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Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » Personal Effects

Personal Effects

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Žanrs: Drāma,psiholoģiska drāma.

Galvenās lomas: Ashton Kutcher,Michelle Pfeiffer,Spencer Hudson.

Personal Effects is a solid little film written by director David Hollander and the fine novelist Rick Moody. The premise is a study of how the traumatic deaths of people affect those left behind. The story is well told, allows the audience to explore the group therapy approach offered to families of violently killed people - the various means of responding to loss, the differing reactions from those who cannot let go of the hate they have for losing a loved one, and introduces an interesting concept of having one of the characters who narrates the film be a deaf mute young man!

Gloria (Kathy Bates) is the mother of twins - the girl was been brutalized and murdered and the boy Andrew (Ashton Kuchter) has left his career as a wrestler to return to the scene of the crime to mourn his sister and to demand the perpetrator be convicted and imprisoned: his career has been put on hold and he ekes out a living dressed as a chicken for a fast food chicken restaurant. During the ongoing twin's trial, Andrew meets Linda (Michelle Pfeiffer) whose alcoholic husband has been killed and she is left to support her teenage deaf mute son Clay (Spencer Hudson). Through series of grieving meetings and periods of isolation on the part of each of the characters, each finds ways to support the other and a love affair develops between the older Linda and the younger Andrew as he agrees to accompany her to her various weddings for which she serves a planner. How these characters comes to grips with resolution of their losses is well tied together by film's end.

Отредактировано Adrianna (11.03.2009 17:11)



Tik tikko noskatījos,jāsaka,ka lika aizdomāties..Protams šī nav no Kačera labākajām filmām, tomēr labākas = Butterfly effect un komēdijas,kurās viņš tēlo. :) Pirmoreiz redzēju,kā Eštons raud,tas bija aizkustinoši.. :) Filma īpatnēja un tādas otras noteikti nav-man patika. :) Kautvai paša Eštona dēļ. ^^



Nu ko, drīzumā filmu vakars? :D
Gribu redzēt Mišelas un Eštona dēļ. :love: Un sižets arī interesants.. :)



Ahaaam,sen nav bijis! :D nu,ko jaataisa akmens,skeeres,papiiriits pie kaa un kad.. :D lab,lab.:) 50 pret 50,ka tev sii filma vareetu patikt,pashai likaas nedaudz iipatneeja,bet tu jau zini Eshtons,paliek Eshtons. :love:  nu var kko sadomaat uz piektdienu or sestdienu ^^,skaties,kaa tev tur ar vareesanu! ;)



Ta jau saštukosim! :)


Вы здесь » TelenovelesLV » Filmas un multfilmas » Personal Effects