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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » step up

step up

Сообщений 1 страница 12 из 12


In Baltimore, the troublemaker and street dancer Tyler Gage lives with his foster parents in an Afro-American lower class neighborhood. His best friends are Mac Carter and his little brother Skinny Carter and they use to hang around together, going to parties and stealing cars. After being expelled of a party, the trio breaks in the Maryland School of Arts and commits vandalism, destroying the stage. Tyler is arrested and sentenced to 200 hours of community service in the school and Director Gordon assigns him to help the janitor cleaning the place. One afternoon, the ballet dancer Nora Clark sees Tyler dancing in the parking area and when her partner Andrew has a strain and Tyler offers to help her in the choreography, she accepts the offer; they rehearsal and become close to each other while Tyler becomes friend of the students Miles Darby and Lucy Avila. When Andrew returns, Tyler that is known for quitting everything he starts gives up dancing and leaves Nora alone. After an incident, Tyler has to decide to follow his dream or return to his life of rebel loser. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Everyone deserves a chance to follow their dreams, but some people only get one shot. Tyler Gage is a rebel from the wrong side of Baltimore¹s tracks ­ and the only thing that stands between him and an unfulfilled life are his dreams of one day making it out of there. Nora is a privileged ballet dancer attending Baltimore¹s ultra-elite Maryland School of the Arts -- and the only thing standing in the way of her obviously brilliant future is finding a great dance partner for her senior showcase. When trouble with the law lands Tyler with a community service gig at Maryland School of the Arts, he arrives as an angry outsider, until his skills as a gifted street dancer draw Nora¹s attention. Now, as sparks fly between them, both on and off stage, Tyler realizes he has just one performance to prove that he can step up to a life far larger than he ever imagined. Written by Anonymous

šī filma man ļoti patīk... :D:D:D  iesaku noskatīties :)



esu redzejusi 2 reizes. Patīk, bet nu tā dikti nesajūsmina...



drīzumā iziet Step up 2 (ASV) ja nešaubos! Ļoti gribētos redzēt, bet nevar zināt vai būs laba!!!



pēc visiem traileriem kurus es redzēju... man liekas ir gaidāma laba filma.. :)



Būs laba!!!



Norkys написал(а):

Būs laba!!!

zinu... ^_^  ^_^  ^_^



Lisa написал(а):

Step up 2

aktieri ir tie paši?

albalonga написал(а):

Patīk, bet nu tā dikti nesajūsmina...

arvien vairāk un vairāk atšķirības mums atrodas.
mani filma savaldzināja. pārāk ļoti mīlu dejas un visu, kas ar tām saistīts. un kā es gribētu tā mācēt dejot.



danna написал(а):

aktieri ir tie paši?

liekas ka nē.. aktieri citi..



nu man filma dikti patika
tāda paviegla salīdziņoši bet tīkam
bet tikutā pie vienām no mīļākajām filmām viņa neietilpst bet nu tas laikam tāpēc k man avairāk tuvas ir varen bēdīgas un smagākas filmas
tiem kuriem patīk raudāt filmas laikkā varētupatikt jo ir par ko
steidzos paskatīties step up 2 traileru
nu noteikti noskatīšos pirmā daļa bija pietiekoši laba lai rastos vēlme noskatīties otru



Es vispār dievinu filmas par dejošanu!



Norkys написал(а):

Es vispār dievinu filmas par dejošanu!

es tāpat.. :D



Man šausmīgi patika "Padejosim" un "Dejo līdzi"


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » step up