Apsolos, ka šī būs pēdējā rekomendācija, jāmācās ar galu galā Bet Kellanu nedrīkst ignorēt
Grāmata, kas noteikti ir manā top 10, kopā ar VA un Fifty Shades triloģijām. Autore spēj patiešām ieraut grāmatā, spēj IDEĀLI likt saprast varoņu emocijas, ka lai gan tev brīžiem gribas viņus dauzīt pret sienu, bet tai pašā laikā tu saproti, ka tajā situācijā rīkotos tāpat.
Thoughtless triloģijas 1. grāmata "Thoughtless":
For almost two years now, Kiera’s boyfriend, Denny, has been everything she’s ever wanted: loving, tender and endlessly devoted to her. When they head off to a new city to start their lives together, Denny at his dream job and Kiera at a top-notch university, everything seems perfect. Then an unforeseen obligation forces the happy couple apart. Feeling lonely, confused, and in need of comfort, Kiera turns to an unexpected source—a local rock star named Kellan Kyle. At first, he’s purely a friend that she can lean on, but as her loneliness grows, so does their relationship. And then one night everything changes…and none of them will ever be the same.
Thoughtless triloģijas 2. grāmata "Effortless":
The long-awaited sequel to Thoughtless. After being caught in the middle of a love triangle which led to a devastating betrayal, Kiera pledged to learn from the mistakes she’d made. She was determined to never again inflict that kind of pain on anyone, especially the soulful, talented man who held her heart. But life offers new challenges for every relationship, and when Kiera’s love is put to the ultimate test, will it survive? Love is easy…trust is hard.
Thoughtless triloģijas 3. un noslēdzošā grāmata "Reckless" gaidāma 2013. gada martā...
Autorei ir vēl vairākas grāmatas, kuras lēnām tiek sākts publicēt. Info par tām var atrast šeit: http://www.feedbooks.com/userbooks/rece … user=84092
Es iesaku "Collision course", bet tā ir psiholoģiski smagāka, un šoreiz rakstīta no puiša skatu punkta:
Lucas had it all - popularity, a devoted girlfriend, a brotherly best friend, and a loving mother who would do anything for him. His life was right on course to be a successful and a fulfilling one, until the crash changed everything. It happened late one night during a sudden downpour. That evening, three young lives were lost and one life was left irrevocably altered. As the lone survivor, Lucas finds himself surrounded by swirling gossip of reckless drunkenness from the small town he used to warmly call home. Amid his own guilt and self-hatred, Lucas struggles to find hope, find peace, and maybe, even find love again.
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Autorei tagad ir arī sava mājas lapa: http://authorscstephens.com/