behavior and decides to lay down the law and ground her.

1x08 (21.02.2012.)  The Wedding Dress
The Donovan Decker crew is under pressure to come up with the perfect wedding dress for socialite Charlotte Whitmore after her rejection of the original dress. With all hands on deck pulling an all nighter and Jeremy’s job on the line, tensions are high in the office. Wanting to impress Jeremy and save-the-day, India takes credit for Jane’s wedding dress design. But with the design holding special meaning to Jane, she isn’t going to let the betrayal go idly by. Can Jane prove that the design is hers, and better yet – will Donovan Decker be able to pull off the perfect wedding dress?
Meanwhile, Jane sets up a night out with Billy and Nick so the two guys can get to know each other better.

1x09 (28.02.2012.)  The Getaway
Jane is looking forward to the school camping trip as a way to finally get some quality time with Nick. But now with Ben acting as chaperone, her weekend may be a little less perfect. Then, her weekend gets totally uprooted when India requests that Jane go with her to Los Angeles to help pick the new Donovan Decker store location. So instead of spending time with Nick, Jane is now stuck with India – leaving Nick in the lurch, yet again.
Meanwhile, the school camping trip is anything but fun for Ben, Billy, Lulu and Nick.

1x10 (06.03.2012.)  The End of the Line
Jane's dream job may be coming to an end and just in time for Fashion Week. Meanwhile, the aftermath of what Billy did with his brother has legal consequences that lead him to get called before a judge… Lulu’s father




Свернутый текст

Šajā sērijā tik daudz kas notika! Man jau gribējās, lai beidzot Džeinai ļauj pabūt ar Niku, ar visiem, dodoties uz kempingu, bet India visu pārprata un tik daudz ko izmainīja viena šī pārpratuma dēļ. Un rezultātā Niks pa telefonu dzirdēja to ko nevajag, kas satuvināja viņu ar Lulu. Saprotu lieliski arī Lulu - nevienai jau meitenei nepatiktu, ja viņas puisis tik daudz laika pavadītu ar citu meiteni. Bet tajā pašā laikā Billijs un Džeina ir bijuši labākie draugi bez maz vai visu dzīvi..Interesanti, kas tagad notiks ar šo četrotni.
India šajā sērijā tāda jaukāka sāka likties..un  vēl vēlāk pasniedza dāvanu Džeinai, atvainojās par to kāzu kleitu.
Nabaga Billijs..brāļa dēļ nonāk apcietinājumā. Nežēlīgi.
Un wow.. Džeinas brālis arī dabūja šoku uzzinot dažas patiesības par savu māsiņu..



Song from opening theme



Turpinājums sāksies 5. jūnijā



Izdomāju, ka nav jēgas likt spoileri, jo tie, kas skatās šo seriālu, ir noteitki jau noskatījušies pēdējo sēriju. :D
Man patika tas, ka brālis visu uzzināja un pieņēma beigās, un ak viņi to neiztiepa uz vairākām sezonām. Tāpat man patīk negaidītais pagrieziens, kur parādās, ka tas sliktais ir Džeremijs, nevis Indija, bet ka viņš vairāk nevēlas to darīt, jo viņam rūp Džeina. Katrā ziņā gaidīšu ar nepacietību nākošo sēriju, lai redzēju kā atrisināsies Dženai - Džeremija- Billija situācija. Jo skaidrs ir viens, ka kāds tiks sāpināts. Un nepatīk man tas, cik ātri viņas puisis(uz sitienu neatceros vārdu) pazuda no skatuves. Man patika viņi kopā un neliekas, ka tās attiecības tik ātri beigsies. Nav jau tā, ka Džeina būtu ideāla draudzene. Nezinu. Katrā ziņā seriāls neliek vildies un aizvien ir ļoti aizraujošs!!! :) Kā jums?



Mani sajūsmina šis seriāls. Es pat īsti nezinu kādēļ, bet vienmēr gaidu jaunas sērijas un skatos uzreiz pēc iznākšanas :D Bet tagad gan tik ilgi jāgaida..... Interesanti, kas notiks tālāk. Man liekas, ka šobrīd grūti kaut ko spriest par pāriem, jo te daudz kas mainās, visādi attiecību pavērsieni. Cerams, ka India atgriezīsies. Sākumā viņa man nepatika, bet ar laiku ieraudzīju viņu kā neatņemamu šī modes nama daļu. Žēl tikai, ka Džeina tā kļūdījās, vēlāk viņai tas var diezgan dārgi maksāt. Nepatīkami brīži noteikti būs.



1x11 (05.06.2012.)  The Replacement
Jane is scrambling to get a handle on both her personal and professional life. With Billy returning from juvie, Jane is nervous about how things were left and what that means now for the two best friends. But, she doesn’t have too much time to think about it because with India now gone from Donovan Decker, Gray is leaning on Jane more than ever. Jane starts to wonder if she may have a shot at the job, with a little encouragement from Jeremy, but some stiff competition might be standing in her way. Interior designer Martyn Lawrence-Bullard (from Bravo’s “Million Dollar Decorators”) stops by the Donavan Decker offices to spruce up Gray’s office.
Meanwhile, Ben tries his best to keep Jane’s secret safe even though it is affecting his new relationship with Rita.

1x12 (12.06.2012.)  The Celebrity
It’s bad enough that the Donovan Decker team has to win the approval of India to clinch the coveted new Harrod’s fashion line, but now they have to also dazzle movie star Aiden Redmond – the new celebrity face of the retail chain. With his Hollywood looks and charm, it is only a matter of time before the whole team is smitten. Now with access to one of Hollywood’s top leading men, will all the fame and celebrity get the best of Jane?
Meanwhile, Billy is still struggling to fit back into daily life of high school and his new reputation.

1x13 (19.06.2012.)  The Surprise
It’s Jane’s big day – her birthday, but everyone seems to have forgotten – or so she thinks. Unbeknownst to her, Ben and Billy have grand plans to surprise Jane with a surprise birthday party. But their party plans start to unravel as Jane’s hurt feelings and a work situation get in the way. In the end, it isn’t a birthday party that gives Jane the surprise of her life.
Meanwhile, India puts the pressure on Jeremy to get information on Gray.

1x14 (26.06.2012.)  The Second Chance
Jane’s mother, Kate, is back and full of wild stories but no real answers of why she left and hasn’t been in touch. Jane is excited for her to be there, seeing it as a chance to finally get to know the mother she only dreamed about. Ben, on the other hand, sees Kate’s arrival as nothing but trouble and ultimately only disappointment for Jane when Kate disappears again.
Meanwhile, Billy starts to wonder about Zoe when things start to seem off about her.



Teri Hatcher atveido Bena un Džeinas māti Keitu.



Guilty pleasure;]


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