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Damon & Elena/Ian & Nina

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Nezinu kā jums, bet man sagribējās šim pārim atsevišķu sadaļu atvērt  :love: Tā ķīmija viņu abu starpā - esmu pārliecināta, ka mūs vēl sagaida daudzi "elektrizējoši" momentiņi :)

Reku animācija no manuprāt visu laiku labākā momenta viņu abu starpā  :love:



Un vēl  :playful:



Ak, jā - viņi rullē. totāli :D



mazs fan art :)

un video  :love: Ahh, tā dziesma, un arī apskāviens ir iekšā :love:



Pasakaini skaista bilde :love:







Es te īstenībā tagad čekojot bildes un visu, man sāk rasties aizdomas...  :rolleyes:

Moš arī tapē tā ķīmija tāda? :rolleyes:



Baigi labs one shoot pēc 14. sērijas! … t_Of_Trust



wow, tās bildes. oho, cravey. wow. Čist - tādi smaidiņi. Abi aizmirsuši par Pola eksistenci.



albalonga написал(а):

Abi aizmirsuši par Pola eksistenci.

Un tā ir pārsvarā visur, kur viņi visi trīs parādās. Nina un Ians abi kopā, blakus, savukārt Pols tā nostāk... Kaut gan it kā Ianam esot draudzene. Nez, katrā ziņā, man ir aizdomas :D

Gribu ātrāk 5dienas rītu, gribu nākošo sēriju :crazy: Izlasīju vienu fanfiku, un ahhh, njā... Delena rocks :love:



Vēl fočenītes :)



Ninas dz. d.



Jā, es arī visnotaļ esmu sajūsmā par šo pāri. Tagad lasu jaunāko TVD grāmatu un tur ir tādi abu momentiņi.  :love:



Lisa написал(а):

Jā, es arī visnotaļ esmu sajūsmā par šo pāri. Tagad lasu jaunāko TVD grāmatu un tur ir tādi abu momentiņi.  :love:

Malacis, es redz it kā iesāku lasīt grāmatas, bet man nepatika. Nezinu, varbūt kādā brīdī saņemšos  :rolleyes: Vienā saitā atradu, kur quotes var dabūt no gramatām - tieši Delena momentiņus  :crazy:



Nu man patīk seriāls, bet grāmatas manā skatījumā ir labākas un tur Damon nav tik ļauns, bet nu lieta tāda, ka seriālā ir iznākušas tikai dažas sērijas, kas nespēj daudz ko izteikt salīdzinājumā ar 1000lpp. Bet nu es izbaudu abus.  :cool:



He he, nu jā, seriālā mūs ar gaida vēl daudzi pārsteigumi. Ar šo pēdējo sēriju Delena momentiņiem ir jābūt aizvien vairāk  :playful: 

Atradu to saitu ar tiem citātiņiem no grāmatām, iekopēšu tūliņ ;)



The Awakening (1991)

Damon: “I’m sorry if I frightened you.”
Elena: “How did you get in? And what are you doing here? Nobody else is supposed to be in the gym.”
Damon: “I came in the door.”
Elena: “All the doors are locked.”
Damon: “Are they?”
Elena; “They were supposed to be.”
Damon: “You’re angry, I said I was sorry to frighten you.”
Elena: “I wasn’t frightened! I was just startled, which is hardly surprising, what with you lurking in the dark like that.”
Damon: “Interesting things happen in the dark… sometimes.”
Elena: “Did you come looking for somebody?”
Damon: “Oh, yes.”
Elena: “What?”
Damon: “Yes, I came here looking for someone.”

Elena: “I’m going to leave now, If you’re looking for somebody, I think you’d better look somewhere else.”
Damon: “Perhaps I’ve already found her… Elena.”

Elena: “You! What do you think you’re doing here? Do you always just walk into other people’s houses uninvited?”
Damon: “But you asked me to come in…Thank you.”
Elena: “I wasn’t inviting you, what were you doing hanging around outside Bonnie’s house?”
Damon: ” ‘Helen, thy beauty is to me/Like those Nicean barks of yore/That gently, over a perfumed sea…’ “.
Elena: “I think you’d better leave now. You shouldn’t be here. Please.”
Elena: “Don’t…”
Damon: “Come with me.”
Elena: “Please don’t…Please, no…”
Damon: “It’s all right. You’ll see.”
Elena: “No. I told you to leave, and I meant it. Get out—now!”
Damon: “I’ll leave. For the moment.”

Damon: “You always were selfish. Your one fault. Not willing to share anything, are you? But fortunately the lovely Elena is more generous. Didn’t she tell you about our little liaisons? Why, the first time we met she almost gave herself to me on the spot.”
Stefan: “That’s a lie!”
Damon: “Oh, no, dear brother. I never lie about anything important. Or do I mean unimportant? Anyway, your beauteous damsel nearly swooned into my arms. I think she likes men in black. You’re wrong about her, you know. You think she’s sweet and docile, like Katherine. She isn’t. She’s not your type at all, my saintly brother. She has a spirit and a fire in her that you wouldn’t know what to do with.”
Stefan: “And you would, I suppose.”
Damon: “Oh, yes.”



The Struggle (1991)

Damon: “I do believe you, you’re too good for my brother. My brother, is a fool. He thinks that because you look like Katherine you’re weak and easily led like her. But he’s wrong. I could feel your anger from the other side of town. I can feel it now, a white light like the desert sun. You have strength, Elena, even as you are. But you could be so much stronger…”

Damon: “Easy, easy. Easy. It’s all right.”
Sue Carson: “Elena? Are you okay?”
Damon: “I think she choked on something, but she’s all right now. Why don’t you introduce us?”
Sue: “Elena, this is Damon, um…”
Damon: “Smith… La vita.”
Elena: “What are you doing here?”
Sue: “He’s a college student, from—University of Virginia, was it? William and Mary?”
Damon: “Among other places, I like to travel.”
Sue: “He’s just down for a few days, visiting—friends, did you say? Or relatives?”
Damon: “Yes.”
Elena: “You’re lucky to be able to take off whenever you want.”
Damon: “Luck has very little to do with it, do you like dancing?”
Elena: “What’s your major?”
Damon: “American folklore. Did you know, for instance, that a mole on the neck means you’ll be wealthy? Do you mind if I check?”
Stefan: “I mind.”
Damon: “But do you matter?”

Damon: “The name is Salvatore. As in savior.”
Elena: “I thought it was Smith.”
Damon: “You’re not going to scream at me? Or faint?”
Elena: “I don’t faint. And why should I scream at you? We were playing a game. I was stupid that night and so I lost. You warned me in the graveyard about the consequences.”
Damon: “I may just have to make you my Queen of Shadows. I’ve had many companions, girls as young as you and women who were the beauties of Europe. But you’re the one I want at my side. Ruling, taking what we want when we want it. Feared and worshipped by all the weaker souls. Would that be so bad?”
Elena: “I am one of the weaker souls. And you and I are enemies, Damon. We can never be anything else.”
Damon: “Are you sure?….What are you doing here?”
Elena: “Caroline took something that belonged to me. A diary. I came to get it back.”

Damon: “I’m going to have you in the end, you know. By hook or by crook, as you people say—that’s a nice phrase —you’ll be mine before the next snow flies.”
Elena tried to conceal the chill she felt, but she knew he saw anyway.
Damon: “Good. You do have some sense. You’re right to be afraid of me; I’m the most dangerous thing you’re ever likely to encounter in your life. But just now I have a business proposition for you.”
Elena: “A business proposition?”
Damon: “Exactly. You came here to get a diary. But you haven’t got it. You failed, didn’t you?And since you don’t want my brother involved, he can’t help you. But I can. And I will.”
Elena: “You will?”
Damon: “Of course. For a price.”
Elena: “What—price?”
Damon: “A few minutes of your time, Elena. A few drops of your blood. An hour or so spent with me, alone.”
Elena: “You…”
Damon: “I’ll have it anyway, eventually. If you’re honest, you’ll admit that to yourself. Last time wasn’t the last. Why not accept that? Remember…”
Elena: “I’d rather cut my throat.”
Damon: “An intriguing thought. But I can do it so much more enjoyably.”
Damon: “You’re disgusting; you know that, You’re sickening. I’d die before I’d give in to you. I’d rather—I’d rather do this,” she said, and flung herself sideways.

Damon: “You little fool! If you’re that eager to meet death I can introduce you myself.”
Elena: “Let go of me, let go of me.”
Damon: “Here and now?”
Elena: “It would be a fast way to end things, wouldn’t it?”
Damon: “But such a waste.” [...]

Damon: “Think about my proposition.”
She could not move or look away. And this time she knew that it was no Power that he was using, but simply the wildfire attraction between them. It was useless to deny it; her body responded to his. She could feel his breath on her lips.
Elena: “I don’t need you for anything.”
Damon: “This time I did you a favor, next time I’m going to collect.”

Aunt Judith: “Well, I’m glad someone’s happy, after the way dinner turned out. Although that nice boy, Damon, seemed to enjoy himself. Do you know, Elena, he seemed quite taken with you, in spite of the way you were acting.”
Elena: “So?”
Aunt Judith: “Well, I just thought you might give him a chance, that’s all. I thought he was very pleasant. The kind of young man I like to see around here.”

Elena: “Why?”
Damon: “I thought you’d be more interested in how. I got invited in for coffee this morning after scraping up an acquaintance last week.”
Elena: “But why?”
Damon: “For my own purposes.”
Elena: “I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s the reason at all.”
Damon: “Don’t push me, Elena.”
Elena: “I think that maybe you need to be pushed.”



The Fury (1991)

Damon: “I thought, that you said she was dead.”
Stefan: “Look at her.”
Damon: “Do you know where you are?”
Elena: “In the woods.”
Damon: “And who is that?”
Elena: “Stefan. Your brother.”
Damon: “And who am I? Do you know who I am?”
Elena: “Of course I do. You’re Damon, and I love you.”

Stefan: “That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it, Damon? And now you’ve got it. You had to make her like us, like you. It wasn’t enough just to kill her.”
Damon: “That’s the third time you’ve said that, and I’m getting a little tired of it…Elena, did I kill you?”
Elena: “Of course not.”
Stefan: “I never thought you were a liar, just about everything else, but not that. I’ve never heard you try to cover up for yourself before.”
Damon: “In another minute, I’m going to lose my temper.”

Elena: “There was someone in the cafeteria… Caroline. She was going to read my diary in front of everyone, and that was bad because…I don’t remember why. But we tricked her.”
Damon: “Oh, ‘we’ did, did we?”
Elena: “Yes. You got it away from her. You did it for me. Because you love me. You do love me, don’t you?”

Stefan: “Someone came after you.”
Elena: “Some thing.” (to Damon) “Let’s go away somewhere, just us.”
Damon: “In a minute… what kind of thing came after you?”

“I’m fine,” she said around Damon’s fingers. “I’m tired, that’s all. I was going to sleep when I heard you two fighting, and I came to help you. And then you wouldn’t even let me kill him,” she finished, disgusted.

Damon: “With Katherine? I can say it, if you can’t. Katherine made a foolish choice, and she paid the price for it. Elena is different; she knows her own mind. But it doesn’t matter if you agree. The fact is that she’s weak now, and she needs blood. I’m going to see that she gets it, and then I’m going to find who did this to her. You can come or not. Suit yourself.”

“She needs to rest now, I’m taking her someplace where she can do it safely.” He wasn’t asking Stefan; he was telling him.

Stefan: “For Elena’s protection. I wanted to keep Damon away from her. But it looks as if that’s not what she wanted after all.”

There was a long moment while they stared at each other.
“I’m going down,” Elena said quietly and turned.
“They need help.”
“All right, then, damn you.” She’d never heard Damon’s voice so low, or so furious. “I’ll—” he broke off and Elena, turning back quickly, saw him slam a fist into the window-sill, rattling the glass.

“It’s all over,” Damon said. He sounded only mildly interested, but Elena glanced at him sharply. All right then, damn you, I’ll what? she thought. What had he been about to say? He wasn’t in any mood to tell her, but she was in a mood to push.
“Damon…” She put a hand on his arm.
He stiffened, then turned. “Well?”
For a second they stood looking at each other, and then there was a step on the stair.

Elena: “Damon, if I ask you something, will you tell me the truth? I know you didn’t chase me off Wickery Bridge. I could feel whatever it was, and it was different. But I want to ask you this: was it you who dumped Stefan in the old Francher well a month ago?”
Damon: “In a well?”
Elena: “On Halloween night, the night Mr. Tanner was killed. After you showed yourself for the first time to Stefan in the woods. He told me he left you in the clearing and started to walk to his car but that someone attacked him before he reached it. When he woke up, he was trapped in the well, and he would have died there if Bonnie hadn’t led us to him. I always assumed you were the one who attacked him. He always assumed you were the one. But were you?”
Damon: “As a matter of fact, no.”
Stefan: “You can’t believe that! You can’t believe anything he says.”
Damon: “Why should I lie? I admit freely to killing Tanner. I drank his blood until he shriveled like a prune. And I wouldn’t mind doing the same thing to you, brother. But a well? It’s hardly my style.”
Elena: “I believe you.”

Damon: “Don’t be any more stupid than you can help, I told you four days ago that someone else had killed Elena. And I said that I was going to find that someone and deal with him. And I am. You two can continue that private conversation you were having when I interrupted.”
Elena: “Damon, wait. Whatever this thing is, it’s strong, I felt it when it was after me, and it seemed to fill the whole sky. I don’t think any of us would stand a chance against it alone.”
Damon: “So?”
Elena: “So…So… I think we three ought to stick together. I think we have a much better chance of finding it and dealing with it together than separately. And maybe we can stop it before it hurts or—or kills—anyone else.”
Damon: “Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn about anyone else, but are you suggesting that this is your choice? Remember, we agreed that when you were more rational you would make one”.

Damon: “No, I don’t think it’s dangerous, particularly. But I don’t see what you expect to accomplish.”
Elena: “Neither do I, exactly, but I don’t have any better ideas. Do you?”
Damon: “What, you mean about other ways to spend the time? Yes, I do. Do you want me to tell you about them?”

Stefan: “Are you willing to stay with Elena the entire time you’re over there? Every minute?”
Damon: “Try and stop me…”

Damon: “Romanticism, myself, I like you in black.”
Elena: “Well, you would, wouldn’t you?”

Katherine: “It all depends on your taste, but then I have such a sweet tooth.” She grasped Damon by the hair, and, yanking his head up, sank her teeth into his neck.
Elena: “No! Don’t do that; don’t hurt him any more…”

Damon: “Use your will, Elena. Hold on. You have the strength—”
She smiled at him, waveringly.

Still, there was no point in hurting Damon. She loved Damon, too. “I’ll try,” she promised.
“We’ll take you home,” he said.
“But not yet,” she told him gently. “Let’s wait just a little while.”
Something happened in the fathomless black eyes, and the burning spark went out. Then she saw that Damon knew, too.
“I’m not afraid,” she said. “Well—only a little.”

Something was shining on Damon’s face. She reached toward it, touched it, and lifted her fingers away in wonder.
“Don’t be sad,” she told him, feeling the cool wetness on her fingertips. But a pang of worry disturbed her. Who was there to understand Damon now? Who would be there to push him, to try to see what was really inside him? “You have to take care of each other,” she said, realizing it. A little strength came back to her, like a candle flaring in the wind. “Stefan, will you promise? Promise to take care of each other?”


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