Sēriju skaits: 3 sezonas - 66 sērijas
Dārs ir pēdējais izdzīvojušais savā ciltī. Kopā ar savu draugu Tao viņš dodas glābt savu iemīļoto Kiru no ļaunā karaļa Zada un skaistās, viltīgās burves. Dāru ceļā pavada uzticamu dzīvnieku bariņš – cēlais un bīstamais tīģeris Rū, vecais un gudrais ērglis Šaraks un draiskulīgie seski Podo un Todo. Dārs vēlāk sastopās arī ar Arinu, kura no sākuma pievienojas viņu ceļojumam savtīgu iemeslu vadīta, bet vēlāk kļūst par uzticamu sabiedroto. Zvēru pavēlnieka zeme ir pilna ar zudušām ciltīm pa kurām klejo tris galvenie varoņi - pēdējie izdzīvojušie no savām ciltīm.
(The general story arc of the series is that the world is changing, civilization is advancing, technology is gaining ground slowly, the old orders of magic and sorcery are fading and the world is threatened by the supernatural being Balcifer, the Dark One, played by Jeremy Callaghan. Dar is the son of King Eldar, who was destroyed by Balcifer and must locate and reunite his entire family, who have been turned into animals to hide them from Balcifer, in the Crystal Arc, to defeat Balcifer. Balcifer's agent on Earth is King Zad, who is first King of the Terrons, a savage tribe that enslaves and pillages at will and later, when the tribe is destroyed by King Voden leading a group of Viking-like northerners, Zad re-emerges as the King of Xincha, the city at the center of the world (and Tao's former home), after deposing Voden, who fled into the wilderness at the end of the second season. There is a contrast there between the crude savage badness of King Zad and the refined, insane evil genius of King Voden and King Zad emerges from the contest a more civilized but still savage character. The series also featured Monika Schnarre as the Sorceress, apprentice to the Ancient One, played by Grahame Bond, Emilie de Ravin as the Forest Demon named Curupira and Sam Healy as Iara, the Demon of Water and Serpent. The regular human enemy of Dar, King Zad, was played by Steven Grives. Marc Singer, the original Beastmaster, appears in the third season as Dartanus, the Spirit Warrior who helps Dar on his quest. The series also included many celebrity guest appearances, such as the appearance of Grace Jones as the Umpatra Warrior, Isla Fisher as the Demon Mannaka, Peta Sergeant as the Demon Yamira, Leah Purcell as the Black Apparition, Keith Hamilton Cobb as a Terron defector who is also in love with Kyra and King Voden, played by Dai Paterson throughout the second season).
Aktieru sastāvs:
Daniel Goddard as Dar
Jackson Raine as Tao
Monika Schnarre as The Sorceress
Marjean Holden as Arina
Dylan Bierk as The New Sorceress
Steven Grives as King Zad
Emilie de Ravin as Curupira
Grahame Bond as The Ancient One
Dai Paterson as King Voden
Daniel Fitzgerald as Sharak
Leah Purcell as Black Apparition
Natalie Mendoza as Kyra
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Отредактировано Forsteriāna (12.04.2014 11:05)