Barry Allen wakes up 9 months after he was struck by lightning and discovers that the bolt gave him the power of super speed.
With his new team and powers, Barry becomes "The Flash" and fights crime in Central City.
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen / Flash, a Central City assistant police forensic investigator. An accident at the S.T.A.R.
Labs particle accelerator causes a thunderstorm, which precipitates a chemical explosion in Allen's laboratory.
When he revives from a coma, he has superhuman speed.
Candice Patton as Iris West, the daughter of Detective West and the best friend of Barry Allen.
Danielle Panabaker as Dr. Caitlin Snow,[4] named after the civilian identity of the DC Comics character Killer Frost.
A highly intelligent bioengineering expert, Snow believes she lost her fiancé, Ronnie Raymond during an explosion at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Rick Cosnett as Eddie Thawne. A recent transfer to the Central City Police Department, Thawne's past is a mystery and he harbors a dark secret.
Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon, named after the civilian identity of the DC Comics character Vibe.
A mechanical engineering genius, Ramon is the youngest member of the team of scientists at S.T.A.R. Labs.
Tom Cavanagh as Dr. Harrison Wells, the mind and money behind Central City’s S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator,
who becomes a pariah after the lab explodes. He serves as a mentor to Barry Allen after he exhibits his powers,
but Dr. Wells is keeping secrets from Barry and the plans he has for him.
Jesse L. Martin as Detective Joe West, a cop who acts as a surrogate father to Barry and is the father of Iris West