Zinu, ka te droši vien nevienai šis pārstāvis nav Eirovīzijas favorīts un arī dziesma droši vien te nevienai nav no tām mīļākajām, tomēr es nolēmu veltīt un izveidot tēmu par šo pārstāvi, jo man tas ir gan Eirovīzijas favorīts, gan dziesma man ir vismīļākā no visām ESC dziesmām kopā!!! :D :) :love: ;)

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (then Yugoslavia)

Pop rock

Years active:

Hari Mata Hari is a popular music band from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hari Mata Hari is the stage name for the singer Hajrudin "Hari" Varešanović. The group originated from the city of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The group has performed over 1,000 concerts and sold 5,000,000 albums to date. Their songs are among the most famous and popular love ballads in the former Yugoslav era. Hari Mata Hari was the representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 held in Athens, Greece. The band, Hari Mata Hari, has constantly changed its members. Today, the group is composed of Hajrudin Varešanović (vocal), Izudin Izo Kolečić (percussion), Karlo Martinović (solo guitar, background vocal), and Željko Zuber (bass guitar, background vocal). Most of the Hari Mata Hari's songs are arranged by Hajrudin Varešanović. The lyrics are primarily written by Fahrudin Pecikoza - also known as Peco.


The song "Lejla" (Composer: Željko Joksimović, Lyric writers: Fahrudin Pecikoza & Dejan Ivanovic) is a powerful love ballad about far away love. It uses styles of sevdah and local traditional instruments. The female name Lejla is a traditional Arab name. The lyrics of the song were written by Fahrudin Pecikoza and Dejan Ivanović with the music by Željko Joksimović.


The music video of "Lejla" was directed by Pjer Žalica, along with Hari and the band. It shows many old Bosnian traditions. It was recorded in several areas of Herzegovina: on the mountains of Blidinja and on the national park/lake Hutovo Blato, on Ruištu, and in the beautiful city of Mostar. The video ends with the Stari Most, the older part of the city, in the background. The song received its name through on-line voting (with 3501 votes, other name ideas were "Zar bi mogla ti drugog voljeti?" (Could you not love another?) with 660, and "Sakrivena" with 462 votes). Hari Mata Hari took 3rd place at Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with 229 points!!!